The Dallas post. (Dallas, Pa.) 19??-200?, February 11, 1938, Image 8

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Miss Betty Ide is ill. 7
*¥ ok ¥ z dL
~ The Y. P. M. S. met at the home of Mi. and Mrs. Géorze I. 3
; : : ; ge Landon and Miss
Miss Ruth Rogers on Monday night. Lois Landon spent Sunday with Mr. and
® kk ;
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Wilcox of Lehman yes: Frank Mestin of Carventon,
visited Mr. and Mrs. Arch Wilcox on| pro Atex Johnston of Shavertown and
Sunday. Mrs. Robert Williamson of Dallas spent
J Wednesd ith Mrs. Jackie Kunkle.
The Ladies’ Missionary Society met at SAR = = Jac 3S ange
the home of Mrs. Minnie Hoover on| fr and Mrs. A. C. Devens entertain:
Thursday afternoon. {ed at dinner Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Charl
* ok 3k } ‘ 5
i les H. ; 40.74
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Crispell entertain- {3 Sloe andMe hand Mesl Yicto:
ed on Monday evening Mr. and Mrs. El | Hm
mer Hoover and family of Idetown. Melange Clyde: Hows, Mr. ane
A birthday surprise party was held 20 | Mrs. Gershom Hoyt and Mr. and Mrs.
the home \of Mr. and Mrs. William :Sor- Frank Boston spent Sunday with friends
ber in honor of Mr. Sorber’s 50th birth- [1 Nescopeck. 3
day anniversary. A tasty lunch was serv- ;
ed to the following: Mr. and Mis. Stan-| Mr. and Mrs. Harry DeWitt, Warren,
Ry Grey, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ander Paul, Carl and Marjorie DeWitt of Mt.
son, Mr. and Mis. Corey Evans, Mr. and Greenwood were callers at the 'Olin Kun-
Mrs. George Johnson, Jr., Mrs. John Sut- kle home on Sunday. .
ton, Robert, George, Betty and Clara »
Sutton, Mrs. Rena Swartz, Mr. and Mrs. | Mr. and Mrs. Russel Honeywell moved
William Sorber, Elizabeth and Bobbie this week to their new home in Dallas.
Sorber, Rev. Lewis Seifert, Mr. and Mrs. [This is the former James Besecker home
Robert Hoover. on Lake Street, which they recently pur-
chased. :
* 0%
; Mrs. Ralph Hess, Janet Hess, Mrs.
Laketon Frank Hess, Mrs. Fred Dodson, Stanley
MRS MARIE OBERST Hoyt, Marvin Elston, and Malcolm Kit.
CORRESPONDENT chen of Alderson made a trip to Mountain
Springs on Tuesday to see Stull Bros. ice
cutting operations.
Mrs. Arthur Kocher called on Mr. and * kx
Mrs. E. E. Davis of Alderson recently. Mrs. EF. P. Smith and Miss Gertrude
ELE | Smith entertained on Sunday Mr. and
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hawley are the Mrs. Stephen Moss and children, Jean
happy parents of a son born recently. |ette and Donald, Mrs. Harold Titus and
* kX son Duane of Loyalville, Emily Nulton,
Mrs. Marie Oberst visited Mr. and Mrs, | Helen Novejesi 2nd Bloanor Kunkle.
Fayuee Wilinas on Saturdey Senne The Sunday School classes taught by
Adelaide Housch, Florence Housch and Mrs. Fred Dodson and Charles Brace
Harold Kline visited Miss Milly Wary at | 7 or® the guests at a birthday party given
Shamokin on Sunday for the latter at his home on Saturday in
% % = celebration of his ninteenth birthday.
Games and music were enjoyed and a
Mrs. Calvin McHose, Mrs. Marion
a lunch was served to Norma Knecht, Elva
Rood and Mrs. Marie Oberst called on Recon of Dilla, Marthe Ronkle Jesh
Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Mayer on Saturday
afternoon. ’
Miller, Frances Sayre, Florence 'Honey-
well, Margaret Boston, Caroline Brace,
x Harold Hess, Nile Hess, Gilbert Boston,
The Young Crusaders’ Class of Alder) ap, 1ec Mitchell, Dana Campbell, How-
son M. E. Sunday School met with Mrs. ard Martin, Byron Kocher, Charles Brace,
Raymond Garinger on Monday night. Allen, Brace, Mrs. Carrie Kunkle, Mr. and
The meeting was in charge of Eleanor | ri iia Brace.
