ft Germany, Toby’s Creek Ran Old Paper Mill (Continued trom Page 1) SUCCEEDED BY HOLLENBACK Mr. Buckingham conducted this business for several years. He was ~ one of the early industrial and com- mercial leaders of the Township, and was the first postmaster at Kingston. Following his failure, the milil was oc- cupied by Matthias Hollenback, To- ward the end of its period of opera- tion, the mill was occupied by the firm of McGuire and Matthers. It is interesting to know that Mr. McGuire had three sons who served during the civil war in the Northern Army. Mr, Matthers had several sons ~ and daughters who for many years were famiiiar to ‘many people as teach- ers in the schools of Kingston Town- ship. Another interesting character at one time connected with the mill was John Faser, who came to this country from and was a master paper maker. He lived in a house on the opposite side of the road from the Pgs ; Classified Ads FOR SALE__ Small and medium sized pine, hemlock and maple trees for ornamental planting. W. B., Risley, ~ Dallas, Pa. FOR SALE—Reconditioned washers, radios and sweepers. Rebennack & Covert, Kingston, Pa. ‘Phone Kingston 7-4514 tf APPLES__For sale, approximately 300; bushels, mostly’ Stark’s Delicious. ‘Will- sell on trees. D. A. Waters, 501 Huntsville street, b it FOR RENT: Half of double block; all improvements; Main St., Trucks. ville. Phone 275-R-2. FOR SALE. Pipeless furnace, A-1 condition, at reasonable price. Don- aid Frantz, Dallas. 1t CIDER-MAKING, Tuesdays and Fri- days. Pigs for sale, all sizes. Carlin’s. Phone 316-R-23. 10c a bu- Ap- % FOR SALE—Cider apples. shel. Also hand picked apples. ply Harold Ray, Phone 185-R-3. WANTED—Housekgeper. State sal- ary. Address Trucksville P. O. box 50. 1t QUICK WASHER REPAIRS ON ALL MAKES EASY WASHER Jes—Service—Parts REBENNACK & COVERT 267 Wyoming Avenue Tel. 7-4514 Kingston, Pa. A HANDY GUIDE BUSINESS DIRECTORY These firms are vitally in- terested in the welfare of Dallas and its vicinity. We recommend them in the hope that your patronage and their services will result in greater growth of this section, HILLSIDE TIRE SERVICE Gulf Gas and Oils Tiolene and Pennzoil Kenyon and Lee Tires Te! Dallas 9089-R-2 TRUCKSVILLE, PA. AUTOMOTIVE “SMILING SERVICE ALWAYS" OLIVER'S GARAGE DALLAS, PA. Packard Cars Used Cars White and Indiana Trucks SURVEYOR IRA D. COOKE Professional Land Survey: / ENGINEERING Penn’a Register Mo. 4104 SUCCESSOR TO CHAS. H. COOKE, De,cd Phone. Dallas 126. Dallas, Pa WELL DRILLING NOW is the time to have your well drilled. Why worry about water? Wells drilled on Easy Payment Plan. As low as $10 per month! Write or Call Cresswell Drilling Co. KINGSTON ‘PHONE 7-4835 Postscripts (continued from Page 1) a see behind the scenes. Instead of pon- tificating about the cold weather over the week-end, he writes: ‘Our cub re. porter went out on Saturday to do a story from the frozen fields, but he got so frozen himself he had to get home to thaw himself out.” “A little more such human touch in our own %ocal rags’ wouldn't come amiss. “American papers are frank, too. Wihich of our own locals would de- vote a whole column to helping the national campaign against venereal di- sease, describing the symptoms in plain language, urging victims to see a doctor, and describing how the di- sease is contracted?” mill. He married Nancy Atherholt, daughter of Christian and Catherine Atherholt, eariy settlers of Bunker Hill. The descendants of John and Nancy Faser have long been prominent in the community. "SITE OF TOLL GATE On this site stood the old toll house of the Dallas Turnpike and nearby was a watering trough, at which the farmers watered their teams on the way to and from the market in the valey. The last toll keeper was Har- ry Whitney who was a familiar figure for many years before the County took over the road. ‘With the advent of steam power, the mill was closed about the year 1840, the old water wheel became si- lent, the site was vacated, and no trace of former activity was left to mark the spot. frm— 7 | STATEMENT OF THE OWNERSHIP | MANAGEMENT, CIRCULATION, ETC. REQUIRED BY THE ACTS OF CONGRESS OF AUGUST 24, 1912, and