ioe A , YOUTH, AHOY! Fo AUGUST 26, 1938 PAGE SEVEN. A Column For Young Men And Women Of High School By AUNT CAL Age CHANGING POINTS OF VIEW From early infancy to extreme old age we see the world from many dif- ferent angles.- At first we are de- pendent on others for every need. Gradually, as we become stronger, we begin to do things for ourselves. Final- ly we emerge to the place where we can take care of ourselves and help others as well, During all this time our point of view has been changing. The little child with a dog bigger than himself | as a playmate, for instance, grows un- til the dog looks small to him. His attitude toward that dog becomes def- ferent because of his different rela- tionships with it constantly. One day you look at things with the eyes of a child. A few months later you are older and more fully grown and see them from a more mature angle. With greater eperxience in the world you will see things still differently. Points of view vary also because of conditions. An apple has less value to a farmer boy who has but to stick his hand in a barrelful and take all he wants than it does to a city boy who must pay five cents for only one. What is a feast to a poor person may be lean pickings for one who is wealthy. A person’s point of view is formed through association with his parents, neighbors, teachers, and playmates, and from his church affiliations, as well as from his experiences. Other CoN 3 a THE DALLAS POST FRIDAY, nationality, religion, family back- ground, or experience. As you meet other people, you will find many points of view on all ques- tions. Learn to respect the opinions of others but do mot be too ready to adopt them as your own. It is quite natural for a young per- son when he gets around a little to feel that perhaps his parents are a little old-fashioned and don’t know “what’s what.” Remember that your parents got around a little, too, when they were your age. Perhaps they did not own an automobile, but they had the old horse and buggy. So don’t be too ready to adopt new ideas on important questions until you have thought it over carefully. Money Making Tip. For those who like quiet work or cannot get around much, there is an opportunity to sell ideas will be held by those of different crossword puzzles if you can learn to Runaway Machine Crashes Down Mountain Side “Jump!” yelled the gang, and the operator made it to safety just as his gas powered shovel ran over the edge of a steep bank and crashed to the bottom of a ravine 60 feet below. Crossing a soft fill of the road con- struction on Red Rock mountain, near Dalton, last fortnight, the big machine ran away, dashed down the mountain side. All work had to be suspended and two days put in with crews and machinery to recover the shovel. make them correctly. I will give you the name of a syndicate which buys these, if you will address me, in care of this paper, and enclose a stamped, self-addressed envelope, So long until next week, AUNT CAL. od om Runaway Oxen Establish First Kunkle Homestead (Continued on Page 3) ing descended from one of Mary LaBar Kunkle’s sisters. This titles every female descendant of ary LaBar Kunkle to membership. in the “Daugh- ters of the American Revolution”, and every male in the “Sons of the Amer- ican Revolution”. Abraham LaBar married Margaret Gordon, and their daughter, Mary, married (1) Henry Kirkendall, and (2) Philip Kunkle. Mary LaBar Kirken- dall Kunkle had three children by Henry Kirkendall—Wheeler, who mar- ried Maria DeRemer, Peggy, who mar- ried Peter Sharpe, and Eliza, who mar- ried John Shaver. John and Eliza Shaver both died young, and their children, Catherine and Henry, were reared in Philip Kunkle’s home. Peter ——— zerne County, Pennsylvania, in what