AGE FOUR PTR TT woe MRS MINNIE KUNKLE CORRESPONDENT Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Durland of Wyo- ming, Irene Smith of Scranton, Mr. and Mrs. C..V. Makinson and Nell Makinson of Forty Fort were: visitors at the Olin Kunkle home on Sunday. Charles Kunkle, accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Makinson home, for a few day’s visit, : . * . Myr. and Mrs. Victor Rydd and Mr. and Mrs. William Brace spent thé week end at (Higgins as the guests of Mrs. Mary Hepler. Cok kX Mrs. William "Weaver entertained her birthday club on Friday. A covered dish luncheon was served at noon. Covers were laid for Mrs. Harvey Kitchen, Mrs. Florence Conden, Alder- son; Mrs. Ralph Hess, Mrs. Ralph Ashburner, Mrs. Frank Hess, Mrs. Stanley Elston, - Mrs. Walter Elston, Mrs. Ralph Elston, Mrs. Olin Kunkle, Mrs. Owen Ide and the hostess. Miss Mildred Denus was the guest of Miss Beth Love at dinner on Sun- day. * Mi. and Mrs. A. L. Kunkle attended the Commencement exercises at Kings- ton Township. High School on: Friday night. Their son, Sherman Kunkle of Shavertown, was a member of the graduating class. Mrs. Oliver Ellsworth entertained on Friday evening, Mrs. Anna Weaver and daughter Dorothy, Mrs. Clarence Roote; Mrs. Julia Kunkle: and Mrs. Minnie Kunkle. Outlet MRS. JOHN SUTTON CORRESPONDENT. = Myr; zand:Mrs.+ Dick London are re- - Joicing over the arrival of a son, "The Laketon Township schools have plosed for the summer vacation, RL m oe Mr, and Mrs. Bmery Lozier and fam- ily are now living in the new ‘home reeently erected by Robert Hoover. Mr. and Mfrs: Emil Casterline and family have moved in the home re- cently vacated by Jesse Hoover. * ® =» The Ladies’ Missionary Society met at the Free Methodist: Church on Thursday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson spent the ‘week end with Mr. and ‘Mrs. Will Gar- nett of Ruggles, the latter's parents. Mrs. Mary Alen and son Elmer Al- in were Wilkes-Barre callers on Fri- day. . . * x = Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Seifert are at Chile, N. YY. for a few days. i ~ Bverett and Iver Richards of Ply- mouth spent the week end with Rob- ert and George Sutton. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Richards and @aughter, Jacqueline, visited Mr. and Mrs, John Sutton on Sunday afternoon, * + * Miss Hannie Sutton of ‘Shavertown is visiting Mr. and Mrs. John Sutton. On account of the absence of Rev. and Mrs. Lewis Seifert there was no church on Sunday night. Church and Sunday School at 10 d’clock, followed by class meeting; Church, 7:30 o'clock. Rev. Lewis Seifert, pastor. GAY. - MURRAY NEWS— SHOP MEN: ARE STEPPING 7 Everywhere... folics are thinking of . more convenience and comfort. in their homes. We have recently in- stalled :new heating plants for Ar- | thur Remington’ at: Keiserville and Earl McCain of ,Rush and H. G. Borel, at Lake Garey. Lr This is the best time of year to make improvements. Why not think ' seriously of a mew heating plant or bathroom right now? We gladiy | estimate. L. H. Williams. has found the easiest and best way to shear sheep—His electric shearmaster will save wool and lame backs. Haying season just ahead How are your old mower and rake. We can supply you with guards, knives, bolts and rivets for most old mow- ers and teeth for rakes, or better yet a new Oliver Mower and rake. Each week adds new names to our list of users of milk coolers and Westinghouse Refrigerators. Ben Space at Meshoppen, Burrell Bur- gess at Russell Hill and