The Dallas post. (Dallas, Pa.) 19??-200?, April 02, 1937, Image 10

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*Centermoreland—Church School at 10 a.
‘Dymond Hollow, school: and preaching
Review Of Easter
Services Locally
At the Baster services held in the
Methodist Chueches of Centermoreland
the following young persons were bap-
tized by the minister, - Rev. Fedor C.
Ether: Misses Doris. Alberta Siperko,
Audrey Louise Siperko, Marion ‘Weaver
Jackson, Adah Weaver Jackson.
Following the baptism these young per-
sons and Mildred Schoonover, Keith |
Kresge and Louis Kresge were received |
anto the membership of the church.
At Dymond Hollow Church Clifford
Coolbaugh, Clara Coolbaugh, Marion Dy-
mond, Arlene Eyet, Russell Eyet, Edgar
Barth and Warren Scott were received
into church membership.
Services in the churches next Sunday:
m.; preaching, 8 p. m.; DeMunds Cor-
mers, School and preaching, 10:30 a. m.;
at 2 p. m. with a Baptism service.
Rev. and Mss. F. C. Ether and daugh-
ter, Helen, attended the Wilkes-Barre
Ministers’ Association meeting Tuesday
afternoon at Perr Memorial Church, at
Let's All Work Together Now!
- - - - and get the Luzerne By-pass This Summer
Our compliments to
The cast for the coming Ladies’ Aid
play is rehearsing this week. The play
will be given Thursday and Friday eve-
nings, April 8 and 9, at the Grange;
The Ladies’ Aid society at the church
last Friday was well attended. Dr. George
M. Bell, district superintendent, preached
an excellent sermon and Rev. Lyon of
Courtdale gave a very interesting talk.
Miss Florence Dailey is home for the
Easter vacation.
Mollie Besteder, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Francis Besteder, is seriously ill.
Dr. Winters of Harding is the attending
Mrs. Robert Baird of Kingston was a
visitor in this place recently.
Miss Frances Gay of Dallas spent the
week end with Miss Minnie Schrader.
The family of Walter Frantz are
quarantined for scarlet rash.
Mrs. Ella Montross Mathers has been
making a farewell visit to relatives in this
place before moving to New York State.
Mrs. Herman Gay and Mrs. Ben Ferry
of Johnson City are visiting relatives in
this place. Marian and Wilma Gay
spent Easter with their grandmother.
Thomas Heffernan of the
Wilkes-Barre Sunday Independent for a splendid ed-
itorial . . . close to the hearts and pocketbooks of all
of us. ;
+ Not for the Back Mountain region alone, but for
all of us . . . residents of
the Back Mountain region,
Luzerne and Wyoming Valley . . . do we need a new
highway through Luzerne. )
_ i We in these communities need a new, modern
highway to make our homes more accessible and to
assure the population growth that is certain to fol-
Notice is hereby given in accordance
with Act approved July 18, 1935, P. L.
389, that the Board of School Directors
of Dallas Borough School District has].
prepared a proposed budget. Copies will
be posted in public places in the School
District in the same manner that audits
are posted, and a copy will be in the
hands of the secretary.
Public hearing on the budget will be
held at the high school building at 8:15
P. M,, Wednesday, May 5, 1937, at the
regular May meeting of the Board.
By order of the Board of School Di-
rectors. \
Friday, April 23rd, 1937, ten o'clock
A. M,, court room No. 1, Court House,
Wilkes-Barre, Pa., writ of levari facias
from Court of Common Pleas of Luzerne
County, Pa., real estate of Mary Ko-
lemba, Joseph Kolemba, and Joseph Ko-
lemba, Guardian of Agnes Kolemba, a
piece of land fifty feet wide on Poplar
Street, Township: of Plains, Pa., and one
hundred feet deep, improved with a two
story frame ‘dwelling house.
