TO PT PAGE FOUR nae THE DALLAS POST, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1937 The Post's Weekly Page Of News And og Views For Women SURES UE EEE EERE ERR EERE SE EERE NEUEN EE E RRR ARERR Personals Mrs. Charles Lee of Lake Road wilt entertain at her home on Saturday ~~ afternoon in honor of Mrs. E. P. Schooley at a bridge luncheon. Mrs. Schooley, who has resided at Kingston and Huntsville, will leave short.y to take up her residence in N. J. There will be twenty present. —— Miss Katie Benjamin of Noxen call- ed on Mrs. W. B. Risley on Sunday. —0— Mrs. Anna Cobleigh ig seriously ill at the home of her daughter, Mrs. An- na Kocher, of Franklin street. ——— Miss June Williams of Franklin street is ill at her home, suffering from an abscess on the jaw bone, i Thomas Murphy of Shamokin has returned to his home after spending some time in Dallas. py a Dewey Mitchell is recovering from bruises received while making repairs to a stove. SaiDSh Mr. and Mrs. Olin Kunkle and fam- ily spent Sunday on a motor trip all through Muncy Valley and adjoining localities. LL. —0— Herbert A. Smith, Sr.,, of Machel Avenue has returned from a trip to Lake Ontario where he made a fine catch of bass. lee Mrs. George Hofmeister of Shrine View spent a few days in Scranton where she visited her cousin, Mrs. Thomas Arner. neon . Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Heness of Ply- mouth were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Davis of Davenport street, Dal-, sas, on Sunday. De Robert Hislop, Sr., of Church street, is spending the week at Williamsport. He will return to his home on Satur- day. mee Ome ~ Mrs. Rachel Westover and son, Billy of Syracuse, who have been visiting friends and relatives in this vicinity, have returned to their home. lala Z Mrs. Wilson Garinger of Huntsville road is registered as a patient at the Genera: Hospital, where she will stay for a few days for observation. ee Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hauck and family of Lehman Avenue were the week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jud- son Bush of Nicholson. os George Phillips of Norton avenue, who has been ill for the past five wetks, is now able to be up. His host: of friends are delighted at his recov- ery. pas Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Oliver were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mec- Caffery of Danville for a few days. While in Danville they motored to the Bloomsburg Fair, —_—— Mrs John Durbin of Franklin Street and Mrs. John Yaple of Church street, attended the meeting of Wioman’s Chub executives at the Polish Alliance building, Wilkes-Barre, on Thursday. —— Mrs. Anna Lewin of Fernbrook has been removed to her home from Nes- bitt Memorial Hospital where she sub- mitted to an operation. Her condition is improving. = Gait Shaver, young son of Mr, and Mrs. Milford Shaver of Center Hill road, who fell last week and cut him- self severely, is still confined to his home. Mrs. Barbara White of Wilkes-Bar- re who is well known in this vicinity as the sister of Mrs. William Wilson, was seriously injured when she was struck by a truck in Wilkes-Barre. —O0— The Ladies Aid will hold their an- nual fork supper on Wednesday even- ing, in the church parlors. Supper Will be served from 5:30 on. Tickets may be procured from a member or at the door. —— ; The Idetown Ladies Aid entertained the Dalias District Ladies Aid Wed- nesday at the Idetown Church house at lunch. The District was entertain- ed” last week by the Noxen organiza- tion. 125 attended the luncheon, Ofer Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Carpenter of Kunkle road celebrated their thirty- third wedding anniversary at their home on Thursday evening. Many friends paid the Carpenters a visit to wish them well. The Lad’es Aid of East Dallas M. E. Church held a chicken dinner on Wed- nesday evening at the church parlors. A large crowd attended the affair and were entertained by the Plains choir of 50 voices. —_—0— Installation services will be conduc- ted at the Odd Fellows meeting at their hall on Monday evening at 7:30. Dr. Bodycomb of Dallas wil have charge of the services. The same ser- vice will be conducted at Lehman on Wednesday evening. —O— Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hicks, Trucks- vilie, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Richards of Church street, Dal- las, recently. AA, Mrs. Lloyd Hughey and her infant daughter, Patricia Jane, who returnec home from Nesbitt Hospital recent.y, are improving. WOMEN’S CLUB MEETS WEDNESDAY NIGHT AT IREM COUNTRY CLUB Dallas Junior Women’s Club will hold its monthly meeting Wednes- day night at Irem Country Club. Important business will be transacted at the business meet- ing, which will begin at 8. Plans will be made for the card party to be held in November and also for the International Tea sch- eduled for:December. A good at- tendance