/ Social Miss June Palmer, daughter of Mrs. Charles W. Palmer of Trucksville, became the bride of Sheldon Everett Bennett of Trucksville yesterday at a lovely ceremony at Trucksville M. E. Church at 4 p. m. Bennett, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. The bride, who was radiant in a petunia velvet afternoon gown with matching turban, was given in marriage by her uncle, F. B. Palmer of Forty ~ Fort. She carried an arm bouquet of white pom-poms and yellow roses. Her only attendant was her sister, Miss Ruth Palmer, who wore an afternoon frock of green velvet with a matching hat. She carried an arm bouquet of . bronze and yellow pom-poms. The ceremony was performed by the® bride’s uncle, Rev. John G. Frey of Endicott, N. Y., with Rev. Harry M. Savacool assisting. Prior to the cere- mony Miss Ruth Palmer song, “Oh! Promise Me”, “Until”, and “At Dawn- ing”. I A cousin of the bride, Miss Elva ‘Palmer of Dunmore, played the organ for the ceremony and accompanied ‘Miss Palmer. ~~ The best man was a cousin of the groom, Willard Woolbert. The ushers were Kenneth Wpolbert, another cous- in, and William Lohman, both of Trucksville. Sh The church was simply decorated with white chrysantheums and palms. Following the ceremony a reception for fifty guests was held at the home of the bride’s mother. Mr. and Mrs. Bennett will reside in Trucksville after a trip to New York. The bride has been an employee of the Paris Beauty Parlor and Mr. Bennett is employed ~ by the Royer Foundry. Mrs. Bennett has been entertained by the following people prior to her marriage: Miss Emily Lewis, Mrs. Warren Taylor, Ruth and Esther Ben- ‘nett, Mrs. Mathew Gray, Ruth and Helen Reynolds and the Trucksville Choir. * * * Miss Alice Davies arrived home Wednesday night from Vassar to - spend the Thanksgiving vacation with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Davies of Parsonage Street, Dallas, *® =» * Miss Helen Jeter, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Jeter who is spending the winter’ with her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Ned Stearns of Caldwell, N. J., and also attending the Caldwell High School, arrived home on Wed- nesday to spend the holidays with her . parents. X Trio » » | Miss ‘Agnes Gregson, a student at Skidmore College, will spend the Thanksgiving vacation with her grand- parents Mr, and Mrs. J. W. Vernon of Montreal, Can. CR * * Mm and Mrs. George Dean and fam- ily have closed their summer home at Shrine View and resumed their resi- dence on Horton ‘Street, Wilkes-Barre. Mrs. Dean, who was confined ta her bed all summer with arthritis, been removed to the Homeopathic Hospital for. treatment. Mrs. Emma; Shaver entertained ata, family dinner on Thursday: Mr. and} Mrs. Frank Garrahan, ‘Mr. and Mrs. Earl Cairl and son, Graydon of Sha- mokin, Eleanor.and Thomas Murphy, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Lewin and daughter, |’ Barbara, Mr. and Mrs. Milford Shaver and sons, Harold and Gail. SF * o® Iw Mrs. Harry Harter had as her guests on Thanksgiving Day Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Hildebrant, Mr. and Mrs. John Hildebrant and family, : * ®* # Mr. and Mrs. George Reynolds, Jr. and daughter, Betsy, will spend the holiday week-end attending a family: reunion of the Turn family in Lodi, N. Y. Mr. and Mrs. George B. Turn of | Tunkhannock will accompany Mr. and ‘has | Mrs. Reynolds. Mrs. G. W. Reynolds, Sr., and daugh- ter, Helen, will spend the holiday