/ De 3 aki oe : Program Recalls 2 Prominent Names Gives Workers On Carverton Circuit Of Church In 1904 An old program for the Carverton Circuit of the Methodist Episcopal Church, added to The Post's collection of local historic papers this week, re- + calls many names of men and women who were active in. church affairs in eh those days. C. E. Sweet was pastor of the ores) 'in’1904, when the program was printed, “and his message, dated May 1, appar- ‘ently came shortly after he had been returned ‘to “the local Rare by: the } conference. ‘The committees’ for that qtear in- cluded the following: Missions; Giles Gay, Thomas Hughes. pg Church Exterior: E. Rozell, Harvey Coon, Martin. Wkintz. Carverton Sunday School: Mrs. Mary Saxe, Miss Louisa Gregory, Miss Ber- tha Knoor. Fo Orange Sunday Seneols Amos Saxe, Mrs. A. Hisler, Mrs. E. B. Longwell, Willie Gay. Mt. ‘Zion Sunde School: Mrs. El- L mer Rozell, Mrs. B. E. Smith and How- Leg hen I. Courson. : Hughes, Miss: Emma. Reeves. : ard Lewis, Harris - Hill Mrs. Sunday School: _ Ziba Schooley, Mrs. J. Kirkendall, Mre. J.J Howell. : Tracts: “William Barnum, John Ro- Temperance: James Harris, E. Ro- zell, Ziba Schooley. ; FXucation: Ralph Lewis, Mrs. T. Church 'Records:’ Rev. C¢. "8! ’Harris, B. E. Smith.’ Music at Carverton: Mrs, George Rose, Jacob Hegt, Miss Jane Nixon." “Music at ‘Orange: 1 G. Leek, "Charles Ross, C. N. Harris. Music at Mt. Zion: T. Hughes, Miss "Nellie Shelley, Mrs. BE. Rozell. Music at Harris Hill:' Mrs. Ziba Schooley, Miss Pearl Howell. | “Parsonage and Furniture: ell, Mrs. Harvey Coon, Willie Gap, B BE. Smith, Mrs. John Eaton, Mrs. Wes- ley Lewis,’ Mrs. James Kirkendall, H. Gay. J. How- Conference Claimants: Giles Gay, Theodore Knoor, V. Lewis. Stewards ‘at Carverton: Theodore Knoor, Amos Saxe, J. F. Hegt, Mrs. Harvey Coon. Stewards at Orange: Martin Wieintz, C. N. Harris, Willie Gay, Ira Fraantz. Stewards at Mt. Zion: B. E. Smth, E. Rozell, Willam Barnum, T. Hughes. Stewards at Harris HIl: James Kir- kendall, Ziba ‘Schooley, Gideon Howell. Entertains In Honor Of Winifred J ones Miss Winifred Jones of Dallas, who 'will be married to Willard Hoover of Dallas on June 29, was guest of honor at a dinner on Monday} night in Hotel Sterling, Wilkes-Barre. Guests were: Belle Dodson, Ann Talmon, Mrs. George Yatsko, Catherine Olenack, Flossie Jones, Nan Thomas, Gertrude Harris, Phoebe Fargo, Mary Edwards, Reunion, on™ "Sunde ‘accompanied’ them home for a ‘week's Willie Gay, Mrs. : Marian Miller, Ellen Evans, Margaret Hennesy, Edith Trabitz, Helen Karkut, Helen Snarski, Ann Snarski, Ann Ku- zemka,- Helen. Milbrodt, Helen Yunitus, Dorcas Nable, Rita MicManaman, San Dougherty, Miléred Kuhns, Irene Zim- | .merman, Frances. Tomshalk, Jule Al- bovage, Frances Pietrzak, Marian Ko- vacs, Geraldine MecGroarty, Alice Finn, Sally Yozviak, Mary D. Quiglqy; Peg Bona, Carolyn Paviak, Mary Franake, ‘Mary Bechtoll, Agnes D. Burt, Alberta’ Hooper. : v i : a MRS MINNIE KUNKLE ! Sanpsspon DENT Mrs. ‘Clarence Roote visted her si8- ter, Mrs. John Brader of Parsons on Thursday of last week. 5 5 Mr. and ‘Mrs. Carl Makinson ‘and daughter, Nell of Forty Fort and Mr. and Mrs. Victor Rydd were visitors at the Olin Kunkle home Sunday evening. ew Mr. and Mrs, John Thomas and som," John ‘Thomas, Jr., of Kingston, visited | Mrs. Thomas’, parents, Mr. and Mrs. A L. Kunkle and attended the Kunkle Martha Kunkle visit. ’ ; i (8, ®L The Silver Leaf Club enjoyed a Pov- erty Party at ehe Grange Hall on Wednesdg,\' evening of last week. A penny for each letter of the first name was the admission charge and a penny fine was imposed for any article not considered poverty attire. A poverty .