7 J A THE DALLAS POST FRIDAY, JUNE 3, 1938 Outlet MRS. JOHN SUTTON CORRESPONDENT Mrs. Lucinda McNeel and nieces, Ruth and Hazel Marion McNeel, ‘and William Ashburner and Harry Smith spent Memorial Day at Wilkins Glen. w* * Rev. and Mrs. Seifert are rejoicing over the arrival of a son, Charles Seifert, at Nesbitt Memorial Hospital May 25, * * Arden and James Evans are spend. ing some time with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sutton of Millville, The Laketon schools will close on June 7. The Outlet schools will close at that time, holding their picnic on Tuesday. *® *® Ellis Hoover is ill. * * The Outlet Youth’s Temperance Council held a party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rossman Friday night in observance of its second an- niversary. Refreshments were served to the following: Betty Thomas, Jack Patterson, Reese Walters, Elizabeth, Robert Sorber; Eddie Shalansky, Ruth and Doris Rogers, Eddie Ide, Martha King, Doris Rossman, William Ash- burner. * * Outlet Y. T. C. held their monthly meeting at the home of Marie Baer on May 16. New officers were elected as follows: President, Bill Ashburner; ‘vice-president, Edwin Ide; secretary, Elizabeth Sorber; treasurer, Marie Baer. It was decided to hold a cele- bration to mark the second year of the Y. T. C. on May 16. The following attended: Ruth Walters, Elizabeth | Sorber, Dorothy Ide, Tom Patterson, Edison Walters, Betty Patterson, Reese Walters, Harry Rossman, Edwin lae, Bill Ashburner, Martha King, Mrs. H. Rossman, Alberta Wilcox, Marie Baer, Helen Sholtis, Ruth and Doris Rogers. * * Mr. and Mrs. John Sutton and fam- ily visited Mrs. Mary Sutton of Shaver- town on Sunday afternoon. * #* A number of people from this place attended the Lehman baccalaureate sermon in {the Lehman church. * * Corey Evans spent a few days re- cently with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sut- ton of Millville. Vella Evans spent some time with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs, Charles Sutton. * * Mrs. Circhie Wilcox spent Monday in town, * * Doris and Dorothy Garnett of Dallas spent a Sunday recently with Mr. and | Mrs. James Garnett. *® ® The Girl Scout Troop, No. 56, held its weekly meeting in its troop room. six were present. The scouts attended a rally at Dallas Township High School on May 20, * GAY- MURRAY | oo NEWS PAINT UP WITH MOORE'S ® Moore's paint products fill all requirements in beautifying your home. Let us help you select “Moore” color schemes. Carl Reynolds at Russell Hill has re- cently; used 10 gallons of Moore- white Primer and outside paint. Andrew Davis is using the same combination on his property in Factoryville. Vv ve. | Fly Time is here—let us save you money on screens, doors and sprays. Screen doors sell as low as $1.90 Genuine Flit Spray at $1.35 per gallon @® Both Mrs. Will Shupp of Newton and Mrs. Van Conrad at Dalton are recent purchasers of Kitchenkook Ranges. The Kitch- enkook is safe, very fast and does all the family cooking at a cost of $1.00 a month. Let us help you to a good corn crop. We still have a good stock of the ensilage and flint corns priced from $1.80 up. Oliver 1 horse cultivator $9.50 Oliver 2 horse cultivator $63.00 farm equipment makes the hard jobs easier. Recent sales include: Howard A. Bed- ford, 40 steel posts; Ezra Hoov- er, an Oliver harrow; P. H. Brunges, John Lengel and W. H. Tiffany bought Prime electric fence; Ralph Coolbaugh, a team harness and Lawrence Dymond at Noxen . an Allis-Chalmers tractor and plow. You can