v I PAGE SEVEN Expo Beauty Meat Prices Up; Fruits Advised Lovely Leontine MacGregor of Florida is just one of the beauties gathered from all over the nation to glorify the new 1937 Great Lakes Exposition at Cleveland, O. Lutheran Church Has Fine Picnic St. Paul’s Congregation Has Outing At Wolfe's Grove An enjoyable program of swimming, boating, baseball and quoits_with a hymn service to add to the program— was enjoyed by more than 100 per- sons who attended the picnic of St. Paul's Lutheran Sunday School at Wolfe's Grove last Friday. Mrs. Ger- trude J. Russ led the hymns. Committee in charge had as mem- bers: Rev. H. E. Frankfort, David Spry, George Hunt, Walter Thompson, Mrs, John Garrahan and Mrs. John Eck. Winners of events were: Young boys’ marshmallow - eating contest, ‘winner, William Malkames; balloon- blowing, Robert Morgan; gum-chew- ing, Charles Malkames; young girls’ marshmallow-eating contest, Laura Adler; whistling, Betty Ness; balloon twisting, Bernice Lozo; men, gum- chewing, Fred Girton; whistling, Ray- mond Williams; soda drinking, Harold Johnson; women, nail-driving, Mrs. Llewellyn Morgan; bean guessing, Nancy Bevan and Mrs. Gordon Lay- cock, Post’s Food Shopper Gives Advice On Economical Buying It is a relief to turn to fruits and vegetables at this time when meats are on a continued upgrade. In general all meats are higher and more money is being paid for live cattle and pigs than ever before, The late PEACH season is beginning and is promising to be of generous proportions with consequent low prices. Peaches are delicious eaten raw and lend themselves to most cook- ed deserts in which apples are com- monly used. BARTLETT PEARS are now plenti- ful and low in price, PLUMS continue to be generally available and 'many APPLE varieties are now in market. NECTARINES, FIGS and APRICOTS are obtainable but less common. The HUCKLEBERRIES both wild and cul- tivated are more reasonable. Eastern grown CANTALOUPES are attractive in both quality and price. WATER- MELONS are higher and less plentiful. GRAPEFRUIT from California, and the Isle of Pines begins to be avail- able. “Vegetables Abundant, Low in Price With most vegetables abundant and low in price, LIMA BEANS, BEETS, CABBAGE, CARROTS, CELERY, LETTUCE, other SALAD GREENS, PEAS, POTATOES, SQUASH, TO- MATOES are particularly attractive. Forequarter Cuts Now High Recent increases in meat prices are being felt more in the forequarters or chucks than in the so-called hindquar. ter or tender cuts. This ig particular- ly true of BEEF and LAMB. FOWLS offer the best poultry value, though DUCKLINGS are moderate in price. EGGS are cheaper than last year at this season and are a really good val- ue. CHEESE, too, is relatively inex- pensive and a good protein food. Good values are to be found in the FISH market. Variety in cooking is neces- sary when variety in type of fish is lacking. Here is a menu made up of season- able food items which are moderate in price: Cream of Celery Soup Deviled Begs Tomatoes Stuffed with Fish Salad Marinated Vegetables Bread and Butter Peach - Turnovers Coffee KUNKLE MRS MINNIE KUNKLE CORRESPONDENT Cheese Milk Mrs. Alvin Scott was admitted to Nesbitt Memorial Hospital on Monday evening. Mrs. Roannah Landon visited the Olin Kunkle family and Mrs. Minnie Kunkle on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Steele of Kingston called on Mr. and Mrs. Williaam Brace on Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Isaacs of For- ty Fort visited Mr. and Mrs. John Is- aacs on Saturday. They had just re- turned from an extended visit with their daughters in Albugderque, N. M.,, and in Texas. Miss Margaret Kunkle returned on Monday of last week from a week- end visit with Mr. and Mrs, 'S. 