PAGE EIGHT Social | “(Continued from Page 1) Mr. and Mrs. Fred Feeley, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Collis and Miss Helen Czule- ger will spend the holiday with their mother and family, Mrs. August Czuleger of Rice ‘Street, Dallas. % *® * Mrs. Milford Shaver of Center Road, who has been confined to her bed af- ter a recent illness, is now allowed to be up and around her home. * * 0% Miss Mildred Devens and Mrs, A. C. Devens of Kunkle, who were ill re- cently, are reported to be improving rapidly. 1 1 * * * Mr. and Mrs. Philip Reynolds of Boston, Mass., are guests of Mr. Rey- t Mrs. Thomas Robinson. ham of West Pittston on Day. they will spend th Mrs. H. H. Zeiser of Wilkes-Barre will spend the Christmas holidays at At- | er and Miss Sally Knott of Dallas are registered New York City. * THE DALLAS POST, DALLAS, PA, Mrs. Margaret Hildebrant is spend- | Mrs. Stuart Walsh of Syracuse, N. ng the holidays with her daughter, | 7., sister of Mrs. John Yaple and ‘who | underwent an operation at St. Joseph's » * Hospital, Syracuse, is expected home Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kiefer of Shrine | 7 the 24th, ®. ih View will entertain Mr. and Mrs. Adam Kiefer and Mr, and Mrs. Fred Ford- "rs. Peynton Lee entertained at a small bridee party on Tuesday evenins her home on Machell Avenue, in honnr of her husband, who celebrated his birthday anniversary. Caristmas * * * Mr. and Mrs. Adam Kiefer will eave Saturday for Miami, Fla. where e winter months. Jeanne and Buddy De Remer, child- ren of Mr. and Mrs. Russell DeRemer, are confined to their beds with bronch- Mr. and Mrs. ee | itis. Howard Risley and antic City. Outlet MRS. JOHN SUTTON CORRESPONDENT 8 Mr. and Mrs. C. « 3anker, Jane Bank- at the Barbizon-Plaza in ® | Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kiefer will en- | Te aad Mes. Heme Major. Mra ertain Mrs. M. L. Yapie and Mr. and | 1S. *Mmer lajor, Mr and Mrs. Ed-| ward Elston and. daughter Shirley. | | | > g ore molds, | Mrs. John Yaple at a family dinner | y es i Ro ot il a "lon Christmas oy {and Celestine Terry visited Mrs, Wal- r., o or poe BoE » lace Kocher on Sunday. BR Miss Peggy Shindel has returned Miss Jean Ross arrived home this | M7. and Mrs. John Sutton and fami- | home from the Ward Belmont School |week from Greenville College, Green- |ly visited Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Weils in Nashville, Tenn. to spend the holi- | ville, Ill, to spend the holidays with O10 Sunday afternoon. | day vacation with her parents, Mr. and | her mother, Rev. Gertrude Ross. Mrs. P. J. Sherwood spent Tuesday | Mrs. Vincent Shindel of Lake Street. + * 3 a» afternoon at her cottage at Troxell | B [ Mr. and Mrs. J; rg 5 * . Oliver will enter- | Switch. | Chauncey Turfier, student at Har-|ltain at a family dinnér, Mr. and MTS. | rice Tiigal } x vard, University, has arrived home to Rennetn' Oliver and dalshters, Bar| . Miss Rizabelh Sorber spent Thurs: | spend the holidays with his parents, | para and Joan,. Mr. and Mrs. Calvin day evening with Miss Vela Evans. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Turner of Hunts- | McHose, and James Oliver. Miss Elizabeth Sorbers class will ville Road, Dallas. - | practice at the home of Miss Corey * | Evans on Thursday .evening. Miss Jean Louise Williams, an in-|s structress at Wellesley College, has ar- rived home to spend the holidays with | n her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Williams of Norton Avenue, Dallas. * * * Miss Ruth Kintz and Clarence La Bar, students at East Stroudsburg State Teachers’ College, have arrived home to spend the holidays with their parents. * * * Miss Alice Davies, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Davies of Parsonage Street, Dallas, arrived