The Dallas post. (Dallas, Pa.) 19??-200?, August 19, 1938, Image 4

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visited by her daughter, Mrs.
Lutz of Endicott.
bers in a recent session.
~ Franklin,
~~ dalk, Md.
© her
' Florence
Grace Ide, Vergie Elston, Edith Weav-
~ successful
The Posts W
One of many entertainments honor-
ing Mrs. Wesley E. Oliver, the former
Lillian Rood of Lehman Avenue, was
a candle light buffet luncheon given
| recently by Miss Gertrude Wilson, of
Franklin Street. Misses Helen Czule-
ger, Eleanor Machell, and Elizabeth
Breckenridge were ‘prize winners.
Other guests who were present
were: Misses Margaret Czuleger, Mar-
garet Veitch, Mrs. Harvey McCarty,
Mrs. John Wilson, Mrs. J. Machell
Hildebrant, Mrs, Leslie Warhola and
Mrs. William Wilson, of Dallas; Mrs.
Joseph, McCaffery of Danville; Mrs.
Calvin McHose of Harvey's Lake.
* * v
Anna Richards of Kunkle was
* *
Nancy Ayre, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. James Ayre, of Machell Avenue,
is in Nesbitt Memorial Hospital.
* ®
Warren Brown and George Phillips
visited William Schultz, of Reading.
* *
Meetings of the Women’s Auxiliary
of Daddow-Isaacs Post, American Le-
gion will be discontinued until the sec-
ond Wednesday in October. The de-
cision was reached by auxiliary mem-
» .
Mrs, Daniel Brown of Idetown gave
2 a picnic for members of the Women’s
~ Bible Class of Dallas M. E. Church at
~~ her home recently.
Those present
‘were: Mrs, William Higgins, Mrs.
Stella Whitebread, Mrs. Marvin Scott,
“Mrs. Bertha Blocksage, Mrs. Peter
Mrs, James Franklin, James
Mrs. Benjamin Hefft, Mrs.
Daniel Brown.
. ° °
A trip to Port Jervis and Middleton,
N. Y., was made recently by Marvin
Elston, of Kunkle, I. R. Elston, of
~ Forty Fort, and George and Frank
Elston, of Wilkes-Barre.
Cf an ® .
Mrs. Clinton Bollinger was visited
‘by her sister Mrs. M. A. Hill of Dun-
Fy prey a
» * ]
W. T. Daddow will entertain his
. brother-in-law William Hamilton, of
Philadelphia, over the week-end.
@ ®
Mrs. James Fuller of Newton visited
sister Mrs, William Whipp of
Machell Avenue,
\ - *
Five guests were entertained recent-
v at a dinner party by Mrs. Owen
dde of Kunkle.
‘Mrs. Jane Mann and Mrs. Clara Brace,
of Tdetown, Mrs. Marvin Elston, Mrs.
Ralph Hess, and Janet Hess, of Kun-
* Ld
After visiting Mr. and Mrs. C. H.
Bollinger and W. T. Daddow of Ma-
chell Avenue for some time, Mr. and
Mrs. Wilbur Gardiner, son Wilbur, and
~ Norma Grumbach have returned to
Dundalk, Md.
* -
‘A picnic of the Silver Leaf Club of
Kunkle was held recently at Perrin’s
~ Marsh. Those who attended were:
Gertrude Smith, Lillian Kunkle, Ele-
anor Kunkle, Ella Brace, Naomi Ash-
burner, Nelson Ashburner, Mabel Mur-
phy, Myrtle Hess,
Janet and Doris
Hess, Florence Hoyt, Jennie Miers,
Selice, Calvin, and Jerry Miers, Fran-
ces Smith, Frances Hess, Arline Up-
dyke, Julia Updyke, Lois Garinger,
Klimich, Elizabeth Hess,
er, Laura Martin, Adarine Nulton, Ar-
line Kunkle, Allan Kunkle, Mrs. A. C.
Devens, Mildred Devens, Agnes El-
- * *
‘Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Engleman of
Noxen spent last week-end at Farley
on Lake Cayuga, N. Y.
