) Ty OUR \ THE DALLAS POST, FRIDAY, JANUARY 7, 1938 e Post's Weekly Page Of News And Viavs For Wol¥en INHER RERUN R RR RE RORURER RE HUBIHEIRIEIRIRIAIN] ~ Mrs, John Yaple entertained the mem- Saturday Night in Japan ersonals Mrs. B. Kk. Hefft ot Cemetery Street, Richard Major of Huntsville is visiting in‘ Dallas. iwho sufered a broken wrist recently, is # Se {considerably improved. Mrs. H. D. Preston of Huntsville Ave | FRR nue is all. {| Mi: and Mrs. O. A. Adelman: spent REE | Tuesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arline Rood of Lehman Avenue | Mrs. D. M. Spurgeon. is still confined to her home with a case | of grippe. | Mr. and Mrs. William Baker of Leh- * 'man Avenue entertained a few friends at Mr. and Mrs. William Niemeyer, Jr., [their home on New Year's Eve. recent newlyweds, left Monday for Balti- * Ek & more to reside. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Moore of East Dallas announce the arrival of a daughter on Tuesday, December 28 at home. Rokk James Scott of Trenton was the guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Scott, {Sr., of Center Hill Road over the holi- {day week end. ® * ww Mr. and Mrs. John Wilson of Franklin Street entertained friends at their home on New Year's Eve. * Em Mr. and Mrs .D.- M. Spurgeon spent Sunday evening in Kingston with friends where bridge and pinochle were enjoyed. & wm ko id Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Price of South Wilkes-Barre spent the week end as the guests of Dr. and Mrs. Robert Bodycomb bers of the Entre Nous club at her home |of Main Street. on Church Street on Thursday evening. »* * » *x * Mr. and Mrs. Chiles, Gates of Shrine! Mrs. John Sheehan of Huntsville Road View were host and hostess to a group of | entertained the members of her bridge friends on New Year's Bve at their home. |club on Wednesday at her home. Guests x ok % numbered eight. Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Carpenter of | PE Kunkle Road spent the week end in Phila Lloyd Shaver, Jr., of Philadelphia, son delphia where they were guests of their [of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Shaver, former residents of Dallas, is ill at his home with rd a severe case of measles. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Dungey of Lake | « * - Road entertained relatives and friends at| Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Oliver of Claude their home on New Years Day at a din- | Street entertained on New Year's Eve at ner party. [the home of the latter's parents, Mr. and PEAR Mrs. George Hofmeister of Shrine View. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Shiber of Center Hill | x kx Road were guests of ‘Mr. and Mrs. Jo-| Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Jewel of Parrish seph Westover of Kingston for dinner on |Heights had as their guests over the week |end the former's cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Rook { Clayton Jewel of Utica and their daugh- Miss Dorothy Gardiner of Westfield, ter. N. J., has returned to her home after | : ; ojo ; spending the past two weeks as the guest | Miss Marian Scott of Center Hill Road, of Mr. and Mrs. Dyke Brown of Main | Dallas, entertained on Tuesday evening at Street. ia dinner bridge honoring Miss Jane Dick Newell of Kingston, a recent bride-elect Guests present were Miss Margaret Wood, Miss Mary Evans, Miss Jane Hourigan, Miss Ruth Hourigan, Miss Jane Bennett, Miss Margaret Logan, Miss Betty Schling- man, Mrs. Carl ‘Schlingman, Mrs. Gert- rude Shoemaker and Miss Edith Smith. friends. January 1. * x x Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Thompson of Main Street entertained over the week end the former's mother, Mrs. Thompson and sister, Mrs. Jake Condon, both of Al derson. hr | Mr. and Mrs. Timothy