a yo International . . . STERN On the heels of war-torn China's Generalissimo Chiang Kai-Shek’s plea for positive assistance from friendly powers came stern storm warnings from the U. S. Department of State against the Japanese and international indignation at ferocious Jap bombing in Canton. CZECHS Stalemated in Czechoslavakian vot- ing were pro-government and Czech Nazi Konrad Henlein’'s Sudeten forces. Said Rudolph Hess, Hitler's general representative: “Czechoslavakia is in a condition , . . practically akin to war ... A menace to the peace of Europe”. Said der Fuehrer: “Germany’s future rests on twin pillars, the army and the Nazi party i ete..." EARTHQUAKE Dizzy last Saturday was all of cen- tral Europe when twin earthquake shocks demolished buildings in Bel- gium and disturbed the equilibrium of staid Londoners. TUnshaken, however, were Hitler's twin pillars. REBELS With the capture of Castellon de la Plana and its Port of Grao, Insurgent forces opened a broad coastal plan for offensive measures, prepared to ad- vance on Valencia, next focal point of the war in shell-shocked Spain. EXCHANGE In the “danger zone” chartered by Japanese advancing from fallen Nan- king were U. S. and British ships. Warned the U, S.: “We do not intend to restrict activities of American war- ships on the Yangtze.” National . . . PROFIT Recovered last week near Miami, Fla., were the tiny dead body of kid- napped James Cash, Jr. alleged kid- napper Franklin Pierce McCall, and! $12,000 in ransom bills, less $5 profit for McCall, by J. Edgar Hoover et al. OPINION Cheered and booed at Cooper Union commencement, J. Pierpont Morgan shook hands with 208 graduates, said his opinion on business and politics isn’t “worth a damn”, STRIKE SWOCalled strike at the Penn Iron and Steel Company’s Creighton plant, caused by tactivities of a grossly over- worked puddler who turned out four heats of metal instead of the custom- ary three one day October last, came to an end early this week, REDS Excepting only CIOracle John IL. Lewis, tempestuous Mayor Frank Hague of Jersey City declared his in- tentions of showing that the CIO “is governed by the Communists of the country and that the movement is | Communistic.” DECLARATION House Minority leader Bertrand H. Snell termed current congressional session as “brazen, shameless playing of politics”. Said Representative Snell: “The tactics, of Boss Tweed and Tam- many Hall have been brought inside the doors of the U. S. capitgl.” Fur- ther accused Hamilton Fish: “Relief funds are being used to prime primary and election pumps.” State . . . KEYNOTE Keynoting the general election cam- paign, Republican Candidate for Gov- ernor, Judge Arthur H. James dedi- cated himself to the prototypish “task of restoring to our commonwealth the prosperity and happiness, the liberties and the opportunities which have al- ways been our birthright.” SUPPORT U. S. Senator Joseph Guffey pledged himself and his followers to the sup- port of Democratic nominees in the general election, asked his henchmen to keep intact the organization which bucked the Democratic State Com- mittee in the primary. ACCUSED Governor George H.® Barle, named with members of his cabinet in a pe- tition for a grand jury investigation of primary campaign charges of graft and coercion, demanded his own arrest and that of others involved, defied Shelley {to prove his charges. County . . . ABANDONED Abandoned is the north Wilkes- Barre roundhouse of Lehigh Valley Railroad, by an executive order shift- ing nine employes to the Coxton yards, numerous officials to other points. Scheduled to be abandoned was the engine terminal, but the Citizen’s Com- mittee of the Chamber of Commerce caused the order to be postponed, is conferring with Lehigh Valley officers on the railroad’s “retrenchment pro- gram’. PLEA A petition to be presented before the State Pardon Board to change Good Friday bomber Michael Fugmann’s sentence from death to life imprison- ment is being prepared, disclosed Dis- trict Attornéy Leon Schwartz. 