is urged. Mrs. Helen Honeywell is ill of the grippe at her home on Church street. —0— Henry Welsh of Davenport is visiting her sister, Mrs. street, Dallas, Mrs. Alice Roberts of Endicott, N. Y. | —O— Mr. and Mrs. Charles Whitesell of Kingston visiteid friends in Dallas and vicinity on Wednesday. -—0— Lloyd Richards of Elizabeth, N. J. spent last week-end in Dallas and vi- cinity, visiting friends and relatives. —0— Reese Finn of Terrace street spent the past week in Philadelphia on busi- ness. — ya Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Strunk of King- ston were guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Dungey of Lake Road on Sunday. i ge Mr. and Mrs. Harry Keirie of Bing- hamton, N. Y., spent the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Car- penter of Kunkle road. —_—Q— Mr. and Mrs. Walter Davis and { children of Davenport street, Dallas, attended the Bloomsburg Fair on Sat- J urday. en Mr. and Mrs. Robert Moore and son of Franklin street, Dallas, spent last week-end in Philadelphia and New York. el : —_—O— Mrs, Arthur Meyers and Mrs. Man- near of Kingston were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Davis of Davenport street, Dallas, on Tuesday. —0— Mr. and Mrs. William Bertels of Harvey's Lake have moved to the Marion Apartments for the winter months. —0— Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hauck of Leh- man avenue will spend this week-end in New York City, where they wil: attend a wedding. =O Miss Gertrude Wilson of Franklin street, Dallas, will entertain the mem- bers of the Entre Nous club at her home on Thursday evening. —O— Mr. and Mrs. Charles Landers of Wilkes-Barre were guests of Dr. and Mrs. Robert Bodycomb of Main street on Sunday. —_—— Mr. and Mrs. Harry Harter and Mrs. Sherman Hildebrant spent Sunday at State College where they visited the former's son, Sherman and attended the Father’s Day ceremonies. Jr 4, Mistress Priscilla Boston, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Boston of Nicholson, visited her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Risley over the week-end. Mrs. Boston spent Monday with her parents. —C Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Himmler, Mrs. Montross and son Nardone of Tunk- hannock, spent the week-end in At- lantic City and Vineland, N. J., where they were the guests of Mrs. HIm- mler’s sister. —— Dorothy Greenfield, who is in train- ing at General Hospital, spent Sun- day with Mrs. W. B. Risley of Lake street. Miss Greenfield, who is the daughter of Rev. E. M. Greenfield, will be graduated from General Hospital in February. The 500 Card Sab ‘postponed meeting until next Tuesday due to the illness of Mrs. Helen Honeywell, who was to have been the hostess, Mrs. Honeywell will entertain the members next week at her home. A —0— Mrs. John Frantz of Norton will entertain the friends and members of the J. A. B. Class at one of a ser- ies of covered dish tuncheons at her home on Friday. The proceeds Will go for the purchase of a new rug for the church. its avenue —_0— Mrs, Howard Caperoon of Philadel- phia spent the weekend in Dallas at the home of her mother, Mrs. Frank Morris on Franklin street. Mrs. Cap- eroon was accompanied home by her son Richard Major, who Will now re- side in Philadelphia. eye Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Shiber of Center Hil road spent the week-end motoring through Virginia where they took in the following points of inter- Silver Thread Among the Gold | | Silver Thread Falls, off Dingman’s Creek, in Pike County, sparkle against a background of autumn colors. Publicity C —Photo from Fcona. Mrs. Stookey Hostess The Women's Missionary Society of Dallas M, E. church met on Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Charles Stookey of Parrish street, with Mrs. Arline Rood presiding. Mrs. Francis Freeman led devotions, Mrs. Charles Stookey gave a mite box demonstration and Misses Nancy Ayre and Jane LeGrand reported .on- the sessions at Camp Inspiration, Lake Arie: this summer. Mrs. Patterson had charge of the study book. The serving committee had as members Mrs. Scott Van Horn, Mrs. Jennie Brown, Mrs. Harry Pittman and Mrs. Sterling Meade. Thirty women were| present. The next meeting will be a birthday party at the church. Each member will be requested to take a guest. The society is selling hosiery which can be purchased from Mrs. James Ayre, Mrs. Ruth Evans or Mrs. Walter Dav- iis, im me BIRTHDAY PARTY A birthday dinner was held at the | home of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Prey at Outlet on Sunday in honor of their son Raymond's birthday and that of Mrs. Mabel Montross. Both guests of honor received lovely gifts. Besides a number of out-of-town guests, the following attended: Mr. and Mrs. Nes- bitt Hummel, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Grey, Mr. and Mrs. James Moiitross and son James, Jr. est: Leesburg, Arlington