The Dallas post. (Dallas, Pa.) 19??-200?, February 12, 1937, Image 4

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Mrs. William Wilson entertained her
Five Hundred Club ‘on Tuesday eve-
ning at her home on Franklin Street.
he guests were Mrs, Margaret Hilde-
rant, Mrs. Nelson Whipp, Mrs. Em-
~ ma Shaver, Mrs. D. P. Honeywell,
Mrs. George Hofmeister, Miss Ger-
trude Wilson and Mrs. Ralph Rood.
: 0
Mrs. Peynton Lee and son, Penny,
are ill at their home on Machell Ave-
ES. Sew
Mrs. Nelson Whipp entertained the
‘Sewing Class under the supervision of
Miliss Eureka Nitzkowski at her home
on Tuesday. The class was to. have
met at the home of Mrs, Fred Hughey
of Fernbrook but because Mrs. Hughey
is doing substitute work at the Town-
ship School she was unable to have
- the meeting. BE
® » a5
Mrs, Ross Lewin and daughter, Bar-
bara, are ill with grippe at their home
on Center Hill Road.
he SLE» ?
‘Mrs. Emma Shaver, who has been
ill for the past week is again out and
feeling greatly improved.
; * 0» -
Ronald Doll, who has been ill at his
home on Norton Avenue is able to re-
sume his duties at the Township
School. Miss Walters of Forty Fort
. has been the substitute in Mr. Doll's
~ place during his illness.
Mrs. A. D. Hull of Spring Street is
ill at her home. Ruth Hull, daughter
of Mrs. Hull, has been ill for the past
several days is now able to be back
to her work in Wilkes-Barre.
} x #0»
Mrs. Myrtle Isaacs of Norton Ave-
nue has returned to her h#me after
spending the past two weeks with rel-
atives and friends in Scranton.
: * * *
Herbert and Hester Jeter of Center
‘Hill Road have - returned to their
studies after being confined to their
- home with severe colds.
Bee 0 x ww
_ Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gordon and
daughter Janet of White Haven spent
the week end as the guests of.the for-
mer’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Corey
Gordon of Norton Avenue.
* # ®
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gordon, who. are
en route to Florida for the remainder
-of the winter season, have left Atlan-
ta, Ga., where they were the guests of
their daughter and son-in-law, Mr.
and Mrs. L. T. Taylor.-
§ CARR ®
Mr, and Mrs. Harold Hauck of Nor-
ton Avenue entertained recently Mr.
‘at the Dairymen’s meeting on last
Thursday at the American Legion Hall
in Kingston. The meeting was spon-
sored by Trucksville Mills, the local
distributor for Purina Products.
Sa * *
- Mr. and Mrs. Frank Garrahan were
the guests of their son and daughter-
in-law, Dr. and Mrs. J. Elwood Gar-
rahan, on Sunday at. Ashland.
o Ls om i
Mr. and Mrs. Milford Shaver of Cen-
' ter Hill Road will be among the guests
the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. D.
~ HH. Crocker of Grove Street, Wilkes-
Barre, on Friday evening, when they
will entertain forty guests at their
Zhome, =~ © -
a 0s» 0»
“Mrs. Fred Hughey- of Demunds
Road, Fernbrook, is substituting at the
Township School: for Miss Beth Love,
who is ill at her home at East Dallas.
Mrs, Lee Gregg ~ entertained Mrs.
~ John Yaple, Mrs. James ‘Oliver, ‘and
Miss Mary Still recently at an after-
moon of bridge.
* *
Miss Evelyn Templin, R. N,, is on a
case at Nesbitt Memorial Hospital.
Miss Templin is the daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Richard Templin of Ceme-
tery Street, Dallas.
®C 4
Jane, Joe and Buddie LeGrand of
~ Baldwin Street, are ill at their home.
* * *
Mrs. Thomas Gangloff of Lake Road,
who has been seriously ill at Homeo-
- pathic Hospital in Wilkes-Barre, is
reported as out of danger and rapidly
* * *
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Dungey and
son, Jack, were guests of Mr! and
Mrs. Edward Lewis of Academy
2 ‘Street, Wilkes-Barre, over the = ‘week
~~ end,
* *
Mr. and Mrs. Lyman A. Clark, Mrs.
Henry Smith and daughter, Ethel, all
nf Scranton, were guests of Mr. and
Mrs. John Merical of Lake Road over
the week end.