LaBar and Jam-' es LaBar of Main Street attended a birth- | day party given by Mr. and Mrs. Lance Harris of Centermoreland for Lewis La- Bar Thursday night. x Will Be Hostess To Hospital Groups Te | Mrs. Ray Shiber of Center Hill Road will be hostess to the Shavertown Branch Among the local people at Hotel Ster- of Nesbitt Memorial Hospital Auxiliary | ing on New Year's Eve were Mr. and at her home on Friday at 2 o'clock. | Mrs. Howard Isaacs, Fred Eck, Eleanor There will be a guest speaker who will | Machell, Helen Himmler, Alva Eggleston \discuss the plans that have been complet atid Williaa: Brickel. | | : led for the dance and card party to be * * * OR {held at: the Sterling Hotel on January George Lewis of Cemetery Street, left 25. on Tuesday to resume his studies at the | . East Stroudsburg State Teachers’ College | MTS. Brickel Guest where he is a sophomore in the Physical | Of League On Sunday | Educations] Depmement i Mrs. R. L. Brickel will be guest of the | Wr. hand Mrs. O. A. Adelman: Mrs. [Epworth League of Dallas M. E. Church LaVerne Race and Mr. and Mrs. D. M. |at its meeting on Sunday night at 6:30. purgeon spent New Year's Eve’ at the |All young people of the community are home of Mr. and Mrs. Leon Kintz where |urged to attend. Plans will be made for a New Year's party was enjoyed. the Fellowship meeting on the following ST Cg (Sy |Suay. Miss Ruth Kintz, who has been visit: | eo in 3 her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leon Kintz, nver the holidays, returned to Strouds- b 4! [ 4 burg on Tuesday. Miss Kintz is attending GAY - MURRAY 3 the Stroudsburg State Teachers’ College. { N EWS \ ) What of 1938? We have heard all sorts of pre dictions, some good, some bad, but let's all remember that we were here first, and we can VV VV VV VV eV Ve YewY CW Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Culver of Ma- chell Avenue spent the holiday week end in Harrisburg where they were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Meade Horner. They attended the University Club dance on New Year's Eve. Tw Mrs. Marty Butler of Susquehanna Avenue, Wilkes-Barre, entertained Tues- Entertain riends RUEIRIRIR EERE RR RR ERE REE R EERIE ne RRR RO NE LE I LR EE CR RRB RRR ER RFR RRR RR ERE RRR UBER BERR RIBERA RI RIRIBIEN BUBBLE \t Holiday Party Mr. and Mrs.oren Berlew entertained [at a family dior Christmas Sunday at "their home, 708 ercer Avenue, Kingston. Present were } and Mrs. Bruce At- kingson, Byronj3ruce, Thomas, Donald and Violet Anson of Dallas, Asa Shotwell and ss, Asa, Jr., and Billy, QUICK WASHER REPAIRS ON ALL MAKES Sales—Service-——Parts EASY WASHER REBENNACK & COVERT 267 Wyoming Avenue Tel. 7-4514 Kingston, Pa. Mr. and Mrs. Rert Shotwell and daugh- ter, Nell Elaine)f Shavertown; Mr. and Mrs. Howard kworth, Glen, Norman, [Asa, George, Ae, Marjorie and Anna: ‘belle Elsworth (Forty Fort, Loren, Jr. Gilbert and Wikd Berlew of Kingston. = on in, the water’s fine.” Bath- 4 ing in Japan is on a different plane from ours, as these two American gentle- men can tell you. Tubs are perpendicu= lar there, instead of horizontal, and you stand in the water up to your neck. But we shouldn’t laugh at this somewhat primitive scene, according to Consum- ers Information, which points out that only a hundred years ago, there were only 1,500 bathtubs in the United States, all of them in Philadelphia, where they had a city water system and taxed each tub $3.00. President Fillmore installed the first tub in the White House in 1850. Advertising of the advantages of con- venient and sanitary bathing started 31 | | | | years later, has continued increasingly | ever since, and has made the United States the cleanest nation on earth. Even the most advanced European nations are far behind us in this respect, and the pos- session of a bathtub in most countries is a sign not only of opulence, but ostenta- tion. The United States is among the few countries generally knowledge that health and cleapliness go together. ! | | } educated to the | Rid Yourself of General Aches and Pais by Using MUNYON'S Redy for Rheu- Hartford Fire Insurance ELVIN T. BEAN, Agent NOXEN, PENNA. Centermoreland’ 2-R-3 Successor to B. J. MILLER BEWARE ! ® Incompetent radio tinkers can matic Feverains __._.........