|lunch was served to Mrs. Frank Hess, Mrs. Charles Wertman, Mrs. William Weaver, Mrs, ‘Kenneth Martin, Mrs. ordon Austin, = Alice Austin, Bina Austin, Mrs. Edgar Sulton, Mrs. Leon Race, Mrs. Ralph Elston, Mrs. Owen Ide, Mrs. Bay Henney, Mrs. Victor Fpdd, Mrs. ‘Palmer Updyke, Miss Frances Hess, Mrs. Leroy Hess, Mrs. Harold Smith, Mrs. Ralph Hess, Mrs. William Miers, Mrs. Charles Murphy, Mrs. Gideon Miller, Mrs. William Brace, Mrs. Ralph Ashburner, Miss Gertrude Smith, Mrs. Russel Miers, Forrest Kunkle. in your Neighborhood American 1. A Gn otsoneerer | You Should Know The Most of the Best for the Least is what you are assured when you shop regularly at a Saving — Let us help you to Save. Store. Thousands enjoy Quality Lima Beans Corn Peaches =~ 2 :=29° Delicious fruit, rich syrup, for desserts or salads / asco Wheat Puffs asco Corn Flakes pe Us Hurff Jr) Spaid center cuts All green, tender and delicious Large Fancy Calif. Dried Finest grown, for soups, stews, salads. Farmdale Crushed 2 rhge. V5 No/ Ty gprs yi 0° 10° / Sweet, tender and appetizing./ A big value Except Chicleen pint 25 Heinz Soups cui consonne 2 7 25g . : Chicken Gumbo pint 31 Heinz comonme 2 7 316 » . 7 Dol No. 2 23 Pineapple Juice Hae on gang C Let Us Do Your Bread Baking Sandwich Bread er Jc MILK BREAD 8c_FAMILY BREAD pan of 2 loaves 1ic FATHERS’ DAY CHOCOLATE CAKE ___ 49c | Potatoes Cantaloupes * Produce Direct from the Grower Finest Fresh Dug U. S. No. 1 BANANAS == New Cabbage 3 m= [0c New Texas Cnion 3 m= 0c Extra lge. Jumbo umbo atermelons Buy Satisfaction Where Quality Counts and Your Money Goes Furthest These Prices Effective in Our Stores | puprrorrroropme ip Dalles And Vieinity ’ full 15 Ib. C pk. Fancy Ib 5 fi Bie £ 2 « 25¢ "Our stor stores are abundantly supplied with luscious red ripe Watermelons at very at- tractive prices. Kington Township SUNDAY SERVICES Sellars, pastor. Church ‘School at 9:45. Morning at 11. Epworth League 6:45. Evening at 7:30. St. Therese’s Catholic, Shavertown— Rev. Herbert Frankfort, pastor. Ma- tins at 8:30. Sunday School at 9:45. Morning at 11. Luther League at 7. Trucksville M. E. — Rev. Harry M. Savacool, pastor. No Church School. Morning at 10:30. Epworth League at 6:45, ‘Evening at 7:30, Trucksville F. M. — Rev. Gertrude Ross, pastor. Sunday School at 9:30. Morning at 10:30, with class meeting following. Young People’s League, at 6:45. Evening at 7:30. : St. Therese’s Catholic, Shavertiwn— Rev, ‘Harold Durkin, pastor. Masges at] at at 10. Morning at 11. Lee Scott To Mares ‘Mary Ann Laycock + The engagement of Miss Mary Anna Laycock, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. Harold Laycock of Wilkes-Barre to H. Lee Scott, Jr, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. Lee Scott of Dallas, was announced this week. The wedding will take place in ‘September at Glen Summit Springs. Miss Laycock, a granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Wieckesser of Wilkes-Barre and Mr. and Mrs. Cc. Wi Laycock of North Maple. Avenue, Kingston, is a graduate of the ‘Bar- rington School at Barrington, Mass. and Sarah Lawrence College, Bronx- ville. She is a member of the. Junior League of Wilkes-Barre. Mr. Scott is a graduate of Wyoming Seminary Bus- iness "College. 7 nn GR ents COOKING SCHOOL Mrs. Bertha P. Howe, Home Eco- tric Corporation, will conduct a cook- ing school and demonstration Tuesday afternoon, June 22 at 2 at St. Paul's Lutheran church, Shavertown, under to attend. ® “ADJUST-O-MATIC" Thermostat. Signals heat is reached. inside the kitchen cool. roaster, © 25% MORE CAPACITY capacity than oval space. © GENUINE ‘‘GLASBAKE" table service as well. eooking. 9 SELF-BASTING COVER Easy to clean — has Colwell, Hunt Richard Weidner, Gail Shaver. “Little White Daisy,” Ruth Scott. i Naomi Georgia Ayre, Pe ~.1Schooley, Carol Shaver, Albert Himm- nomist of Luzerne County Gas & Elec ler, Jane Knecht, Elsie Jeter, Selected heat automatically main- tained by Built-in Watchman Rectangular shape gives 25% more Pying the same amount of shelf Not only cook perfectly, but are suitable for refrigerator storage or smaller dishes may also be used for to accumulate condensation or to risk admission of food moisture. Children To Take Part In Program Shavertown M. E.