The Dallas post. (Dallas, Pa.) 19??-200?, December 24, 1937, Image 4

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Churches List
Many Services
For Christmas
(Continued from Page 1)
Members of the choir are: Sopranos—
Mrs. F. McGarry, Mrs. Peter Gallagher,
Mrs. Victoria Blannett, Mrs. Jesse Jones,
Miss Betty Bilbow, Miss Margaret Ford,
Miss Catherine Anstett, Miss Joan Con-
way, Miss Veronica Wallo; altos—Miss
Josephine Miller, Miss Margaret Czuleger,
Mrs. Al Antoaitis, Mrs. Martin Bilbow,
Miss Helen Gallagher, Miss Mary Wallo,
Miss Bertha Breza, Miss Frances Bilbow.
Masses will be held on Saturday, Christ.
mas Day, at 8:30 and 10:30 a. m.
The Candlelight service at Shavertown
M. E. church on Sunday night will have
special significance because it will be Rev.
Pred M. Sellars’ last service as pastor of
‘the church. He will preach his farewell
sermon then.
The Senior and Junior choirs, which are
under the direction of D. C. Smith, and
Mrs. Vester Vercoe, respectively, will sing
a program of Christmas music, entering
the candlelit church singing the proces:
sional hymn, “Gloria in Excelsios Deo”,
an old French’ carol.
The evening's musical program will ber
gin, however, with an organ prelude,
“Walloon”, a Christmas rhapsody by Gus-
tave Serarri. Other selections: Offertory,
Catalonian Christmas Carol by Channing
Lefevre: “Adoration of the Shepherd”,
arranged by Deems Taylor and Kurt
Schindler; “Hosannah In The Highest”,
by Sellier; “Little Child in Manger Bare”,
folk song arranged\by Clarence Dickia-
son, Czecho-Slovakian carols arranged by
Krick; Handel's ‘Amen’; recessional
hymn, ‘‘Holy Night”, and the postlude,
“Noel”, by Lewis Claude d’Aquin.
Children of the Primary and Beginners
Departments of the Shavertowa M. E.
church had their Christmas program and
. party on Wednesday afternoon at #2:30
and the Junior and Adult Departments
had their Christmas program and annual
Christmas tree party last night.
The Christmas services at Alderson M.
E. church will be held tonight (Friday)
at 7:30 at the church. The Primary De-
partment will give a cantata, “The Inter
rupted Program”. The Intermediate De-
partment will give a play, “Golden Gifts.”
A worship service will be conducted by
the Senior Department.
The observance of Christmas will begin
for members of St. Paul's Lutheran
church ‘at a midnight Vigil Service to-
night (Friday) from 11 to 12. The ser-
vice will be preceded by an organ recital
by Mrs. Newton Ness at 10:45. Her
program follows: ‘‘Christmas Carols,” an
imprevization by Mrs. Ness; “The Her-
ald Angels”, Stoltz; “The Spacious Fir-
mament on High”, Stoltz. The service
also will include the singing of well-known
Christmas carols and special music by the
Senior Choir. Holy Communion will be
administered and Rev. Herbert E. Frank-
fort will preach on “The Meaning of
On Christmas Day there will be’ no ser-
vices but on Sunday, December 26, at 11
a. m. the Christmas gFestival will again
be observed when Rev. Mr. Frankfort
preaches on “The Challenge of Christ
mas”. At the Luther League Devotional
service at 6:45 R. J. W. Templin of Dal-
las will speak.
The Sunday School Christmas program
of St. Paul's Lutheran church will be
held on Sunday evening at 7:30. The
Sunday school will meet in the ‘basement
of the church at 7 and will enter the
church ‘auditorium by classes.
The program will include a short
Christmas pageant by the Senior members
of the school. The program follows: In-
troduction, Margaret Gerlach; invocation,
Helen Stoeckel; ‘The Birth of Christ”,
song by school; recitation, “A Little Tot's
~ Reading”, Donald Slocum; recitation, “Jes
‘Christmas Light”, Nancy Ness;
sus”, Mary Winter; ‘“There Came a Lit-
tle Child to Earth”, song by Primary
Class; recitation, Nancy Lozo; recitation,
“Her Bed For Jesus”, Charlotte Spry; re
citation, “Tell Me Why”, Paul Fahring-
er; “Away In A Manger”, song by ber
ginners; recitation, “What Will You
Do?”, Lloyd Pursell; recitation,
Hontz; song, "'O Christmastide™, Primary
Class; recitation, *A Christmas Carol”,
Patsy Cairns; recitation, “When Jesus
Came”, Charles Cook; recitation, “The
Old Manger”, anthem by young people's
choir; recitation, “‘Bethlehem”, Paul Win-
ter; recitation, “The Old Story”, Robert
Dance December 28
Girl Reserves Plan : |
The Girl Reserves of Dallas will hold |
an informal dance on December 28 from |
8 to 12, with Rowland’s orchestra play- |
ing. The dance will be held in Dallas |
Borough High School auditorium.