$1.00 MUNYON'S Sdified | Linlment ol 80 | MUNYON'S Litive Pills { Paw Paw Be) oii S28 At your digist's or by mall, postage palon receipt of price. Booklet andamples on ‘equest. MUNYONREMEDY CORP. damage your radio seriously. Rely on our skilled and experienced service. Open ’til 8 p. m. Dial 7-631 Renville Radio Service 189 Main Street Luzerne Dept. § Scranton, Pa. “Ho I Can SO NLL TY; 2 4 Guesis Like Old Township last Thursday evening — | View . School Locations Stone Fireplaces Directors of Kingston Township School | | District will meet Saturday afternoon at | 2 for a tour of the township to inspect Recent Bride Hostess At A |some of the sites suggested for the new Party In Historic | Trucksville school. The board met Tues- |day night to discuss possible sites but Farmhouse | made no effort to select one. | Board Will | Township Veterans A colorful yuletide party was enjoyed | In Safety Campaign o C CKS { by 2 froup of youny people of EE As part of their campaign for greater they, were enteftained by Mr. and Mrs. | safety on the highways, Kingston Town- Norman Franklin in the historic old Fos- ship Veterans’ Club showed a safety film ter farmhouse at that place. | in the Trucksville High School last night. The bins olich wae Bait oh idied pers was a special showing for children beams, fastened by wooden pegs, was a yesteedty nhenon, thrilling sight to the young people, who | Thelma Bulford, Audrey Ashton, Jes admired especially the great ‘stone fire: | sje Ashton, Frieda Shouldice, Gladys Ash- places. Built in Revolutionary times, the |ton, Caroline Rice, Hazel Bulford, Mar. farmhouse is one of the oldest structures [tha Russ, Elizabeth Breckenridge, Olive Help ight . Infanile Paralysis Send a Dllar oo Fight Infantile Paralysis ( inate knowledge to the practicing physician who is the front line fighter of the sickness.” How will you answer this great nation- wide appeal? What will be your response to countless thousands of children who cry out: “Please help protect me from Infantile Paralysis.”” Certainly your reply will be swift—sure, They know you will send in one dollar , . . five . . . ten . . . what ever you can afford . to help found the great new national Foundation for Infantile Paralysis. Pleas “do your bit.” Write your check or money your Heart rs well as your pen. Send im what you can today. Over every hme m America a grim shadow is cast . . thshadow of that dread disease that twits #d cripples the bodies of children. Ewrynother and father is asking the questpn ‘How can I help fight Infantile Paralyds - . how can I protect afid preserve myome from this deadly ravager?”’ President Roog¢lt answered that ques- tion by founding new national Founda- tion for Infant Paralysis and saying: “The purposd the new Foundation is to lead, direct ! unify the fight . . . to ensure that ev( research agency is ade- quately finance + » to eliminate improper care and need] after affect . . . to dissem- in this section. It is-owned now by Jo- seph Bulford of Trucksville. Mrs. Franklin, who was a gracious host- ess, is the former Miss Helen Splitt of Jackson. She had decorated the main rooms with seasonal emblems, bells, hem- lock, wreaths, and evergreen and used tall tapers to complete the scheme. After a pleasant evening, lunch was served to the following: tinuing our Inventory