4{~ / Is your hair gray? ts nt be GRAY it going grey? Erase that shadow! Clairol lifts the gloom of gray that’ darkens your face and makes you look years older. Whether you'd like to regain your own color or completely change the color of your halr, Clairol will do it quickly and _ 80 subtly that your closest friend won't detect the change. Clairol does what nothing else can! In one simple treatment Clalrol shampoos, reconditions and TINTS. Ask your beautician. Or write fo us for FREE Tlalrol booklet, FREE advice on the care of hair, and FREE beauty analysis. Write NOW on coupon below. Waturally. with {La 0L JOAN CLAIR Clairol, Inc,, 132 West 46 Street, New York, N. Y. Please send FREE Clairol Booklet Name. , Advice and Analysis. cconne - Address..... State... City w My Beavtician’s Name fs THE DALLAS POST FRIDAY, JUNE 17, 1938 Miscellany . . . FIREMEN Dead is the newborn baby of Mr. and Mrs. William Sisko of Wilkes- Barre, despite valiant attempts of Fire Chief Ambrose Saricks, city firemen, Dr. J. R. Burns, and the city’s pul- motor. Baby developed breathing trouble soon after birth, firemen and pulmotor were called in. Announce Special Services At Noxen Rev. Brown, pastor of the A. M. E. Church of West Pittston will bring the message at the Gospel Tabernacle at Noxen on Sunday night, June 19, at 7:30. Rev. Mr. Brown is a highly- educated man of sterling qualities and his sermons have brought him wide reputation. Evangelist Mickey Walsh, noted Irish preacher will be at the tab- ernacle from June 27 through July 3. Services will be held every evening. All are invited to attend these services. The Old Scrap Book Greetings: Our sincerest congratulations to the Class of 38 for their work and also for their splendid Commencement program last Thursday. “Rather Faithful than . Famous”. Truly this is a great motto for any class or individual. When all men seem to be clamoring for fame, let us be faithful. Faithful to God who cre- ated us in His image, and who, after man lost it, sent His own Son to re- deem us back to Him; faithful to Him who said, “Come unto Me, and I will give you rest”. Faithful to Him who can give peace amidst strife, calm amidst storm, and a happy haven in heaven when the storms are past. If we have all this, then why should we [ books, want to be famous? I have written the following lines and respectfully dedicate them to our own Dallas High graduates of 1938. YOU MUST FILL THAT SPACE Teachers, pencils, books and rules, Everything that goes with school Is gone—and in its place— You're the one to fill that space, Formulas, and problems too, All the work you did so true Are no more—and in their place— You're the one to fill that space. As you leave your school so dear, Go through life from year to year You may be honored or disgraced— You're the one to fill that space. When you want a job to do. Remember someone’s needing you To help them in life’s weary race— You're the one to fill that space. Graduation! From what? School- PAGE THREE schoolrooms, school teachers, from school itself. Mingled emotions fill the student's heart as for the last time he lays down the books from which he received his training for life. Into the world he goes, not knowing what lies before him, Remember: Receiving a scholarship here depends on what you do; receiv- ing a scholarship to heaven depends on what you do with what God has done for you. ! Your friend, Bob Sutton. W. P. A. First Aid Course Held Here A general course in first aid rudi- ments, open to laborers and sewing project workers, will be conducted by accredited supervisors at the WPA center in Dallas. The course is being held in conjunction with a “program outlined by County Administrator Harry J. Williams. fd EEO OOOO OOOO ERROR ROE REECE REECE ER al A cordial invitation is extended to every woman in this community to see “Star in My Kitchen,” the Hollywood production, featuring a number of well-known actors and actresses, that combines cookery instruction with entertainment and amusement. It is the most interesting and fascinating presentation of cooking methods ever devised for the home-maker. You will be able to see all and hear all. EEE . THE DALLAS POST INVITES YOU TO SEE MIY KITCHIEN of eoHUMO oFASCIN lillie! ~ © NEW ano DIFFERENT COOKING SCHOOL Himmler Theatre une 29 & 30-July 1 E % EB ach -. E oy . wo nL E ROUS = ATING £ FOTOS RRR RRR RE