'A. Dur- land of Wiyoming. She also accom- panied them on Sunday on a trip to High Point, N. J. ROBER 4 A REAL NAME I$ JOSE PAIGE GIVEN THE JOB HERSELF ! LYDA= ROBERT) WAS BORN IN VARSAV, POLAND ON MAY 20%, four languages and can converse Wiley Padan. “Also, Herbert Rawlinson, star of the silent screen, 18 seen as a radio executive in M-G-M’s ‘Nobody's Baby’, the! Hal Roach full-length feature.” : sata 7 J ARMSTRONG'S BOYH@D AMBITION VAS TO BE A BASEBALL PLAYER « HE VAS BORN IN SAGINAW, MICHIGAN NOV.20... ATTENDED, LAV SCH@L AT THE UNIVERSITY of WASHINGTON, VENT TO GET HER BROTHER A 908 | LAWRENCE WITH FRANK FAY'S SHOW, AND WAS New York, N. Y.— “IT’S TRUB! that Lyda Roberti speaks LYNNE @VERMAN WAS BORN IN MARYVILLE, MISSOURI. HE BEGAN WITH OLD-TIME MINSTREL SHOWS, OVERMAN MADE A BIG HIT “Lottly Wise Marker, ”. a ROSINA CHANGES TO A: SORHETICN ED TYPE = % ‘NOBODY'S BABY". SHE SINGS AND i a half dozen others!” says And never before have This Maple $49.95 provides a strik- ing example of what this great mid-summer sell- ing event has co offer. 8 large pieces — almost identical with the picture: Bed, IT'S TIME NOW TO REFURNISH—in August and during our August Sale! have we had a more brilliant display of fine furnishings. co-operation from manufactures: stunning new furniture at amazingly low prices. BEDROOM SUITE AT Dresser and Chest of Drawers. of Mahogany or Maple finish. TERMS ALWAYS AGREEABLE TO YOU. Never in our entire history we enjoyed such whole-hearted a co-operation that enables us to offer you all this or Mahogany Finished Styled right, finished right. Choice ‘at prices that’ll make your brain think DRASTIC PRICE CUTS-- CLOSE OUTS of floor sample and demonstrating elec- 500 Cottage Shades 29¢C « tric refrigerators at amazingly low figures. Several solid Solon. STEWART - WARNER | [uma we comics the refrigerator of many conveniences— unique and compelling August Sale offering. and your eyes blink. Our $155 Ten-Piece what appealing values this produces. Brilliantly polished Walnut Suites Marked 51190 afford still another forceful demonstration of China Closet, Serving and Extension Tables, Master and 5 Tapestry seated chairs. Diningroom big selling event veneered Buffet, Nine by twelve feet; soft, silent, luxuri- cus pile; lustrous color effects and eye- pleagirg patterns. A rug guaranteed to rende: satisfactory wear. $29.50 $36 Regular Three designs in these GENUINE MAPLE 5-piece Secretaries Choice of 3 Designs In Solid $ 95 Maple Breakfast Sets 2 $ 95 Colonial A design na with thirteen | fein : grills. Walnut 5 me 8 | deep colored, beautiful finished wood; | = = ll : sets. Refectory serpentine front; | : : table and 4 chairs to match. Each is a distinctive spacious draw- [i style and affords a wide margin of saving. ers. Impressive i! as a furnishing. Friezette; solid color. one in lovely green color. large chairs. cushions. A suite that will faction. wear, genuine comfort and all around satis- $95 Livingroom Suites August Sale Priced 59.00 Two pieces in Rust, Settee and two Spring edge. and reversible give exacting $19.75 Chair and A deeply overstuffed and finely upholstered chair with ottoman to match. Solid color covering. Ottoman 77-Piece Dinner Sets | 53 pieces of floral pattera $ a5 dinnerwear in beautiful H 4-9 n colorings. 24 pieces of ‘ glassware: Tumblers, Cocktails and Sherbets. Service for eight. MN y Uy PUBLIC SQUARE