e Po \ st’s 1001100111001 3014000000111 Weekly Personals i ‘The Shavertown M. E. church was - Thanksgiving Day at high noon when Miss arm bouquet of pink rosebuds and baby’s Earl Craig of Shavertown became the bride of Ord Trumbower, son of Mr. and - Mrs. Edward Trumbower, Sr., of Shavertown. ~The bride, who was given in marriage by her father, was radiant in a royal blue crinkle crepe gown with hat and accessories matching. Riddal of Trucksville, wore a raspberry red crepe dress with matching accessories and carried an arm bouquet of yellow rosebuds. The bride’s mother was charming in a rust crepe gown with brown accessories. the scene of a very lovely wedding on Derloris Craig, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. She carried a large breath. Her only attendant, Miss Della ~The groom’s best man was Glen Case of Shavertown. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Fred Sellers. Mrs. Margaret Price sang several numbers. The church organist, Mrs. Vester Vercoe, played the wedding march and the recessional. After the ceremony, the couple left on a motor trip. On their return, Mr. and Mrs. Trumbower will reside in the Brick- el apartment on the main street in Dal las. ; Mrs. Trumbower is employed with the Commonwealth Telephone Company, and Mr. Trumbower is the manager of the American Store in Shavertown. * * = ' ‘Mrs. Jack Jones of Shavertown and ‘Mrs. Daniel Richards of Dallas entertain- ed on Tuesday evening at a linen show- er at the home of Mrs. Jones honoring © Miss Derloris Craig of Shavertown, a bride elect whose marriage to Ord Trum- ) bower of Shavertown took place Thurs- . day at noon at the Shavertown M. E. church. The table decorations were in pink and blue. The centerpiece of yellow and pink chrysanthemums was placed in a crystal bowl on an oval mirror and was lighted by tapers. Covers were laid for 18 guests. Following the repast cards were played. The following attended: Miss Barbara Downer, Miss Eleanor Jones, Miss Esther Cortright, Mrs. William Thomas, Mrs, Edward Craig, Mrs. Eric Vehrel, Miss Della Riddal, Mary Jean Laycock, Mrs. Beverly Perrego, Mrs. Robert Hislop, Jr., the guest of honor and the hostesses. ® ok % Mrs. Edwin C. Norcross of Huntsville is ill at her home. . x kX Mrs. A. S. Culbert of Baldwin street, Dallas, entertained at tea on Saturday afternoon at her home. = ® = Mrs. Kate Bauer of Machell avenue has returned to her home after spending the week with her sister in New York City. ‘ de WR Miss Jane Coolbaugh has been ill at her home on Norton avenue, Dallas, for the past several days. % wos Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Richards spent the holiday with the former's parents at Trucksville. 3h * * = Mrs. A. Evans of River street, Forty Fort, was the week end guest of Mrs. M. L. Yaple of Church street, Dallas. . % ww Miss Elsie Derby of Huntsville, who submitted to an operation at the Nesbitt ing. Y * * ® Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gordon and daugh- ter, Janet, of White Haven, were guests of Mr. Gordon's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cory Gordon of Norton avenue, Thanks giving’ Day. * » * 3 Mr. and Mrs. John Jeter of Center Hill ~~ Road entertained on Sunday Mr. and ; Mrs. Edwin I. Stearne of Caldwell, N. J, Mrs. Leonard Haslam of Yarmouth, Nova Scotia, and Mrs. Mary Jeter of Dallas. ho Mrs. John Wilson, Mrs. Peynton Lee, Mrs. Harvey McCarty, Mrs. John Yaple “and Mrs. Arthur Culver all of Dallas, at- tended the Quota Club card party at the Sterling Hotel on Monday evening. ; * a = Miss Charlotte Hauck of Allentown has been the guest of her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hauck of Lehman avenue for the past ten days. Miss Hauck returned to her home in Reading on Monday. kB 0X Many out of town relatives and friends have returned to their homes after at- _ tending the funeral of Mrs. Wilson Gar inger. From Scranton were Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Isaacs and from Philadelphia were Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Lamb, Mrs. Herman Rathoff, Mrs. Norman Lamb, Beatrice Lamb, and Mr. and Mrs. John Clemens. e a = : Mr. and Mrs. Dyke Brown of Main street, Dallas, entertained at dinner on Thursday Miss Dorothy Gardner, Mrs. Louise Colwell and daughters Beryl and June, Mrs. Avery and Brinley Davies. Miss Gardner, a former teacher in the Borough schools, will spend the week end as the guest of the Browns and will re turn on Monday to Westfield, N. J., at ‘which place she is now employed. * KC # Memorial Hospital recently, is recuperat- | FULL HEARTS ON XMAS MORNING OFTEN COME FROM EMPTY ATTICS FIRST LADY SOGGESTS HOLIDAY