with the former’s son and daughter-in-law, Mrs. Ehrman Reynolds of Pittsburgh. \ * 0% 0% Mr. and Mrs. Willard Durbin and family, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Harter, and son, Sherman, and Mr. and Mrs. Dan Shaver and. daughter spent Sun- day at Pike County. ”, *% 0% Mrs, C. A. Morgan of Wiayne spent the week end visiting her daughter, Mrs. John Yaple of Church street. She remained in the valley until Tuesday 2vening, due to the death of her moth- er in law, Mrs. Elizabeth Morgan of Kingston. CC) = & Local people who attended the Princeton-Dartmouth’ Game at Prince- ton, N. J. last Saturday were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kiefer, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Risley, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Culver and James Gansel. * 0% 0% Mrs. Ruth Archbald and Miss Grace Heberling of Meshoppen spent Thanks- giving with Rev. Gertrude ROSS. * ® Rev. T. M. Holcomb motored to Chili, N. Y., this week and was accom- panied upon his return by a group of students from the school there, includ- ing Mary Holcomb, his daughter. * 0% ® Miss Harriet Seifert of Allentown, a sister of Rev. Lewis Seifert of Out- let, visited Rev. Gertrude Ross this week. *o® % Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Risley spent the week end with Mr. Risley’s sister Mrs. W. H. Bowman of Sayre. * ¥ & Mrs. Florence G. Phillips will enter- tain the members of the Entre Nous Club on next Thursday evening at her home on Norton Avenue. * * * William Thomas has accepted a po- sition at the Hazard Wire Rope Co. in ‘Wilkes-Barre. * ® &* Mrs. Harold Rood has returned from Buffalo where she spent a few days. ® x %® Mrs. Myrtle Isaacs has returned from Scranton where she spent the week end, yA : : LS Sihe gte Dr. Carll Hontz ‘had as his guest over: the week end Theodore Reed. * LEE Mrs, William, Williams spent some time this week in Philadelphia. * * » Mrs. Emma’ Shaver entertained her 500 Club on Tuesday night at the Sub- urban Inn. } : o - * Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Robinson entertained at a family dinner on Thanksgiving Day- Mrs. Margaret Hil- debrant, Mr. and Mrs. William Thom- as and sons, Carl and Billy. 8 8 = Mrs. John Durbin was confined to her home this week with a severe cold. Highest Quility Se. gravings for Every pose at lowest price. Dial 2-5106 Re RE oR i LON © 1936 A.R.Co. OUR CAR WiLL - ALWAYS GO FLET EAL WITH DEPENDABLE WINDS _BLOW ATLANTIC PRODUCTS! USE ALL 3 ATLANTIC PRODUCTS TUNE IN Atlantic Play-by-Play Broadcasts of. football games every week-end; also Ted Husing every Tues- day, Thursday and Saturday, 7 7:15 P. M., over WCAU. MONDAY Dallas Junior Women’s Club Glee Club, rehearsal, Suburban Inn, 7:30 Dp. Mm. : TUESDAY Young Women's Missionary So- ciety, Birthday Party, Church Par- lors, 6:30 P, M. WEDNESDAY Glee Club Corcert, Dallas M. E. Church, 3:00:p. m. : Start Rehearsals For Nativity Play , Earl Monk, local plumber and heater, has asked The Post to explain to his friends and customers that he is still actively engaged in business locally. Because of several large contracts he has been called upon to fill out of town a number of persons, he says, are under the impression that he is no longer in business here. ‘On the contrary, Mr. Monk’s business has been expanding constantly. In ad- dition to his line of plumbing and heat. ing supplies, Mr. Monk ow handles the Vulcan Stoker and will be glad to have any interested persons call