Puterbaugh, with Ethel Harris assisting in
devotions. Those present: Roannah Shoe- - 7 is
maker, Dorothy Condon, Ethel Harris, Mrs. Blanche Whipple visited Mrs. Ob-
Lois Miller, Eleanor Puterbaugh, Lillian erst last Wedpusday,
A *
Werd and Mildred c Dringer: Mrs. Adda Garinger spent Saturday
with Mrs. Amanda Yaple of Dallas.
* * »
Mrs. Elida Wilson entertained on her
birthday recently. A bountiful chicken
dinner was served to the following guests
Mrs. Etta Shand, Mrs. Rhoda Kitchen, Magte's & Carburetor
Mrs. Nina Harrison, Mrs. Almon Rood, ; A &
' Mrs. Helen Wilson, Mrs. Dora Hawes, Quick Service Prices Reasonable
Mrs. Arley Shannon, Mrs. Jennie Hun- RUDOLPH’S
singer, Mrs. Clara Smith, Mrs. Fannie Sut- Electric Service
ton, Mrs. Thomas Sutton and daughter 33-35 E. Jackson Street
Shirley, Mrs. A. Kocher, Sara Kitchen, WILKES-BARRE, PA.
Emma Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Everett Wil- "Phone 2-5868
son and children Irene and Gladys.
Look Old
When It's So Easy :
To Look Young...
Is your hair grey ?
Is it going grey?
Is it drab, faded or streaked ?
Don't let these tell-tale marks of age remain.
They make you look and feel old beyond your
years. Erase them quickly and simply with
Clairol which shampoos, reconditions and tints
.your hair back to its own natural-looking color
...glowing with youthful one
triple-action treatment.
@ ® ®
Ask your beautician. Write for FREE booklet, FREE
advice on care of hair and FREE beauty analysis.
Not with common, old-fashioned hair dyes but
Beverly King, /lairol, Inc., 132 West 46th St., New York, N.Y.
Please ¢ pnd FREE Clairol booklet, FREE advice and FREE analysis.
Name. Address
My Beautician is
: L 7 |
Wyoming County Pack Gets LE late of Laurel Run Borough. Letters 165. Casonta, N.Y. he
| El
Coyotes Not Rare A AeveeTIoEMERT MALE HELP WANTED — 60-year-old |
company has opening for reliable man
I 1 for country sales work; must have car.
n Pennsylvania NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION See Mr. W. H. Trumpbour, 1761 Wyo- |
ESTATE OF NELSON J. McCRIND- | ming Ave., Forty Fort, from 6 to 8 eve-
{nings,” or write District Manager, Box
: {of Administration C. T. A. on the above |
Attention From State | Estate having been granted to the under [MAN to take up Landscape work. Must
Commission |signed, all persons indebted to the said | * be satisfied with $35 weekly at start.
{Estate are requested to make payment and |No experience needed. Handle orders for
[those having claims to present the same Roses, Evergreens, Shrubs, Fruit Trees,
The lonely yapping of coyotes breaks without delay to Berries, for old and new customers. Moore
the silence of Wyoming County moun. MERLE DUNCAN McCRINDLE, [& Co., Dept. 9-B, Newark, New York.
tains these winter nights. Administratrix, C. T. A. at
A pack of fourteenwads seen in that| Laurel Run, Pennsylvania. gf WANTED TO BUY—In vicinity of Leh-
man or Huntsville, a small house with
region recently by an army of 100 hunt- |
ers organized for a war, of extermination 5 least an acre of Jand. Box G, Dalles
after a reddish, forty-six pound pack lead- ost
er was shot and three speciments were FOR SALE— Chicks; Department of Ag
trapped. 3 | © riculture blood-tested breeders; hatches
While local hunters have been puzzled {WORK WANTED—Family washing — | weekly after March 1; white Leghorns
by the appearance of the varmints”, the | py. eo Dallas 201-R-13. 1t |New Hampshire Reds, Barred Rocks
State Publicity Commission throws light | ~~ {Cross Breeds. Phone Benton 57-R-5 or,
on the supposed mystery by disclosing that BARGAINS in Electric Washers, Sweep: | after 6:30 p. m., Benton 61:R-2. May-
coyotes are no rarity in Pennsvlvania. urs, Radios. $35 and up. One G. E’ EL | wood Farms. 4t
Coyotes have been scen and killed in |ectric Refrigerator, $75. 1 Crosley Elec:
Bradford, Cambria, Clinton, Fayette, | rjc Refrigerator, $50. Electric motors, | #7 N
Yackannns, MeRoom. Tor and West: 89 50 and up. Parts and service, all :
Moreen. counties an creccnt jycars. makes. Electric washers and . cleaners. ST a3
Some of these specimens can be traced {Good Housekeeping Center, Inc., Dial 4 We Are Building A Re-
directly to the escape of caged animals 0943, 18 E. Market Street, Wilkes Bar- putation By Offering
from private zoos, but others may have |re, 1t
wandered into Pennsylvania from Ohio or The Best Used Car
Indiana where they are occasionally found, {FOR SALE—Steinway grand piano, ma- Bargains In
or come across the Lake Erie ice from hogany case, guaranteed, like new. :
Canada during severe winters. Priced low ‘for quick sale. Lizdas Piano The Community
Probably, like their cousins the wolves, Store, 247 S. Main St., Wilkes-Barre. 1t |
they were once native to Pennsylvania, TOR SAL od eed Pru :
but were driven away for a time by ad- |Bevans, 12 No. Main Street, Wilkes-Bar- :
