4 Y.. 7 3 we a “ A y | KINGSTON TOWNSHIP Fo ROYAL LYNE, Correspondent Phone Dallas 212-R-4 SHAVERTOWN — MT. GREENWOOD — TRUCKSVILLE Hazeltine Talks At Rally For Fourth Volunteer Firemen ~ After New Members Trucksville Company Invites Community To Take More Interest * Trucksville Firemen's Association is conducting a membership drive and many men have shown their interest in their community and their concern for the saf- ety of their families by becoming mem- | bers of the firemen’s organization. The local fire company owns its own building, thanks to the kindness of Mr. and Mrs. John Conyngham, who pres sented the building and lot to the fire company in appreciation of the fine work Directors Borrow —_— Possibility Of Increase In Millage Looms For Township A partial budget for the coming year was agreed upon by directors of Kings ton Township School District at a meet- ing with Attorney Arthur Turner, solici- tor, on Monday night. A resolution was passed to borrow $15,000 to $18,000 under the Mansfield Act, which will be outlawed by the end of the month because of the new School Code Ac. A motion was passed to bor- $2,800 From Bank ae { Mrs, who are visiting in the Southland. its first practice on’ Monday night in the hall. are encouraged by the interest shown. Six- teen men were at the practice. of the volunteers in the past. The committee will appreciate any co- operation throughout the community. All inerested persons are invited to attend the next meeting on Friday night, April 8, when officers will be nominated. It is stressed that the meeting is for all citizens of the community, not only for the few members who have to carry the responsi bility most of the time. The hall has been painted inside. A new furnace has been installed and both the building and the organization are a credit to the community. More improve: ments are planned if plans can be cars ried out. Let's be boosters, not knockers. Join, co-operate and come out to the meet- ing. Asa Shotwell Is Honored At Party Asa Shotwell was pleasantly surprised on Thursday evening when a number of relatives gathered at his home in Shaver town to celebrate his birthday. A pleas ant evening was enjoyed and lunch was served to the following: Bruce Atkinson, son, Byron, of Dallas; Sarah Ellsworth of Forty Fort, Mr. and Mrs. Loren Berlew, Gilbert and Willard Berlew, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Kocher of Kingston; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Shotwell, daughter, Nell Elaine, Mr. and Mrs. Asa Shotwell, Asa Jr.y Billy and Herald Shotwell of Shav- ertown. Firemen’s Parties Meet With Success The Shavertown Fire Company held its second big Game Party in its home on Main Street on Tuesday night, with a large crowd attending. The ddor prize winner was absent, thereby forfeiting the award. Mrs. Asa Pembleton won the sweepstakes. A public address system has been installed. The committee wishes to thank all attending and again asks full co-operation from the entire community. Let's make the fire companies in our township bigger and better. type live on after the men die. congratulations! row $2,800 from Luzerne National Bank to pay teachers’ salaries. Next week Attorney Turner and Di- rectors George Prater and Howard Ap- pleton will go to Harrisburg to confer with the Department of - Education with reference to financing the proposed new grade school building, Township property valuation is $1,517,- 227, with 1,973 residents, it was report- ed. The cost of operating the schools for the ensuing year will be from $90,000 to $100,000. An increase in the school millage is expected to be necessary. An- other meeting of the board will be held Monday night at 7:30. Henry Shaver Dies After Long Illness Henry H. Shaver, flife-long resident of Shavertown, died “Wednesday night at his home. He had been itt" Tor a long time. Funeral service will be held tomorrow (Saturday) morning ‘at 10:30 at the home, with interment in Evergreen Ceme- tery. Mr. Shaver was a member of Shav- District Valley. Dr. Robert M. Bodycomb of Dallas, dis man, Yaple, Lois McDaniels, Evelyn Beishline, Lavonia Arnold, Bruce Chapin, Vera Cragle, Norma Hayman, Irma Markam, Betty Zimmerman, Betty Kline, Emerson Hontz, Melvin Kishbaugh, Pen Yost, Drew Yost, Harold Remphrey, Albert Al- lagar, Lester Ash, Dora Allaghbaugh, Richard Thomas, Carl Moner, Eldon Bak- er, Bob Smith. Phoebe Appleman, teach- er, had charge. The following attended: Lewis W. Roushey, James Franklin, E. E. Trumbower, H. L. Croom, Ralph Haz- eltine, Ralph Sheerer, Nelson Shaver, Cor- ey Wolfe, Jesse Hann, Genevieve Ben- scoter, Utica Stout, Edith Sutton, Jay A. McMichael, Dr. R. M. Bodycomb, D. E. Davenport, A. M. Hontz, S. R, Bronson, Bessie Wandel, Blanche Masters, Leona Naugle, J. R. Wenner, John Wommer, L. M. Quick, John Quick, Harold Mec- Henry. John Kendig, Dean Shaver, Harvey Sut- ton, Paul B. Shaver, Elmer Masters, Alf- red Poust, A. E. Creveling, Merril Rib- ble, M. H. Kline, M. F. Stair, W. B, Franklin, Ray