Cemetery, Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, Lee's home, Charlottesville, and the home of Jefferson. They were delighted with all the historical points and especially acclaimed Lee's home. BUY COAL | Not WATER Coal from our pockets is fresh clean L. V. Coal dry and unsoaked with water__when you buy from us i you save about 100 pounds of coal which is the usual weight of water to a load. To Mission Society] | | H .L. STILL Coal Pockets SHAVERTOWN, PA. PHCNE DALLAS 17 ) LB TREE SR TRY AIRE AL SRT | | TUNKHANNOCK, PA. | PASTORS SPEAK Rev. Fred Sellers, pastor of Shaver- town M. E. church, and Rev. Guy Leinthall, pastor of Alderson M. E. church, will have a part in leading symposiums at the fall meeting of the Ministerial Association in Newton on next Monday. GAY - MURRAY eenmmne || EY §rr et HEAT AS YOU LIKE IT We offer you your choice of Heating systems, Hot Air, Hot Water, Steam, Stokol Automa- tic Coal Stokers, or Electrol Oil Burners, ASK FOR OUR FREE HEAT- ING SURVEY The news monogram cabi- net heaters are attracting a lot of attention and making sales too. Mrs. Helen Cronk of South Montrose bought one of the larger sizes recently. We have a very good used, Gray Enam- eled Arco Heater at less than half its origina: price. Who needs it? Complete Radiator Heating jobs were finished last week for Mrs. Anna Street at Meshoppen, G. Elmer Dietrick at Mehoop- any, C. S. Sands in Tunkhan- nock, and W. W. Oakley at Kingsley. ‘Old Man Winter” will find it tough going in these -homes. A. plentiful water suppiy is one of the big necessities for a comfortable home. N. W. Brown has drilled wells recently for A. J. Tingley at Dimock and Frank Truskolaski at the Bissell Farm, both of whom we furnished with Goulds Deep Well Pumps. Wim. Speece is using 200 fet. of cop- per tubing to bring the water to | his house at Nicholson. FALL SPECIALS Steel Wheetbarrow..... $3.75 nine nian Crusader’s Class Has Wiener Roast Mrs. Ethel Montross entertained the Young Crusaders’ Class of Ruggles M. E. church on October 1 at Kocher's Gravel Pit, where they all enjoyed a wiener roast. Various songs were sung and poems recited. Those who atten- ded: Mrs. Beulah Bronson and Herbert Bronson, Ruggies; Mrs. Ella Cobleigh, Edward Cobleigh, East Dallas; Betty Delkanic, Wilkes-Barre; Doris Traver, Clarence Oberst, Mrs. Hildreth Traver and Thomas Traver of Ruggles, Leona Kocher of Dallas and Miss Mabel Montross of Ruggles. Members of the class are urged to! meet at Miss Leona Kocher's Toe) next month to plan for a Thanksgiv- | ing program. Noxen Sophomores Have School Party The Sophomore class of Noxen high school held a party at the school re- cently, with the following attending: Wasda Gaka, George Hackiing, Mar- jorie Dendler, Eleanor Pogar, Ruth Johnson, Florence DuBois, Hazel Race, Russell Casterline, Jr.,, Elba Jones, Louella Palmer, Deibert Blizzard, Carl Hackling, Mary Butry, Adda Mae Lei- benguth, Leila Ann Siglin, Jean Swin- gle, Claire Wright, Dorothy French, Stella Benjamin, Clifford Turner, June Deater, William Siglin, Christine Bliz- zard, Jack Smith, Mr. Downes, Mr. Pogar and Mrs. Prokopchak. —_———————— ROAST PORK SUPPER The Ladies Aid Society of Dallas M. E. church will serve a roast pork supper on Wednesday, October 13, starting at 5:30, in the social rooms. This is an annual affair and a large IRE R EEE HERERO ERE dr. 0. U. A. M. Dance Is Free This Week Dallas Council, No. 281, Jr. O. U. A. M. which conducts free dances every Saturday night at Hillside, has announced that the dance this Satur- day might will be free. Ralph Sands orchestra will play for round and square dances and Al Partington will be caller. On the folowing Saturday night the regular dances will be re- sumed. J crowd is expected. First National Bank United States Depository PUBLIC SQUARE WILKES-BARRE, PA. Capital—Surplus ....... $ 2,250,000 Resources ......-.. +... $12,412,000 OFFICERS: wm. fH, Conyngham ..... President Chas. F. Huber .... 1st Vice-Pres. M. G. Shennan Vice-Pres. & Cashier DIRECTORS: Chas. N. Loveland Francis Douglas .. Exec. Vice-Pres. Fred O. Smith Will’lam S. McLean, Jr. Wm. H. Conyngham Richard Sharpe C. F. Huber Francis Douglas T. R. Hillard Edward Griffith Wm. W. Inglis M. G. Shennan 2% Interest On Savings Sate Deposit Boxes For Rent T HE WORLD'S BEST KNOWN MATTRESS Do No GUESSING SIMMONS offers QUALITY aud COMFORT at Prices everyone can Afford COMPARE THIS VALUE! Buy no Substitute Buy the Best ——— 049 50c weekly SIMMONS SLUME ER-KING ‘nner-spring mattress Make your bed complete by buying a good mat- tress. 2 Horse Potato Digger.16.50 Fruit Picking Ladders, ft. .35 18 in. Hot Air Furnace.52.00 Aladdin Oil Lamps. Cpt..4.95 LET US HEAT YOUR HOME Gay-Murray Go. Inc. Simmons for quality. It pays to buy quality—you get more rest and you wake up refreshed. Everyone knows Price Guaranteed or Your Money Back No Carrying Charges—Cash Prices On Credit! se 74 x bY]