The Dallas post. (Dallas, Pa.) 19??-200?, February 05, 1937, Image 4

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    S 0
~ Miss Peggy Shindel, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. V. A. Shindel of Lake
oad, Dallas, a student at the Ward
~ Belmont School in Nashville, Tenn,
will spend the week end in Atlanta,
Ga., as the guest of her room mate,
‘Miss Betty McConnell. While there
she will attend the Pan-Hellenic
Pance at the Georgia Technical Uni-
* * *
Mrs. Emma Shaver is. ill at the
home of her daughter, Mrs. Ross
Lewin, of Center Hill Road. Mrs.
Shaver suffered a fall when she lost
her balance on icy steps.
® ® 0»
Joan Oliver, young daughter of Mr.
‘and Mrs. Kenneth Oliver of Claude
Street, cut the heel of her foot on
Tuesday when she fell on a piece of
sharp metal. -
2 e * *
Mrs. Kiefer, mother of Mrs. George
‘Hofmeister, is ill at her home at
Shrine View.
¥ * %
~ Miss Leah Richards who has been
seriously ill is greatly improved.
] = - »
‘Mrs. Harold Rood is spending the
week with her aunt, Mrs, Smith of
~ Kingston.
gi x 0% 0 3
Robert Allen, young son of Mrs.
Robert Allen of Franklin Street, has
‘entered Girard College, Philadelphia.
®* 0% =
Mrs. Joseph Collis of Kingston en-
tertained on Sunday a few friends in
honor of Mrs. Philip Ritter, who cele-
brated her birthday anniversary.
E *» * ©
Miss Katherine Shindel will be the
week end guest of her sister and
brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Wim
Bertels of Wiles: “Barre. -
Mrs. Tom air who is a patient
at Homeopathic Hospital, suffered a
relapse a few days ago and her con-
‘dition is reported as critical.
Ralph Raudenbush of Philadelphia
visited his son-in-law and daughter,
Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Schall of Shaver-
town over the week end.
~~ Rev. and Mrs. G. Elson Ruff and
children, George, Jr., Jan and Joan
and Mrs. A. J. Suttles, mother of
~ Mrs. Ruff, left on Tuesday for Schuyl-
kill Haven.
® =
Richard Suttles is living with Mrs.
Katherine Malkemes, Chestnut Street,
‘Shavertown, while attending Wio-
ming Bominarg.
* ®
Mr. and ¥ Frank Altemose of
Shavertown announce the birth of a
daughter on Friday at Homeopathic
Hospital, Wilkes-Barre.
-» *® *
Mr. and Mrs. H. Herlinger of Red
Rock spent the week end with Mr.
and Mas. RH. Boog,
Mrs. Charles Stookey - of Parrish
Heights entertained her Pinochle Club
on Wednesday afternoon at her home.
Those present were: Mrs. Scott Van
Horn, Mrs. Handel Thomas, Mrs.
Charles Van Buskirk, Mrs. Isaac Ed-
wards, Mrs. Sterling Meade, Mrs. A.
C. Woolbert, Mrs. William Wilson and
~ the hostess.
: Fe
Miss Rosanne Bennett of Huntsville
is spending the mid-semester vacation
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Z.
Platt Bennett a Eunteville,
Mrs. Calvin M¢Hose is ill at her
home at Harvey's Lake with bronchi-
- 5 » 8 »
Daniel E. Newell is still ill at his
Thome at Hage Sake
- Mr. and Mrs. * Hard 2 man of Lake
“Toes left on Sunday for Miami Beach,
Fla., where hey will Spend February.
Mr. and Mrs. Evan C. Jones, sum-
mer residents of Dallas, are spending
the winter months at Miami Beach,
Mr. and Mrs. orols Hauck and
family and Bobby McCarty, spent the
week end visiting relatives in Read-
* % 0%
Mr. and Mrs. Loren Williams of
Wilkes-Barre, spent several days last
week with the former’s parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Herbert Williams of Trucks-
' * * 0%
Mrs. Cora Merrel of Aston, N. Y.
visited Mrs. B. C. Post of Trucksville
, Teeenily.
~ Mrs. Jack Restorick of Toronto is
visiting her niece, Mrs. Zigmund Har-
mond of Fernbrook.