home on Fri- day evening to spend the holiday va- cation with her parents. * * » Professor and Mrs. Oris Aurand of Steelton will arrive this week to spend the holidays with Mrs. Aurand’s aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Frantz. * * * Mr. and Mrs. Harold Titman will entertain at a family dinner on Christ- mas, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Frantz, and daughter Marguerite, Professor and Mrs. Oris Aurand and Mr. J. R. Tit- man, Oi ® Sk ® 6k 8 SL 8 OAS OAS 8) 6 8 OGL OLS ONS SOAS ONE Oe "= * - Mr. and Mrs. Charles Landers and son, William, and Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam Bodycomb will be guests of Dr. and Mrs. Bodycomb of Main Street, Dallas, at a Christmas dinner. * > Mrs. Funke of Philadelphia is spend- ing the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Disque, of Machell Avenue, Dallas. > * Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Thompson will be guests of Mr. Thompson's mother, of Alderson. * * * The Entre Nous Club were enter- tained at a Christmas party at Schworm’s Tea Room at Kingston last Thursday night. OLS OLAS BLL ® ee 8 BS Ske Sh ® SHS SAS SE OLS OLS 0 00 Le OO ee Le ee ee ee ee ¥ ¥ % Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gordon of White Haven will spend the holidays with the former's parents Mr. and Mrs. Corey Gordon. * * = Mrs. Charles Gage is spending the holidays with her parents Mr. and Mrs. John Frantz, Norton Avenue, Dallas. js i i J GAY - MURRAY NEWS : Nl | | ! ¥ i i B 3 a : OUR WISH 4 x3 i We hope that the spirit of the oy i world’s most joyous holiday oh st helps you all to forgive your en- on ¥ emies, forget your troubles, and 0 ’ ¥ to have one of the happiest days » : g of your life on Christmas day. 2 §% 3 ¥ THE GAYS—THE MURRAYS A : ¥ x3 ’ and 3» . ¥ LENORA HIRKEY R| ¥ GLADYS SALSMAN 3k i ARTHUR ROBINSON AE, i BRUCE PHILLIPS 0 EY THEODORE MONSEY 0 i HARRY BOICE » u ALLAN GIBERSON 3 % GEORGE SCHAEFER = % CHESTER ATEN x $% LEE GIBERSON vs % STANLEY THOMAS g ¥ LUMAN PLACE # ¥ GLENN ZENGER 0 ¢ CECIL DONLEY % x 3 i Rl: 4 All join in wishing you a i : Wf MERRY CHRISTMAS n : ¥ nl Our Billy and Ruth Contest end- 3 3 ed on December 29nd., but due ® . if to the fact that there are several % . ¥ hundred good letters to judge, o i the winners will not be announc- o 8 ed till next issue. 2 : % joe Salonic of Valentine Hill and 53 ¢ Peter Zalewski of East Lemon x : ¥ were the lucky winners in our ® 2 i Aladdin drawing last Saturday 21s $ night. 2 2 u THE ALADDIN GIVES P EAS - * Vi URE 365 NIGHTS IN THE : YEAR. 3 Gay-MurrayCo. TUNKHANNOCK, PENNA. TE TEE TE TEETER TETEETELET - az 7 : they will be the guests of the latter's Earl N & HG BGG GY SHRUB B BUBB U BEEK EBNG ESE. DEDEDE DDC DO Ov & OO eee oi Mr, and Mrs. Danny Richards will pend the holiday at Pottsville, where Mrs. William Sorber’s Class will | (practice at her home on Wednesday | arents, Mr. and Mrs. Keithline. ' evening, dd - fa ne A i 7 4 ll ' 1 WY &if | i 7 D7 2 Ha Gg 7 ings t & - PR A » For more than 79 years it has been the privilege and pleasure of the Stegmaier Brewing Company to wish for everybody a Merry Christ- mas and a Happy New Year. With sentiments of deep sincerity we extend the good old greet- 0 you now. May happiness attend you on Christmas day. May joy abide with you throughout the year. i ; ne g ms WILKES-BARRE PA « Wilkes-Barre 3-0136 and 2-0304; Scranto y 5 : Hazleton 20 and Nuremburg 8-R-26 THURSDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1936 | BOROUGH HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATES SPONSORING DANCE ON DECEMBER 30 Kunkle MRS. MINNIE KUNKLE . CORRESPONDENT The Alumm of ~the Dallas Borough High School will hold a dance on December 30, at the High The Silver Leaf Club held