— Rev. Fred M. | Mrs Him ler Is In Charge Of Exercises At M. E. Church The annual Children’s Day exercises of Dallas M, E. Church ‘will be held on Sunday morning at 10:30, with Mrs. Wiesley Himmler as general chairman. A pageant, be the principal feature. oA “Under Open Skies,” will The program follows: .. Exercises: Judith Ajre, Bobby Sny- der, Evelyn Whipp, Joan Kear, Harry Pittman, Jerry Machell, Bobby Bellas, Betty Thomas, Ci Carl Thomas, Harry 8:30 and 10:30. Sunday School follow- | Bellas, Robert Bodycomb, Naomi ing first mass. : Veitch Glenview P. M., Frenbrook — Rev. : : r | Charles Thomas, pastor. Sunday School| Exercise, “Mother. Nature's Chil- dren,” Many Rozelle, Beatrice Garnett, Ethel Culp, Jean Monk, Eloise Free- man, Helen Stookey, Pauline Ide, Huey, Helen Stookey. Recitation, “A Wish,” Winifred Still. | Wanda Culp, Dorothy Exercise, “Wk're Thankful,” Kenneth Shaver, June Dorothy Recitation, Exercise, Grand, Calvin Culp, Robert More, Jr., Paul Clemow, Allen Shaver, Jack Nelson, ‘Willard Chamberlain, Charles Recitation, Beryl Colwell. Pageant, “Under. Open Skies,” Ruth Fiske, Betty Pittman, Helen Labarr, Alma Nelson, Reeg Finn Hobart Jeter, David &chmerer;] Shaver, Marjorie Evans,’ Jean Culp, Mary ‘Ruth Monk, I : : Betty Wagner, Genevieve Veitch, Ed- the sponsorship of the Ladies’ ‘Society na Felkner, Louise Veitch, Dorothy of the Church. Everybody is invited Huey when selected @® GLASS WOOL INSULATION The finest, most dependable heat resistant — keeps the heat at work helps keep |morning serpice at 11 ‘will be opened ‘a noted writer and lecturer. The’ choir {will be no.evening services during-the Edna“ Felkner,’ ne @ Demonstrate % Ne ew Organ On The new Hammond Electric Organ | will be demonstrated, at St. Paul's | Lutheran Churchp$havertown, at the | #. m. services on Sunday. atin service will be open- fteen minute .organ-recital consisting of the following selections: “Largo”, Handel; “Offertoire in D Minor,” Batiste, and “Nocturne in F Sharp”, Chopin. E. H. Bennet, organ- ist of the Kingston M. E. Church will be at the console. “For the Discour- aged” will be the sérmon topic. The with a short recital consisting of the “Solemn Prelude,” Noble, and “Chorus of Angels”, Clark. The sermon will be delivered by Rev. Paul Mounts, the Lutheran missionary to the Jews, and will sing a special anthem. There: suminer, EASY WASHER Sales and Service Parts and Service tor All Make Washers REBENNACK & COVERT 267 Wyoming Avenue “Be Content,” Richard Le- i TEL. 7-4514 — KINGSTON, PA. Resources ..,........... $12,412,000 First National Bank United States Depository PUBLIC SQUARE WILKES-BARRE, PA, Capital—Surplus ....... $ 2,250,000 OFFICERS: Wm. H, Conyngham ..... President Chas. F. Huber .... 1st Vice-Pres. M. G. Shennan Vice-Pres. & Cashier DIRECTORS: Chas. N. Loveland Francis Douglas .. Exec. Vice-Prea. . Fred O. Smith . ' William S. McLean, Jr. Wm. H. Conyngham Richard Sharpe : C. F. Huber : Francis Douglas T. R. Hillara = : Edward Griffith | Wm. W. Inglis M. G. Shennan 2% Interest On Savings. Sate Deposit Boxes For Rent y Isabelle Veitch, | Marguerite Sawyer, Dora Labor, Della Labar, Mary Lou Race, Mabel Rogers, NOTICE! | We wil per week. * not be responsible tor accidents happening to ‘anyone " riding on unsafe tires... when. they can get Goodrich Safety en for as little as 4 "ADD WOOLBERT DALLAS PENNA. COOKS COMPLETE! MEAL FOR 8 TG 10 PERSONS IN 2 FEET OF SHELF SPACE- In space-limited kitchenette apartments, at your summer cottage or camp; or at home where you want the everyday convenience of time-saving, roasters occu- economical electric cooking. . . that’s where this efficient, portable | electric oven can be a most practical servant. It roasts, bakes, stews, or. cooks a complete meal for 8 to 10... preserves the full flavor of foods / — makes inexpensive meats deliciously tender, bakes perfect cakes, pies; puddings — savory stews, soups and grilled dishes. ATTACHABLE | DISHES Covers of two no air space modern household servant. 2 4. cash BROILER-GRID broils steaks or chops to perfection — and grills, fries : or toasts, as well. Come in and see an actual demonstration of this ultras \ rds . $1.95 doin. $1-95 a month \ LUZERNE COUNTY GAS & ELECTRIC CORP.