Stout, Arthur Ehret, Bruce E. Dutterik, C. R. Prutzman, Della Hann, Walter Prutzman, David Benscoter, Mrs. R. M. Bodycomb, Robert Bodycomb, Theresa Yost, Mercia Yost and Elsie Kline. ertown M. E. Church and a charter mem- ber of Shavertown Volunteer Fire Com- pany. He is survived by one son, Her- bert H. Shaver of Scranton, two grand- children, and a brother, Asa Shaver of ALDERSON Trucksville. —_—————————— ORATORY CONTEST Richard Jones and Norma Henning did a fine job of representing Kingston Town- ship High School in. the oratorical con- tests in which schools from all over Lu- zerne County competed this week. CONGRATULATIONS. Citizens of the township join with the American Legion in congratulating C. J. Znn of Mt. Greenwood for his patriotic act in presenting a burial plot in his cem- etery to the Legion. Kind deeds of this Again, | , Fort spent Sunday with the latter's sister, Mrs. Arthur Jones of Bloomfield, N. J. been spending two weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Jones of Bloomfield, N. J. q { of Bloomfield, N. J., recently visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Hilbert. : Swartwood home after spending the -week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Jones of Bloom- field, N. J. Mrs. Jones is recovering from Mr. and Mrs. Albert Haiges of Forty —_—0— Mrs. Mert Swartwood of Orange has To Odd Fellows Minstrel Show Is Presented Ralph Hazeltine of Trucksville, candi date for District Deputy, gave an inter- esting talk on Saturday night at the regu- lar meeting of the Fourth District Boost- er Association of I. O. O. F. at Sweet trict deputy, also gave a fine talk. Nel- son Shaver, president, presided. A min- strel show was staged by pupils from the Fishing Creek School, who were transpor- ted to Sweet Valley by Kenneth Mussel In the cast of the show were Clifford Kline, Clifford Good, Irma Yaple, Eva Laketon Mrs. Edwin Kern on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Kern spent Sun- day afternoon with friends in Wilkes- Barre. Mrs. Marian Rood and Mrs. Marie Oberst visited Mrs. Edna Mayer on Fri- day afternoon, Mrs. Daisy Crispell entertained the Ruggles Ladies’ Aid Society at her home last Wednesday. Mrs. Marie Oberst visited Mrs. Harriett Thompson and Mrs. Blanche Whipple on . | Friday in Dallas. Mr. and Mrs. Carleton Kocher are the happy parents of a daughter born Tuesday, March 22, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Nulton and son, Sherry, of Kunkle called on Mr. and Mrs. Carleton Kochgs Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kocher called on Mr. and Mrs. Larry Cornell and Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Hoover on Sunday after. noon. Mr. and Mrs. John Sullivan and Mrs. Marie Oberst motored to Philadelphia on Wednesday. On their return they stopped to visit Gerald Sullivan at Stroudsburg. Mr. and Mrs, George Searfoss are re- joicing over the birth of a daughter born March 23 at home. Mrs. Searfoss’'s mother, Mrs. Fannie Sutton, is attending the mother. on (Too Late Tor Last Week) Mrs. Jane Farrell called on Mrs. Ob: erst on Tuesday, Adolph Mayer and Clarence were in Wilkes-Barre on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lerch and Wills iam Lee were in Wilkes-Barre on Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs. John Whipple and chil dren of Nicholson visited Mrs. Oberst on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. William Pritchard of Parsons are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Char les Lerch. The Harvey's Lake Democratic Club met at Mrs. Marie Oberst’s home Wed- nesday evening. \ Mr. and Mrs, Evans Landon and child- Oberst VV VV VV VV VV VV VY VYVYYYYVYYY FRIDAY NIGHT! at HANSON'S New . . . Modern Dining Room HARVEY'S LAKE PICNIC GROUNDS Music By Jack Titus SPECIAL LUNCHES For ‘Picnic Dates For The Season Call Hanson At Harvey's Lake 286 Vv vv vv VV Vevey ttt ddddeds tad ddd ddan Mrs. Marie Oberst called on Mr. Anh ren visited Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lerch Two Dallas Students on Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Cobleigh of Dal- las gave a birthday dinner to their mother | Mrs. Daisy Crispell on Sunday. Mrs. Fred Crispell of Anderson Heights ! | had-the Ruggles Ladies’ Aid at her home | on Wednesday for an party. Mary Kern, Mrs. Marie Oberst Ruby and Carl Kern visited Mr. Mrs. Edward L. Anderson at Dallas on Sunday. ities of another war. and | In Oratory Contests Joseph Fiske represented Dallas High School on Wednesday night in the county +. | oratorical con hel «Hi all-day quilting | subject, “Again po a BS Jane LeGrand rep- resented the school last night at the con- test for girls as Forty Fort. Her topic was “The Case For Socialized Medicine,” Sealon Hoods Civ DOUBLE PROTECTION Oo 5 WOODLAWN MILK No impurities — no matter who handles the bottle — can reach Woodlawn Milk. It is doubly protected by SEAL-ON HOODS. Obtainable at your neigh. borhood food store or home