* *
Mr. and ‘Mrs. Thomas Wilson of Ber-
wick and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mec-
Dermott and son Richard of Nanticoke
were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley
~ Hoover on Sunday.
* *
Word has been received from Mrs.
~ R. S. Crosby of Noxen, who recently
motored with her sister-in-law, Mrs.
Fred Fassett of Stevensville, to Kale-
spell, Montana, that they had a very
and enjoyable trip out.
° Friends of Mrs, Fassett and Mrs. Cros-
by in Montana, recently gave a party
in their honor to Pennsylvanians living
in Kalespell.
° °
T. A. Williammee, new principal of
- the high school, and his wife and fam-
"ly are moving this week into the Rob-
‘erts house on Franklin Street. Before
they came to Dallas, the Williammee
family lived in Liberty.
* *
Beth Love is entertaining a group
‘of friends for 10 days at her Forkston
cottage. Guests include Mrs. Arthur
Culvert,, Miss Robert Hislop, Mrs. Ed-
na, Whitesell, of Kingston, Mrs, Daniel
' Richards,
Mrs. Kenneth Oliver, and
‘Wilfred Shaver,
* *
A community flower show will be
held next Tuesday at Mt. Zion M. E.
Church, Exeter. All entries must be
in by 11:30 a. m. on August 23. Jugd-
ing will start at 1:30 in the afternoon
and a luncheon will be served by
Those present were: |
King’s Crusaders Class of Mt. Zion
church. Serving on the community
flower show committee are Mrs. John
Hildebrant of East Dallas, Mrs, How-
ard Lewis of Mt. Zion, and Mrs. Abe
Gay of Carverton.
* * Re dt
‘Mr. and Mrs, Paul Shaver and their
family, of 57 Huntsville Road, are
spending a week at Lake Carey.
* *
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Rood of Lehman
Avenue will journey to Bloomingdale
for a few days where they will visit
the old Rood family home.
* *
During last week end Mr, and Mrs.
M. A. Wilcox, of Lake Street, enter-
tained Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Lynch,
Bill Lynch, Doris Lynch, and Miss
Connie Bowman of Harrisburg.
® e
Directors and members of Dallas
Rotary Club were guests of A. M.
Garinger at his Lake Street home
Monday night. A clambake is being
planned at the Sordomi estate Thurs-
day, August 25.
+ *
Mrs. William Kelly of Main Street
was visited Tuesday by Mrs, Joseph
Roppelt of Baltimore.
e ®
Mrs, Silas Eveland of Jackson Street
is now able to get about with the aid
of crutches. She broke her hip sev-
eral months ago.
s e
Miss Dorothy Frame was the guest
of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Jones, of Lee
Park, over the week-end.
. *
Alan Kistler visited his aunt in New
York last week-end. He was accom=-
panied by Claire Tredinnick.
* =
, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Lundy and
their daughter Maryland will spend a
week at Sea Side Heights. They will
have as their guests, Mr. and Mrs.
Howard Isaacs. BSA
° ®
James Oliver stated that business is
slowly on the recovery, when he was
asked for his opinion of prospects for
the coming year,
* *
Parrish Heights is boasting of hav-
ing some of the best paved streets in
"this section of the country.
* =
Dorothy Van Horn - of Parrish
Heights, will leave for New York
where ‘she will begin training as a
student nurse. She is the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Van Horn.
. s
Mr, and Mrs. Alfred J. Metzger and
son Ronald spent the week-end at
Lily. Lake,
* ®
Mrs. Benjamin Cobleigh of Dallas
Township is slowly recovering. She
has been a patient for some time at
* 2
Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Edwards of Davis
Street, Mount Greenwood, were guests
last Saturday of Mr. and Mrs. Howard
W. Risley, at Lake Carey.
* *
Dr. and Mrs, S. R. Schooley and
Mary Elizabeth, of 64 West Center
Street, Shavertown, spent last week-
end at Evansburg Inn, Evansburg.