their an- nual Christmas party in the Grange School. = Roy Miller and his. or- hall. Committee in charge were Mrs. chestra will furnish music for Ralph Ashburner, Mrs. William Brace, dancing. Mrs. Murphy, Mrs. Ralph Hess, Mrs. Clyde Hoyt and Mrs. Ernest Martin. Exchange of were served. Others present were Mrs. 1S W. Kunkle, Mrs. Maggie Ellsworth, The committees appointed are as follows: Ruth Him, general chair- man; decorations, Madge Space, Kay Glidden, Dick Disque, James LaBar, Howard DeRemer, Margar- gifts and refreshments Gertrude Smith, Mrs. Olin Kunkle, et Culp; reservations, Eleanor | Mrs. Gideon Miller, Mrs. Roy Hess, Machel; Eleanor Murphy: adver- i Mrs. Palmer Updyke, Frances Hess, tising, Ray Glidden, Ernest Cuip; Mrs. Harold Smith, Mrs. Russel Miers, orchestra, Roy Verfaille; tickets, Mrs. Charles Wertman, Mrs, Frank| Eva, Culp, Bill Templin, Merrill Hess, Mrs. Forrest - Kunkle, Alar Thomas; refreshments, William Kunkle; Mrs. Stanley Elston, Mrs. Wil- liam Weaver, Mrs, Kenneth Martin, Mrs. Edgar Nulton,” Mrs. Leon Race, Mrs. Florence Klemick. Brickel, Wayne Harvey. Churches Observe : os (Continued from Page 1) Miss Eleanor Kunkle spent the week end with Miss Ann Matukitis of Hast special services at Idetown and Dallas. : ; : : : ‘man will be held on Thursday eve- : Charles Henney of Dayton Ohio Vis | rjing.. On Sunday night at lehman ited his brother Ray Henney and fam--|+ =< Wn apeeial mmnsic -with the | ily. on Sunday. Nelson, - little son of Mr. and. Mrs: Ralph Ashburner, is recovering from a severe attack of the gripe. Rev. Leinthall’s Charges . at the charges of Rev. Guy Leinthal Mr, and Mrs. Carl Dodson and son |.follows: Tuesday - night, Ru S Carl, Jr, of Forty Fort, spent Sun- | Wednesday night, Kunkle. Thursday day with’ Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hird- | night, Alderson, and Friday night, | man and family. Hd B85 NY" Sg RG “Maigp ILRES - BARRE, | Stegmaier Phonest Cw we. nAi167 oh eye ye ye | a place to be decided yet. | Christmas story in scripture and song. The schedule of children’s programs | ENG EEELERBBLGGRN A Kp mK J : ne BREW! ee. iis SCRANTON, PA. my eee. ey. wRRRe Rev. Mr. Leinthall also has | ed that plans are being ma/ wateh night serviee to be spon! | the Dallas District Youth Co Dallas M. E. The girls’ choir, a group from the intermediate departmd { peared in a program, ‘The. Ch] | Story”, at Dallas M. E. Chur i night. Based upon the scripturg | ration as given by St. Luke af [ Matthew, the program includes | by the beginners’ and primary dg ents. Albert Collett directed. close of the program all groups exception of the Senior Depar [adjourned ‘to the social rooms | the annual gifts of Christmas were distributed. St. Paul’s Lutheran A midnight vigil will begin at I p. m., tonight at St. Paul's Luthi Church, of which Rev. G. Elson {is pastor. Tomorrow there wil} | Holy Communion at 11 and a ck ren’s service at 7 p. m. The Christmas program at St. Pa | began last Sunday and continued ja women’s Christmas party on Tu day evening. Next Sunday there I be a Christmas sermon in the mo ing. and ‘a play by .the seniors in {| | evening at 7:30. Dallas Free Methodist i Exercises at the Dallas Free Meth( | dist Church: were ‘held on| Tuesd3 night, under auspices of thie Sund | Scheol: The Trucksville Free Meth dist had ‘its exercises on Wednesda night. Tonight the young people fro th Trucksville church willl travel 4 through the town singing. wa | | o V e BEBY - LEC AN mt pn aly aay atyise agi YE = ) — 37 — . \ — . = am—— —_— hi —— PES ly 5k bid \ CHER wR pion min my on im amy on aly yo ly om my my my yh yn Shy al) wy Ay hd nRnR 2 b » » 1 ZS ES ES ZS ES ZS TS 2S ZS BS LS ZS ASI ES ES ES XS ES AS ES XS ES ES ZS x ERX 3» = ape yon may ony ae yim 3" 5" 3 WEP ERE #