Sale until your nearest g&SC0 Store . . Laskowski, Ruth Hazel, Katherine Thom- las, Thomas Cease, Glenn Bulford, Elmer | Laskowski, August Waters. John Rushko, Lewis Linsinbigler, Don- old Reakes, Irving Ashton, Richard Swel- guyn, Roland Bulford, Donald Bulford, | William | {Elwin Cease, Durwood Splitt, Rineman, Harold Elston, Mr .and Mrs. Alvin Franklin, Joan Franklin, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Franklin. Big Inventory Sale Continues In order that you may have an opportunity to take advantage of the many outstanding values we are offering in quality foods, we are con- Saturday night. Be sure to visit . you will be amazed at the savings. Where Quality Counts and Your Money Goes Furthest Bde oth bod ido ode ob day evening members of her bridge club | at her home. Thos attending were Mrs. Minor Nagle, Mrs. Francis Keller, Mrs. b - b p b b b p y b p t p : \ make it a good year. For our b b Allan Williams, Mrs. Edward Cupp, Miss b . b b - 4 ; b b P b b b > b b b part, we're going to ‘put in high” to give you better ser- vice in 1938. s er Grace Kline, Mrs. Joseph Schmerer, Mrs. Leonard O'Kane and the hostess. & % x Mr. and Mrs. Ross Lewin of Center Hill Road entertained on New Year's Eve at their home. Guests were: Mr. and Mrs. John Yaple, Mr. and Mrs. Milford Shaver, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Richards, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hislop, Ja., Dr. and Mrs. Robert Bodycomb, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Price of Wilkes-Barre, Miss Marie Woolbert, Lloyd Richards, and the host- ess and host. Any winter can be a hard winter, but it’s surely a lot easier with home conveniences. Frank Fel- ker at Montrose and Frank Whitlock at Falls are making it easier with new bathroom in- stallations. This is Driver Tool Time. Would- n't you find an electric bench saw, drill, lathe or bandsaw handy for the odd jobs? “Hub” Yeost thought so, and bought combination outfit for his shop at Elk Lake. Farmers Invited To Two Meetings All good Dairymen clip their cows and most of them use the Ste- wart Clipper. We have used hand power outfits at $3.50 or Experts On Vegetables To | Give Tips On Better Growing Vegetable growers of Luzerne County | are invited to attend one of the two | meetings listed for January 12th and 13th. For the growers in the northern portion | of Luzerne County the meetings will be | held on January 12 at 10 a. m. and 1:30 | p. m., b r p y p ) > b b ) b p p bp b extra James p ) p P b b p 4 p > h > p > p b p b H p ables p v Oranges ne «= 25¢ lettuce 3k 2 nes 15¢! bv Grocers to Particular People for More than Forty-six Yes Finest Fresh Produce C each | These Prices Effective In Our So osm | in Dallas And Vicinity Every penny - - - 100% o f all you give goes directly to the Foundation for Infantile Paralysis, COMMITTEFOR THE CELEBRATION OF THE PRESIDENTS BIRTHDAY Send cash or make checks payable to Is your hair Don't let these tell-ta Clairol which shampo advice on care of hair Is it going grey? Is it drab, faded or stre Ask your beautician. Write for FRI KEITH MOJAN, Chasrman ® 50 EAST 42nd STREET, NEW YORK a Z—~ 3 — ~ 57 = (» Why Look Oid When It’s So Easy To Look Vo grey ? le marks off age remain. They make you look and feel oldjheyond your years. Erase them quickly andfsimply with os, reconditfons and tints your hair back to its own natural-looking color ...glowing with youthful highlyhts...in one triple-action treatment. booklet, FREE and FREE Beauty analysis. Not with common, old-fashioned hajr dyes but NATURALLY... with CARROL f 1 } nc cm cc BED Beverly King, ZJlairol, Inc., 132 West 46th St., New York, N. Y. Please snd FREE Clairol booklet, FREE advice and FREE analysis. Name Address cee. City. State My BOUIRION 8... occ ei ei led i SS = fox