>. 8 =
Mrs. Edgar Adolph of Fernbrook is
recovering from an illness which con-
fined her to her home for the past
Zn * * =
* Mrs. Arthur Turner entertained her
Bridge Club on Wednesday afternoon
at her home on Huntsville Road, Dal-
Bridge Club on Wednesday afternoon
at her home at Hillside.
x *® *
Mrs. Charles Lee of Lake Road is
ill of a severe cold.
x * *
Mrs. A. T. McClintock, a summer
resident of East Dallas, has been re-
elected commissioner of Girl Scout
Council of Wyoming Yates.
* L
Mr. and Mrs. Lee C. Hessler of
Trucksville will leave this month for
; * * *
‘Mr. and Mrs. Harry Harter attend-
ed the Nesbitt Memorial Auxiliary
card party and dance at Hots) Sterl-
A sketch of a new afternoon
costume Mrs. Wallis Simpson or-
dered from Paris. It is of brown
wool, with a blue angora blouse
to “match her eyes”.
x % * : al
Mrs. Harry Harter will entertain her
The Week’s Activities
Nesbitt Memorial Hospital Aux-
iliary Tea, American Legion Hall,
Kingston, 2:30 p. m.
Every Member Canvass Dinner,
Trucksville M. E. Church, 6:30 p.
£0 “Monday
King's Daughter Class of Shav- .
ertown M.’ E. Church, home of
Mrs. R. J. Schall, Wiest Center
Steét, Shavertewn.
Service Training Classes, Out-
let and Trucksville F. M, Churches
at home of Ida Smith, 57 Carver-
ton; Road, “Trucksville.
Dallas Women’s Club Glee Club,
Rehearsal, Suburban Inn, 7:30.
Lehman P. T. A., High School,
8 p. m.
Sewing Class at home of Mrs.
Fred Hughey, Demunds Road,
1:30 p. m.
Dallas Junior Women’s Club,
dinner meeting, Irem Temple
Country Club, 6:30.
Rotary Anns, home of Mrs. R.
L. Hallock, covered dish meeting,
6:30. -
Mr. and Mrs. Peynton Lee and son,
Penny, accompanied by Mrs. Lee's
sister, Miss Helen Grose, spent Sun-
day at Peckville where they were the
guests of Mrs. Lee’s parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Hugh Grose.
* ® *®
Mrs. Robert Hislop and son Bobby
who have been ill for the past several
weeks have recovered sufficiently to
be out, *
* ® *
Mrs. Florence Philips has received
word from her parents that they have
arrived safely at Atlanta, Ga., where
they will spend twe weeks visiting
their daughter, Mrs. Taylor, before
continuing their trip to St. Petersburg,
ee 2 =
Mrs. Morgan Wilcox of Lake Road,
Dallas, and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Allen
of Harvey's Lake attended the Nes-
bitt Memorial Auxiliary Card Party
and dance at the Hotel Sterling re-
Ld Re »
Mr. .and Mrs. Ray Shiber entertain-
ed on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
Westover of Kingston and Mr. and
Mrs. Charles L. Shiber of Wilkes-
Barre, at dinner,
* ® 0%
Word has been received here that
James Scott, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lee
Scott, has been promoted with the
Woolworth Stores from Riverside, N.
J., to Trenton, N. J., as assistant man-
* &* *®
Mrs. Sarah Senigo Sanford, Mrs. B.
Aubrey Ayre, and Miss Lillian Rood
will be the local people appearing on
the program for the Mozart recital on
Tuesday evening.
* * 0%
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Sutton, Betty,
Edith and Virgil visited Mr. and Mrs.
Arthur Ehret on Sunday.
The kind you've always wanted in
your cellar. A ton will convince
you it is the best. Prompt delivery.
Indicate Personality Color
Captivating American Makes
History As Creator
Of New Fashion
The first indication of the personal
tastes and preferences which caused
Mrs. Simpson's spectacular success in
London society came with a United
Press release about the new winter
wardrobe recently created for her in
It seems that the fascinating Balti-
morean matches the smartness of her
costumes to the sophistication of her
wit. She favors gowns of extreme
classic simplicity at a time when the
fashion world is bedecking itself with
frills and furbelows. Perhaps this is
in deference to the recent King's own
taste, for he is noted for his prefer-
ence for tailored chic in the costumes
of his women friends.
“Her eyes are her personality”
At any rate, it points the way to- |
ward high “coronation” fashions in|
which cut and color predominate as:
style features.
