The Dallas post. (Dallas, Pa.) 19??-200?, December 24, 1936, Image 4

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LIVED BEYOND ITS AUTHOR All: A&P Food Stores Will Be Open Late’ Wednesday And
Thursday Evenings For Your. Convenience.
Only infrequently does a piece of newspaper writing outlive the. news-
print on which it is printed.
Occasionally, though, there appears .in some newspaper somewhere an
article which becomes a part of a nation’s‘ literature and is remembered long
after the writer has died.
A bit of writing like that is the editorial Fi rank PP. Church wrote for: the
New York Sun on September 21, 1897. So great an impression did that edi-
torial make thirty-nine years ago that requests are received almost annually
| by newspapers. to reprint the piece. ,
It is in response to such requests
A Great Housekeeper You Should Know
Our Stores Will Be Closed Christmas Day
Open Late the Night Before to Serve You
Buy Complete Satisfaction for
Your -Holiday will be a complete success. if you serve a Gold Seal
Turkey, Chicken, or Byles | from i Ysadquariersi.
0®e®e®e%e%e%e®c®e%e®e% cece ®e®e es’ ’c’e
made to The Post for the famous edi- | aii io | © i A dc sivings. Hes yoo wilh find sol IE
torial that is is reproduced this week: \ Bet HB Bed A cacies to tease the palate of th
“Dy Editor EF * D ill i }) EA a 7 2 hes a the
ear E : : : irvesistil theres
“I am eight years old. ‘Some of my : re rl $ 2 ?
friends say there is no Santa Claus. |
Fancy Young, Fresh Dressed, Specially Selected “pilgrim”
Finer Turkeys
Can Not Be Bought
Only One Price Lh.
Only One Quality .. 8
Papa says ‘If you see it in the Sun )
it's so.’ Please tell me the truth. Is
there a Santa Claus?
“Virginia: [
“Your little friends are wrong, They
have been affected by the skepticism
of a skeptical age. They do not be-
lieve except they see. They think that
nothing can be which is not comupre-
The Gold Seal tag on .your Christmas
Turkey is your guarantee of satisfaction.
It represents the highest standard of hensible by their little minds. All The Finest
quality—selected from the finest flocks. minds, Virginia, whether they be men’ = :
: or children’s are little. In this great | Fresh Dressed—Stewing Faney Long Island
universe of ours man is a mere In- a ail 0 =
sect, an ant, in his intellect, as com- Chickens 312. Lbs. 21c Ducklings > 23¢
pared with the boundless yond about | Milk Fed—Rcasting Fresh—Lean—Rib End
; as easured by the intelligence = Tp To. ib. = .
a we or Chickens 4 Lbs. 25¢ Pork Loins PL xo 1b 19¢ ¢
“Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa |
Claus. He exists as certainly as love Extra Large—Florida California Navel
and generosity and devotion exist, and | 3 i
you know they abound and give to | Oran es Oranges
vour life its highest beauty and joy.! =
be as dreary as if there were no Vir- |
ginias. There would be no child-like |
we PHp i 95¢ uw 29;
: Alas! How dreary would be the world
if there were no Santa Claus. It would |
FRESH-KILLED STEWING FRESH-KILLED ROASTING faith then, no poetry, no romance to
i : 1 } make tolerable this existence. Ve
Chickens © 21c || Chickens ® 25¢ Should have no enjoyment, except In Yam Sweet Potatoes 6 © 25¢
Up to 3/2 lbs. Up to 3/5 lbs. the sense and sight. The eternal light :
which childhood fills the world would | I u Fi GC ! g . 4 tor 19;
Ducklings Sette bo. 93c HIhe extmauished | uicy Florida Grapefruit
e | d Long Island ? “Not believe in Santa Claus! You Rl Y i O = 1b.
9 Finest Produce For the Christmas Feast might as well not believe in fairies: | | | ew e ‘OW nionse 10 19¢
X c You might get your papa to hire men | |
K : I to ‘watch in all the chimneys on Chist- L 2 honds 1
: O ra nN ge S Calif. dozen 25 mas Eve fo catch Santa Claus, but, feel; i2erg ettuce 0
CJ . 1a al
x even if they did not see Santa Claus | Ca R
x 5 2 coming down what would that prove? | radia fl utabagas 2 “9 20
5 Larger sizes—doz. 30c 30¢ and 35¢ Nobody sees Santa Claus but that is {
y = no sien that there is no Santa Claus. | i; - To > var
5 Large el Fancy Apples 3 Ibs 15¢ he most real things in the world are | His face encased in a mask and Fancy Emperor Eatmor Fresh :
0 Tangerines doz. 15¢ | Hallowi Dates Ib. 10c hose that neither children nor men | breathing filtered air from a tank fas- | ; .