Veronica Wallo, chairman, and Miss
Helen Himmler, advisor, are being assist
ed by the following committees:
Tickets: Alberta Harvey, chairman; |
Mary Témplin; Publicity: Florence Demp- |
ski, Ada Sutton, Beverly Wagner, Audre
O'Kane, Gertrude Kintz, Veronica Wallo;
decorations, Dorothy Van Horn, chair
man; Mary Jeter, Jeanne Hayden; enter-
tainment: Mary Jeter; cloakroom: Marion
Ripper, Ruth Kresge; refreshments: Bever-
ly Wagner, Jane Coolbaugh, Marion Eip-
Fidelitas Wins
Play Tournament
Centermoreland Group Will
Compete In State-Wide
A group of talented amateurs from the
Fidelitas class of the Centermoreland M.
E. church, directed by Mrs. Ophelia Maj-
or, won the bi-county one-act play tour-
nament at Beaumont High School Wed-
nesday night.
As its reward, the group of Center:
moreland Thespians will go to Harrisburg
in Jaguary to| compete in the stateswide
tournament there.
The cast which presented the winning
play had as members: Mrs. Rebecca Rhu-
barb, Enweene Smith; Miss Araminta
Rhubarb, Janet Thomas; Miss Keturah
Melon, Alice Schoonover; Parsley Endive,
Kenneth Besteder; Joshua Buckley, Thom-
as Smith. }
Three other groups from Beaumont,
Vernon, and Mill City competed.
Kiwanians Have
Christmas Party
Ken Woolbert Is Chairman
* Of Mt. Greenwood’s
In observance of the Christmas season,
members of Mt. Greenwood Kiwanis Club
with their ladies, enjoyed a delightful din-
ner party at Hotel Sterling on Tuesday
night. About forty persons were pres.
Kenneth: Woolbert was chairman of the
program, during which members received
gifts, which were accompanied by origi-
nal poetry, from Santa Claus. Edward
V. Hartman sang, ‘Evan Roberts and Ar-
thur Swan performed magical feats, Stan-
ley, Shewan gave imitations, and Herbert
Singing “Glory to God
And of the new-born
Ardown the ages rolls
The carols which we lo
And as we sing it oer
Lundy sang. | David Joseph was
leader and Hiney Kleinkauf played the |
piano. ¢
The guests were: Mr. and Mrs. Bert
Crandall,’ Mrs. S. D. 'SRewan, Mr. and
A snowy pinioned angel bright,
Cheered Judah's Shepherd one glad night,
With news of the Messiah's birth;
Glad tidings to a needy earth.
Then while the trembling shepherds feared
A shining Heavenly choir appeared,
While radiance lit the earth and sky.
. The shepherds heard them telling then
Of “Peace on earth, good will to men’;
In swaddling clothes, beside the kine.
And earthly choirs today repeat
The angels’ song, so true and sweet.
"Tis treasured as in days of yore
Our waiting hearts again are thrilled
And with God's lasting peace are filled.
on High”
Christ divine
with cheer
ve to hear;
and o'er,
D. Lutes Ide /
Dallas R. D. 1
(continued from Page 1)
Herbert Smith, the new Burgess, would
be pleased with a more impressive look!
ing courtroom in which to hold hearings
after the first of the year. The nicest
thing you could give Fred Eck would be
more people who can keep their check
books in balance.
Give Cosgrove, the baker, plenty of
wind ito toot that big bass horn in the
West Pittston band. C. A, Frantz would
be pleased with a flock of new depositors
for the First National Bank. And you
can give Pete Clark a chance to sing his
Scotch songs for Major Bowes.
Everybody knows how ‘James Ayre
guards the borough treasury,'ll
make no mistake in giving him a few
budgets to balance. Dan Waters deserv-
es shorter minutes to read for the school
board. Both John Durbin and Mike
Kuchta would appreciate a better break
for utilities from the government. And
Wes Daddow would be thrilled with more
brick houses, to stimulate business for ithe
Dutch Mountain Clay Products Co.