Herbert Place at Mehoopany bought coolers while Carl Aten of Factoryville, Olin £ ark of Nicholson and Fred Hirkey at 7 ziserville bought: Westinghouse Household Units. Ir You Investigate, You'll Buy WESTINGHOUSE 6ay- Murray (0. Inc. TUNEHANNOCK, PENNA, Ruggles MRS. MYRTLE KOCHER CORRESPONDENT Mr. and Mrs. Ira Major, Sr. of Kingston have moved to their cottage for the summer months. Miss Mae « Dougherty and Stuart Major spent Sunday at the Major's cottage. Mrs. Verne Kitchen and Mrs. Almon Rood spent Wednesday calling on Mrs. Daisy Crispell and Mrs. Rodell Kocher. Mrs. Eckley Kocher and son, Leo, spent Wednesday with © Mrs. Louise Kocher. Mrs. John Shoemaker, daughter, Louise and Betty, spent Sunday with Mrs. Shoemaker’s mother, Mrs. Louise Kocher. : 3 Mr. and Mrs. Albert Gebler and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Gebler spent Friday evening with Mr, and Mrs, Orison Kocher. Mrs. Louise¢ Kocher, Mrs. Lela. Koch- er and Mrs. Etta Shand have been on the sick list at' this writing. Mrs. Jane Stroud, daughter, Grace, and Miss Bertha ~ Hutson called on Mr. and Mrs. Orrison Xunkle just recently. A reception was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Williaisn Harrison of Ruggles in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Elias Hoppes, daughter, Mary, and son, John, Mr. and Mrs. William Fritz, daughter, Arlene, son, William, Jr., of Pittsburg; Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Miller, daughter, Eleanor of Camden, N. J, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hoppes, daughters, Mae, Eleanor, Mary and Phyllis of Courtdale; Mr. and Mrs. Earl McNeel of Wyoming, Mr, and Mrs. Steve Kocher, daughters, Mildred and Marie, David Davis, Mr. and Mrs. William Mialetta and Miss Paria of Wilkes-Barre. Claude Whagner of Tunkhannock, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hoover of Noxen, Mr. and Mrs. William Thompson, Mrs. Minnie Sites, Mall Steele, Hilda Sites, of Noxen, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Koch- er, Sr, Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Oney, daughters, Ruth, Betty, Lois and son, George, Byron and Fred of Laketon. Mr. and Mrs. Verne Kitchen, daugh- ter, Vera, Sara, and Nellie, Mr. and Mrs. Almon Rood, daughters, Dorothy, Eleanor, and son, Ralph, Mr. and Mrs. Classified Ads FOR SALE_1% horse power Inter- national engine, $25. Double Tub Dexter Washer, $25. Singer Sewing Machine, ‘$25. One set 32 volt Bat- teries, Westinghouse, and Motor, $125. all like new. Cambra Store Company, Route 2, Fairmount Springs. 3t FOR SALE—Goodrich DeLuxe auto- mobile heater, used 2 hours; perfect condition. Cheap for a heater of this grade. See Mr. Spurgeon at Dallas “Post” office. WANTED—Girl with good references, for general housework; apply 130 Lake Street or Phone Dallas 56. it FOR SALE—Baled hay and straw. A, J. Hadsell, Huntsville. Phone Dallas 251 R 19. FOR SALE—1 -horse power motor for 32V Delco plant; pump; six months old; in perfect condition; cheap to quick buyer. Leslie Dymond. FOR RENT—T7-room house, all im- provements. Dr. Wall's residence, 5 Machell Ave. Inquire of Mrs. William Gans, Dallas, ; WANTED TO RENT _Five- or six- room house; Dallas or Kingston Town- 1 ship. , All improvements. Rent must be reasonable. Phone Dallas 300 or write Box T, Dallas Post. THE DALLAS POST DALLAS PA, FRIDAY, JUNE 1, 1937. Claude Wilkes, daughters, Marion, | Lewis, Elwood, and William, Jr., Albert Harrison, Earl Davis, Bert Fish of Ruggles and Emory Kocher of Forty Fort. Carrie, Mildred and Lillian, and sons, Sterling, Claude, Jr., Mrs. Harry Jones and daughter, Dorothy, Clarence Mon- tross, Mr. and Mrs. William Harrison, daughters, Mary, Xdna, sons, John, erase AGRE Qe KUNKLE REUNION The reunion of the Kunkle family will be held on Sunday at Kunkle Community: Hall. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT SHERIFF'S SALE Friday, June 18, 1937, 10 o'clock a. m., Court Room No. 1, Court House, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. execution from Common Pleas Court of Luzerne Coun- ty, real estate of M. BE. Jevons; situate in Nuangola Borough, Luzerne County, Pa. being the undivided one-fourth interest in lot 50 feet wide on Vander- mark Street running of that width 300 feet, more or less, to line of low water mark of Nuangola Lake. Being the one-fourth interest in premises de- scribed in Luzerne County Deed Book 286, page 388. Improved with a frame summer cottage or dwelling house and out buildings, trees, etc. thereon. WILLIAM R. THOMAS, Sheriff. GEORGE L. FENNER, Attorney. SHERIFF'S SALE On Friday, June 18, 1337 at 10 o'clock a. mi. in Court Room' No. 1, Court House, Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, execution will issue from the Court of real estate of Frank Vukin and Helen Vukin situate in the Borough of Common Pleas of Luzerne County on Swoyerville, Luzerne County, Pennsyl- vania, being lot No. 53 on the plot of Pettebone’s Second Addition on Oliver Street and being forty feet in width and one hundred and twenty feet in depth. Improved with a two story frame dwelling and appurtenances. WILLIAM R. THOMAS, Sheriff. HENRY GREENWALD, Attorney. SHERIFF'S SALE FRIDAY, JUNE 18, 1937, AT 10 A. M. By virtue of a writ of Fi ‘Fa No. 152, July Term, 1937, issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Luzerne County, to me directed, there will be exposed to public sale by vendue to the highest and best bidders, for cash, in Court Room No. 1, Court House, in the City of Wilkes-Barre, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, on Friday, the 18th day of June, 1937, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of the said day, all the right, title and.interest of the defend- ants in and to the following described lot, piece or parcel of land, viz: All that certain piece of land situate in the Borough of Kingston, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at the present south- easterly corner of Rutter Avenue and Market Street, said corner being 3.5 feet ‘in a direction North, 53 degrees 43 minutes East, from the center line of Market Street . (State Highway Route No. 11). thence along Rutter Avenue North, 53 degrees 43 minutes East, 88.32 feet to a corner of Rutter Avenue and an alley; thence alonz said alley South, 36 degrees 17 mini- utes East, 65 feet to a point in line of land of George Gress and wife; thence along land of sald Gress South, 53 de- grees 43 minutes West, 88.32 feet to a point on the Easterly side of Market Street; thence along said Market Street North, 36 degrees 17 minutes West 65 feet to a corner, the point of beginning. \ Improved with a two story frame dwelling. WM. R. THOMAS, Sheriff. Seized and taken into execution at the suit of Kingston Bank and Trust Company, now. by conversion the Kingston National Bank vs. Lessley !A." Steele Inc. now by change of name Realty Investment Exchange, and will be sold by WILLIAM R. THOMAS, Sheriff. FELIX W. BOLOWICZ, Attorney. © 1937 A. B. Co. JUST LIKE ATLANTIC "MORE MILES FOR YOUR