Wi Iceberg + Calif. Peas 1b. 10¢c can see. Did you ever see fairies | tened to his body, a quartermaster | ES Cranberries
K 2 . : t 1b. 15 dancing on the lawn? Of course not. i descends into one of the cargo holds | ¥ 3
K Lettuce 2 hds. 15¢ : Solid Tomatoes Loe bt that’s no proof that they are not | - to search for “fire” during quarterly :
» SG f . large 5 fo 25 there. No one can conceive or imagine | inspection of the Grace liner Santa ay gt a
rape ruit jie r Cc all the wonders there are unseen and | Rosa by the Bureau of Marine Inspec- 15s. Ih.
ICY, nsconhle inthe world: | tion and Navigation. Second Officer |
K C " T d C ! 3 3 25 u re é z IEE ire] Thomas Hatch stands above with the i
A unches “You tear aps: ADY Saath “rescue” line. In the event of ‘a fire
Ky Fisp, en er e ery c and see what qnakes the hoe insted at sea, the quartermaster would be
| R d Ri C b 23 but there 1s a el ool ering is pnsern | sent intc the hold in the above mans Fancy Fancy Creamery Tub
g Lb. world which not the stronges an, | ner to locate and extinguish the blaze. o i
K ec ipe ran erries Cc nor even the united strength of all the! ? Mixed But ¥
of Make someone happy with a Gift Basket of Foods 99¢, $1.49 strongest men that ever lived, could @
A and$1.00. Ask our Managers. tear apart. 3 Nuts 1
X ASCO Golden “Only faith, fancy, poetry, love, ro- bi
“e o mance can push aside that curtain and x . X i B: k Ibs.
i P ki 3 ? He view and picture the superb beauty and vationa an ib
m arge glory beyond. It is all real. Ah, Vir-| PUBLIC SQUARE . GC Silverbrook
u 8 in sans ginia, in all this world there is Hoth- Print Butter 2 lbs. 79¢ |
ing else real and abiding. Yes, Santa | WILKES-BARRE, PA.
Claus lives, and he lives forever. A | € : L Fi — Ty
thousand years from now, Virginia, | - - myrna ayer igs 19¢
nay, ten times tem thousand years | - iB
from now, he will continue to make ; Whole Milk Cheese 25¢
For delicious pies or tarts for Christmas
Flour fr” ns 99c
OFFICERS: Select Ne. 1
Family A Capital—Surplus ....... $ 2,250,000
Finest Family Flour Milled—Be Sure Of Success In Baking glad the hearts of childhood. oe re $12,412,000 : : Drosslaiv cans
S x |19¢ | United States Depository Cranbe y Sauce a 2 ave
pry Sh. 57 Mooretown | Marvin Dates 2 x 190
SieBdc |
Seeded Raisins pkg. 9c
Raisins 2 pkgs. 15¢
Currants pkg. 12¢
Mr. and Mrs. James Jones entertain- Iona Bartlett
ed Mr. and Mrs, David Perry of Mt. | Wm. H, Conyagham ..... President
Zion and Mrs. Grover Anderson of the || Francis Douglas .. Exec. Vice-Pres. Pears
Lake last week. | Chas. F. Huber .... 1st Vice-Pres.
hool losed two | Doz.
Mooretowy schoo] Yas ¢ M. G. Shennan Vice-Pres. & Cashier C
Citron, Lemon, days last week due to the illness of | Bi
p= Orange Peel 1/4 lb. 16¢ the teacher, Mr. Steele. Saks aio ig O Cc
R.&R. 4500 Ground School will close Wednesday for the | | : Eggs doz. 42¢ Cans
Plum Pudding can 27c¢ Spices 2-0z. pkg. Tc Christmas vacation. A short enter-
Pecan Soft Almonds 1b. 39¢ tomment wil held in the afternoon | DIRECTORS:
for e rents. !
