‘ton in terrible accents. full knowledge accuse the prisoner of SYNOPSIS Barbara = Clarke, belle of Puritan Salem Village, falls in love with dark, handsome Roger Coverman, a fugitive from Vir- ginia with a price on his head. Tituba, a Negro slave, is accused by the superstitious villagers of practicing’ witchcraft. She con- fesses and under duress names as her accomplices - four Salem women including Barbara. Swift- ly before this, Roger leaves Salem for Boston where he hopes to charter a ship to take Bar- bara and him away from the law. Returning to Salem, the treacherous captain of the ship decides to kidnap Roger and to turn him over to the authorities for the price on his head. Bar- bara witnesses the ensuing fight and capture. She promises to wait for Roger's return. Mean- while, she must stand trial for witchcraft. ~~ The full court CHAPTER VII “Barbara Clarke, you are hereby indicted and arraigned on charge of! having covenanted with the Devil,| and of practicing the’ damnable arts of witchcraft.” Chief Justice Laughton delivered the charge, on behalf of the full court of five. Through the assemblage ran a murmur of dread and hate. A month in prison had wasted Barbara’s body and whitened her face, but it had not diminished her spirit. Pride and steadfastness still helped her to face the - inquisitors. She stood alone; nobody was permit- ted to advise or aid her. “As you hope for the mercy of God, are you now prepared to con fess and repent?” demanded the Chief Justice, his tones heavy with threat. “I bave nothing confess.” “Summon Tituba, the black.” The aged slave, half palsied with terror, was led forth. “Do you, Tituba, as you expect grace, name and identify the accused as a consort of Satan?” “I—I—1I does, Mas'r Judge Laugh- ton.” She kept her look averted from the prisoner. “Have you taught and performed with her spells and sorceries?” She cast a fearful glance at Elder Morse and whispered a half audible affirmative. “Speak up " adjured Judge Laugh- “I warrant you found better voice for your Sa- tanic master Do you www with witchcraft?” FACTS YOU NEVER KNEW! READ 1S ONE OF THE MOST ERY ANCIENT FORMS OF FOOD. TH iY REMAINS OF BREAD MADE BY THE ly PRE -FISTORIC SWISS LAKE DWE y WHO LIVED MORE THAN f 7/53,6)0©) YEARS AGO, iil HAVE BEEN FOUND LLERS . \ THE DALLAS POST, DALLAS, PA., FRIDAY, APRIL 2, 1937 i! “Yes, suh. Oh, my God! Oh, my Mas’t God!” she whispered to her- self. “Tituba!” It was call. “Silence!” bellowed Morse. are not allowed to speak here.” Judge Sewall who, alone, of the court, had not the “hanging face” of the persecutor, lifted the eyes which he had shaded with a cupped hand. “The conduct of this trial is not with- in your province, Elder Morse. Let her be heard.” “Tituba, look at me.” “I cain’ look at you. I cain’ do it, Missy.” “Why can’t you?” “You know why, Missy,” moaned the wretched old creature. “Yes; I know,” said the girl gently and sorrowfully. “You can’t look at me and tell lies. Not even to save yourself from the gallows-tree.” Brandishing her arms in agony, the black woman dropped to her knees, lapsed forward upo= her face, and wallowed, moaning incoherently. Barbara's clear “You condemned Barbara to be hanged within the fortnight She was hastily dragged away by di- rection of the Chief Justice. “Bunyan Bilge,” he snapped. The town drunkard, sober and scared, slunk forward. He satisfac- torily established the presence of the devil in Salem, by testifying to hav- ing beheld him in the woods on the day of the minister's house-raising, and having fled from the fiery breath of his roaring, and the dire threat of his horn. “Horn?” queried Judge Sewall skeptically. “Surely Old Nick would be equipped with the full pair. Would you swear that the devil who put you to your heels did not come out of the bunghole of an ale-cask?” “It was Satan’s own self,” insisted the witness, “and him with the one horn. It gleamed from his forehead like steel, and he'd have spitted me like a roast fowl with it, if I hadn't made my legs my friend.” “Step down,” cut in Judge Laugh- ton, giving his associate judge a sour look. “Timothy Goode to the stand.” Poor Timothy, most reluctant, but well-knowing that hell fire would be his sure portion if he abated one jot of the truth, took a long breath as he advanced. “Timothy,” the stern Justice ad- dressed him after