MARCH 3, 1933. Of The Dallas Post, published week. ly at Dallas, Pennsylvania for October 1, 1937. State of Pennsylvania, County of Lulerne, ss: Before me, a justice of the peace in and for the ‘State and county afore- said, personally appeared Howard W. Risiey, who, having been duly sworn according to law, deposes and says that he is the business manager of the Dal- las Post and that the following is, to the best of his knowiedg and belief, a true statement of the ownership, management, etc, of the aforesaid publication for the date shown in the above caption, required by the Act of August 24, 1912, as amended by the Act of March 3, 1933, exnbodied in sec- tion 537, Postal Laws and Regulations, printed on the reverse of this form, to wit: 1. That the names and addresses of the publisher, editor, managing editor, and business managers are: The Dallas Post, Inc., Dallas, Penna. Managing Editor, Howell E, Rees, Da- las, Penna. Business Manager, Howard W. Risley, Dallas, Penna. 2. That the owner is: The Dallas Post, Inc. 3. That the known bondholders, mortgagees and other security holders owning or holding 1 per cent or more of total amount of bonds, mortgages, or other securities are: None. Howard W. Risley. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 1st day of ‘October, 1937. IRA COOKE, Justice of the Peace. PER DAY WITH BATH » QUIET New HOTEL 8B y I ad UNDER DIRECTION AM JPET ; HOMELIKE JOSEPH B. MARTIRE, MGR. ERE TRA BWAY & 5th AVE. NEW YORK ONE BLOCK FROM PENNSYLVANIA STATION PERMANENT WEEKLY RATES _ REFINED ERICAN HOTELS CORP. FOM=OL HAS MADE | MY HAIR AS CLEAN AS | A HOUND'S TOOTH... AND HANDSOME TOO. Pa Good looking hair is an asset to a man. It stamps him as a well groomed gentleman. Fome ol gives a man's hair glow- ing health and handsome grooming through its amazing 2-fold power... it cleans and nourishes. Fom-ol is a rich, foaming oil shampoo which takes unkempt, sickly hair (man's, woman's or child's), and leaves it clean as a whis- tle and sparkling with health. Fom-ol is so economical; alittle goes a long way. Ask your druggist for the regular 50¢ size. Or, write for a generous trial bottle, enclosing 10c to cover packing and postage. FOM-OL Fiore than a shampoo... a treatment CLAIROL, INC. 132 West 46th St, New York, N.Y. | enclose 10c for one trial size bottle of Fom-ol. Name. A ——— AGO eee eee emcees Oty. Cl Shs big difference in oils, 100. of miles from now, your Cid : sill bo lively and powerful i YO% MERCURY, GOR oi Theze’s 6 L WE DESIG N THE DIFFER A PR fe VER TH ! i H H i a Get into high quicker. Stay in high longez. HERE>>> You pay no premium for Blue Sunoco'’s top performance. HERE>>- As lively as a jack rabbit when you “step on it”, NO. ENCE >>> SECOND CRADE NO THIRD GRADE Township PTA Meets Next Wednesday The Dallas Township Parent-Teach- er Association will hold its monthly meeting at 7:45 en Monday evening at the school. The speaker wili be Dr. Joseph Miller, who was secured by Miss Lynn. The fourth and fifth grades will furnish entertainment, which will consist of the following numbers: Poem, “Rainy Day Travel”, Felice Miers; play, “Play Book Friends”; song by the two grades, “Jolly Halowe'en”. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT LUZERNE COUNTY, ss: In the Court of Common Pleas of Luzerne County, No. 596 October Term, 1937. Libel In Divorce a vin- culo matrimonii George William Fair- To Elzabeth Oakley Fairclough:— Take notice that. an alias subpoena having been returned by the sheriff of Luzerne County that you could nct be found in this County, you are hereby notified and directed to appear before the said Court on Monday, No- vember 8, 1987 at 10:00 o'clock A. M. to answer the complaint filed in the above case. William R. Thomas Sheriff William A. Valentine, Attorney. SHERIFF'S SALE As directed by Fi. Fa. No. 254, Oct- ober Term, 1937, I will expose to pub- lic sale, Friday, October 15, at 10 o’- clock a. m. in Sheriff's Sales Room, Court Room No. 1, Court House, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. the real estate of John Markut, situate at 31 West Stanton St., Hudson, Plains Town-| ship, Luzerne County, Pa. being 