Apples Are Good | d Year-round Food Frequent Use Of Them Will Help Absorb Farmers’ | Surplus : BY FANNY FERN Thanks to Luzerne County's bumper NESCH’S crop last Fall, apples are still plentiful hereabouts and housewives who neglect to take advantage of the prevailing prices are missing an economical and tasty bet. Besides, a frequent use of apple dish- es will do a great deal of good and will help farmers, who still have tremendous stores of apples to sell. : Luzerne County Agricultural Extension Association, which is endeavoring to in- ! . . . er een 'terest housewives in apple dishes, as a| means of using some of the surplus, stres- ses that apples are ‘‘nature’s food.” Apples are a good source of those body building materials, THE DALLAS POST, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1938 calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus, Vitamins A, B, C and G. They are a mild, safe laxative and [they build strong teeth and healthy gums. Apples consist of 80 per cent water and thus will not interfere with the regular meals. A baked apple is one of the easiest to | prepare of all the apple dishes. And it can be one of the most delicious. To prepare an apple for baking, take lout the core, but don’t remove the blos isom end. Be sure though to get out all the little tough wings that radiate from the core, then fill the hollow with sugar | and butter or add raisins, nuts, or what | ever you like. Sprinkle a bit of salt over | each apple. This will bring out the flav- | or. If you want the skin to pop open, cover the baking dish. If you want the skin to remain wnbroken, bake in an un- covered dish. Bake in a hot oven (400 degrees F.) There are scores of other ways to cook apples—fried with bacon or sausage— dumplings served with hard sauce, cho- colate coated as a candy, and always ac a classic: apple sauce. Every cookbook tells Offers This Great 1 RAs an 15.00 VALUE *10 00 SERVICE FOR EIGHT 44 Pc. Dinnerware Set 8 Dinner Plates 8 Saucers 8 Cereal Dishes § Vegetable Dish 8 Bread & Butter Plates 8 Cups I Platter I Sugar Bowl I Creamer 45 Pc. Modern Glassware Set 8 Water Glasses 8 Sippers 12 Ash Tray Coasters 8 Ice Tea Glasses 8 Fruit Juice Glasses { Water Pitcher 34 Pc. Imperial Silverware Set 8 Knives 8 Teaspoons t Butter Knife 18 Forks (8 Soupspoons I Sugar Spoon A Dinner Set More Beautiful Than Shown Here NESCH'S * Restaurant Is Handy | For Skaters At Lake | For many years a famous summer re- sort, the restaurant at Harvey's Lake Pic nic Grounds has been redecorated and modernized and bids fair to become widely-known for its winter hospitality. The attractive new bar and taproom will as |be opened formally on Saturday night. you how to cook’ these, but your family {wyill tell you which of these ways are the most successful. of Sur EEE TRE 4 MAIL THIS COUPON Please send me the 123-Piece Dinner Set as adver- tised at $10. 1 will pay 25¢ upon Delivery as - Down Payment. Name ‘Leader ‘alue PAGE THREE Skating at the Lake is excellent now, according to John E. Hansen, proprietor of the park and restaurant, and hundreds of persons enjoy the’ sport on the clear- ed and floodlighted surface in front of the restaurant On Saturday night Texas Ann Mix and her company, which made such a hit at the Lake last Fall, will be featured in a return engagement. The big restaurant has been made unusually attractive and good roads make it a convenient destina- tion, not only for those who skate them- selves, but for spectators or parties. Address SEND NO CASH! -34 Public Square Wilkes-Barre Penna.