Halves 4-oz. pkg. 15¢ Heinz Pudding can 33c Pa || Chas. N. Loveland PEP Fancy Corn Same 2 cans 95g
Mixed Nuts 1b. 19¢ Budded Walnuts 1b. 23¢ | F 2 hi Te u viz
Bog-Sweets Cranberry Saws 2 =~ 27c oth | Te conn A&P Fancy Pumpkin 3.2 25¢
Richard Sharpe
Delicious Christmas Candies
Lucille Assorted Chocolates Is ee 49c
Season’s Greeting’s Chocolates 5 1b. box 98c |
worry and expense.
Del May Chocolates 5"5"99¢ |
U.S. NOBBY |j| |Cream Drops *10c
C. F. Huber 1 Del Monte White House
No. 2 | P is D i can i tall
Farmdale Peas Q n. 25c¢ HowarD WOOLBERT | | Th i ty 23¢ Ev Mik 10 2. 6Tc
I SE ER | oneal Si Edw iti | : : :
ASCO Tender Pe as 9 M2 9Q¢ | 7 Ci | Vine BL | long Peaches 2 25 2Q¢ Peanut Butt wn. 9ge
gans 3 | . G. Shennan nn Page 3 aja eaned
Butter Kernel Corn 2 No. 2 cans 33¢ | A COMPLETE SERVICF, assuring & sym: j 2% Interest On Savings | Tomato Juice — 25¢ Currants 2 re 25¢
Cooked Sweet Potatoes No. 2 can 10c | hetc, personel surntionto every dual | || Safe Deposit Boxes For Rent || oni
2500 ¥ines; Corn 2 No. 2 cans 25¢ Ki | that wil relieve the bereaved of needless | | | y
Glen Dale Chooolates 5 Ib box a TIRES 11 Mi re ‘C d 5 : Be
Glen Side Chocolates . box 29c¢ z Ty
Assorted Hard Candy 5 1b. tin 89c | First National Bank | : xe anay
Famous Mixtures 1b. 19¢ | | ocoanu
You have never Bon Bons *15¢
known real motor-
lng ol Lou have Christmas Gift Box - th
use - S. Nobby - ; 2 3)
tread tires. 20% Hershey Kisses } 2 box e
traction than any
other traction type
tire. Brazil Nuts 1b 2lc | Stuffed Dates 1b 23c
Fancy Almonds 1b 39c | Marvin Dates pkg. 10c
asco Sliced | DALLAS, PA.
Pineap ple 2. 37°
Luscious slices, P pe. dessert for the holiday
; The World's Finest Coffees—‘heat flo” Roasted
asco C Soft Shell Pecans 1b 25¢ Peanut Brittle ib 15¢
Ib: J 0 MEMBERS AMERICAN 15 s : Hard Filled Candy 1b 17¢ | Pitted Dates 2 pkgs. 25¢c
Coffee BANKERS’ ASSOCIATION WINTER SERVICE Plain Olives 6%;-0z. 23c | Stuffed Olives 634-0z. 33¢c
: . | * & = You can save rself a lot of tim
Richer, fuller, finer flavor—taste the difference yourself a lot o e, oP » .
oie PWi C + C ff Is 18 DIRECTORS: energy, trouble and temper by us- Last In the Ad—But “Tops” In Quality
= ine res o ee : c R. L. Brickel, C. A. Frantz, W. B. {|| ing our free winter service check- Ameriex's Vayorits
§8 A popular hierar Heat flo” roasted—new Bad Yierent Jeter, Sterling Machell, W. R. Neely, ups regularily Bite
x Mother S Joy Coffee tin 24c Oe Ww. Space, A. C. Devens, Scientific po EEL, & Fea | Sliced Loaf GC
Winey and delicious—a fine yoy of South American Coffees erbert Hill, LUBRICATION : IT] hr] : :
ps Educator * a. Complete ich A Be Sure To Get An Extra Supply For Christmas Dinner Dressing
C OFFICERS: by trained men :
C. A. only. Special °
rax es 17 Stories Mantas Vie Pros, Camels, Chesterfields, Lucky Strikes,
W. B. Jeter, Cashier. Old Gold cigarettes
* * @ WOOLBERT’S 10 pkg. Carton €1.15 20c state tax
Heinz Baked 3 12-oz. 25¢
Bea n S 9 Sane Interest On Savings Deposits S S In Attractive Christmas Gift Wrapper.
-0z. 2 No account too small to assure ervice 1
cans 5c careful attention, tat on
In spicy tomato sauces Vault Boxes for Rent. FRED WOOLBERT,. Prop,
These Prices Effective In Our Stores rrr
. ay in Dallas And Viginity
i} In the Y Trucksville