25) feet in width on W. Stantin Street and 150 feet in depth, and more par- ticularly described in deed of Mikolai Ciochacki to John Markut, recorded in Deed Book 748, page 64 in the of- fice of the Recorder of Deeds in and for Luzerne County. Improved with a two story, single, frame dwelling and outbuildings. William R. Thomas, Sheriff Louis R. Crisman Attorney SHERIFF'S SALE On Friday, October 15, 1937, at 10:00 A. M., Court Room No. 1, Court House Wilkes-Barre, Pa. execution from Court of Common Pleas of Luzerne County, writ of vendex,~-real estate of estate of Philena K. Krum, situate in the city of Wilkes-Barre, Luzerne County, Pa., being 35 feet in width front and rear on Hollenback Avenue and 150 feet in depth. Improved with a frame dwelling house known as No. 15 West Hollenback Avenue, Wilkes- Barre, Pa. William R. Thomas, Sheriff George L. Fenner Attorney SHERIFF'S SALE FRIDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1937 By virtue of a writ of Fi Fa No. 248, October Term, 1937, issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Luzerne County, to 'me directed there will be exposed to public sale by vendue to the highest and best bidders, for cash, in Court Room No. 1, Court House, in the City of » Wilkes-Barre, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, on Friday, the 15th day of October, 1937, at ten o’- all the right, title and interest of the defendants in and to the following described lots, pieces or parcels of land, viz: All the following lots situate on Goss Manor Addition No. 1, Dallas: Township, Pennsylvania, recorded in Map Book No. 2, page 334. Lot Nos. 133 and 134, with notice to Elizabeth Miko; Lot No. 189, with notice to Ambrose Rutz; Lot No. 8,} with notice to Gwilym Davies; Lot] Nos. 171, 66, 18, 39, 54, 173, 69, 38, 73, | 139, 72, 74, 52, 27, 26, 128, 130, 19, 196, 133, 134, 189, 135, 126, 127, 9, 10, 120, 118, 110, 112, 114, 21, 22, 23, 24, 35, 40, 49, 100, 81, 85, 87, 89, 91, 93, 95, 96, 97, 167, 168, 169, 180, 181, 182, 65, 67, 43, 45, 47, 194, 195, 190, 186, 158, with no- tice to Realty Investment Exchange. Seized and taken into execution at the suit of George S. Allen vs. Spen- cer E, Arnold and Lessley T. Steele, and will be sold by William R. Thomas, Sheriff Peter P. Jurchak Attorney SHERIFF'S SALE FRIDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1937 AT 10 A. M. By virtue of a writ of Fi Fa No. 247, October Term, 1937, issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Lu- 'zerne County, to me directed, there | will be exposed to public sale by ven- .du to the highest and best bidders, for cash, in Court Room No. 1, Court House, in the City of Wilkes-Barre, ‘Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, on Friday, the 15th day of October, 1937, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of the said day, all the right, title and inter- est of the defendants in and to the following described lots, pieces or parcels of land, viz:- GOSS MANOR, Dallas Township, Penna., as recorded in Map Book No. 2, page 334: PARCEL 1—Ilot nos. 141, 142, 189, 52, 195, 46, 47, 56, 175, 176, 100, 167, 168, cloughvs.Elizabeth Oakley Fairclough. clock in the forenoon of the said day, i? — LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT Ls 82, 83—Section “A”; lot no. 44—Sec- tion “C”; lot nos. 109, 59, 85, 11—Sec- tion “D”; lot nos. 33, 34, 37._Section “B’; lot no. 87—Section “A”; with no- tice to Tydvil Lovett; lot no. 10— Section “B”, with notice to William and Sarah Ziegler; lot nos. 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24_Section “D”, with no- tice to William V. Davis; lot nos. 14, 18—Section “B”, with notice to L. B. Baranowski; lot no. 108—Se. * with notice to Susan Pavco: 109, 110__Section “A”, with Anna Zabreski; : PARCEL 3: lot no. 3—Section “C”, improved with a five-room dwelling; PARCEL 4: lot nos. 107, 102, 198, 199, 200, 197, 131—Section “A”; lot nos. 19, 20—=Section “B”; lot nos. 48, 29—Section “C”; lot nos. 40, 58, 64, 65, 79, 80, 50, 61, 52__Section “D”, with notice to Lloyd. A. McHenry, cam ’ 3 ace to 3 \ te Trustee, as to all the lots above ex- - cept as otherwise indicated. ! Seized