HOUSECLEANING * Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hauck and fam- ily were the guests of the latters parents Mr. and Mrs. William H. Dechant of Reading over the holidays. * » = Mrs. Isaacs Edwards of Fernbrook en- tertained the. members of her Pinochle club at her home on Wednesday after noon. WE ac ; James Scott of New Jersey spent the week end at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Scott of Center Hill road, Dallas. Ee Sherman Harter, a student at State Col- lege, arrived home at Hillside to spend the holiday vacation as the guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Harter. kk Mrs. George Hofmeister and son, Geo- rge, Jr., of Shrine View, spent Monday as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Arner of Scranton. ‘ » * * The C. N. Booth family of Lehman ave- nue, Dallas, leave today to spend the win- ter in Wilkes-Barre. They will live at the Hotel Sterling. ® kx Miss June Williams of Franklin street, Dallas, left on Wednesday for Norwich, N. Y., where she will spend the week end as the guest of Miss Alma Galpin. wk Miss Dorothy Spencer of Countrv Club road, Dallas, a student nurse of the Gen- eral Hospital, submitted to an emergency operation on Tuesday morning, for appen- dicitis, at the hospital. ooh o% ok Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Coolbaugh of Nor- ton avenue, were the guests of the lat ter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Schobert of New Jersey over the Thanksgiving holi- day. ! * kk Mr. and Mrs. John Merical, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Dungey and son John, of Dallas, and Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Strunk of Kingston will spend the holiday at Scranton. * kk The condition of Donald Frantz, who has been critically ill is much improved. The Frantz’s have moved from their home to the home of Mrs. William Whipp of Machell avenue. Mrs. Whipp is the tnother of Mrs. Frantz. * 0% * Adam Kiefer of Shrine View, who was Stroudsburg, was removed from the Ro- Page Of recently injured in an auto accident at} )ST, FRIDA NENRIENEEOEUEEEE Ti , NOVEMBER 26, News And Views For pnanEnnl HANEIE BuBIENR RURRRI RRR RRR EER RRR R RRR BRB) R IRR . i Committee Plans A DISTINCTIVE GIFT-GIVING 7 For Spring School The executive committee of Dallas District Sunday School Association met recently with Mrs. Ernest Keller and made plans for a leadeship train - ing school to be held in the spring fol- lowing the annual conference of the M. E. churches. A teaching mission will be held on December 11 at the Shavertown M. E. church. Every th church shcools of the Dallas Dis- trict ig urged to attend. A supper will church, Mr. and Mrs. Guy Faust were recent visitors in Dallas. Mrs. Faust was the former Miss Edna Isaacs of Dallas. They arrived in Dallas to attend the funeral o Mrs. Garinger. : RE ! Mrs. John -Cortright of Shavertown will leave on Saturday for Scotia, N. Y., where she will spend a week as the guest of her daughter and son-indaw, Mr. and. Mrs. Willard Engler. * kk Cletus Sweezy, Dan Richards ‘and Bob Hislop of Dallas will leave on Sunday for Thornhurst to spend a week deer hunt ing. i" : * kk Miss Mildred Spencer of Country Club road, a graduate nurse of the her home recuperating from a recentills ness. * * * Stookey of Parrish Street have returned to of mercerized crochet Pos It will launder perfectly, too, and give years of good service. ing a stamped, self-addressed envelope, enclosing this clipping, t, 522 Fifth Avenue, New York City. Specify Table Mats No. 7074. Five-Piece Luncheon Set | What makes a more gracious, beautiful gift than a really fine luncheon set? This one, crocheted + cotton, is lovely and delicate, and will look charming against a dark table. Directions may be obtained by send- to The Crochet Bureau of the Dallas their home after spending a week in Stookey’s sister, Mrs. C. x x Mr. and Mrs. Grant Shaner of Parrish Heights had as their guest over the week C. Magsamen. is a student at Stroudsburg State Teach- ers College. > Mrs. Blanche Anderson of Huntsville road entertained the members of the 500 Club on Tuesday evening at her home. * k 0» Miss Margaret Ford of Pioneer avenue street. Mr. and Mrs. Irving Roe, Jr., of Phila- | ' Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Keefer entertain delphia, arrived on Wednesday to spend [ed at a family dinner on Thursday Mr. the holiday as the guest of the formers |and Mrs. John Yaple and son John, and mother, Mrs. Irvin Roe Sr., of Country Mrs. M. L. Yaple at their home on Claude Club road, Dallas. x. % ow ‘ence Philips and children Barbara, George and Richard of Norton "Wednesday for Florida where