As to the societies, The Junior Wo-
men’s Club wants plenty of opportunit-
ies to be of service in 1938. The Shaver-
town firemen could use a little community
support to help them pay off their debt.
Bring the American Legion and its com-
mander, Paul Shaver, some brand new
song ) quarters for their meetings.
As for the churches, if you could bring
parishioners who are imbued by the spirit
them a few sizable donations from
Samuel J. Hess Is
Dead At Age Of 73
Samuel J. Hess, 73, Kunkle, died on
Monday morning at Nesbitt Memorial
Hospital. Funeral services were held on
Wednesday afternoon at 2 from the home
at Kunkle. Interment was in Woodlawn
cemetery. Rev. WL. S. York and Rev.
Guy A. Leinthall officiated.
Surviving are these children: Mrs. Seth
Howell, Fernbrook; Miss Francis Hess,
Mrs. Russell Honeywell, Ralph Hess, Le-
roy Hess of Kunkle; and Wheeler Hess
of Noxen; also one ‘sister, Mrs. Jennie
Norton of Elkland, and nine grandchil-
That's all except that we'd like you to
bring Chief of Police Leonard O'Kane
something especially nice because he help-
ed us to make up this list. He's too mod-
est to ask for anything, but I know what
he'd like.
You see it gets pretty cold in the winter
on Main street, and Leonard still shivers,
despite two or three pairs of underwear
and five or six pairs of gloves. Now you
use that red suit only_ once every year.
Why not be a sport? When you're fing
ished with: it tonight, why not give the
That ought to keep
him warm and it certainly would be a very
suit to Leonard?
pretty sight on Main street.
As for me, if you can’t bring me some-
thing to get rid of this cold, just bring
ime some good items for 1938.
Mrs. Russell Houser, Mr. and Mrs. C! of Christmas you would be doing a good (to Donner and Blitzen.
D. McGuire, Mr. and Mrs: Frank Warner,
Ethel Riefenstahl, W. A. Woolbert, Alys
Joseph, Alice R. Fischer, Mr. and Mrs.
M. E. Keeler, Dr. and Mrs. C. G. Per.
kins, R. W. Faux, Mrs. E. V. Hartman,
Mrs. Herbert A. Lundy, Miss Elgie V.
Prutzman, Howard Woolbert, Mr. and
Mrs. Leroy Troxell and Mr. and Mrs.
David Joseph.
Miss Hazletine Is
Hostess To Chapter
Miss Louise Hazletine of Trucksville
was hostess to members of Beta Zi Chap-
{ter of Pi Mu Sorority at her home on
Friday night. Doris McCarty presided
and Eloise Freeman had charge of the
social hour. The following attended:
Janet Post, Ann Emory, Nancy Smith,
| Clare June Malkemes, Nancy Swartz, Jane
Case, Doris McCarty, Jane Ayre, Miss
Lillian Rood, advisor, and Mrs. R. H.
Roegd. .
Last Minute
| 7
| 3
Betty | 5§
| 2
Lozo: recitation, ‘The Birthday of The |
King”, Robert Morgan; “Peace On
Earth”, song by the school; pageant, Sen-
ior Department; song, ‘Mary's Slumber
Song”, choir; recitation, *As Each Happy
Christmas”, Doris Mae Hontz; recitation,
“The Golden Carol”, Charles Hunt; re-
citation, *‘One Sweet Word”, William
Morgan; song, "'O Christmas Tree”, Pri-
mary Class; recitation, “How Far Is It
To Bethlehem?”, James Harfman; exer:
cise, “A Christmas Hymn”, Arthur Kit
chen and Ellen Malkemas; solo, Lloyd
Pursell; recitation, “My Little Peace-,
Barbara Jane Malkemas; recitation, “My
Gift”, Margaret Ann Malkemas; recita-
tion, “Very Queer”, Dorothy Winter; re-
citation, **This Herald”, Milton Warran;
recitation, “God's Sign”, Ruth Wess; re-
citation, “Dolly and I", Beverly Morgan.