save money here. oe USE MOORE'S PAINT e (ay-Murray Go. Inc. TUNKHANNOCK, PA. @® Our VV VV OV VOI VOI IV VV VV VV IVI IVI IOV V IVP V VIO IV VV Orv Ere VY vO vr vr vv Vv vv eevee eee eee eevee elvsieiglsitbuiiedddiadbudbduamdidboddmdbdihtddindbdmdimiteiediedifbtindbutdmodgitiytomiaesagbyetiedebraiiamimdd hbase dh gp go Co "and fully equipped for raising chick- IDEAL HILLSIDE FARM for Summer | i sylvania foot hills. House with all im- | Phone 7-7734 CLASSIFIED ADS FOR SALE—Pittston Range. $15 cash takes it away quick. Hill, the florist. Phone 2183. WANTED—A man to work on farm who understands all around farm- ing. State age and experience, Box H. Dallas Post. WANTED—Farm hand who under- stands orchard work. State age, ex. perience and salary expected. Box G, Dallas Post. FOR SALE—$100 credit slip, $75, or trade for car. Inquire 2nd floor. Long and Schmerer Store, Dallas. 3t FOR RENT—New five-room house; bath, electric lights, large garden, garage. Leslie Dymond, Orange. WANTED—Housework by the day; take washing and ironing at home. Phone 28-R-2. 2 : | FOR SALE—Lot in Dallas in exchange for cottage at Harvey's Lake. Write Box K, Dallas Post. FOR SALE—5,000 gladioli bulbs, mixed colors, $1.50 a hundred. Ray Shiber, Dallas, Phone 187. FOR SALE—Franklin sedan, $100 cash or exchange for cattle; 25 pigs, 6 and! 9 weeks old. Ray Carlin, Phone 316R23. FARM FOR RENT—93-acre farm on Bowman's Creek. House with all modern improvements. All kinds of fruit, grapes, pears, cherries, apples, ens. W. B. Risley, Dallas. renting. Beautiful location in Penn- provements. Large out door fire place and modern log cabin for guests. All kinds of fruit. Perfect for artist or na- ture lovers. Not on the beaten path but easily accessible. 'W. B. Risley, Dallas. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT SALE OF SCHOOL BONDS The School District of the Township of Dallas, Luzerne County, Pa., solicits sealed bids for purchase of twenty coupon bonds of said School District of one thousand dollars each free of Pennsylvania taxes, dated July 1st, 1939, and optional with school board to call for payment and pay one or more bonds in advance of due date upon thirty days prior written notice to the LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT holder, if known, otherwise upon such written notice to First National Bank, Dallas, Pa.; said bonds bear interest at rate of four per centum a year pay- able semi-annually on surrender of coupons. Every bid to be accompanied by a certified check payable to the Treasurer of the School District of the Township of Dallas as a guaranty of compliance with bid, in the sum of ten dollars for each and every bond included in the bid. All bids to be filed with the Secretary of the school board before eight o’clock P. M. Sat- urday, June 25th, 1938, at which time all bids are to be publicly opened and considered at the High School building. Bids not accompanied by the required certified check are not to be.accepted for consideration. C. J. EIPPER, Secretary of School Board. G. J. Clark, Attorney, 1012 Brooks Bldg. Wilkes-Barre, Pa. ESTATE OF WILLIAM H. SEAR- FOSS, late. of Wilkes-Barre City. Let- ters of Administration on the above Estate have been granted to the under- signed, all persons indebted to the said Estate are requested to make pay- ment and those having claims to pre- sent the same without delay to EVA SEARFOSS, Administratrix, 273 Poplar Street, Wilkes-Barre, Penna. or to her attorney JONATHAN C. VALENTINE 1100 Miners National Bank Building