PAGE FOUR Socia 1 0 ORIN) a r 2a a SEs pL % os THE DALLAS POST, DALLAS, PA, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1936. ‘end at his home m West ‘Dallas.’ 3 : treatment in Philalelphia for neuritis, . Jeft ‘Tuesday to visit Mr. Dix and her home on Lake Road. . 4) ng § ton Lee, Mrs, Arthur Culver, Mrs. Irv- ing Roe, Sr, and Mrs. John Yaple of ~ Edwin "Nelson, Whlliam B. ‘Robinson spent the: oth A AT is is undergoing is reported as improved. Mrs. ‘Dix family in a Mrs. George K. Swartz has been visiting in Philadelphia. ‘She returned home on Meunesday. James R. fishing trip’ to Canada. He reports an unusually large eaten 4 Miss Marzares Oliver, R. _N., who has been doing private duty at Geis- ineger Hospital, has returned to her Mrs. John fe Mrs. Lee Gregse, Mrs. James Oliver, anl Miss Mary Still motored to Bloomsburg recently. { : - * * Mrs. Thomas Robinson, Mrs. Peyn- Dallas attended the Saint Barnabas Guild card Party on Thursday night at St. Stephen’s Church House in Wil- kes- Barre. * OB Dr. ‘and Mrs. Robert Bodycomb, ac- companied by the latter's mother, Mrs. Oliver tural from a} | CALEN DAR ; Friday . Henry M. Laing Fire Co., the Hose House; 8 Dp. m. Mount Vale Council No. 224, Odd Fellows’ Hall, 7:80 p: m. ‘Monday Dallas’ Junior Women’s Club Glee Club, - rehearsal, Suburban n, 7:30 p. m. Dallas Township P. T. A., High School, 7:45 p. m. ! Dallas: Borough P. T. A. High School, 8 p. m. Tuesday Henry M. Laing Fire Co., Auxi- .liary, home of Mrs. Earl Monk, 8 DP. Mm. Wednesday (American Legion Post No. 672, Odd Fellows’ Hall, 8 p. m. Miss Elma Robbins of Trucksville has been spending some time in New York City. She is expected back to- day. = * * = Mrs. Margaret Hildebrant is mak- ing her home for the winter with Mrs. W. H. Herring of Wilkes-Barre. RF. # Mrs. Nelson Whipp entertained her Charles Landers, drove to Philadel, phia, Union City, N. J.; Newark, N. J., and New York City over the week end. Dr. Body comb attended an odd" Fellows’ meeting at Camden. The Bodycombs visited Dr. Bodycomb’s cousin, Fred Bodycomb and in Newark they visited Mrs. Lander’s daughter, Mrs. Elwood Goeringer. They return- ed home on er nicht, : Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Sader of “Wivo- ming Avenue entertained recently at a party in honor of their son. Harry, . Jr., who celebrated his twelfth anni- versary. Those present were: Helen LaBarr, Jane Ayre, Kathleen Bogert, Margaret Jones, Betty Pittman, Jane Troxell, Florence Miller, Jay Gould, Bob Snyder, William Papika, Loren McCarty, Bill Snyder, and Mr. and Mrs. Blair Troxell. i % * * ; Leslie Worhola, manager of the Dallas Water Company, had consider- able trouble on Saturday in the Shab- ertown area due to a broken rod at the Craigle well. * * Mr. and Mrs. William Powell, who have been residing in the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kiefer of Shrine View until the completion of their new home, will move shortly into it: Mr. end Mrs. Kiefer and family will re- sume residence in their own home. They have been the guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. P. icter. ; we ¥» » % Robert Baker of Overbrook < Mrs. Memorial Hospital where she’ under- went an operation for appendicitis. Her condition is Fenoried as improved. * = 4 Mr, and Mrs. James . Beaumont of Philadelphia svent the week end visit- ine their daughter and son-in- -law, Mr. and Mrs. William H., Thomas of Dal- las. Road, Dallas, is a patient at’ Nesbitt i Five Hundred Club on Tuesday night at her home on Church street. Ls B08 | Mrs. ‘Karl “Kuehn entertained her Bridge Club on Thursday night at her home on Main street, Dallas, eR * % 3 Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Schmerer and Mr. and Mrs. Leonard O'Kane motored to Lakewood, N. J., over the mid-week holiday. @ 8 2 Wyoming Valley Quoit League of Wilkes-Barre held its banquet at Dal- jas Inn on Tuesday night. Prizes and a loving cup were presented to the winning teams. There were 120 mem- bers attending. f $ » ® Joe Schmerer and Joe Jewel recent- ly spent some time in New York City. * » - 3 Mrs. A.’ D. Hull spent séme time this week in New York City where she visited her great aunt. Ira Mrs. Joseph Schmerer redently en- tertained her mother and sister-in-law, Mrs. David Herbert and Mrs. Philip Herbert, of Baveargsvitle, Irwin Coolbaugh, who has been re- cuperating from a- recent operation, re- turned to his Worl on Sedtesasy.. - ‘ “delegation. 7 went to Noxen © of that vicinity. o i rnd * * Mrs. rl of Norton Avenue entertained her ¢éard club on Monday yeveni “Mr. ‘and . Mrs, Reading visi ‘Mr. Garinger’s par- Huntsville over the week-end. ' BE. church entertained at the home of birthday anniversary and also in rec- ‘as president of ‘the Ladies’ Aid of Al- arion. Garinger ‘of ents, Mr. an Mrs. ‘Wilson Garinger of Mrs. Wilson ‘Garinger who has been ill for the past Week is improving. FRUIT PILLSBU FINE GRANULATED {| RAISIN CHOCOLATE RINGS 1.]Q ¢ PANCAKE FLOUR 11¢ 25¢ Marshmallow FLUFF 120z.tin 23 ¢ BISCUIT =25¢ LADIES AID TAKES The Ladies’ Aid of the Aldirson M. Mrs. H. R: Garinger last Friday ia honor of Miss Emma Odenkirchen’s ognition of her’ eight years of service derson. ‘The following poem, written and read by one of the members” ‘of the organization, was dedicated 1 ‘Miss Odenkirchen. ot so many years ago In the town of Write Haven, Was a dear little girl” X About whom everyone was raving. She later came to Alderson to dwell, Where people learned to like Ber, Oh, so well! “When she was. introduced ig me She said, “With me you will agree, * My last name you'll not remember, So just call me Emma.” She sort’a took me under her wing And guided me through many things. TO HONOR EMMA ODENKIRCHEN ‘| Getzman. George Smith, Edgar: Stemm, ‘Nettie TO POETRY and she has Proved a friend to be Which really means a lot to me. I thought it was so very grand That I have found that Emma's hand - Is always ready ‘to Yolo) out, Her friends, when in perplexity or doubt. i Now we, the Ladies’ gathered ’ To wish her health, wealth and Many happy birthdays hereafter. Those present were: Mesdames Mike Aid, Rave . Richards, Florence Condon, Phil Thompson, Hattie Rauch,” Lucy Altemus, Fred Davis, John Parsons, Otis Allen, G. Leinthal, J. George, Harold. Payne, Adda Garinger, Guy |'Scouten; Peter Kuchta, Harvey Kit- chen, Grover Anderson, Harold Hig- gins, Ross Garinger, Raymond Garin- ger, H. D. Allen,” H." R. Garinger, Jessie Rogers, - Miss Lina Garinger, Miss + Elsie Garinger, a guest, Mrs. Lord, David Parsons, Billy Garinger, Arnold Geringer, Mildred Kitchen and the guest of honor. The Ladies” Aid of the Dallas M. E. church served the dinner to the Dal- las Junior ‘Women’s Club on Wednes- day night at the church parlors. : * %* oo ® Mrs. W. B. Foss of Wilkes-Barre was the week end guest of Mrs. Irv- ing Roe, Sr., of Country Club Road. ¥ » + Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Paul of Con- necticut have taken the Brickel apartment on Main street, Dallas. Mr. Paul is mechanical superintendent for the Dallas Post. = * ® Marion Hildebrant entertained the Former Noxen Girl Wedded In Boston Miss Martha Eley Married To Eugene Boutell¢ On Wednesda Miss Martha Eley, daughter of Floyd Eley and a former resident of Noxen, and Eugene Boutelle, Boston, were married on Wednesday afternoon in Boston, at the home of Mr. Boutelle. After the ceremony the couple left members of her Sunday school class on Friday evening at her home East Dallas. Those present were Rachael Ross, Catherine Thompson, Louise Brace, Marion, Beatrice and Jean Hildebrant. $ * * *% The Ladies’ Aid is standing a vig- orous contest among its members for the quilt that has just been completed. The