Visitors at Lake Carey last week
were Adeltha Miller, Marilyn Wilson,
Marilla Martin, Beatrice, Marion, Jean
and Frances Hildebrant, Mrs. John
Hildebrant, Mrs. Harry Martin, Peggy
Martin, Agnes Sirdorik and Marion El-
ston of Lehman.
* .
A meeting of the Ella Moore Me-
morial Class of East Dallas M. E.
Church was held Tuesday night at the
home of Mrs. Harry Martin.
e ®
The regular meeting of the Women's
Auxiliary of Henry M. Laing Fire De-
partment has been cancelled thin
month, according to an announcement
issued Tuesday.
e *
An enjoyable picnic was held by the
East Dallas Ladies’ Aid at Perrin’s
Marsh yesterday afternoon. Feature
of the outing was a covered dish lun-
of the outing was a covered dish
r * *
After a pleasant visit in New York
Miss Elizabeth Culbert has returned
to her Baldwin Street home,
e e
Mrs, E. R. Parrish of Idetown enter-
tained Arlene Fantee of Scranton re-
? 8
Mr. and Mrs.
Mrs, E. R, Parish of Idetown called on
Rev. and Mrs. C, Duane Butler, who
are spending their vacation at Lake
Como, New York State, Sunday.
¢ ® =
Chauncey Turner of Huntsville
Street recently entertained Lloyd Hayn
of Long Island, N. Y.
® *
Mr, and Mrs. Scott Van Horn of
Park Street are entertaining Mr. and
Mrs. Sheldon Glanville, daughter An-
ne, and Mrs. Lydia Glanville of Shen-
andoah. ;
® ® .
Friends of Mrs. Bessie Stem of
Huntsville Street wish her a speedy
recovery from her illness.
Howard Crosby and |
Rood-Oliver Nuptials
Celebrated Monday
Lillian F. Rood and Wesley
E. Oliver Marry At
Mehoopany M. E.
Miss Lillian Frances Rood, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Rood of Leh-
man Avenue, and Wesley KE. Oliver,
son of Mrs. Mabel G. Oliver, of 42 East
Vaughn Street, Kingston, were joined
in holy matrimony at Mehoopany
Monday morning at 10. The wedding
ceremonies were performed by Rev.
Wilson J. Treible in the parsonage of
North Mehoopany Methodist Church.
A boy blue crepe gown, cut on sim-
ple, smart lines, with buckles trimming
the bodice was worn by the bride,
with a navy felt hat completing the
striking outfit. Mrs. Harold Rood,
attendant of the bride, wore a dark
blue crepe gown, a navy felt hat ,and
a shoulder corsage of talisman roses.
A maroon lace gown with felt hat
to match was forn by the mother of
the bride, and Mrs. Oliver, mother of
the groom, was dressed in a blue print
silk dress, gathered at the waist with
a blue sash. Both women wore bou-
quets ‘of talisman roses.
A wedding breakfast was ry after
the ceremonies at Montrose Inn, at-
tended by the wedding. party and Mrs.
Rose Walters of Margate, Harold Rood,
Mrs. Mabel Oliver, Florence . Oliver,
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Rood and Warren
Mr. and Mrs, Oliver will spend
their honeymoon in different places
in New England, 'including the
‘White Mountains, Lake George and
Lake Champlain, and Portland, Maine.
The newlyweds will make their home
at Shavertown.
The bride is a graduate of New Eng-
land Conservatory of Music, and also
took graduate work at Washington
University, St. Louis, this summer. She
has taught music here and at Shav-
ertown for some time,
Mr. Oliver graduated from Kingston
Memorial High School, and is em-
ployed at the Dallas garage of his
uncle, James Oliver,
Teacher’s Pay
Voted By Board
(Continued from Page 1)
elected, Mrs. Arline B. Rood for the
elemntary grades, and Miss Doris Ro-
berts for the high school.
Applying for the position of com-
mercial teacher, Robert R. Williams
and Miss Beverly Noll presented their
qualifications, At the same time, the
board was informed by a letter from
Attorney A. A. Maquire that he had
been retained to represent Miss Eliza-
beth Culbert.