* *
Mrs. Arthur: Turner of Huntsville
Road entertained her Bridge Club on
~ Tuesday afternoon at her home.
* *» »
‘Jane and Beryl Colwell, daughters
of Mrs. Louise Colwell. of Ridge
Street, are ill at their home.
For Bronchitis
Coughs, Colds
Acts Like a FLASH
It’s different—it’s faster in action—it's
compounded on superior, medical fact find-
s new in this country.
uel’ MIXTURE (triple acting) is
the name of this amazing cough and cold
~ prescription that is so pure and free from
Parmeul drugs that a child can take it—
and stop coughing. 3
One little sip and the ordinary cough Is
eased—a few doses and that tough old
hang-on cough is seldom heard again—
it’s really wonderful to watch how sp
ily hard, neering colds are put out of
Dn | good ranteed.
sale at all good stores=—gua
Van Pelt, who was the guest speaker |
"at the 45th “Wedding Anniversary of
Clement A. Surgett, student at Cor-
nell University, is spending his mid-
year recess with friends in Dallas, as
is his ‘brother, 'E. T. Surgott, who is
associated with E. W. Axe & Co., in-
vestment brokers in New York City.
? * * =
Miss Doris Schoonover of Center-
moreland was the overnight guest of
Miss Marian Epper of Rice Street on
Tuesday evening.
* »
Mrs. Anthony Brinola of Rice Street
recéntly spent some time as the guest
of her mother, Mrs. Stanley of Forty
Fort. ~ - Eh
The Shavertown Branch of Nesbitt
Memorial Hospital reported a large
attendance at the tea honoring other
branches of the organization at the
American Legion Hall in Kingston. A
delightful program was given and de-
licious refreshments were served. Mrs.
Elizabeth Keller of Shavertown was
general chairman.
} -
® .*
Mr. and. Mrs. Edward H. Kent of
Huntsville left this week for Atlanta
and Sea Isle.
3 »
* *
William T. Payne, summer resident
of East Dallas and owner of the
Payne farm, will be the judge of
sporting class dogs at the Westmin-
ster Kennel Show at Madison Sjuare
Garden in New York City on Friday
afternoon. Mrs. Laning Harvey, Jr.
daughter of Mr. Payne, will attend the’
show. She will return home on Sun-
» *» *
Mallas and vicinity hag its quota of
members on the staff of newly elected
officers of the Historical Society "of
Wilyoming Valley. Colonel Dorrance
Reynolds, owner and manager of
Goodleigh Farms, was elected presi-
dent with Abram Nesbitt, summer
resident of Lake Catalpa, as vice-
president. Samuel Chase of Hunts-
ville was elected recording secretary,
and John Blackman of Idetown and
Peter Clarke of Dallas were named
as trustees. Miss Frances Dorrance
of Huntsville was renamed as a di-
* * *
Mrs. Frank Garrahan of Church
street has been confined to her home
for the past several days with a se-
vere cold.
* x =
Miss Myra Carlin, R. N, is on a
case at Dallas.
john Durbin of Franklin Street
will leave on Monday for Philadelphia
here he will. attend a convention for
electrical engineers. He will return
on: Thursday evening.
* * »
Miss June Williams is ill at her
home on Franklin Street,
Se ¥ =
Mrs. William Powell of Shrine
View, who is: vacationing at Miami
Beach, Fla., left there Saturday to fly
by the Pan-American plane to Ha-
vana. She was accompanied by Pat-
ricia. Hughes. Mr. and Mrs. Harold
Titman of Lake Road and Mr. and
Mrs. C. R. Lee, former resident of
Dallas, were among the friends who
saw Mrs. Powell and Mrs. Hughes
off. .
* ow»
Edward Mulligan, of. Hunts
ville has been transferred to the Lon-
don office of the Bond firm of Green,
Ellis and Anderson. Mrs. Mulligan and
children wiill join him soon. She will
beaccompanied to Lonlon by - her
mother, Mrs. Samuel Rhoades, also of
Huntsville 'who will remain in the
British capitol until after the corona-
- * -
Whlter Oliver, brother of James R.
Oliver, local Packard dealer is ser-
iously ill at the General Hospital
where he is suffering from a fractur-
ed skull received on Sunday when he
fell while ice skating at Bear Creek.
* * 0»
Miss Margaret Oliver, R. N., has re-
turned to her home on Lake Road
after spending the past several weeks
on a case.
The Y. W. M. S. of Alderson M. E.
