Posts Weekly Page Of N ews And Views Personals ~ The following held a wiener roast recently: Jean Templin, Charles Max- well, ‘Helen Himmler, Alva Eggleston, Eleanor Machell, William Brickel, Mill- icent Rustine, Joseph Hand, Lois Greg- ory, Samuel Ashley, Ruth Him, Eve- lyn Templin, Fred Eck. 7 Ae * Dr. and Mrs. Frey of Danville, Tenn., have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Ira C. Stevenson of Harvey's Lake this week. § ; \ EE : * So» ~~ Mr. and Mrs. Fred Malkemes of Shavertown entertained at a buffet supper recently in honor of Miss Elgie Prutzman and Howard Woolbert of ‘Shavertown whose marriage will take place tomorrow. The couple received a lace tablecloth as a gift. Guests Humbered 14. : ; "Florence Crump of ‘Dallas is visiting er ‘cousin, Louise Tremayne at Har- vey’s Lake. / he * * Robert Tompkins of ~ Woodstock, I11., are guests of the for- Mors parents, Mr, and Mrs. L.. R. yTompking of Dallas. . Mr. and Mrs. ~ » obert Eck of Washington has re- urned after visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Eck of Shavertown. n * * Mr. and Mrs. George Bush of Hack- _ensack, N. J, spent the week-end with the latter's parents, | Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hoffman of Trucksville, *® = Mr. and Mrs Calvin Warner and sons of Trucksville spent the week- end with Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Bradbury of Lineport. : J * * Mr. and Mrs. J. Machell Hildebrant of Lake Road, Dallas, spent the week- © end in Hancock, N. Y. oo) ¢ : * » Mr, and Mrs. Wesley Moore and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Moore of Dallas spent the week-end at West Point, N. ye Fy *® * Mr. and Mrs. Guy Smith of Kingston entertained at their summer home over the week-end Mr, and Mrs. Wesley Moore, Mrs. Lulu Beisel, Dr. and Mrs. I C. Fleming and son, Robert. * = | ~ Mr. and Mrs. Walter Reynolds and children, Dorothy and Walter, Jr., of i Brooklyn spent Sunday as the guests of Mr. ang Mrs. Leon Kintz of Hunts- ville Road, Dallas. * * Mrs. Albert Elkins of Shaver Ave- nue, Shavertown, has returned to her home from the Homeopathic Hospital . where she has been a patient. lc x » ‘Mr. and Mrs. William F. Niemeyer of Welles Street, Wilkes-Barre were I guests on Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam P. Niemeyer of Davenport Street, | Dallas. MNFEE ‘ * * ~~ Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rhodes of Davenport Street, Dallas, have moved to Kingston. * * Mr, and ‘Mrs. Scott Van Horn of Park Street, Dallas, entertained over the holiday Mrs. Lydia Glanville, Mrs. Mayme Dunn, Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Glanville and infant son, of Nanti- coke. * * ‘Mr. and Mrs. Byron Dickson and children, Sterling ang Genevieve, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Sterling Mead of Park Street. ) * . Mr. and Mrs. M. X. Garringer and son of Reading: spent the holiday | week-end as guests of Wilson R. Gar- ringer of Huntsville Street. * * Mrs. Millie Elston ang family, of Westport, Del, spent the week-end visiting relatives and friends in Dallas. * * Mrs, Nicholas Cave of Huntsville Road entertained over the week-end, Mrs Fred Barnegat of Wilkes-Barre and John McHose of Hazleton. * * Mrs. John Sheehan of Huntsville CL Road entertained the members of her / bridge club at her home on Thursday. » * Mrs. Howard Caperoon was hostess to the contract club on Thursday eve- ning at her home on Franklin Street, Dallas. Guests numbered 8. were won by Mrs. Harold Hauck and Mrs. Arthur Culver. 4 * * Mrs. Emma Shaver is ill at the home of her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs, Ross Lewin of Center Hill Road, Dallas. v * * Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hislop, Jr., of Franklin Street, Dallas, are entertain- ing relatives from Wilkes-Barre. * Reese and Charles Finn of Terrace Street, Dallas, have returneq to their home after spending the past week visiting relatives in Plymouth. * * + Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Shaver and chil- dren, Geraldine and Lloyd, Jr., of Phil- adelphia spent the holiday week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Ross Lewin of Center Hill Road, Dallas. Mrs. Shaver and the children remained Prizeg over the week end to visit for a week in Dallas. Mr. Shaver will arrive on Saturday to accompany them home. » *® Mr. and Mrs. Richard