T. M. Conniff, Attorney.
Wyoming Valley must have this new highway as
an important link in the great new highway system
now under construction on route 92 from Tunkhan-
nock to Dallas, and thence to Wyoming Valley. This
route reduces the time and driving distance from
up river communities, Wyoming, Sullivan and Sus-
quehanna counties to Wyoming Valley. It deflects
business from the Scranton
Wilkes-Barre. Wyoming Valley also needs the new
highway to make its summer homes and recreation
at Harvey's Lake more accessible.
LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT Machell Avenue; call 260-R-3.
FRIDAY, APRIL 23, 1937, AT 10 A. M.
By virtue of a writ of Fi Fa No. 60,
May Term, 1937, issued out of the Court :
of Common Pleas of Luzerne County, to
me directed, there will be exposed to pub-
lic sale by vendue to the highest and best
bidders, for cash, in Court Room Noe. 1,
Court House, in the City of Wilkes
Barre, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, on
Friday, the 23rd day of April, 1937, at
ten o'clock in the forenoon of the said
day, all the right, title and interest of the
defendants in and to the following de-
scribed lot, piece or parcel of land, viz:
ALL that certain lot of land situate tn
the Borough of Kingston, Luzerne Coun-
ty, Penna., bounded and described as fol
lows, to wit:
BEGINNING at a point of the North-
easterly side of Price Street; thence
North 60 degrees 18 minutes East 155
feet to a corner on an alley; thence along
the line of said alley South 29 degrees 42 ; g'
minutes East 27% feet to a corner; thence
South 60 degrees 18 minutes West 15)
feet to a corner on Price Street aforesaid;
thence along ‘the line of said Price Street
North 29 degrees 42 minutes West 27%
feet to the place .of beginning. Being
17% feet of the southeasterly side of Lot
No. 11, ten feet of the northwesterly
side of Lot No. 10 in Block No. 8 on
area to Luzerne and
plot of lots of the Pringle Estate as re
corded in Map Book No. 1 at page 278, ob]
and improved with a two-story single condition. Cheap for a heater of this
frame dwelling and garage. grade. See Mr. Spurgeon at Dallas
Seized ‘and taken into execution at the [Fost office. A
suit of Home Owners’
vs. Pelix Miskel and Bella Miskel, and [FOR SALE—BABY CHICKS. Finest
blood-tested stock. Leghorns 8c pr.
N. H. Reds, Whites and Barred Rocks,
John T. Mulhall, Atty. Sheriff. | 9c. Order today. Avoid disappoint-
will be sold by
FOR RENT—Three:room apartment on
FOR SALE—Goodrich DeLuxe auto-
mobile heater, used 2 hours; perfect
Loan Corporation
Classified Ads
ment. Nescopeck Poultry Farm, Nes-
copeck, Pa. Phone, Berwick 156.
STOVE, with oven attached, $15; in :
good condition. Phone Kingston, 7-8600. FOR SALE—New Hampshire Reds set:
Moore's Garage, Kingston, 7-1577
FOR SALE—One 1020 McCormick-
Deering Tractor; One No. 8 Tractor
Plow and one two-horse cultivator. Fred ' FOR SALE—Second-hand furniture; nine
S. Durland, 368 West Eighth Street,
West Wyoming. "Phone Wyoming 5-J. son Township.
ting eggs. 298-R-13, Leslie Spencer.
weeks old pigs; Barney Laskoske, Jack-
Best Whole Center .Cuts
Cut from Prime Steer Beef
Fresh Dressed
2h nh)
Fresh—Picnic Style
vn. 23°
Shoulders 19
PORK SAUSAGE, pan style 1b. 25¢
SLICED BACON 2 1/4-1b. pkg. 35¢
§ Loins, Rumps, or
A Cents’ per pound week-end reduction in
Butter Prices!
A. & P.’s Fancy Creamery Tub
low the removal of the present bottle neck at Lu-
zerne. Our growth is now retarded by traffic con-
gestion, inconvenient and destructive highways.
Luzerne Borough needs this new highway. 50
mer cent of its business comes from the rural regios
and any population growth in this area will be re-
flected in increased business in Luzerne stores,
where traffic congestion, lack of parking facilities
and inconvenience now drive business away.