Wilkes-Barre, Penna. Notice is hereby given that Letters of Administration have been granted in the estate of Charles W. Ruggles, late of Kingston, Pa. All persons in-. debted to the estate or having claims against it are requested to present them without delay to Milton L. Rug- gles, Hunlock’s Creek, Pa. Miner Ellsworth, Attorney SHERIFF'S SALE Friday, June 24, 1938, ten o’clock a. m,, Court Room No. 1, Court House, Wilkes-Barre, Pa., execution from Court of Common Pleas of Luzerne County, Pa. real estate of Jacob C. Gosart, Jr., and Josephine Gosart, his wife, about 33 perches wide on public road from Idetown to Dallas in Leh- man Township. and about 15 perches deep to land late of Solomon Ide, con- taining 1 acre, 114 perches conveyed to Jacob C. Gosart, Jr. by Jacob C. Gos- are, Sr., October 1, 1928, D. B. 679-8, except a part conveyed to M. Gonella ' | southerly direction, SHERIFF'S SALE Gosart, May 25, 1929, | in Deed Book | 35 feet to the place of beginning. Con- SHERIFF'S SALES 638, page 546, and also part conveyed !taining 5,250 square feet of land, more to Willard F. Gosart by deed May 25, 1929 in Deed Book 683, page 546, fri | or less. Improved with a 2 story, frame proved with a bungalow dwelling house | dwelling known as No. 25 Manhattan and outbuilding. 3 WILLIAM R. THOMAS, Sheriff. William A. O'Connor, Attorney. Friday, June 24th, 1938, at ten o'clock, a. m., Court Room No. 1, Court House, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. execution from Court of Common Pleas of Luzerne County, Pa. real estate of Martha Bombay, known as No. 47 Yates Street, Parsons, Pa., fronting thirty feet on Yates Street and 100 feet deep, more particularly described in Deed Book No. 601, Page 483. Improved with a single frame dwelling with appurte- nances. i WILLIAM R. THOMAS, Sheriff. Peter P. Jurchak, Attorney. On Friday, o’clock A. M., Court House, June 24, 1938, at 10:00 | in Court Room No. 1, Wilkes-Barre, Pa., by virtue of Fi. Fa. No. 93, July term, | 1938, issued out of the Court of Com- mon Pleas of Luzerne County against’ Jane Spittle and Mary McMonigle will | be sold that certain premises situate on the Easterly side of Pearl Street, at corner of a public alley called Jenks Lane, City of Wilkes-Barre, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, having a front | width of 70 feet along Pearl Streetand ! a rear width of 70 feet, a depth of 50 feet along Jenks Lane and a North- | erly side depth of 5b feet. Excepting ' and reserving coal and other minerals as excepted and reserved in chain of title. Improved with a two and one- half story frame dwelling known as 48-50 Pearl Street and garage. WILLIAM R. THOMAS, Sheriff. | Collins & Collins, Attorneys. On Friday, June 17, 1938, at 10 A. | M., Court Room, No. 1, Court House, Wilkes-Barre, Pa., execution from ‘the | Court of Common Pleas of Luzerne | County, Pa., real estate of Irene G. Lynch, situate in the Borough of Ash- ley, and described as follows: Beginning at a post 40 feet distant! from the westerly line of lands, now or late of Philip Conrad; thence in al 150 feet along | lands, now or late of Robert Metz; | thence at right angles in a westerly | direction, 35 feet to lands of Saint Leo’s Congregation; thence in a north- erly direction, 150 feet to Manhattan Street; thence along Manhattan Street | | Wilkes- Barre, Pa., County | of Luzerne, Pa., bounded | Street, Ashley, Pa. WILLIAM R. THOMAS, Sheriff. J. F. McCabe, Attorney. As directed by Fi. Fa. No. 58, July Term, 1938, at 10 o’clock, A. M., in the Sheriff’s