Johnson of Davenport Street, Dallas, announce the birth of a.son on Saturday evening {at the Wilkes-Barre General Hospital on July 2. Mrs. Johnson is the for- mer Lola Pittman. - - Mr. and Mrs, William Kelly of Main Street, guest, Joseph Roppelt of Baltimore. Be \ * * Addie Elston of Kingston and Mrs. Margaret Roberts of Hillside spent the Fourth as guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Roberts of Main Street, Dallas. * * Mrs. W. T. Stoeckel and Mrs. Flora Wilcox have returned home after vis- iting in Bloomsburg, i} * * Mr. and Mrs. Charles W, Lee of Lake Road, Dallas, have returned to their home after spending the week- end in Williamsport where they at- tended the wedding of Mr. Lee’s niece. * * Miss Hazel Bulford of Huntsville has returned to her home after spending some time visiting in Norwich, N. Y. * * Mr. and Mrs. Elston Adelman of Endicott, NY. were dinner guests on Sunday of Mr. and Mrs, Lewis Shaver of Huntsville. * * Mr. and Mrs. William Reynolds of Norwich, N. Y., have returned to their home after visiting Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rineman of Huntsville. * * Mrs. Herbert Lundy of Pioneer Ave- nue entertaineq the members of the furniture club of the Dallas Junior nesday afternoon at a garden party. - * Mrs, Earl Lamoreaux of Shavertown entertained at a shower on Saturday evening honoring Mrs. James Carr, a recent bride. Miss Loretta Price of Philadelphia. * * | Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Frankfort of Lancaster were guests of their son, Rev. Herbert E. Frankfort on Sunday. He returned to Lancaster with his par- ents to spend several days. Y Dallas, have as their house- Women’s Club at her home on Wed- Mrs. Carr is the former | Mr, and Mrs, A. Taylor Lord and family of Binghamton are guests of Rev. and Mrs. Harry M. Savacool. *® * Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Perkins of Elm 2 Terrace, Trucksville, have had as their house guest, Mrs. R. Himmilsieb eof New York. * = & ‘Walter Miles of Kingston is residing with his daughter, Mrs. Harry E,_ Ral- ston of Shaver Avenue, Shavertown. * * : Miss Florence Marrow ang Miss Louise Hazeltine of Trucksville are at Camp Nitisaka at Meshoppen. * * Mrs. B. C. Post, Janet and Richara Post and Miss Verna Smith of Trucks- ville are home aften a two-week vaca- tion with relatives in New Jersey. * * Mrs. George Reynolds and daughter, Betsy of Mt. Greenwood Road, Trucks. ville, are spending the summer at Tunkhannock as guests of the former's unsle, John FF, Turn, Mr. and Mrs. hows Czulegar and daughter, Barbara and son, Thomas of Redondo Beach, Cal. are spending a vacation with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. August Czuleger of Rice Street, Dallas. * * Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hislop, Jr., and Mrs. Daniel Richards, Mr. John Yaple, Mr, and Mrs. Reese Finn, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Chamberlain, Mr. and Mrs, Peynton Lee, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Culver, Mr. Jones, Miss Beth Love, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Whitesell spent the holiday week-end at’ the Love cottage at Forkston. . . - » The Entre Nous Bridge Club enter- | tained last night at a buffet supper at the home of Mrs, Arthur Culver hon- oring Miss Marie Woolbert, a bride- elect. Miss Woolbert receiveq a lovely gift, Guests numbered 16. Those present were: Miss Marie Woolbert, Miss Beth Love, Mrs. John Yaple, Mrs. Harvey McCarty, Mrs. Florence Phil- lips, Miss Gertrude Wilson, Mrs. John Wilson, Mrs, John Durbin, Mrs. How- ard Caperoon, Mrs. Karl Kuehn, Mrs. Peynton Lee, Mrs. Robert Hislop, Mrs. Herbert Lundy, Mrs. Reese Finn and Mrs. John Sheehan and the hostess. Following supper cards were played, Ladies’ Aid Plans Affair For July 13 An entertainment will be given at Lehman M. E_ Church basement on Wednesday night, July 13, sponsored by Ladies’ Aid Society. The name quilt will be awarded. Refreshments will be served. and Mrs. | \ ; IIOW TO APPLY | EVERYDAY MAKE-UP June Claywor th demonstrates the manner in which she applies her everyday make-up. The rouge is applied in a triangle shape, which most young people should follow. Miss Clayworth is wearing a - “butterfly” coiffure. ’ Elgie V. Prutzman To Marry Saturday Howard Woolbert W Bride At Shavert Tomorrow 1 Solemm marriage ceremonies = for Miss