they will in St. Petersburg. who has been a patient at the Nesbitt Memorial Hospital returned to her home this past week end. ee Mrs. Helen Chamberlain of Gess Man- or who recently submitted to an opera tion at General Hospital in Wilkes-Bar- re is convalescing slowly. * A * Mrs. Dan Richards of Church streer, Dallas, will leave on Sunday to be the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Keithline of Pottsville for a week. sw. : Mr. and Mrs. George Gregson and son John of Shrine View left on Wednesday | for Skidmore College where they will) spend the holidays as the guests of Miss Betty and Miss Agnes Gregson, who are ktudents at the college. sores Mr. and Mrs. Ray Shiber of Center Hill road, Mr. and Mrs. John Frantz of Nor- sencranz Hospital at Stroudsburg to his home by ambulance on Tuesday. His con- dition is fine and he is rapidly recover- Se ton avenue and Mr. and Mrs. Carle of Kingston will be the guests of Mr. and) ! Mrs. Ira Frantz of Orange on Thursday | for dinner. because Dallas Junior Women’s Club children in this section.) Here is a new idea for those of us cleaning a joyful, generous, friendly act? Mother should not do this Christmas attic. All of them should overhaul their portunity for Christmas giving in which away. old quilt, preserved in mothballs give rubbish. Rubbish is no good to any~ one. Clean and renovate what can be salvaged. What you are looking for is gifts, something you can enjoy giving, something you would be proud to see someone else enjoy. A good test of what to give is whether you would be glad to receive it yourself. This movement could be made to echo through every community in the United States. It would help to draw communi Mrs. Peynton Lee of Machell avenue was pleasantly surprised on Saturday even- ing when a group of friends gave her a surprise party in celebration of her birthday anniversary. Mrs. Lee received a lovely gift. Those attending were Mr. and Mrs. Milford Shaver, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Lewin, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Culver, Mr. and Mrs. Peynton Lee, Miss Marie Woolbert , Miss Elizabeth Love, all of Dallas, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Whitesell and Emmett Burgeson of Kingston and Mr. and Mrs. Byron Starr of Forty Fort. ties together, whether large or small; it would make them conscious of the needs ‘of those who have too little, and it would "offer the chance for a real community Christmas. Ministers would surely be glad to announce this campaign from their pulpits; local radio stations and newspap- ers would gladly give information about it. In many communities firemen have for years generously helped similar cam- paigns. Merchants, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, would surely be helpful volunteers in the work of collecting the gifts. BY ELEANOR ROOSEVELT (The following. article will appear in the December issue of Reader's Digest and is used here with permission of that magazine. it with the Christmas spirit. Why wait until spring? Why not make a festive oc- casion of the weeding out and sharing of our usable surplus possessions? which have ceased to be useful to us, things we are tired of, could begin all over again under our neighbor's Christmas tree. ber of the household should join in a hunt through closets, neglected drawers, the will probably be surprised by the things which turn up on the pile to be given Here, for instance, is an overcoat which father has treasured for years, thinking the time might come when he would wear it again. But there are shiv- ering men walking the streets without any coats at all these days. Or here is an as befits an heirloom. time again that it was too good to part with, but remember that there are chil- dren who go to bed wrapped in newspapers, and still are cold. Be very careful about one thing. Don’t® It is timely is preparing to collect gifts for needy who dread spring housecleaning: combine Things Why not do it now, and make house- salvage work alone, however. Every mem- books. If it is put in the light of an op- all members of the family can join, they You thought time and On Christmas morning some attics would be emptier, but some bare homes would be better furnished. Moths might have less food this winter, but many of our human beings would be warmer. Here seems to me an idea which would be both far-reaching and good fun. Sure ly Americans have the organization, com- mon sense and good will to carry it out successfully. Christmas is the time of year when we ought to remember how much more bless- | ed it is to give than it is to keep! 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