Greatest Circus Is Coming Soon Barnum & Bailey To Play At Wilkes - Barre On June 10 The world’s mightiest amusement enterprise on tour—the Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey combined circus with its 1937 seven-ring-and-stage program, star studded and liberally in- terspersed with new thrillers from Europe and Asia, featuring among its array of new wonders the most gor- spectacle in its definitely geous introductory brilliant history, India, is scheduled to exhibit in Wilkes-Barre, ‘Thursday, June 10. India is mot just another circus spectacle. It is not merely a glitter- ing parade to open the Big Show per- formances. It is the result of a year's planning, a really staggering expendi- ture and much research on the part of Sam W. Gumpertz, general manager of The Greatest Show on Earth. Costly fabrics were purchased in car load lots. Color schemes blend in lovely perspectives. sand people and animals taking part wears a small fortune on his or her back. All have towering headdresses of exquisite beauty. One group of 170 horses, with girl riders, is like nothing ever before offered,” for the horses, wearing | medieval bejeweled blankets of velvet, carry gorgeous canopies over the girls’ heads. India is a torrent of the hippodrome track and the seven Every one of two thou-, of elephants and 700 horses. THE DALLAS POST, DALLAS, PA. FRIDAY, MAY 28, 1937 TEST WEATHE “With this half-ton model of research men test weather conditions to learn how N STREET” a3 iE R 0 N MINIATURE “MAI gn “Main Street” perature of the exhibit can be changed from that of a balmy spring day to the frigid blasts of to make homes comfortable under summer heat or winter chill Within a few seconds the tem- January. color and flashing jewels, flowing over rings and stages. It is the last word in pageantry. In aerial and equestrian displays | The Greatest Show on Earth has out- | done itself this year, while the ground | acrobatic numbers are the largest and finest ever presented in any land or | age. The Ringling Bros. and Barnum & | Bailey combined circus will arrive on | four long trains of 100 double-length | steel railroad cars, carrying 1600 peo- ple, 1009 menagerie animals, 7 herds { MEMO FOR MEMORIAL DAY: BEFORE YOU 60... FILL UP WITH ATLANTIC! LEMON CHIFFON PIE FEATURE IN FAMOUS MOVING PICTURE I In the new cooking-school moving picture, “The Bride Wakes Up”, Lemon Chiffon Pie makes a big hit. This deli- cious pie will make a hit at your house, too. Dad will say it’s the best pie he ever tasted. It is made with genuine Knox Sparkling _ Gelatine — the plain gelatine that blends with all of nature’s fruits and vegetables. LEMON CHIFFON PIE (One 9-in. Pie—uses only Vy package) 1 envelope Knox Sparkling Gelatine 4 eggs 1 cup sugar 1/, cup lemon juice 1 teaspoonful grated lemon rind V4 cup cold water 1/5 teaspoonful salt Add one-half cup sugar, lemon juice and salt to beaten egg yolks and cook over boiling water until of custard consistency. Pour cold water in bowl and sprinkle gelatine on top of water. Add to hot custard and stir until dissolved. Add grated begins to thicken fold in stiffly beaten egg whetes to which the other one-half cup sugar has been added. Fill baked pie shell or gra- ham cracker crust and chill. Just before serving spread over pie a thin layer of whipped cream. lemon rind. Cool. When mixture KNOX 2 © 1937 A. R. Co. PLEASANT DRIVING MEANS a smooth-running, economical car . . . kept that way by the motor fuel, motor oil, and lubrication service you use! Atlantic Products kept six stock cars in new-car condition for 100,000 miles apiece. Use them — for top performance. Wore Wiles fos Your Wloney I® LE EH EETHEGTH Hii ITs Savin g Bots slaYTsd ol for drivers on CONCRETE ive through the n entire road width usable. ight with your family, how much safer you feel when . concrete “ribbon of light” iretches cut ahead! Hazards stand out clearly against the light grey surface —shoulders, ditches, obstruc- tions, pedestrians are clearly defined. Eye strain is reduced by the