Elgie V. Prutzman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Prutzman of Fer- guson Avenue, Shavertown, and How- ard H. Woolbert, son of Mr. and Mrs. S: J. Woolbert of Main Street, Shav- ertown, will take place tomorrow af- ternoon at 4 in Shavertown Methodist Episcopal Church, A reception for the wedding party and families will be held at Irem Tem- ple Country Club following the nup- tials. Mrs. Russell J. Schall of Shaver- town will be matron of honor, and maid of honor will be Miss Leila Pat- ton of Luzerne. Theodore Woolbert, brother of the groom, will be best man, and Darell Prutzman of Providence, R. I., brother of the bride, and John Woolbert, brother of Howard, ushers. Miss Prutzman, a teacher in Kings- ton Township schools, graduated from Bloomsburg State Teachers’ College,’ following secondary schooling at Lu- tricity for cooking. @eiant money-saving sale! A 5-piece set of “Wear-Ever” Aluminum cooking utensils given away, with this special Westinghouse electric range . . . priced at only $124.50, cash, without clock. One more good reason why you should start NOW to enjoy the benefits of mod- ern electric cookery . . . its cleanliness, its coolness, its speed . . . and its econ- omy, at the present lower rates for elec- Buy your electric range now, while we are giving away the “Wear-Ever” Alum- inum utensils . . . only $4.50 down pay- ment to have it installed. “Aunt Betty” Wilbur Passes In Peace Aged Resident Of Dallas Dies Quietly At Home some 15 years ago, her Franklin street home Monday af- ternoon, causing no little sadness among residents of Dallas and the whole Back Mountain region, which | knew her affectionately as “Aunt | Betty”. Mrs. Wilbur had been, very active throughout her long and eventful life, and it is believed that she just out- lived herself. Up until a very short time before her death, it was a com- mon occurrence to see Mrs. Wilbur, who was one of the oldest residents of this section, clambering about her zerne High School, and also attended Penn State. Mr. Woolbert, who is an undertaker at Shavertown, graduated from Kings- ton Township High School, and re- ceived a diploma from Colliers’ School of Embalming, New York. house and lawn with all the energy of a young woman, Keeping things in shape. Death came easily, fear and deep peace, to the elderly wo- man, PE The deceased had lived in Dallas for the last 22 years, before which she re- sided at Harvey’s Lake, Huntsville and’ Luzerne. She had been an active and prominent member of the Lehman Methodist Episcopal Church for a great many years. > Surviving Mrs. Wilbur are a great many nephews and nieces in Dallas and vicinity. The funeral services, conducted by Rev. C. H, Frick, were helq yesterday afternoon, and the | body laid away in Huntsville Ceme- tery. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Perrin and family of Wilkes-Barre have moved to their summer resident at Chase. Ts Watkins Food Products Your Local Distributor E. G. WEIDNER Dallas Phone 269 Free Specials Every Week Deliveries Daily Value-minded homemakers will want to share in these big values. This is your opportunity to stock your pan- o with fine foods at real savings. [ "SCO Beans 6:2209¢c] With Pork and Tomato Sauce i Plain Olives Princess Cocoa Table Salt | Vinegar 2SCO Peanut Butter Domestic Sardines (0il or Mustara) 2 vo. Kre-mel Puddings (assorted) _/ "450 Cider or White Distilled 214-0 r boi. * Qc Su Qc bs cans pkgs Qc 24-02 bots 2 Princess Mustard ASCO Sliced Pineapple 9c] : 0 De Qc pkgs No. can “19c " 9c 4-02 a 19c¢ Farmdale Golden Bantam Corn 272,219¢ Hurff Soups (Tomato or Vegetable) 2215-0] Qc ‘heat-flo’ Roasted &5C0 N 5 COFFEES Richer, fuller, finer flavor. Every bean roasted from center to surface. Taste the difference. Win-Crest " I7¢ Mild and fragrant. A blend of the World’s Finest Coffees. B ge rive oc | loaf oss Qc Save 259% on Your Bread Bills Supreme Bread Sandwich Bread Hurlock Peas 3 %:29c¢ Glenwood Apple Sauce 472.2 29¢ J A | L 2 in | Shoe Polish i Ivory Soap S0:2:4:19¢ med. large cake cakes Oxydol :=1Q¢ cn Qc = QC] Ivory Flakes 21¢: w= 9e large pkg Ivory Snow N oie” 23¢ Selox 2 pkgs 27 ¢ 7 / So Large Ripe Watermelons Elberta Freestone Peaches Fney New Beets 2 Oranges bun. Be Calif. Fancy Yellow Sweet Juicy - 49¢ wre 300 pid 13c dozen 23¢ Finest No. 1 Onions 3 ® Where Quality Counts and Your Money Goes Furthest with no