Now is the time to strike and to get this new
highway. Let us all work together to assure con-
struction of the new Luzerne highway this summer.
Unfortunate the man or group of men who oppose
this project, which means so much to the progress,
development, convenience and prosperity of all of us.
No one can stand in its way without being over-
whelmed by an aroused public sentiment that not
only wants but demands the new highway.
Silver Brook Print Butter 2 Ibs. 79¢
A Timely Editorial From The Independent
The Luzerne By - Pass
Poor highway arteries are a heavy liability to the
most progressive community. Nothing so lowers
its prestige in the eyes of visitors or capitalists in
search. of a place in which to locate a manufacturing
plant or mercantile enterprise. Activities of the
local motor organization and men of broad vision
have brought to Wyoming Valley many notable
highway improvements in the past four years. This
splendid result was largely due to the hearty coop-
eration that was never lacking in every progressive
step that was taken.
The motorists and general public are grateful
for all that has been accomplished, but they will be
in no mood to sing paeans of thanksgiving until
that exasperating by-pass at Luzerne is made an un-
pleasant memory. For several years Senator Sor-
doni drew upon every influence within reach to
give the rapidly growing population of the Back
Mountain territory the convenience and pleasure
of a modern highway. In the face of discourage-
ments from the Luzerne County. commissioners or
the Harrisburg authorities he remained on the job
for four years.
While still earnestly interested he turned over
leadership in the drive to Senator Mundy as soon
as the Earle Administration took over the seats of
power in State government. Luckily for the service
clubs and progressive spirits of the community,
Senator Mundy is just as sincerely interested in
giving the people of the Back Mountain country an
up-to-date highway as was Senator Sordoni. He
has accepted leadership at the Harrisburg end and
is working hand in hand with Chairman C. L. Al
bert of the Dallas Rotary Club in the new cam-
paign just launched.
Ann Page—Fancy
Mild and Mellow
There's no need of wasting newspaper space in
calling the attention of local people to the demands
of the residents of Luzerne, Kingston Township,
Dallas and all the other expanding communities in
the Harvey's Lake area for just treatment in the
apportionment of highway improvements. As the
local committee in charge of the new drive has so
well pointed out, “the hardships in the use of the
present route are innumerable and the cost to mo-
torists for automobile repairs impossible to esti
mate.” No one is in position to appraise the cost
in inconvenience and nerve strain that results to
the 200,000 automobile drivers who visit Harvey's
Lake every summer. It's a common thing for 2,000
machines an hour to visit the lake every Sunday
during the vacation season.
The new road is an absolute necessity if the
Back Mountain territory is to continue the steady,
substantial growth it has maintained the past ten
years. In this brief period more than two thousand
heads of families have built attractive homes in
Kingston Township, Dallas, and in the two town-
ships that border Harvey's Lake. Nor is it to be
forgotten that in the same territory is now located
and prospering the leading college for girls in
Northeastern Pennsylvania, College Misericordia.
Irem Temple Country Club also attracts thousands
of visitors seven months of the year.
All in all, there is every sound reason why the
new campaign now in full swing should not bring
the highway relief desired the coming summer. And
with the energetic Senator Mundy on the job and
utilizing his influence to the utmost we are confi
dent that it will:
Every motorist in the Back Mountain Section, Luzerne and Wyoming
Valley should get behind this crusade now! Give your co-operation to General
Chairman Charles Albert and to the civic clubs, community organizations and
other groups that are working diligently to make the new Luzerne highway
a reality.
29° 42» 35°
Cheese wu
Milk me 47% 25¢
Tomatoes 4%:25°
A&P Bread su 8°
Fancy U. S. No. 1 New
Yellow Globe
Onion Sets
Fresh Texas Carrots or Beets
Green or Wax Beans
Large, Jumbo, Florida
Finest U. S. No. 1
2m 27¢
2 Bunches 14c
2 1b. 29¢
4 Ibs. 25¢
6 for 29c
o 1. 23¢|
» 39¢]|