Bonding of Secretary Dan Waters
at $1000 by the American Surety Co.
of New York, and of A. R. Dungey,
delinquent tax collector, by himself
and M. A. Wilcox, at $500 was approv-
ed, Mr. Dungey will receive two per-
cent commission on current taxes and
five percent on delinquent assess-
The pay of the janitor was set at
$100 per month, becoming effective
Sept. 1st. Salaries awarded to the
teachers were: »
CorneHg DAVIS. ....ccvessaaree $1000.
Helen Anderson .............. 1000.
Charlotte Mack oa. ieee dues 1000.
Louise Colwell... .+. "vr vesss 1000.
M. Elizabeth Morgan ......... 1000.
RH. BOOA asic dent sos anisinnss 1000.
William Brickel '........ cou, 1270.
Howard HalOCK ....cusssiss'salesis 1270.
Ernest Line... lal ah vids 1170
W. ANMOram ius. Jel J Jame on 1270
Howard Tinsley .............. 1270
Mr. and Mrs, Charles Stookey of
Parrish Street have as guests, Mr. and
Mrs. N. B. Dinger of Picture Rocks.
* .
Mrs. Laura Patterson of Lehman
Avenue entertained Mrs, Frank D.
Hartsock of Scranton last week.
Mrs. Wilson Regrets
That She Can’t Work
(Continued From Page 1)
been dead for six years. The last year
of his life, the Wilsons celebrated their
62nd wedding anniversary at the Hoo-
ver home in Dallas. Today, Mrs, Wil-
son has 108 living descendants. There
are 11 children, 42 grandchildren, 54
great grandchildren, and one great
great grandchild, the son of Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Wendlin of Lakewood,
N.iJ. 3
Most of the original children live in
this locality, with the exception of a
brother in Berwick, and a sister at
Mrs. Wilson was born Dec, 7, 1851,
in Pittston, in the same house in which
her mother had been born. The
daughter of Jude L. and Rachel Jen-
kins Vandenburg, she moved to Dal-
las when she was 5 years old, Her
future husband was the son of Peter
and Jane Emmons Wilson, and was
born: in Dallas April 28, 1849, The
Wilsons were married 69 years ago
next Christmas,
They continued to live in Dallas un-
til the present Mrs. Hoover had been
born, and then they began their travels
about the county.
Since Mr. Wilson was a sawyer, the
family found it necessary to move to
wherever there was a logging opera-
tion, “Most of the time, we didn’t even
have a decent house to move into,”
Mrs. Wilson recalled. “Usually we
had to live in a broken down old
shack, IT would repair it, and with the
help of the children clean up the clear-
ing around it. And then, just as we
had begun to get the house so it seem-
ed clean enough to live in, the logging
would end and we'd have to move a-
gain. I got so tired of moving that I
used to pray we would all grow roots,
and never be able to move a step a-
Reunion of the Wilson descendants
is usually held in conjunction with the
annual reunion of old settlers at Stull,
Maintained for the last eight years,
the reunion takes place the first Sun-
day in August,
The meeting at Stull this year was
was held Sunday, August 7. It was
attended by Mr. and Mrs. Wesley
Hoover and "Andrew Wilson and his
wife, of Luzerne,
Reunion of the Bulford family will
be held Sunday, August 20 at Lehigh
Valley picnic grounds, Harvey's Lake.
There will be a picnic lunch, and an
entertainment is planned. History of
the family will be given by William B,
Rineman, historian. :
Robert Bulford, of Trucksville, is
president; Violet Rodda, of Wilkes-
Barre, vice president; Elizabeth Breck-
inridge, of Franklin Street, Dallas, sec-
retary; and Mrs, Sarah Moss, De-
munds Road, treasurer.
First National Bank
United States Depository
Capital—Surplus ................ $2,000,000
Wm. H. Conyngham. ...President
Francis Douglas....Exec. Vice-President
Chas. F. Huber........ 1st Vice-President
M. G. Shennan..Vice-Pres. and Cashier
T. BE. Brown ..........: Assistant Cashier
Chas. N, Loveland
Fred O. Smith ’
Wm. H. Conyngham
C. F. Huber
Francis Douglas
T. R. Hillard
Edward Griffith
Wm. W. Inglis
M. G. Shennan
William S. McLean, Jr.
