The Dallas post. (Dallas, Pa.) 19??-200?, September 23, 1938, Image 12

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THE REAL NEWS in the up-
holstery world is the removable
cover , . . not a slip cover but
a regular attachéd upholstered
cover ; , . not a slip cover, but
for . cleaning. The secret, of
course, is in snaps and zips that
attach the pieces of the cover
to the frame of the chair, and
the idea works quite as well for
an all-upholstered chair as for
the wood frame chair. When
this becomes a reality in our
homes, we’ll buy both summer
and winter coverings when we
buy the chair, quite as a mat-
ter of course, and there will be
easy ways of re-ordering new
covers for old chairs, However,
this has only just been intro-
duced to the trade, so it will be
later in the fall before you can
actually say, “Send one out.”
What makes us mad is that no
one thought of the idea long ago.
In the meantime, what about
all the frayed and faded chairs
in captivity that will have to
“do” for quite a while to come?
They need recovering, and most
of us like to perk them up a bit,
Then there are the rest of us
who will ‘go to market for the
good old ‘tried and true uphol-
stery covers that are sewed and
tacked on the same as always.
For fads may dome and fads
may go, but these continue to be
favorites because of their good
sitting. Our fashion points are
meant to take in the world—of-
upholstery, so we hope you’ll
find here ideas that will fit your
own particular problem.
Furniture coverings are go-
ing to be, a bit plainer than
they’ve been because walls and
rugs are getting fancier. So
you'll see many interesting
plain-effect materials that are
as fine as silk for decorating.
But, of course, if your floor and
walls are plain or fairly so,
you'll still find plenty of
flowered materials to bless your-
gelf with, The plains will, how-
ever, steal the fashion picture,
for they will emphasize new
0 OO
textures that are not so nubby
and tweedy as formerly but of
unusual surface ‘effect. Some-
times this will be achieved by
combinations of rayons with
cottons, linens or wool.
Leather for upholstery is go-
ing to be the very last word,
but you’ll be seeing new surface
effects. Cowhide stamped to
look like ostrich, reptile or other
unusual skins will be the smart-
est thing, Raw hides will be
very much in, and interesting
color effects are going to be
featured, such as, white, sage
greens, and all the range of the
warm browns.
Stripes are literally every-
thing in the figured world.
Broad stripes (up to six inches
in width!), medium stripes, pin
stripes. They afford the effect
of pattern without seeming to
clutter up the picture. They can
be used to introduce ecomple-
mentary or matching color, or
just to introduce a dashing note
of chic, So don’t pass them up
when you set out. to shop for
new upholstery fabrics.
Floral designs are definitely
trending toward . smaller scale
designs 4s a reaction from the
huge motifs that have been. the
rage these past seasons. And
there are rather formal classic
medallions, a great many floral
stripes and perfectly lovely all-
over sprigged designs. Back-
grounds include some fine deep
reds, many amber-to-russet tans,
a deep dull green, a gunmetal
tone that seems to go with any-
thing. In the light tonz grounds,
white continues to hold its own.
Pinks in the mauve-ish casts are
still tops. The blues, as usual,
take the center of the stage, but
they're grey-blues or warm deep
blues rather than the green-
blues that have had things their
own way so long.
Frimmings lend glamor and
individuality to upholstered fur-
niture. And a loose flounce is
smarter around the bottom than
a fastened. or pleated one,
Stripes are the rage in decorating just now and nothing
is smarter than a sofa with dynamic stripe coupled with
a subtle all over patterned carpets
loose flounce will be finished
with braid and will often have
kick pleats zt the corners only.
Or it will be scalloped and edged
with fringe. (preferably houcle
in an uncut loop). Hollow brass
ball fringes’ are going to be
turning up, too, says an im-
portant arbitor of decorative
fashion, and the wood, glass and
moss fringes are still going to
be used with a flourish. They're
unexpected and exciting on up-
holstered furniture, which is all
the more reason for using them.