and taken into execution at the suit of Paul R. Selecky, Trustee, assignee of the Asa K. DeW'itt, Asa S. Keeler and Eugenia S. Keeler, mortgage vs. Spencer E, Arnold and Lessley ‘A. Steele, notice to Willian V. Davis, JL. B. Baranowski, (Poor Directors of Pittston City, his guard- ian), Anna Wittman, Tydril Lovett, William and Sarah Zeigler, Susan Pavco, Anna Zabreski and Lloyd A. McHenry, and will be sold by William R. Thomas, Sheriff Peter P. Jurchak : Attorney SHERIFF'S SALE FRIDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1937 AT 10 A. M. By virtue of a writ of Fi Fa No. 247, October Term, 1937, issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Lu- zerne County, to me directed, there will be exposed to public sale by ven- due to the highest and best bidders, Te ~ for cash, in Court Room No. 1, Court HY House, in the City of Wilkes-Barre, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, on Friday, the 15th day of October, 1937, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of the said day, all the right, title and inter- est of the defendants in and to the following described lots, pieces or parcels of land, viz:- All that certain piece parcel or lot of land situate in the Township of Hanover, County of Luzerne and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and des- cribed as follows, to wit:- BEGINNING at a corner on South Main Street, same being a corner of lot No. 428; THENCE along lot No, 428 North twelve (12- degrees thirty (30) min- utes West, one hundred forty and nine tenths (140.9) feet to a corner on a 20 foot alley; : THENCE along said 20 foot alley North sixty (60) degrees thirty (30) minutes East thirty-one and forty- seven one-hundredths (31.47) feet to the corner of lot No. 426; THENCE along lot No. 426, South twelve (12) degrees thirty (30) min- utes East one hundred fifty and one- tenth (150.1) feet to a corner on South Main Street; THENCE along South Main Street, South seventy-seven (77) degrees thirty (30) minutes Wiest, thirty (30) feet to the place of beginning. BEING Lot 427__Morgan's Addition to City of Wilkes-Barre. Seized and taken into execution at the suit of A. F. Roth vs. Thomas Thomas Evans, and will be sold by William R. Thomas, Sheriff . Peter P. Jurchak Attorney SALE OF REAL ESTATE In Orphan's Court of Luzerne County. Estate of Harry R. Hirsh- owitz, deceased. To the heirs, legat- ees, creditors, and other persons in- terested in said estate. Notice is here- by given that the Executors of the above Estate have filled in the office of the Clerk of the Court their peti- tion praying for an order of sale of the real estate of the decedent known as Nos. 278-280 East Northampton Street, City of Wilkes-Barre, Pa., be- ‘ng the same permises conveyed to Harry R. Hirshowitz by deed record- ed in Luzerne County Deed Book No. 422, page 336, at a private sale, to Wilkes-Barre Deposit and Savings Bank, in consideration of a credit of $5114, less costs incident to obtaining a judicial sale for payment of debts, said credit to be given by Wilkes~ Barre Deposit and Savings Bank on a certain note secured by a ‘mortgage inter alia on said property, thereby reducing the balance due and owing on said note to that extent. The pur- pose of said sale being for the pay- ment of decedent's debt. If no ex- ceptions are filed thereto or objections made to granting the same, the Court will be asked to take action upon the petition on Friday, October 15, 1937, at 10 o'clock A, M. Collins & Collins, Attorneys for Petitioners. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS In the Court of Common Pleas of Lu- zerne County. No. 573 October Term, 1937. In re: Anna Toland, a feeble-minded person, Notice is hereby given that the final account of Howard W. Holman, Wil- kes-Barre, Pa., guardian, has been fil- ed in the Prothonotary’s Office of said Court. Said account will be present- ed to the Court on Friday, October ALL the following lots situate on| 29, 1937 at 10:00 A. M. o’¢iock, and unless exceptions are filed thereto, said account will be confirmed abso- lutely by the Court. PETER J. McCORMICK Attornev for euardian r 4 A 4 7 i Anis