Speaking in detail, the United Press |
correspondent describes an afternoon |
costume of brown wool, with a
straight, short skirt worn with a tail-!
ored fitted jacket of the same mater- |
ial, and a blue angora blouse which |
is tailored and fitted on the same:
lines as the jacket and “matches her
Wallie Simpson is noted for her
vivid blue eyes. Though her distinc-
tive taste may lead her to set a new
pace for winter clothes, in choosing |
colors to flatter her most fascinating
feature, she is in line with a trend
that both couturiers and cosmeticians
have been promoting with increasing |
enthusiasm. This trend is based on]
the belief that the color of a woman's’
eyes—the color nature gave her—is
her true personality. color, and to it
she should key her clothes and. cos-
metics. x
The new so-called “coronation col-
ors’ are off-shades that are difficult to
wear. “To look well in them, a wo-
man’s makeup must not only be fault-
lessly becoming, but she must be
clever enough to set off a difffcult
shade with some harmonizing tint
that is flattering to her own coloring.
Mrs. Simpson, for instance, with her
black hair and bright blue eyes, would
look far less glamorous in her. chic,
brown suit if she had not ordered a
blue blouse to bring the whole ensem-
ble into focus with her own particu-
lar type and - personality.
Mrs. G. W. Reynolds entertained the
Missionary Society of Trucksville M.
E. Church on Thursday at an all day
meeting at her home on Mount Green-
wood Road.
Mrs. W. C. Johnson of Trucksville,
that she is well and settled at Tampa,
Fla., for the winter months.
* + *
Mrs. William Gabrile of Hillside has
left with friends from Kingston to
spend the remainder of the winter in
» " »
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Eggleston and
son, Alva, of Vernon, and Mrs. Ada
Austin left Sunday for St. Petersburg.
Among local people who attended
the formal dance of the Sophomore
Class of College Misericordia ‘last Fri-
day night were Sally Wagner, Marion
Scott, Elizabeth Auvil, Helen Himm-
ler, Genevieve Munley, Claudia P.
Jones, H. C. Wood, Alva Eggleston,
Fred Eck, John Caspar and Joseph
M. Hand.
> * *
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ehret spent
Monday evening with the latter's sis-
ter and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.
Richard Davenport of Hunlock Creek.
* * 4
Miss Elma Harter of Orangeville
spent the week end as the guest of
her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs...
Harry Harter of Hillside.
& * =
Word is received by friends of
' with Mrs. M. C. Jeter and Mr. and
| Mrs. J. T. Jeter.
. The Sewing Corner
C1 eo
Foe ok
The meedle arts have come
and fashionable.
series of 12 articles offers ingenious tips and instructions
on various items which women will find both economical
into wide popularity. This
VI—A Coat Lining Ceases To Function Normally
IAGNOSIS: The normal inconspicucus but useful function of a
coat lining becomes impaired by weak threads causing a general
letdown gf the inner portion of the wrap. Case requires deft handling
of needle so no stitches will show.
Prescription: 1 spool Sewing Silk
1 Needle No. 6.
Method of Treatment: Pin lining
to gdge.
the coat material.
neatly sewed in place.
Slip the needle along in the fold edge of lining about %4-inch.
Bring it through. Take a tiny stitch of not more than two threads of
Bring the needle through, and slip it along again
in the fold edge of the lining. Continue in this way until lining is
matching coat rather than lining.
in place with pins at right angles
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Stearns, Jr.
of Dunellen, N. J.,, and Helen Jeter
of Caldwell, N. J., spent the week end
* * =
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Brown of Dal-
las spent the week end as guests of
Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Sutton of Leh-
: * 0% 0%
Mrs. Charlotte Harkins . of Fern-
brook, who has been ill at her home,
has recovered.
* iw *
Mrs. M. L. Yaple of Church Street
was guest on Monday at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Honeywell of
Charles Street, Luzerne.
%* Rx®
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Carey and
daughter Marjorie Jane spent the
week end as the guest of Mr. and Mrs.
Reese Finn of Terrace Street, Dallas.
* =» =»
Mrs. Henry Love, Sr., of Mehoop-
any spent several days this week Vis-
iting her son and daughter-in- law, Mr.
and Mrs. Royal Love of East Dallas.
Since our recent price announce-
ment, we have bought a full car-
load of Victor 4-6 and 8 can cabi-
nets and we are glad to pass on
this quantity saving to our cus-
Complete With Units
2Can size ivan. $155.00 Installed
3 Can size: ...v.. 185.00 Installed
$ Can size .......: 220.00 Installed
B Can size veers 260.00 Installed
BCan size ......-. 325.00 Installed
The above cabinets are of highest
quality construction and are equip-
ped with large capacity M. & E.