Church will hold a Valentine Party
on Thursday night, February 18, in
the church basement,
¥ir.t National Bank
i ‘ —
{ 5 3
Capital—Surplus $ 2,250,000
Resources $12,412,000
United States Depository
Wm. H. Conyngham ..... President
Francis Douglas .. Exec. Vice-Pres.
Chas. F, Huber .... 1st Vice-Pres.
M. G. Shennan Vice-Pres. & Cashier
Chas. N. Loveland
Fred O, Smith
Willlam S. McLean, Jr.
Wm. H. Conyngham
Richard Sharpe
C. F. Huber
Francis Douglas
T. R. Hillard
Edward Griffith
+ Wm. W, Inglis
M, G. Shennan
29% Interest On Savings
Safe Deposit Boxes For Rent
. and fashionable.
The needle arts have come into wide popularity. This
series of 12 articles offers ingenious tips and instructions
on various items which women will
find both economical
1. Fagoting Stitch. Make slant-
ing stitches from side to side, pass-
ing the needle under the preceding
- stitch, as shown. Space the stitches
. about a quarter of an inch apart.
2. Bar Fagoting. Make stitch
across opening; then twist needle
under and over and under this
stitch, as shown. Draw needle
through, and then make a quarter
inch long stitch parallel to the
edge, bringing the needle out ready
“Leaflet on Cut Your Corners.”
Ro. A .
This shows -what you can do with fagoting. It adds
to the garment. Your Sewing Corner will send you directions for this
slip if you send in .a stamped and addressed envelope .asking for: .
for the next stitch across the open-
Bias Trim Basted to Paper Ready
for Fagoting Yoke Design. Cut out
neckline of garment to depth de-:
“sired for yoke, and bind edge’ with -
hand felled binding of Bias Trim,
Cut plain pattern of yoke, mark de-
sign on it and baste to top of gar-
ment, as shown. Baste Bias Trim
over design marked on yoke pat-
tern; ‘then fagot, as -illastrated.
‘When fagoting is finished remove
“a delicate touch
: secretary and vice president opened
A special program has beén planned
for the D. of A. meeting on Friday
evening at 7:30 at Odd Fellows Hall.
Refreshments will be served. All mem-
bers are urged to attend.
The Henry M. Laing Fire Company
will hold its meeting ou Friday eve-
ning: at ‘the Hose - House ‘at 8 p. m.
Plans for the annual banquet will be
During the last few days we have
unloaded full carloads of steam boil-
srs, roofing, Oliver Farm Equipment,
Fencing and Plumbing ware. It is
carload buying for cash, which en-
ables us to .give you quality mer-
chandise at money saving prices.
Beaver season opens in March. You
need a Ne. 4 Gibbs to hold them and
you’ll find them here.
| Fred Ashcraft recently bought 10
squares of our Asphalt strip shing-
les for his home at Wyalusing. Sam
Montross is using 4 ply roll roofing
for his property near Dallas.
How is your chick equipment? We
have three sizes of Eureka Coal
Brooders and two sizes of Royal Oil
Burners, all approved for safety by
underwriters. Remember, our prices
start at $9.50.
Stanley Brennan of Vernon and A.
R. Squiers of Nicholson, both bought
new Gleckner team harness recent-
ly. You can’t fit Dobbin with better
quality than Gleckner.
Doing your own wiring? We fur-
nish what you need for the job from
switches to bulbs. 1-4 H. P. Motors
as low as $8.55. Let us help you
Gay-Murray o.
i x
Wives, mothers, sisters—they're often
forced to point the way to hair
health to their men folk! For women
know that a healthy head produces
handsome hairl And that's why
women everywhere are pointing to
Fom-ol, the remarkable foaming oil
shampoo which first nourishes the
scalp, then takes the dull, parched
hair and brings it back to glowing
health. Fom-ol is so economical; a
litle goes a long way. Ask your
druggist for the regular 50c size
Or, write for a generous trial boi
tle, enclosing 10c to cover packing
Will help to lift a w
So do your little bit
A song—a smile, or
"Twill help to make
Just a little bit of kindness,
As you journey ’long life's way,
Will help to lift some burden,
Or brighten someone’s day.
Just a smile that’s bright and cheery,
Or a pleasant how d’ ya do,
Will help to cheer some stranger
And gain a friend for you.
Just a song when things look
Or perhaps a helping hand,
From off the sinking sand.
And you'll reap from each small seed.