delivered. Order today. \ = Jl J Jl I WOODLAWN FARM DAIRY PHONES: Scranton, 4-1151 } Pittston, 1517 i Wilkes. Barre, 2-2171 . Nanticoke, 20 Jl I Jill I —_O0— diidieiietietetiititisinstntdd e { Conrad Hilbert and Miss Grace McGee Os Lawrence Hilbert of Alderson and Mert of Orange have returned n operation at St. Mary's Hospital, Orange, N. J. Sunday Services At St. Paul’s Lutheran “Slanderous Remarks” will be the sub- | ject at the morning service at St. Paul's | Lutheran Church, Shavertown, at 11 Sun | day. The sermon will be an exposition oh the remarks made about Christ by the Scribes and Pharisees. This Sunday is known as Passion Sunday, because it be- gins the more solemn part of the Lord's Passion in the celebration of Lent. “Christ | Lamenting over Jerusalem,” a religious | picture by Eastlake, will be interpreted and explained in the Vesper sermon at 7:30. Visitors are welcome. Will Confirm Five At Lutheran Church The rite of Confirmation will be ad- ministered on Sunday, April 10, at St. Paul's Lutheran Church, Shavertown. The following will be confirmed: Ruth Adler, Nancy Bevan, Jane Bevan, Walter Gosart and Walter Gerlach. A service of Con- firmation reunion will be held in the evening at 7:30. PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. J. P Benning, ily of Main Street, Trucksville, now a resi dent of Tunkhannock, have been seriously ill for some time but friends will be glad to know they have recovered and were callers in town this week. Harry ‘Harter of Hillside, who has been ill, is reported as improving. : Fred Finney of Carverton Road has returned to Philadelphia after visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Don Finney over the week-end. Mr. Finney is a student at the University of Pennsylvania. Cards have been received by friends of Charles F. Bachman, Miss Nill Drumm and Miss Marguerite Murdock, EE aa BAND PRACTICE The band of Shavertown Hose Co. held Those working on his movement / Clairol does what nothing el Ask your beautician. Or booklet, FREE advice on vo Zt be GRAY Is your hair gray? Is it going gray? Erase that shadow! Clairol lifts the gloom of gray that’ darkens your face and makes you look years older. Whether you'd like to regain your own color or completely. change the color of your hair, Clairol will do it quickly and’ so subtly that your closest friend won't detect the change. Clairol shampoos, reconditions and TINTS. beauty analysis. Write NOW on coupon below. Naturally. with $LAWREL se can! In one simple treatment write to us for FREE Clairol the care of hair, and FREE JOAN CLAIR NGM. . eves corrmoninssansnsrrsors snes Clairol, Inc., 132 West 46 Street, New York, N. Y. Please send FREE Clairol Booklet, Advice and Analysis. : 59 5.0.80:0-8 8 ©8010 N Att 8 0.0 SKS SOT AdUress, esses isis con snissssssarorenssas sass So nnnrns stn S110: cran sans mre rmroin Bd end Colelrat with us ; the 300th Anniversary of Founding of Pennsylvania the Authorized by the General Assembly of the Commonwealth, the Governor has issued a proclamation declaring April 8, 1938, a Legal Holiday in Pennsylvania, in order to celebrate—with thanksgiving—300 years of ‘Godly Civilization’. It will be called “Forefathers’ Day’’ as part of a three-day celebration— April 7th, 8th and 9th—throughout the State. Three hundred years ago, on April 8th, 1638, a hardy band of pioneers, led by Peter Minuit aboard the good ship Kalmar Nyckel, four months out of Gothenberg, Sweden, landed on these shores. They called their colony New Sweden. This was the foundation of Pennsylvania civilization. Towns and cities throughout the State will hold school exercises, parades, air shows, ‘‘Forefathers’ Day’ luncheons and dinners. We cordially invite our friends from other States throughout the Nation to participate. In Philadelphia there will be a giant three-day celebration, climaxing on Saturday, April 9th, at 9:00 A.M. with a monster parade of Federal, Military and Naval forces; the entire Penna. National Guard under General Shannon; Police and Firemen; Patriotic, Civic and Fraternal organizations and School groups; all to be reviewed by Governor Earle and the 300th Anniversary Commission. Following will be a thrilling aircraft demonstration by National Guard, State, Army and Navy planes. Plan right now to help Pennsylvania do honor to the noble band of Swedes who founded it. Either join with your local com- munity or plan a trip for this great Anniversary. Thirty thousand miles of glorious, modern highways, throughout scenic and historic Pennsylvania stretch out before you. Come by Motor, by Train, by Bus. An old-fashioned welcome awaits you. For further information write PENNSYLVANIA 300th ANNIVERSARY COMMISSION FRANK W.MELVIN, Chairman —1113 PENNSYLVANIA BLDG.—PHILADELPHIA Honorary Chairmen HON. JOHN W. KEPHART + HON. JOSEPH F. GUFFEY Chief Justice—Supreme Court United States Senator In Cooperation With PENNSYLVANIA STATE PUBLICITY COMMISSION WARREN C. VAN DYKE~—Chairman HON. GEORGE H. EARLE * TT Governor