consulting notes, “do you witness to a monstrous, black figure in the thicket near the minis ter's house, at night?" “Y-y-yes, sir.” “Describe it.” “It had a big, black head. and one shiny, sharp horn.” “Again that heretical single horn,” commented Judge Sewall, skeptically. N ~~ Barbara | “And on that night was Clarke away from bed and home?” “Y-y-yes, sir,” faltered Timothy. “And you do now confirm that this was Satan that you saw, and that the accused met him there?” Unable to control his speech, little witness gulped and nodded. “Then, for the peace of your soul, do you now swear that you fear hate and forever abjure the said Barbara Clarke and all her works?” “Yes,” choked the boy, after agonizing hesitation. “Oh, Timmy! Timmy!” cried Bar- bara, and at the grief and broken love of that reproach he ran to her; cast his arms about her knees, and clung there, sobbing, until he was torn away. Thus two witnesses had proved a disappointment to the prosecution. It was apparent that the case now hinged upon the girl’s association with the devil; that, if firmly established, would serve to hang her. So thought Jeremiah Adams, who was permitted to see her at recess. the an “Only the truth can now save CONSIDERED AN MONG THE EARLY SAXONS, OLD SHOES Wane ¢ APPROPRIATE WEDDING GIFT BECAUSE THEY WERE SUPPOSED TO BRING COeD FORTUNE] [4 Fu Gal) BOTH THE ANCIENT WHILE EATING L,. CROSS-WORD PUZZLE 5 [0 Jit 2 13 14 S 9 24 [25 30 31 4 4 44 37 48 51 54 55 56 57 HORIZONTAL 10—Facility et 18 Bovine ‘animal 8—Hurried —To destroy 12—Formerly 13—Collection 14—Drama 15—Giants 17—Contusion 19—Crushed 20—Goads 21—Unimaginary 23—Accompanying 24—Vehicle 26—Joint 28—Toy 31—Verb of being 32—Enthusiasm 33—Pronoun 34—To sue 36—Element 38—Lair 39—To disturb 41—Particular . 43—Embarrassment 45—Fashions 48—Geological age 50—Neat 51—Level 52—Balderdash b4—Pain 65—Disorder 56—Some 57—Man’s name VERTICAL 1—Spots 2—Swandard quantity 3—Mimes 4—To depart 5—Auxiliary verb 6—One 7—To talk a lot 8—Sudden quickening 9—Betrothal ig) 22—Device to find plane 23—Female 24—Napkin 25—Custom 27—Insect egg 29-—To be indebted to 30—To confine 35—Attractive attributes 36—Carriage 37—Flexible 38—To conclude 40—Portends 42—Kind of reef 43—To appear 44—Took certain position 46—To reproduce 47—Observed 49—Age 50—Boil 53—Concerning A E ; N Answer to #113 fir was THE cusSTOM AMONG ROMANS AND GREEKS TO RECLINE ON COUCHES PAGE SEVEN called to bolster the “weakened testi- mony of witchly practice. Conscience had begun to work Sin ‘her; she was too frightened to-add * materially to the case. But Timothy, recalled, was forced to give his damning testimony regarding the dance, with the dark and invisible gallant, and Abigail Goode, with a face like death, con- firmed it. Barbara had no answer for this. The full court condemned her to be hanged within the fortnight. (To Be Continued) A HANDY GUIDE BUSINESS DIRECTORY These firms are vitally in- terested in the welfare of Dallas and its vicinity. We recommend them in the hope that your patronage and their services will result in greater growth of this section, SECURITIES 8TOCKS AND BONDS Speciausts in all N. E. Penn'a. Securities PETER D. CLARK 1404-05 W.-B. DEPOSIT AND SAVINGS BANK: BLDG. W-B 3-0318 .. DALLAS 52 HILLSIDE TIRE SERVICE Gulf Gas and Oils Tiolene and Pennzoil Kenyon and Lee Tires Tel, Dallas 9089-R-2 TRUCKSVILLE, PA. AUTOMOTIVE Hoping to continue giving you value for the money. in the future as | we have in the past 12 years. JAMES R. OLIVER DODGE ©. PLYMOUTH. DODGE TRUCKS: - :..RPACKARD SURVEYOR in the thicket. With my support to your testimony, we'll beat them yet.” “But—but when he comes back he will be taken and—and hanged.” “I'm afraid he will never come back, my poor child.” “Then let me, too, die,” she cried passionately. He made a final appeal. “It is his neck or yours, Barbara. And his is already forfeited.” This failed to move her. “He promised that he would come back to me,” she said with sweet obstinacy. “How could I face him, if I betrayed him!” From this he could not move her. In the afternoon Ann Goode was you,” he warned her. “I have told them the truth.” “But not the whole truth.” “You mean—Roger?” “I mean Roger, my own kinsman. Tell them that it was he you met First National Bank PUBLIC SQUARE WILKES-BARRE, PA. 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