At the end of the program the Christ
mas candy from the Sunday School will
be distributed.
ee et eer
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Lawley of Kings-
ton, Mrs. John Hendrickson « and
Clifford and Miss Dorothy Pierce of
Westmoor were Sunday callers in the
y-® If you've forgotten someone or
left’ your shopping until the last
‘minute don’t be worried. You can
\ get quick, friendly service today
# or tonight at Roberts new jewelry
# store in Dallas. Plenty of hand-
7 some and economical gifts from
% which to: select. A wide range of
prices and a stock with something
i to please anyone.
: eo
Men's and Women’s
And a Variety of Other
Articles to Please Anyone
(Sullivan Building)
3 38. Main Street
—Post Scripts
Regards |}
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Please | pnd BREE Clairol booklet; PREE advice snd FREE analysis.
A complete assortment of selected Quality Foods for
the Christmas Dinner is available in all our stores. We
invite you to shop in your nearest American Store; our
courteous clerks will greet you and help you.
Open Late Thursday & Friday to Better Serve You. |
Closed Christmas Day, December 25 th.
“PIONEER” Fresh Killed
Ib. 31
Long Island Stewing
Ducklings Chickens
v 23c fo logiis
Sage, Thyme, Maroram »xe. 56: Poultry Seasoning ve. 1G
| Extra Large Jumbo, Sweet Juicy Florida
Oranges ven 29°
Cranberries xt, Faney 2 uw. 25¢
Crisp Iceberg :Extra Large Thin Skin
Lettuce 2 == 17c : Grapefruit cn 5¢
Fancy No. 1 Jersey 0
ibs. 0
Sweet Potatoes
Derrydale Fresh Creamery C
Butter 2 - 79°
Sweet : 1b. 4c
ete Ex Butter
Quality Controlled from * Cow to Counter”
Selected dozen
Bvery Bgg Guaranteed to Give Satisfaction
Gold Seal Eggs carton
DATED | of 12
The Pick of the Nests
Fresh Fruits and Vegetables
Preserved ase La WV [
Strawberry, Raspberry, Blackberry, Cherry, Peach, Pineapple
Mince Meat 2% » 19¢
Made in our own kitchens of finest ingredients.
Pumpkin ~~ «2 2 ux 19
3 Soft Shell Almonds
Gold Seal
All Purpose
' Flour 89°
¥Prim Pastry
:Happy Baker
§ Diamond Brand Walnuts 1b. 23¢
i Large Brite Brazils 1b. 25¢
¥ New Layer Figs 8-0z. pkg. 10c
W Ocean Spray
¥ Cranberry Sauce 2 17-oz. cans 25¢
% a
[Mixed Nuts. 2I°
Mixed Nuts .
% Citron, Lemon or Orange Peel 1 Ib. 17¢
¥ Fancy New Currants 12-0z. pkg. 12¢
¥ VanDyk’s Pitted Dates 8-0z. pkg. 12¢
¥ Calif. Seedless Raisins 2 11-oz. pkgs. 15¢
$ Calif. Seeded Raisins 15-0z. pkg. 9c
“Flour 24 ... 65¢ : Flour 24 .2. T5¢
’ Cinnamon or Black Pepper, 4-0z. pkg. 10¢
$ 45C0 Bread Crumbs 2 12-0z. pkgs. 15¢
% Baker’s Chocolate 8-0z. pkg. 17c
¥ XXXX or Powdered Sugar 1b. pkg. 8c
Old Fashioned }
¥ Brown Sugar, 2 1-Ib. pkgs. 15¢ 3
LT TE TE ee Fs S dwi h
Supreme andawic large Qc
Bread loat
Jumbo 10
Loaf C
Fruit Cake
cor, 39¢ Boe
Double Family ».. of llc
Bread 2 loaves
2-1b. 15
Cake C
Taste the Difference Roasting Gives — Serve the Finest
for Christmas at a Special Price
Win-Crest 1 ge
Coffe : ws. 53C
Good Cheer Chocolates 5 1b. box $1.49
Season’s Greetings Chocolates 5-1b. box 98¢
Lucille Chocolates 1-1b. box 49c¢
Fancy Hard Candies 5-1b. box 89¢
|@sco Sliced Pineapple 2 large cans 4lc
Fruit Salad or Cocktail, 2 buget size cans 15¢
Hom-de-Lite Salad Dressing, pt., 15¢; qt. 29¢
ero Express Sturd
| Wagons. $2.95 Sleds wo 61.49 |
Holiday Food Assortments, 99c. $1.49, and $1.99
$1.00 Merchandise Certificates, Ask Our Managers
These Prices Effective In Our Stores
Mild and
in Dallas And Vicinity