is now known as Dorranceton, oppo- site the Dorrance farm, and on a part of which the West Side Nesbitt Me- morial Hospital stands. Mrs. Kunkle wished to be near her daughter, so Philip Kunkle sold his home in New Jersey and moved to Pennsylvania. The first year of his residence there he lived on a rented farm lying between Luzerne and Wyo- ming. The Susquehanna River then, as now, sometimes went on a ram- page, and he arose one morning to find his buildings surrounded by wa- ter. He was disgusted. He was not favorably impressed anyhow with the agricultural possibilities of the Wyo- ming Valley, as much of the land was covered with scrub pine and conglom- erate rocks, so he went over the moun- tain to Dallas and purchased a tract of several hundred acres. Sharpe had purchased a farm in Lu- (To Be Continued) EEKLY BUSINESS REVIEW «= [a=W ms LOUIS m2 EPSTEIN Clothier, Hatter, Furnisher 70 E. MARKET ST. Wilkes-Barre, Pa. JUST ARRIVED . . . New Models in Elgin Watches 15 jewels $29.75 H. E. FREEMAN JEWELER LUZERNE, PA. HALL’S NURSERY DESIGN CONSTRUCTION MAINTENANCE PLANT MATERIALS Tree Surgery and Spraying HENRY P. HALL 1100 Wyo. Ave. Landscape Architect Forty, Fort Pittston 2929—Phones—Kingston 79285 OLIVER & JONES a PAPER PAINTS AND WA 705 MARKET ST. ° KINGSTON [ Telephone 7-4512 * PITTSBURGH PAINTS Sorocth 27 LHID” * FLORHIDE «+ WATERSPAR » SUN-PP Nettleton Shoes $10 and up ' Whitehall Shoes $5.45 53 W. Market Street Wilkes-Barre, Pa. (Sterling Hotel) UNION ROOFING CO. Roofing — Insulation Siding TELEPHONE 38-2517 87-89 Wood St., Wilkes-Barre Wilkes-Barre’s Largest Working Men's Shoe and Clothing Store BALL OUTLET CO. Headquarters for Men’s, Women’s and Children’s Riding Outfits Large Assortment Camping Outfits Lowest Prices 113 S. MAIN ST., WILKES-BARRE HILLSIDE TIRE SERVICE Gulf Gas, Oils — Tiolene, Pennzoil LEE TIRES Tel. Dallas 9089-R-2 TRUCKSVILLE, PA. BONNER & VANCAMPEN Sales CHEVROLET Service Used Cars Properly Reconditioned and Priced To Save You Money 7-2118 — PHONES — 7-2119 694 WYOMING AVENUE KINGSTON, Pa. STANDARD TOP WORKS WILKES-BARRE CHARLES R. SMITH, Prop. Canvas Covers, Upholstering, Automo- bile Top, Body and Fender Repairing AUTO GLASS 600 Market St., Kingston. - Phone 75713 : Dodge — Plymouth Dodge Commercial Cars and Trucks Dependable Used Cars and Trucks CONRAD MOTOR CO. PHONE 7-3125 303 Wyoming Ave. Kingston, Pa. m REBAR m= Portrait Photographer Make Your Appointment Today 522 Main St. Edwardsville PHONE 7-8634 BLOCH’S 121 S. MAIN ST., WILKES-BARRE MID-SUMMER CLEARANCE SALE OF ALL WALLPAPERS 6c DOUBLE ROLL—Values to 45¢c 13¢ TRIPLE ROLL, 30 in—Val. to 45¢c Sold With Decorations (Free parking in rear of store) Mr Emre "Buy with CONFIDENCE and SAVE in our m August Fur Sale m= R. BRANDSTATDER 12 N. FRANKLIN STREET WILKES-BARRE EALER FOR CLOVER BLOSSOM HONEY WILL CALL ON YOU IN THE NEAR FUTURE. HE WILL APPRECIATE AN INTERVIEW Clover Blossom Honey Co. "OUR D | 305 S. MAIN ST. WILKES-BARRE | Phone 2-4720 ... We'll Deliver Free MAX HURWITZ SCRAP IRON AND METALS USED AUTOMOBILES AND PARTS JORDAN MEN’S FURNISHINGS AND HATS OF QUALITY 9 WEST MARKET STREET WILKES-BARRE You Can Get It At Dallas 5-10c to $1 Store 46 Main Street DALLAS PENNA. “The Big Little Store” E. Williams, Mgr. STRUCTURAL MATERIAL RAILS AND PIPES PHONE 3-3719 518-24 So. Main St. Willxes-Barre, Pa. Ask for . . . Bartels Beer . . . There Is None Better . LOUIS COHEN & SON BUTTONWOOD, PA. . PHONE 3-0113 fy.Beams, Angles, 'Charinel Pipe, Wire Rope, Flat, Square and Round Iron, Sheet Iron Concrete Rods We Buy Scrap Iron and Steel ... DIAL 7-3841 ... for Certified Concrete delivered where | and when you want it Coon Certified Concrete For Construction — B. G. Coon Construction Co. 278 UNION ST. Nor LUZERNE PA.’ 