—ZElsie E. Oney, Dallas.
eary heart ag
each day, dite o aid be sion -}-
deed— . ag - cl
a better world des]
Auction Feature
Of Club Meeting
Junior Women’s Club Com-
bines Meeting With Din-
ner at Irem
‘How mueh am I offered for this?”
was the theme song of the Dallas Jun-
ior Women's Club when they met on
Wednesday night at Irem Temple
Country Club for a dinner... meeting
and at which time they. held a white
elephant sale. ¥-S
The forty-two attending members
were seated at a U-shaped table which
was prettily decorated in keeping with
Lincoln's birthday. Large bouquets of
red tulips and blue hyacinths were
most effective on the white table-
cloths, with red tapers for>~illumina-
In the absence of the president, the
the meeting and Mrs. John Durbin
was named president pro tem.
Final plans for the dance and the
fashion show were announced and ap-
proved. Committee reports were giv-
en with the music chairman, Mrs.
Thomas Robinson, announcing the be-
ginning of rehearsals by the Glee Club
for the classical minstrel to be held
in April.
Mrs. Robert Bodycomb was auc-
tioneer and sold to the members the
“White Elephants” they had brought.
Heary M. Lding Fire Company will
meet tonight at’ 8 in the hose house
for a reguldr meeting.
Township PTA Dance
Next Tuesday Night
Dallas Township Parent-Teachers
Association will hold a dance in the
township high school on Tuesday
night, February 16. Mrs. Lillian
Kunkle, chairman, is being assisted by
the following committee-women: Mrs.
Ralph Elston, arrangements; Mrs.
John Girvan, Mrs. Ray Henney,
freshments; Miss Grace Merritt, Mrs.
Gerald Snyder, decorations; Miss Le-
ona Smith, Harvey Kitehen and Chris.
Eipper, tickets. :
Davies To Address
Borough PTA Monday
Wesley Davies, assistant county
superintendent of schools, will speak
next Monday night at the meeting of
Dallas Borough Parent-Teachers As-
sociation. The seventh grade will give
a Lincoln's Birthday: program and will
have charge of refreshments.
—_— i e————
Philadelphia Pastor =
At St. Paul’s Sunday
Holy Communion will be administer-
ed at St. Paul's Lutheran Church. at
Shavertown at the 11 a. m. service on
Sunday. The guest preacher will be
Rev. Richard Klick of Philadelphia.
The evening service will be at 7:30.
Election of officers will be the
main event at the meeting of Henry
M. Laing Fire Company Auxiliary at
the home of Mrs. Walter Davis of
Davenport Street, Dallas, on Tuesday
evening at 8 o'clock. Plans for the
annual dinner will be made at this
meeting also.
| A Great
Housekeeper You Should Know
TN Via el GV ae
"Where Quality Counts and Your Money
: Goes Furthest
Timely suggestions for Lenten
Meals await you. You can
save money, too. Everything
you need, and of such fine
quality. You will be proud to
serve your family or guests.
| Finest Full Cream Mild
A Delicious and Tasty Le
» 23¢c
nten Food—Finest Made.
Pabst-ett Spread wo33 8
Chicken of the Sea Tuna Fish No.l, can 19¢ %
Best Red Salmon flat can 15¢
Gold Seal Macaroni 9 oz. pkg. Tc
Egg Noodles 6 oz. pkg. Tec
Superb, rich, ful
Mother's J
Specially Priced! “Heat-Flo” Roasted
Win-Crest Goffe
Mild and Fragrant.
Winey and different—a really delicious blend.
Q bs. 350
The Choice of Thousands
Coffee 2 »- 390
1 flavored—taste the difference
oy Coffee 2 I 47¢
Green Peas
Tomato Juice
Split w= Be
White 2 Ib. ka. Qe
Corn Meal wi
Whole or
Campbell’~ QL 92.
A $5.00 Genuine
for Only $199
Clock Card Plan
Full Particulars from
sions Electric Clock
by Our Handy
Join with us in
helping to move
the bumper crop
A Grower-
Consumer of fine quality
Campaign, fruit.
New Fancy
nee Beets or Nov
New Green :
Cabbage 3 w= 10c.
It Pays to Shop Where Quali
Goes Fu
We are glad to cooperate by bringing you these
Large Juicy Florida
6 - 25°
Carrots r=
Fancy No. 1 Yellow
Onions 10 ns 19¢
ty Counts and Your Money
APIIPAISIE These Prices Effect
in Dallas An
ive In Our Stores QAFIFITRCAR
d Vicinity