Sales Room, Court House, the real estate of Josephine Kozloski, situate at 123 Maf- fett Street, Plains Township, Luzerne County, Pa., being 50 feet front and 140 feet deep excluding therefrom a smaller parcel, 34 feet by 43 feet front- ing upon Robert Lame; being part of ithe same premises more particularly described in deed of George F. Suth- ; erland dated August 13, 1912, and re- ‘corded in Deed Book 487, page 69, in said county. Improved with a two story frame duplex dwelling and garage. WILLIAM R. THOMAS, Sheriff. J. S. Russin, Attorney. Kunkle MRS. MINNIE KUNKLE CORRESPONDENT Mrs. Mame Dymond, who spent the «week-end and holiday with Mrs. Stella Isaacs and family, returned to her home in Lehman on Tuesday. * * Mrs. Minnie Kunkle, who has been i seriously ill the past week, is slowly improving. * *® Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Durland of Wy- oming and Mrs. Gertrude Thomas of | Noxen were callers at the Olin Kun. kle home Tuesday evening, * * Mrs. Julia Kunkle spent Thursday BEWARE! ® Incompetent radio tinkers can damage your radio seriously. Rely on our skilled and experienced service. Open ’til 8 p. m. Dial 17-6321 Renville Radio Service 189 Main Street Luzerne he, | and Friday With Mrs. June Isaacs of Shavertown. Mrs. Sarah Wright of Nanticoke is visiting her son-in-law and daughter, uid ; Mr. and Mrs. Philip Ellsworth. * * Mrs. Maggie Ellsworth of Shaver- town is spending a few weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Ellsworth. * * A surprise party was given for Go- mer Elston at the home of his par- ents on Wednesday evening of last week in celebration of his nineteenth birthday anniversary. The young peo- ple enjoyed music and games and a delicious lunch. Gifts.were presented Those present were: Frances Sayre, Nellie Honeywell, Florence Honeywell, Norma Knect, Elva Knect, Doris Kun- kle, Elwood Condon, Charles Sayre, Dana Campbell, Gilbert Boston, Doris 0 Hess, Martha Kunkle, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dodson, Mrs. Stella Isaacs, Es- tella Elston, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph El- ston and the guest of honor. I For A Delicious Dinner Take The Scenic Drive To Beautiful Montrose Inn In the heat of the summer evening what more pleasant relaxation than a leisurely drive over wide mountain ribbons, through cool green pine scented woodlands! Point the nose of your car toward beautiful Montrose Inn, sit down to one of our widely fa- mous full course dinners. Once you've tasted our delicious food, we'll warrant you’ll make this delightful drive a reg- ular habit. { Small children are served in the dining room with half portions at half price. Montrose Inn Montrose Pa. ee | WEEKLY BUSINESS REVIEW ] HISLOP’S RESTAURANT Main Street, Dallas Cigarettes, Candy, Fountain Complete Line of Magazines Try Our Special Luncheon We Do Our Own Baking Say It With Flowers x through HILL, THE FLORIST Flowers For All Occasions Phone Dallas 213 MARKLE RADIO SERVICE 17 YEARS EXPERIENCE Prompt Work—Moderate Price 211-E. Main St., Trucksville Call Dallas 247-R-2 246 Wyoming Avenue KINGSTON PEYNTON LEE Coal Spring Water Dallas, Pa. Kingston 7-3200 Dallas 161 IF YOU WANT THE BEST The Old Fashioned Remedy for Flu and Grippe, We Will Send C. O. D. and Pay Postage Phone or Write for Prices CLOVER BLOSSOM HONEY Co. Wilkes-Barre Phone 2-4720 305 S. Main Street REICHMAN Travel Bureau Steamship Tickets on All Lines 208 S. Main St. Wilkes-Barre Phone 2-1713 ir First National Bank United States Depository PUBLIC SQUARE WILKES-BARRE, PA. Capital—Surplus ................ $2,000,000 OFFICERS Wm. H. Conyngham.............. President Francis Douglas....Exec. Vice-President Chas. P.- Huber........ 1st Vice-President M. G. Shennan..Vice-Pres. and Cashier T...B. Brown ....cconse Assistant Cashier DIRECTORS Chas. N, Loveland Fred O. Smith Wm. H. Conyngham C. F. Huber Francis Douglas T. R. Hillard Edward Griffith Wm. W. Inglis M. G. Shennan William S. McLean, Jr. Geo. W. Guckelberger 1%9, Interest om Savings Safe Deposit Boxes For Rent REPAIRS On Clocks, Watches and Jewelry R. S. ROBERTS Main Street DALLAS “We Buy Old Gold” You Can Get It At Dallas 5-10c¢ to $1 Store 46 Main Street DALLAS PENNA. “The Big Little Store” E. Williams, Mgr. ® QUICK WASHER REPAIRS ON ALL MAKES Sales — Service — Parts EASY WASHER REBENNACK & COVERT 267 Wyoming Avenue .... Tel. 7-4514 Kingston, Pa. “SMILING SERVICE ALWAYS” OLIVER'S GARAGE DALLAS, PENNA. Packard and Hudson Cars White and Indiana Trucks ACE HOFFMAN STUDIOS Portrait and Commercial Photographers 32 West Market Street WILKES-BARRE, PA. HILLSIDE TIRE SERVICE Gulf Gas, Oils — Tiolene, Pennzoil Kenyon and Lee Tires Tel. Dallas 9089-R-2 TRUCKSVILLE, PA. UPHOLSTERING For Guaranteed Work at Low Prices CALL WILKES-BARRE 2-9875 Save 50% on new Livingroom Suites and odd pieces on display at our show room A. C. UPHOLSTERING 294 East Market Street — Wilkes-Barre All Kinds of FINE BAKED GOODS OUR SPECIALTY HERSHEY’S ICE CREAM AND PARTY CAKES COSGROVE’S BAKERY 40 Main Street Dallas BEVAN PIANO COMPANY 12 North Main St. Wilkes-Barre PIANOS, RADIOS A Complete Musical Store Sohmer, Bogart and Kimball Pianos Organs "KEEP YOURSELF IN CO CONDITION BY KEEPING YOUR SHOES IN CONDITION Have Them Properly Repaired Now at AMATO’S SHOE REPAIR 197 Main: St., Luzerne For Quality and Guaranteed Work Post Want Ads Pay First National Bank DALLAS, PENNA. : MEMBERS AMERICAN BANKERS’ ASSOCIATION * * * DIRECTORS R. L. Brickel, C. A. Frantz,W. B. Jeter, Sterling Machell, W. R Neely, Clifford W. Space, A. C. Devens Herbert Hill 0 kX OFFICERS C. A. Frantz, Pres. Sterling Machell, Vice-Pres. W. B. Jeter, Cashier More Interest On Savings Deposits No account too small to secure careful attention Vault Boxes for Rent YOUR ADVERTISEMENT SHOULD BE HERE * Xx For Rates Call Dallas 300 Plumbing Sheet Metal Work RALPH L. HALLOCK 162 Lake Street DALLAS, PENNA. Water Supply System Ep ——— Heating HIMMLER THEATRE DALLAS, PA. First Show Starts at 6:30 Second Show at 9 Monday and Tuesday “CHAN AT MONTE CARLO" — with — Charlie Chan COMEDY—TRAVEL TALK Adults, 16¢c Children, 11¢ Wednesday and Thursdav Katherine Hepburn — A — “BRINGING UP BABY” Friday and Saturday “OF HUMAN HEARTS” — with — Walter Huston and James Stewart COMEDY—CARTOON 5th Chapter “THE LONE RANGER” Adults, 26¢ Children, 11c¢ Matinee Saturday at 2 Painting - Paperhanging Estimates Cheerfully Given NELSON ROGERS (Boston Store Sample Books) 18 Years Experience Dallas, Pa. Phone H. L. 3284 BERNARD COMPANY Auctioneers, Appraisers, Liquidators 37 West Market St., Wilkes-Barre PHONE 3-2619 Large and Small Household Sales Solicited. Sales to Settle Estates. Inquiries Invited. Bank References. HAND - MADE HARNESS Made To Order We Repair and Oil Harness, Truck Covers Made to Order PETER SENGHAAS 63 Wood Street Wilkes-Barre PETER OBERST Barber 38 Main Street One Flight Down Dallas JOHN W. MILES Jeweler 31 Public Square (Second Floor) WILKES-BARRE, PA. The Coal Man You Can Trust! RALPH D. LEWIS SHAVERTOWN COAL The Kind You Want When You Want Im PHONE DALLAS 231-R-8