person turning in the largest sum of money will receive the quilt. ® * - Mrs, Peter Delaney of Alderson en- tertained in honor of her daughter, Mary at a birthday party on Saturday afternoon. Those present: Phylis En- ders, Lois Avery, Wilda Zimmerman, Mildred Kitchen, Nancy Parsons, Eliz= abeth Kitchen, Carol Mayor, Elaine Avery, Herbert Davis, Hattie Rauch, Mrs. Cal. Mrs. Peter Deleney: » 8 Mr. and . D. L. Edwards of Trucksville will attend the Penn- State * Mr. and’ Mrs. William Niemeyer en- tertained over the week end Mr. and Mrs. George Meister, Mrs. Catherine Baltimore, Maryland, Mr. add Mrs. George Orcutt. of Nox: on visited the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Doyle "Roberts of Davenport, Street, Dallas, recently. 4 ’ 4 \ or No® in | Fraley, Mrs. Herbert Pevi® Game at State College this Saturday. Meister, and Miss Gertrude Meister. af - for Miami, Fla., to spend the winter. They will make their home next Spring in a suburb of Boston. | Miss Eley has many friends in this | section, having made her home for | some time with Mr. and Mrs. F. Fel- ker. She was graduated from Noxen High School and the Wilkes-Barre General Hospital School for Nurses. She was valedictorian of her class in both places. For the last several years she has been assistant supervisor of nurses at the Bronx Hospital, New York. Mrs. Albert Elkins of Carverton ‘Road, Trucksville, is recuperating at her home from a serious illness. Her “condition is reported as improving. : a: i * ss = Mrs, M. A, Wilcox entertained at a Bridge Luncheon on Wednesday at her home on Lake street. The guests were Mrs: Nellie Heitzman, Mrs. N. B. Geist, and Mrs. W. H. Becker all of ‘Wilkes-Barre. & i aa 25 ww } CLOSE ESCAPE Is Seven Have Narrow Escape From In- jury When Two Cars Turn Turtle On Ruggles ges Seven persons narrowly Sveapel in- | jury last Saturday morning when ‘two .| automobiles upset after colliding on a rural road near Ruggles. The drivers, David M. Parke, Forty Fort, and. Wal- Whitaker 8 car. & ~ SHOP AT Sizes 14-20 38-52 guaranteed fast colors MENS DRESS. LADIES NEW Black and Brown *1.49 A group of local people spent last week-end ‘at Simon attending the first ‘district quarterly conference meeting of the Free Methodist Church. In the &roup were Miss Marion Rogers, Ila Smith, Helen Gailey, Mrs. Clara Brig- | ham, Grace Heberling of Meshoppen, iE v. Lewis, Seifert of Outlet and, Rev. fertrude Ross. 1) 4 g ! J | 125 MAIN ST j | Two Plays Featare 3 lace: ‘Whitaker, Noxen, were not injur- | ed. There were five other persons in NEW FALL HOUSE DRESSES SPECIAL WOVEN TABLE CLOTHS 19s Children’s MENS DRESS SHOES 9¢ | SHIRTS 60s HOSE Fall Oxfords | CHASIN'S DEPT STORE ‘opposite post office LUZERNE PTA Meeting Monday Dallas Township ‘Parent Teachers Association will meet on Monday night “Tat Tr45 atthe High School auditorium. The program, arranged by the. teach- a speaker which Miss Elaine ‘Davis has procured. The plays are ‘directed by Miss Marie “Wioolbert, and Miss Le- ona Smith and are entitled | Red Shoes at Plymouth” and “Hobson: Gets ‘Thankful. 5. hes CHASIN'S Bright Prints Plaid Checks G Dots 3 ers, “consists of two one:act plays. and 25¢| Childrens’ GLOVES 10c| RY’S sm. pkg. lge. pkg. SUCAR 101:47¢ SOFTASIL GRAND UNION SLICED PINEAPPLE 2 ‘OCTAGON SOAP CHIPS KIRKMAN'S BORAX SOAP IVORY SOAP FLAKES Garden Fresh Fruits & Vegetables CAKE FLOUR ks 2D 39: Ige. pkg. 18 ¢ bar 4 £¢ Ige.pkg. 2.3 [4 BIG JUICY—216 SIZE FLORIDA ORANGES 80 SIZE-HEAVY FRESH, GREEN FLORIDA GRAPE FRUIT 13 for 25¢ 6 for 21c SPINACH 2 Tos, 1lc Please, (we! Community Welfare Campaign November The Community Wel- fare Federation annual- ly gives services in the Dallas area more than double the amount con- tributed locally. Your contribution this year will help carry on the work of 32 affiliated social welfare and char- acter building agencies. 9-19