MONEY!” Ae i 1 eledr, / YOU GET “LONGER DRIVES" WITH ATLANTIC PRODUCTS because they keep down carbon, reduce normal engine wear, guard against big repair bills. Remember, they, kept six stock cars in new-car condition for 100,000 miles apiece, without carbon removal or repairs to any lubri« cated engine parts! Change to Atlantic — today! Woe Wliles fot You's Homey » ATLANTIC LO rion ¢ "MOTOR OIL | [LUBRICATION & A HANDY GUIDE ————————————— BUSINESS DIRECTORY These firms are vitally in- terested in the welfare of Dallas and its vicinity. We recommend them in the hope that your patronage and their services will result in greater growth of this section, SECURITIES 3TOCKS AND BONDS Speciaiists in all N. E. Penna. Securities PETER DP. CLARK 1404-05 W.-B. DeposIT AND Savings Bank BLbG. w-B 3-0318 DALLAS 52 HILLSIDE TIRE SERVICE Gulf Gas and Oils Tiolene and Pennzoil Kenyon and Lee Tires Tel. Dallas 9089-R-2 - TRUCKSVILLE, PA. AUTOMOTIVE “SMILING SERVICE ‘ALWAYS” OLIVER'S GARAGE DALLAS, PA. « Packard Cars White and Indiana Trucks «© + SURVEYOR IRA D. COOKE Professional Land Surveyor ENGINEERING Penn'a Register No. 4104 SUCCESSOR TO CHAS. H. COOKE, De,cd Phone. Dallas 126, Dallas, Pa WELL DRILLING NOW ig the time to have your well drilled. Why worry about water? Wells drilled on Easy Payment Plan. As low as $10 per month! Write or Call Cresswell Drilling Co. KINGSTON , 'PHONE 7-4818 RESTAURANTS THE WHITE HOUSE Why Not? JACK NOTHOFF — FERNBROOK For a good time try Hayden Cafe Chicken and Spaghetti Dinners Every Saturday Night 86 MAIN ST. DALLAS Used: Cars. Laketon The installation of Rev. John Al- bright of the Laketon Luthteran Par- ish took place on Wednesday night. *® ® » Mrs. Kenneth Todd and son, Duane, and Mrs. Oberst visited Mrs, Claire Eckerd on Monday, Miss Helen Koslosky spent Monday in Whlkes-Barre, ‘% & = Those who visited Mrs. Marie Oberst 9 on Sunday afternoon and evening were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sgarlett and daughter, Mary, and son, Jimmie, Mr. and Mrs. James Roberts and daughter, Hilda, of Kingston; John XKlimavich, Anna Ronsa, Miss Bertha Hebreigle, Charles Klimavich, Miss Frances Klimavich and Joe Pitoutunes. ®t *¥ Xx Raymond Garinger and Joseph And- erson motored to Harrisburg on Mon- day and brought back a load of farm machinery for Zel Garinger of Dallas. $$ * = Mr. and Mrs. Fred Crispell and daughter, Annabelle, visited Mr. and Mrs. Guy Smith of Fairmount Springs on Sunday. a ave on A&P Quality Meals Best Whole Cuts {. Chuck =m Roast ® Spiced—=Sliced Luncheon Meat *= 156 Baked or Cheese. Loaf = 136 Little Neck Clams 100 or 436 Sliced 23 Boiled Ham of Large Dil Pickles 3 fo 106 No Dosey No Waste fillets Soo ™- 106 Genuine 1937 Baby Lees OF Spring Lam bo. 206 256 oo SHOULDER WHOLE MILK Cheese POLK’S FLORIDA Grapefruit Large Slieed A&P Bread SPARKLING Desserts 1937 NEW PACK Peas ANN PAGE Ketchup (Plus. Bottle Deposits). Water, 6c Ann Page Gelatin Desserts Also Chocolate or vanilla Ice Cream Powder or Pudding 2. 25¢ 3 Your choice of Pale Dry or Golden Ginger Ale__Also Birch Beer, Root Beer, Cherry Soda, Kola, Sparkling Aged For Fine Flavor » 2c ut 10c pune] 1 © 6-<-25¢ ans 29C 25¢ 18-02z. Sliced Loaf 9c 3 8-0z. bots. FANCY VREAMERY Butter 2 Bl¢ Silverbrook Sweet Cream Print Butter 2 lbs. 73c White House Vd). il 42256 6 small cans 21c tall cans Finest Selected New Potatoes California Jumbo—New Crop Cantaloupes 2-29 Extra Large — Ripe Watermelons 0 Half Melon 35¢ ea. Onions 3. I A Big Value! Sugar 10 = 49° A:P Food Stozes