vancing civilization. Wolves have been |T€ 1t 1932 Buick Four Door
seen in Pennsylvania as late as the win- Sedan, good running
ter. of 1933, but the last pack left in '#l condition
1882. DRUGS!
One dusky evening of that winter, Rob- EVERY.DAY SPECIALS! | 1932 Chevrolet Four Dr.
ert McCormick, stagedriver on the Belle 2 ; G A
fonte-Lewistown pike, saw the last wolf |Z 1-2 gal. Mineral Oil 98¢c Sedan, quick action on
pack in Pennsylvania slinking across the Fountain Syringe or | this car at $115.00
road and heading north toward Canada Water Bottle 49¢ |
in flight from the forest-thinning lumber- Household Thermometer 10c |
men. A captive wolf-pack is kept today
near Kane, Pa. : Heinz Strained Vegetables,
3 cans 25¢
|£ 11b. Cotton 29¢
Planned By PTA 100 Hinkle Cascara Tablets 9c
{2 1 pt. Rubbing Alcohol 19¢
Plans are being completed for the Val- |
evtine Donte to be held by Dillss Tove: VALENTINES CITY CHEVROLET CO.
Ls |
ship Parent-Teacher Association on next | Cut-Rate Prescription Service | OK’d USED CARS
1935 Chevrolet DeLuxe
Knee Action Town Sed.
Built-in trunk, green
Duco, heavy tread
Valentine Dance
Wednesday night, February 16, in the | .
high school. Mrs. Ray Henney is gen- EVANS
eral chairman. There will be a door CUT-RATE DRUG STORE
prize and special entertainment during in- SHAVERTOWN
termission. Children from the first six
3 4
grades will be admitted free. |
The addition of a complete new line
of New Hudsons and Terraplanes in
both passenger & commercial models.
JAMES R. OLIVER Dallas Penna.
Market Street at Dawes Ave.
Drive the New
We're happy to announce our appointment as
Hudson dealers. Like many other dealers in
every part of the country, we have decided that,
with Hudson, we can offer greater value to more
customers than with any other line of automo-
biles today.
For everything. that makes motoring a real
joy and car ownership a lasting satisfaction, we
recommend a 1938 Hudson . . . either the great
new Hudson 112, or the brilliant new Hudson
Terraplane, Hudson Six or Eight.
Never before has any one automobile manu-
facturer offered so wide a range of. choice in so
pular price fields. . . or brought to the
in public such a combination’ of ad-
le, interior roominess and luxury,
ip performance, unmatched safety
cnomv of operation Eight—
Uilll OL OpPCIatlOnn. FE.
22 ret ve, Federal tq;
e nox
Time p © hew low-cost H
me} > uU
YMent Plan—terms 15 « dson-C, |, 7.
uit your income
ylinders, 83 horsepower; Hudson
) 6 horsepower; Hudson Six, 122-in. wheelbase,
Eight, 122 and 129-in. wheelbases, 122 horsepower.
9 r F
Whole Milk
~ Cheese
99 44|00% Pure
Ivory Soap
3 Big Cakes 25¢
Oats 20+13
Large Package 14c
Mother’s 2? 1 5
Large Package 16¢
Sultana Broken Sliced
2 = 33
ve mp
A&P oz gc
Bread Loaf
8 O’clock
COFFEE. 1m. 176
3 Ib. Bag 49¢
Red Circle. 4
corre. wu. 19¢
Boker 11004
COFFEE can 23C
Finest Selected
b- 25°
Extra Large Florida
each Be
Florida dozen ) 5
Top Quality Meats
Best Center Cut
Chuck Roast
w 17°
Whole or Rib Half
Pork Loins
v 16°
Small Sugar Cured
Smoked Hams
» 25¢
Whole or Shank Half
Fresh Stewing