'B¥VAN PIANO COMPANY | 12 North Main St. Wilkes-Barre PIANOS, RADIOS “a, A Complete Musical Store Sohmer~Bogart and Kimball Pianos Te Qrgans — “ai © WILKES-BARRE SPRING SERVICE CO. HARRY HEMSTREET, Mgr. Springs For All Popular Cars in Stock Quickly Installed i | i ! i 247 N. Washington St, Wilkes-Barre. Shop 7-0073 — DIAL — Res. 7-6848 MOTOR VEHICLE UTILITY SHOP [| Bear System Wheel, Axle, Frame | Straightening and Alignment } Stop Shimmy — Save Tires Electric Arc & Oxy-acetylene Welding { - Body, Fender Repairing KINGSTON, PA. 374 MAIN ST. MONEY ADVANCED . . . On Your Automobile In 156 Minutes | Title of automobile only requirement STANDARD AUTO FINANCE CO. : 20 S. FRANKLIN STREET WILKES-BARRE Phone 2-2722 Office 2-4018—PHONES—Res. 7-7115 | : ~ QUICK WASHER REPAIRS ON ALL MAKES Sales — Service — Parts EASY WASHER REBENNACK & COVERT 267 Wyoming Avenue .... Tel. 7-4514 Kingston, Pa. Schooley and . Company "04 Second Y4tl. Bank Bldg. . Wilkes-Barre ® ROOFING © Rockwool House InsulMtion Asbestos Siding FREE ESTIMATES / THE SEED STORE “SEEDS THAT SUCCEED” We Deliver — Phone Your Order bn BELL PHONE 2-4911 43 S. Washington St., Wilkes-Barr SALE SUITS, TOPCOATS 0’COATS I A,B 2 Garments for $17.50 i 2 Garments for $24.50 2 Garments for $31.00 “SMILING SERVICE ALWAYS” | OLIVER’S GARAGE DALLAS, PENNA. | Packard and Hudson Cars White and Indiana Trucks YOU CAN SELECT 2 SUITS 2 COATS OR ONE OF EACH SCHAINUCK'S 57 PUBLIC SQUARE WILKES-BARRE Behind The Scenes In Business World wo NEW YORK, August 22 — BUSI- NESS—Progress is still being made, though slowly, in the nation’s fight for economic recovery. Operations in America’s huge steel mills last week rose to 40 per cent of capacity for the first time since November. An esti- mated 24,000 men were returned to work in the Ford River Rouge plant. PWA predicted that work will begin at early dates on about $800,000,000 of non-federal construction activit y Plenty of jobs there. Inventories of automobile dealers, according to Sec- retary of Commerce Roper, are now at the lowest point in four years. AAA officials believe that loans are now mandatory on the current cotton crop inasmuch as the price on 10 designat- ed spot markets has fallen to 8.20 cents a pound. Such loans would halt any further decline in the purchasing pow- er of cotton growers. Looking ahead, experts of the Bureau of Agricultural Economics foresee a gradual improve- ment for business during the fall and winter months. : —— HERE AND THERE — If every American ate one more slice of bread daily, farmers could sell 50,000,000 more bushels of wheat a year . . . There are 15,240,000 work animals on U. S. farms, or approximately 2.2 per farm , . . Hot coffee is served in 96.4 per cent of American homes, hot tea in 87.5 per cent . . . Chain stores pay one billion, two hundred million dol- lars annually in wages and salaries, with the average weekly wage for full time employees amounting to $25.89 .. . From 1915 to 1936 the birth rate’ in the U. S. has dropped from 25.1 per 1,000 population to only 16.6, a de- cline of one-third, b —_—— HEADLINES IN NEW YORK—Ger- man overtures for trade treaty with U. S. rejected by Secretary of State Hull . . Merger of Gulf, Mobile & Ohio Railway with Mobile and Ohio rail- road expected; would be first rail con- solidation since 1929 . , , Manufactur- ers predict shortage of desirable mer- chandise in the men’s clothing field next October , . . Investment buying strengthens bond prices . . . Secretary of Agriculture Wallace is drafting plans for subsidy of wheat exports... July home building shows rise of 8.5 per cent over level of July, 1937 . . . All time peak of 43,078,630 world auto total reported. Corine’s Beauty Salon Spiral Combination or Croquingnole f Machineless Waves Duchess Oil Machineless, $7.50 Zoto’s, $10.00 — Jamal, $6.50 Park Avenue, $5.00 Special Attention Given To All Per- manents by Expert Licensed Operators Phone 3-9015. — 682 N. Washington St.. Wilkes-Barre. LEE SLAVIN’S For Special Home Furnishings. Interior Decorations of all Kinds. Draperies of Distinction.’ The Finest Wall Papers at Moderate Prices. 384 S. RIVER ST, WILKES-BARRE PHONE 2-8466 : WILLIAMS BROS. TIRE SPECIALISTS COR. MARKET AND LANDON KINGSTON, PA. Goodyear Tires and Batteries RECAPPING RETREADING VULCANIZING Phone 7-6712 Williams Sales Co. DeSoto—Plymouth Dependable Used Cars Narrows Road, Kingston, Pa. PHONE 7-1512 PENNSYLVANIA MILLERS MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE - COMPANY 72 NORTH FRANKLIN ST, | WILKES-BARRE, PA. ‘COMPLETE INSURANCE SERVICE’ Plumbing Sheet Metal Work RALPH L. HALLOCK 162 Lake Street DALLAS, PENNA. Water Supply System Heating STEGMAIER’S GOLD MEDAL BEER 81. YEARS OF QUALITY Stegmaier Brewing Co. WILKES-BARRE Est. 1857 RITTER’S ELECTRIC SERVICE Carburetor, Ignition, Speedometer, Shock Absorber Service Motors Tuned Up to Factory | Specifications © ou PHONE 7-5812 614. MARKET ST. KINGSTON LA BERA Beauty Shoppe 48 S. MAIN ST. WILKES-BARRE Our Three Prides . . . Sanitation — Courtesy — Service Machineless. Permanent Waving HELEN ONALEE LA BERA PHONE 3-9950 CRAFTSMEN ENGRAVERS PHOTO-ENGRAVERS AND ARTISTS PHONE 2-5106 Town Hall Bldg. Wilkes-Barre, Pa. CRESSWELL DRILLING COMPANY 447-449 MARKET ST., Willys Prices Now as low as REDUCED —* $499 Up To 385 Miles on a Gallon of Gas Std. Coupe, Del. Toledo. Fed. and State Tax Extra GOODWIN AUTO CO. KINGSTON PHONE 7.3525 WELL DRILLING & EQUIPMENT Agency for Cook Pumps, Deep Well y Plunger and Turbine — Also Office at Dalton — TEL. KINGSTON 7-4815 90 OAK ST. FORTY FORT E. F. SCHMALTZ FENWICK’S BEAUTY SCHOOL Largest and Oldect in N. E. Penna, Enroll Now, We finance your course. 6 W. MARKET ST. WILKES-BARRE 516 Lackawanna ‘Ave., Scranton Registered ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR Wiring of the Better Kind Kohler & Delco Lighting Plants and Service Wire Schmaltz To Wire 215 Wyo. Ave. - Phone 76915 - Kingston WEST SIDE FAY’S SPECIAL Kurl-i-est Permanent Complete with Shampoo, 1” Finger Wave and Trim PHONE 3-3200 Fay Hairdresser 39 W. Market St., Wilkes-Barre, Pa. BUILDING MATERIAL CO. For Anything in Building Materials PHONE King 7-1312—WE HAVE IT A Bag of Calcium Chloride Kills Dust 262 UNION ST. LUZERNE, PA. Mattresses—Beds Springs—Comforters BUY DIRECT from the manufacturer and get high quality bedding at a minimum cost. i BOX SPRINGS REPAIRED and COVERED LIKE NEW: ‘OLD MATTRESSES | fress can be re- i built and made tefl for many more yeass surpris- ingly low eost, Inner Spring and Floss Priced Accordingly 'M.B.BEDDING CO. WILKES-BARRE MOTOR CAR CO., Inc. NOW WRECKING 4 BUILDINGS All Materials For Sale Cheap EDWARD J. ROSE WRECKING ENGINEERS Yard at 151 North Penna Ave. DIAL 2-7553 Arrangements can be made for delivery Have your car lubricated — Change your oil to MacMillan Ring — Free Motor Oil. (Free Parking with an oil change and car lubrication). We use genuine Alemite Triple Safe Lubrication 26 W. UNION ST., WILKES-BARRE “Good Taste” Tru=Elge Beer CRYSTAL ALE Ask for the above at your Favorite Tap-room or Grill Standard Brewing Co. SCRANTON — KINGSTON $54.95 and up Radios, $10.00 and up Rebuilt Electric Washing Machines, Radios and Cleaners, $5.00 and up Guaranteed Electric Motors, $2.50 up GOOD HOUSEKEEPING CENTER, INC, — Phone 4-0943 — ! 1BBS WASHINGTON ST. DiaL 4-041 : : 18 E, Market St. Wilkes-Barre J RUGGLES LUMBER CO. Why not modernize your kitchen and pay for it by monthly installments. No down payment and — 36 Months To Pay — Phone 77-2181 UNION ST., KINGSTON