Geo. W. Guckelberger
1%9, Interest on Savings
Safe Deposit Boxes For Rent
you so desire.
How fine it will be for a boy or girl who
now is employed; and who has no chance
for employment, to attend this school. We
do not guarantee positions, but are able to
place many young men and women.
We can find you a place to work for your
room and board while attending school, if
The courses are:
Bookkeeping Secretarial
They are excellently taught
School begins September 6, 1938.
Later if desired.
Write to the President for further
Victor Lee Dodson, President
Dallas Cashier’s
Daughter To Wed
Dorothy Jeter Will Marry
Mason Denison Tuesday
At Forty Fort
Miss Dorothy Jeter, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs, William Burling Jeter, will
marry Mason William Denison, of
Camp Hill, at 4 o'clock Tuesday after-
noon at the home of her parents, 1200
Wyoming Avenue, Forty Fort. Mr.
Jeter is cashier of the First National
Bank of Dallas.
Miss Jeter graduated from Pennsyl-
vania State University and Forty Fort
High School. She is an alumnus
member of Alpha Omicron Pi Sorority.
The bridegroom is the son of Dr. and
Mrs. William Mason Denison. He is
district manager of Stewart Howe
Alumni Service in Bethlehem. A grad-
uate of Carson Long Military Insti-
tute and Pennsylvania State Univer-
sity, he belongs to Theta Xi fraternity.
The 27th annual reunion of the
Hoover family will be held at Farm-
er's Inn, Thursday, August 25th. All
friends and relatives are ‘cordially in-
Relatives are urged to bring
stores are well stocked
food at reasonable prices and
Jatisiastertly. it Is well
Where Quality Counts and Your Mowey Goes Ferthest
courteously and
or he
J yon
Your Ideal Food Store
Our conveniently located
eekly Page of News And Views For Women
Mary Templin, Louise Frantz and
Stella Mission are spending some time
at Epworth League Institute at Sid-
First Show Starts at 6:30
Second Show at 9
RI. & SAT. AUG. 19 & 20
with Henry Fonda, Madeline Carroll
= *
MON. & TUES, AUG. 22 & 23
with Mickey Rooney
Cartoon and Comedy
* *
WED. & THURS, AUG. 24 & 25
with Dick Foran and Wayne Morris
Fox News and Comedy
FRI. & SAT, AUG. 25 & 27
with Joe E. Brown
Pete Smith Novelty, Comedy, and
2nd Chapter of “Fighting Devil Dogs™
neighborhood 2500
Horse Shoe
Red Salmon
Delicious for salads, sandwiches, eroquetes
=21° |
| Salad Dressing > 15°
{ Made of finest ingredients, Velvety and Savorfel, i
we 1c |
Wheat-Rice Puffs 3:
Pride of
100% India Ceylon, Assam.
Ideal for Icing—and Specially Priced
Tea *
we 7c
» un §5¢
More cups to the pound. i
New LOW REGULAR Coffee Prices
Coffees i.
'ectly Roasted by our
“heat-flo”’ Method.
Every Bean Perf
Mother's Joy i22¢
WINEY and Different
Spry 2 =n 3
Mild and Satisfying.
A Superb Blend of
2-in-1 Shoe Polish <=» 10¢
World’s Finest Coffees
Acme i 25¢
m 18¢|
Selected Quality with
Mocha and Java.
Qc : wn 53¢
Dog Food
Toilet t Tissue
6 == rolls 25 c
17¢:2%= 3Qc
LUX Flakes
® pkg
Sinan + QC 21¢
LU Toilet
3 cakes 17¢
Sweet Juicy Calif.
Oranges °* 25¢
Sweet Corn
Best U. S. No. 1, Fresh Dug
Fresh Picked
Tender Yellow
Lifebuoy Soap
3 cakes [7c
lo 2
Extra Large Juicy
Lemons °= 29¢
dozen 12¢
2 "i 15¢
Dependable Quality Always in 450 Stores
These Prices Effective In Our Stores
in Dallas And Vicinity