absence of glare. Brakes are at their best on the gritty non-skid surface of con- crete. Low crowns make the R13 (LAA GLE Clim For complete information write to PORTLAND CEMENT ASSOCIATION 1528 Walnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. A national organization of engineers and scientists working in laboratory and field to improve and extend theuses of concrete. Traffic doesn’t hug the center of the road. You drive in com- fort... relaxed. Every carisa better car on concrete. Concrete’s better visibility, safety and comfort are not luxuries because first cost of concrete is less than that of any other pavement of equal load-carrying capacity. Main- tenance cost is far lower. And motorists save in gas, tires and car repairs on concrete. MEER ERROR ROO GELATINE 7 N EL COCR CTA (LETT See Proot of ALL 5 BASIC SERVICES for ‘Home Refrigeration! No Money Down Easy Terms 1. GREATER ‘ICE-ABILITY Ends “Cube-Struggle” and *Ice- Famine’! 2. GREATER STORAGE-ABILITY New 9-way Adjustable Interior! - 3.GREATER PROTECT-ABILITY Keeps food safer, fresher, tanger! 4.GPEATER DEPEND-ABILITY 5-Year Protection Plan, backed by General Motors. : 5.GREATER SAVE-ABILITY Only FRIGIDAIRE has the Ld olor Wisen Cuts Curi-ent Cost to the 3onel Simplest refriger- ating mechenism ever built! Gives Super-Dutyat amazing saving, Buy on Proof of Super-Dity / ® For full value vou must have complete ability in All 5 Basic Refrigeration Services. ..and proofof All 5! That’s just what the new “Super-Duty” Frigidaire with the Meter-Miser gives you. If you want to save money and avoid regret... want permanent satis- faction, see our Frigicaire Proof-Demonstration before you buy! POMEROY’S Wilkes-Barre, Penna. “: J Bucknell Offers i | High School Graduates In Upper Two-Thirds Are Eligible University Junior College Bucknell announces that through the generosity of Wilkes-Barre eight competitive scholarships, of several citizens rang- ing from $50 to $100 each for a period of one year, will be awarded for the year 1937-1938. High school graduates who rank in the upper two-fifths of the graduating class and who are recommended by their principal ‘are eligible for the competition. © BOY, WHAT A LUCKY DAY FOR ME WHEN MY WIFE LEARNED ABOUT Spry AT THE MOTION PICTURE COOKING SCHC Lighter “ax cakes, flakier crisper fried fcods 0 DIGESTIBLE, too. Get Spry today. S It’s whiter, smoother, purer. Mixes twice as fast, fries without smoke, makes baked and fried foods doubly delicious. Tested and approved by Good House keeping Institute. Get the big 3-1b. can. Spr RIBIBIENENRNRIBIEIEIRIRIBIRIEEDEIRIRISRIRIBIRIRS The new, purer ALlL-vegetahle shortening — TRIPLE - CREAMED! HEHRIRIRIEIEBIEBIENAIRUNIERIRIQ BIRR EI REISE US EHR IBHENEHEI ENE (EERE EERE EIRENE EERE EER ae 1118! Sl | 8 Scholarships “Cradunates should apply PAGE THREE before June 7 through the high school principal. Of interest to the community is the fact that the examinations will be giv- jen on June 19 in Chase Hall, 184 | South River Street, the home recently given to Bucknell University by Ad- miral Stark. The administrative of- fices will be moved to Chase Hall early in June, First National Bank United States Depository PUBLIC SQUARE WILKES-BARRE, PA. Capital—Surplus ....... $ 2,250,000 Resources ......... cee... $12,412,000 OFFICERS: Wm, H, Conyngham ..... President Chas. F, Huber .... lst Vice-Pres. M. G. Shennan Vice-Pres. & Cashier DIRECTORS: Chas. N. Loveland Francis Douglas .. Exec. Vice-Pres. Fred O. Smith Willlam S. McLean, Jr. Wm. H. Conyngham Richard Sharpe C. F. Huber Francis Douglas T. R. Hillard Edward Griffith Wm. W, Inglis M. G. Shennan 2% Interest On Savings Sate Deposit Boxes For Rent TC SN $197 +x, A new Simmons Ace! platform top provides THE RIGHT KIND OF SUPPORT for the mat- tress. Controlled re- siliency gives extra comfort. border. Aluminum finish. If you WILKES al 1 00 Down ==50c weekly 99 Double deck coils. Stabilizers. Smooth need a spring come ‘in and see the Ace this week. Terms to suit you—as little as $1 cash. - BARRE