Compressors, one of the best units
made. Above all, we guarantee
satisfaction. We can also furnish
you the Westinghouse unit with 5
First National Bank
* @ @
R. L. Brickel, C. A. Frantz, W. B.
Jeter, Sterling Machell, W. R. Neely,
Clifford W. Space, A. C. Devens,
Herbert Hill.
* = =
C. A. Frantz, Pres.
Sterling Machell, Vice-Pres.
W. B. Jeter, Cashier.
year guarantee.
Free information on choosing a
cooler. Why not write us or call
for this service and our cooler ex-
pert will call without obligation.
Wells Phelps, who operates a nice
farm near Nicholson came in last
week for a set of steel wheels, an
electric cattle clipper and a 60 ft.
belt. John M. Hewitt called the
same day for 22 Star Stanchions
and a milk scale for his Dairy near
Dallas. Our large stock permits us
to furnish almost any farm item
when you need it.
$1.00 allowance for any old lamp
on the purchase of an Aladdin oil
lamp during February. The Alad-
din brightens the corners with a
wonderful white light, saves oil and
eyesight and you know the quality.
This is the opportunity you have
been waiting for.
J-Murray Co.
Mrs. Sterling Machell = entertained
at a family dinner on Tuesday the fol-
lowing guests, Mrs, William Shoemak-
er and Mrs. Vough Long and son Billy
of Harris Hill, Mrs. -D. E. Morris of
Forty Fort, Mrs. Harriet Bennett and
Mrs. Margaret LaBar of Dallas.
* %® *
Mrs. Arthur Culver will entertain the
members of the Emtre Nous Bridge
Club on Thursday - evening at her
home on Machell Avenue.
* * *
A bridal shower, honoring Miss Le-
ona Dingle, was held recently by Mrs.
Joseph Ellsworth and Vera Whitesell
at the latter's home. Many games
were enjoyed and lunch was served to
the following:
iAlderson Girls
‘Guests At Dallas
Young Women’s Missionary
Societies Enjoy Joint
Members of the Alderson Young
Missionary Society were the guests of
the Dallas Young Wloman’s Mission-
ary Society at the home of Mrs. J.
Machell Hildebrant on Tuesday even-
ing. The Alderson Chapter was re-
cently formed.
Mrs. Laura Patterson had charge
of the study book Miss Dorothy Smith
of Shavertown sang several numbers
with Miss Lillian Rood accompany-
ing. Miss Smith also gave two piano :
selections. Refreshments
ved to a large attendance.
— ee
Mrs. Royal Love entertained mem-
bers of the Sewing Class at her home
at East Dallas on Tuesday afternoon.
were Sser-
* ®®
Mrs. Leonard O'Kane, Mrs. Ross
Lewin, Mrs. Thomas Robinson, and
Mrs, George Swartz were on the pro-
gram for the Dallas Chapter, Eastern
Star, when it entertained Chapter 90
on Wednesday evening. Rev. Fred M.
Sellers of Shavertown M. E. Church
was the guest speaker.
* * *
Mrs. Wi. B. Risley suffered a severe
fall on Tuesday evening when she
slipped on an icy pavement.
Mrs. Kate Bauer entertained her
bridge club on Monday evening at her
home on Machell Avenue.
* 0% 0»
Mrs. Myrtle Isaacs is spending some
time visiting relatives in Scranton.
* * »
Mrs. Ben Brace is ill at her home
at East Dallas.
® RI
Miss Jean Turner entertained her
bridge club on Wednesday evening at
her home on Huntsville Road.
Bobby McCarty ran a piece of wire
into his face on Tuesday evening when
he was climbing over a fence.
% * *
Dorothy Major, Myrtle Lameroux,
Louise Lameroux, Delphine. Searfoss,
Ruth Searfoss, Katherine Stolarick,
Jennie Major, ILeona Dingle,
Whitesell, Mrs. Kenneth Rice, Mrs.
Lloyd Rogers, Mrs. Thomas Foss, Mrs.
Ruth Bytheway,
rr Qe rn
The Rotary Anns will meet on Fri-
day, February 11, at the home of Mrs.
R. L. Hallock on Lake Road. The
meeting is called for 6:30 and will be
a covered: dish supper.
FRIENDS! We are conibin
Check 2 magazines thus (X)
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[J Better Homes & Gardens 1 Yr.
[J Christian Herald - - 6 Mo.
[J] Flower Grower - - - 6Mo
8 [J McCall's Magazine - 1Yr
[J Motion Picture Magazine 1 Yr
[J Parents’ Magazine - 6 Mo.
[J Open Road (Boys) - - 2Yr.
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Mrs. Joseph Ells-