at his home to see one in operation. Mr. Monk has his shop in his home now and his telephone number is 138. He has just finished several good sized heating jobs, complete with stokers, in the valley. tt Ores ee. —ar p»™bhoib)?r”tb>oaoaoo’ THANKSGIVING BREAKFAST A Thanksgiving Breakfast was held Ain Shavertown M. E, Church yesterday morning. The committee had as mem- bers: Worship, Marion Anthony; invi- tations, Helen Kirkendall and Fanny Ockenhouse; decorations, Romayne Stark, Geraldyne Jayne, Hilda Steven- son, Virginia Rosser; Kitchen, Clara Mae Evans, Olive Anthony; clean-up, Earl Jackson, Clyde Brace; food, Hel- en Kirkendall and James Campbell. Mrs, Robert baker who recently re- turned home from the Nesbitt hos- pital to recuperate from an appen- dectomy will resume her duties at the Hazard Wire Ropes on Monday. « %* ok . Miss Margaret Oliver, R. N. has been called to Danville where she is on special duty at the hospital. = * * Mrs. Harold Titman was a guest at a card party in Kingston at the home of Mrs. Russell Frantz on Tuesday afternoon. wo Clie Emil Stevens, who formerly lived in Oliver's apartment, has moved to Shavertown, and Ernest Hazeltine has taken the apartment. * * * St. Theresa Choir is rehearsing for a special program for a Christmas Mass. ss ® a ‘William Ritter was entertained by his sister, Miss Mary Ritter, at a birth- day dinner. Mr. and Mrs. Phil Ritter were among the guests. COLD WAVE IS HERE ! Get Ready Now ! U. S. NOBBY TIRES 209% more traction than any other type of trac- tion tire. SELF-CLEANING LESS VIBRATION LONG WEAR Our Prices Lowest COMPLETE STOCK Defrosters- Heaters Weed Chains U. 8S. L. Batteries Prestone-Zerone- Alcohol WOOLBERT'S SERVICE STATION FRED WOOLBERT, Prop. '"Trucksville, Pa. | * THE DALLAS POST, DALLAS, PA. FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 27, 1936. Ruggles Mrs. Sherman Hoover is on the sick list at this writing. Emory Kocher and daughter, Mrs. Donald Evans and family from Forty Fort spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Verne Kitchen, * » » and Mrs. Ira Major, Sr. Stuart, from Shavertown, Mr. son, and spent Sunday with Mrs. L. H. Kocher. > * % % Mr. and Mrs. George Smith of Ald- erson and Mr. and Mrs. Ben Rood of Laketon spent ‘Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Orrison Kocher. * » * Mrs. Almon Rood spent Friday visit- ing Mrs. Wm, Hillard. *% * * ¥ Mrs. Harvey Fine of Alden, Mrs. Elizabeth Varker and Mrs. Kathryn Varker of Sheatown, Mrs. Bob Moore of Dallas, Kocher on ‘Saturday. * * » ‘Miss Leona Kocher and Mrs. Ethel Shupp spent Sunday with their parent M.. J. Kocher, + * ® The funeral of William Dinstel, former superintendent of transporta- tion of Wilkes-Barre Railway Com- pany, and manager of the East Penn. Traction Company, was held at his home in Pottsville. He was buried in Kocher Cemetery at Ruggles on Mon- day afternoon at 1 o'clock. Mr. Dinstel was born at Bear Creek, on March 6, 1885, son of August and Diana Searfoss Dinstel. Surviving are his wife, the former Bertha Thomas of Wilkes-Barre, and two sons George and Frederick. His parents are residents of Stull. They were callers at Ruggles a few weeks ago and purchased the burial plot in which he was buried in Kocher Cem- glory, all called on Mrs. Louise Trucksville Girl Heads Sem’s Team Miss Jane Banker uf Trucksville has been selected captain =r tne hockey team of Wyoming Seminary for 1937, it was announced yesterday at the school. Miss Banker fas been a ’'varsity player for two years. PAGE THREE MATCHMAKER LOCAL Al Elkens, matchmaker for the ama- teur boxing bouts which are being held at the Eagles’ Hall in Wilkes- Barre under auspices of the Wilkes- Barre Athletic Club, is a resident of Trucksville. First National Bank DALLAS, PA. MEMBERS AMERICAN BANKERS’ ASSOCIATION *e 8 DIRECTORS: R. L. Brickel, C. A. Frantz, W. B. Jeter, Sterling Machell,-W. R. Neely, Clifford W. Space, A. C. Devens, Herbert Hill. : ss oo o OFFICERS: C. A. Frantz, Pres. Sterling Machell, Vice-Pres. W. B. Jeter, Cashier. * @ Interest On Savings Deposits No account too small to assure - careful attention, Vault Boxes for Rent. COMPLETE LINE DUNLOP TIRES And Tubes SACRIFICED If you need tires now or are going to need them this win- ter—Right now is the time to buy them—This is a rare op- portunity because we are go- ing to clear our present stock of tires to the bare walls— And we know we'll do it at these low prices. DUNLOP TIRE STORE LUZERNE Next to Lare’s : “ pny ————— These firms are vitally interested in the welfare of Dallas and A A vicinity. We recommend them: in the hope that your patronage and HANDY their services will result in greater growth of this thriving com- QUICK GUIDE | monly HELP | READY BUSINESS DIRECTORY OF FIRMS WHO ARE ANXIOUS TO HAVE AD YOUR BUSINESS - AND WHO DESERVE IT | SECURITIES 3TOCKS AND BONDS * Speciausts in all N. E. Penn'a. Securities |... . PETER DB. CLARK 1404-05 W.-B. DEPOSIT AND Savings BANK Brpc. w-B 3-0318 DALLAS 52° HILLSIDE TIRE SERVICE Gulf Gas and Oils Tiolene and Pennzoil ‘Dupont and Kenyon Tires Tel. Dallas 9089-R-2 TRUCKSVILLE, PA. LUMBER WHIPPLES For Lumber 712 Wyoming Avenue, Kingston © 7-148 AUTOMOTIVE AUTOMOBILE PAINTING CLARENCE J. LaBAR 334 PIERCE ST. KINGSTON Next to Old Car Barn General Automobile Repairing Official Inspection Station 1249 Z. E. GARINGER Kunkle °° fs "For a good time try - Hayden Cafe Chicken and Spaghetti Dinners ; 8 Every Saturday Night 3 36 MAIN ST. Dallas 358-R-8 "DALLAS NOW is the time to have your 0 RS well deified, Why Worry ghaus } ? : i Sy A a “HILL THE FLORIST" Payment Plan. As low as $10 per ~ month! Write or Call | Cresswell Drilling Co. KINGSTON PHONE 7-4815 GEORGE BULFORD Huntsville DALLAS 311 DALLAS 213 FINE LIVESTOCK LIVESTOCK SURVEYOR IRA D. COOKE Professional Land Surveyor ENGINEERING Penn’a Register No. 4104 SUCCESSOR TO CH AS. H. CCCKE, De,cd DODGE 7.9325 Phone, Dallas 126. Dallas, Pa Hoping to continue giving you RESTAURANTS value for the money in the future as ; we have in the past 12 years. ; THE WHITE HOUSE JAMES R. OLIVER PLYMOUTH DODGE TRUCKS PACKARD Why Not? JACK NOTHOFF — FERNBROOK Flowers for every occasion qui 322 8. PIONEER AVE. SHAVERTOWN HARDWARE ‘Hardware and Supplies Farm Machinery and Equipment Plumbing and Heating B. and B. SUPPLY CO. Dallas 113 “McCormick—Deering” Farm Machinery Sales and Service Z. E. GARINGER: : Kunkle ' Dal'as 358-R-2 Estimates Cheerfully Given Without Cost ; EARL H. MONK PLUMBING AND HEATING ’ VULCAN STOKERS Pine Crest Avenue, Dallas Phone Dallas 138 e All-Purpose Weatherproof Safety Grip A Great Trouble-Proof Tire Eliminates Chains PREPARE NOW FOR WINTER LET US CHECK YOUR CAR 3. Lubrication 4. Heating Cooling System Battery-Ignition COMPLETE AUTO INSPECTION Inspection Station 5419 Alcohol Prestone Zerone Fill With Water Recharge Willard, Penn-Bar Kenyon Crank Case Transmission ’ Differential ’ Heaters ; Defrosters | Thermostats : { oe LS HILLSIDE TIRE SERVICE - TRUCKSVILLE agian