Youll find = combinations: of
materials very much in—that is,
a plaid for the seat and a plain
for the rest of the piece. Also
watch for’ shirred cushion tops
or. upohlstered pieces for
stylized rooms, because you're
probably going to be seeing
them about. Extra odd cushions
in square, round or oblong
shape continue to add fresh de-
‘tails to the ‘decorative picture
This interesting living room imparts the modern feeling
through pale gray walls, a washed burgundy carpet,
round rig in off-white, sofa in burgundy figured material
+ ‘and lounge chair in chartreuse velvet,
and to. provide a way to intro-
duce or accent a color.
The main caution about up-
holstery this year is that the
hale. and hearty wear-like-iron
materials aren’t the whole show.
They haven't the style that the
less permanent materials have
» » any more than clod-hops
per shoes can compete with a
trim pair of open-toed sandals,
even, if the clod hoppers would
wear out four or five of the cute
little numbers. So don’t go for
the mohairs and brocatelles just
because they are so sturdy. At
least consider the lighter smarts
er fabrics that may have to. be
replaced before you’me old and
gray, for isn’t everything that's
gracious. a bit more trouble?
You wouldn’t expect your fall
suit to do for ever and aye, -—
would you? Then why isn’t twe
or three years long enough for
furniture covering?
IF YOU ARE interested in
upholstering some of your
old chairs, Mrs, Boykin will
be glad to send you her bul-
‘ letin “How to Upholster a
Chair.” Just send a stamped,
self-addressed envelope with
your request to TOWN, P. O.
Box 721, Rochester, N. Y.
AUTUMN is lawn seeding time!
The soil is warm, nights are cool,
and rains are adequate.
Healthier and more likely to sur-
vive the hot dry summer than
spring seedlings are the grasses
planted between mid-August
and late October... They root
more deeply and are less likely
to fall victim to weeds, which
are dormant in autumn.
they grow better in the cool,
wet weather,
The success of a lawn depends,
of course, on many factors—
drainage, grading and leveling,
fertile soil, preparation of the
seed bed, and the use of high
grade seeds, If the surface has
been carefully graded, a good
surface drainage will be assured.
Depressions, which are a real
menace to the grass, must be
carefully filled im before the
HAS THIS year been a dis-
appointment because flowers
have not bloomed, fruits and
vegetables have been in-
ferior? TOWN’S Garden Edi-
tor will be glad to help you
find the trouble. He will an-
swer questions on the cultiva-
tion of plants, flowers,
shrubs and lawns, He will
also arrange to have cata.
logues sent you. Address all
inquiries, enclosing a self.
addressed stamped envelope:
Garden Editor, TOWN, P.O,
Box 721, Rochester, N. Y.
seeds are sown, The most satis
factory soil is a good garden
tainable, sandy soil will be im-
proved by the addition of clay;
likewise, a heavy clay will bene
fit by the addition of ‘sand.
Two or three weeks before
sowing time, give the seed bed
its final preparation. A good
seed bed is firm, with a finely
pulverized surface. It should
be thoroughly watered and oc-
casionally stirred, so that any
weeds which have started will
be destroyed.
Apply a fertilizer a few days
before sowing. Cottonseed meal,
bone meal, sewage sludge, and
poultry manure are all good be-
cause they are rich in nitrogen,
phosphorous, and = ‘potassium,
which help it grow early and
vigorous. They should be .ap-
‘ plied at the rate of 40 to 50
pounds per thousand square feet.
If this loam is not ob- '
Vitally important is the grade
.of seed you buy and the type of
mixture, Mixtures are come
sidered the most effective means
of obtaining a quick thick turf,
as they contain deep-rooting
and shallow-rooting = grasses,
quick growers and slow growers.
Therefore, let a reliable dealer
advise you as to the combing
tion exactly suited to your low
cality., Remember — a cheap
grass seed has a large weed
content, ’
Next week we will discuss the
various seeds and their merits,
Any 6 or 8 Exposure Roll. Velox Deckle-
edge Prints. Deluxe Enlargement Coupon
FREE! Special Prices on Candid Film.
30 Geneseo Trust Bldg. ROCHESTER, N.Y.
@Use Peterman’s Discovery! Destroys all bedbugs and thely : Se ;
eggs. Quick. Certain: Safe. Economical, A yous druggists’ Also 33¢ and 60¢ sizes