SRE gr { CHAPTER IX We had a wire from Paul the next «day, saying that he was looking for Lili, and another a few days later saying that he had found Lili and ‘would be back with her the following Monday. Lili, Lili—not a word about Lady. . Maggie had called the Eipper’s apartment house and learned that she hag left the day before Paul got her letter. What her game was I couldn't be sure. I had a hunch about it, but I wasn’t saying anything to Lady. She . ‘was going to be hard hit if it was . ‘what feared. During the second week of her stay the two Burdons phoned ‘her every day. “They're lonely, and I've got to go back to them,” she said. “I can’t give my two Mats much except kindness, but they’re not going to suffer for the lack of that.” The following Saturday Young Mat drove up from Baltimore and took her back with him. On Monday morning I was back on the job again and glad of it. In the afternoon, with many misgivings, I went to the Grand Central to meet the returned travelers. They were late getting off the train, and when I saw them at last they were in the clear. They were still a hundred feet away, but I said, “My God, she’s done it.” Though she wasn’t touching him, she walked as one who possessed this man by her side. Paul and I took her to her apart- ment. As we were leaving, Paul put his hands on her shoulders. “I'm de- pending on you, Lili,” he said. At the cottage that night he told me the story—or at least the story she’d told him. It seems she’d been lonely and got to brooding because she didn’t have much work here, and decided suddenly to go to a small city, where living expenses would be light, and try her luck there. So she went to Jefferson City. She'd been there once (you bet she had!), and it was the only place, outside of St. Louis and New York, that she knew, She drifted around the streets there for awhile, but she didn’t like the place couldn’t like any place,” Paul told me, “so she decided to get out of it, but she couldn't make up her mind where to go. She wandered into the post- office, and then remembered that she'd A “She seemed half-starved, sick with loneliness, and sorry that she'd left New York. She was glad to see me. The look in her eyes got me, Auat Carrie,” he said. “I thought, ‘if Franz had lived, she wouldn't be skulking around like a whipped dog.” She began to brighten upas soon as she saw me.” He lit a cigarette and began walk- ing up and down. “And so,” he said, “I brought her back. She needs me, Aunt Carrie, and no one else does.” I'd kept still as long as I could. “She needs you!” I burst ont. “But what about Lady?” y “Lady?” He said it in that dull flat voice because he was wretched about her, and miserable and confused. I understood that later when I'd had time to think. But at the moment his saying her name ‘as if he’d never heard it before was the last straw. I got to my feet and began walking up and down close to him. “You don’t seem to remember her, Paul. Lady is the little girl you gave a hand to down in Crebillon. She went with you in the dark then, and she’s loved and worshipped you ever since. She's grown up now. She's a dark young woman with eyes that are dead these days except when one man’s name is mentioned. She's a young woman with a high head and a high heart, and it's breaking for the love that’s in it. You can hear ‘it breaking when she laughs . “No one needs you now, you say, except Lili Eipper, Lady needs you more than she’s ever needed you be- fore. You could at least keep your- self in the clear and be ready to go all out for her if she has a chance to get out of the mess you and your precious Lili put her in.” “But I've given my word, Aunt Carrie,” he said. “Lili it" that way.” HGWARD WOOLR ERT & A COMPLETE SERVICE asturing a sym EE soli for Pernod, ong Dads Boerne ved Adkian Judes. understands THE DALLAS POST, DALLAS, PA FRIDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1936. Hh word for ARR N J “She would,” I said. “So you're go- ing to marry her? When is it to be?” “There’s been no talk of time. whole thing is for Lili to decide.” “Lili!” My voice was rising and my heels were pounding the floor. “Do you know who Lili is? Do you know that she’s served a two-year prison term-that the criminal doctor she was convicted with is still in prison, and writing to her? That's why she was in Jefferson City-to see him!” ADVERTISEMENT — The PRESIDENTIAL CAMPAIGN— The | said quietly: told me that. But she didn’t tell you. i hired someone to spy for you?” At any other time the look would have shut me up, but nothing could stop. me now. “Of course I did,” I shouted at him. “Why not if that’s the kind of woman she is?” Paul sank wearily into a chair. “No wonder she hates people-when they go digging around in her life hunting for things that will hurt her!” “Paul,” I said, “you're a man, so you couldn't be expected to know why a woman fights to hold her family to- gether. But never mind. We're fi- nished now-the three that were going to stand together, whatever happened, against the world. Every-thing I've hoped for—everything I thought we were living for—is gone.” He did then what any man does when faced by a hysterical woman. He got up and ram. “I'm going for a walk,” he said. x At that the last spark of my fury flared up. I said to his bowed back rushing out of the screen door, “You can go to hell-and stay there for all I care.” NEXT WEEK °° *- ON THE AIR MONDAY, OCT. 38 | Sunbury Wilkes Wilitamsport WKOK—10.18 P.M. ane To 00 P.M, “"WRAK — 9.00 P.M.-{ Scranton Sunbury : 10.15 P.M. WGQBI — 9.30 PM.-| WKOK—8.00 P.M. Witkes- 10.15 P.M, Hazleton WaBRE = 5.00 P.M.- Hagioton 938 P.AL. WAZL—8.00 P.M. Suabury 10.15 P.M. 2 MONDAY, NOV. 2 WKOK —95.00 P.M.-| WEDNESDAY, OCT. 28] Williamsport 10.15 P.M. Wiliamaport a MA Pal 9.00 P.M.- Was pad 0 Fo Wilkes-Barre WWERE 09.00 P.M ton WERE 300 P.M. 10.16 P.M. WAZL — 5.00 P.M.-| SOU 500 pu | Sunbury rolls PM gr | Seranton WKOK — 5:00 P.M.« williams ort a! Pat Scranton x WRA Ko 2% P.M.- WAZL—9.00 P.M. weeny =a P.M.- Wilkes. Barre _THURSDAY, OCT. 2 | Haxioton ' WBRE — 9.30 P.M.-{ Williamsport WAZL — 9.00 P.M.« 10.15 P.M. WRAK—3.00 P.M. 10.156 P.M. ==KEEP THIS ENTIRE WEEKLY PROGRAM FOR REFERENCE (To be continued.) $ PER DAY WITH BATH x 50 up HOMELIKE WEEKLY RATES REFINED He stared at me for a second, then | “Of course I know. She How did you find out, unless you LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT Notice = is amendment to paragraph 5 of the Articles of Incorporation of German Bakeries, Inc., whose registered office is No. 90 Wyoming Ave., Forty Fort, Luzerne County, Pa., will be filed with the Department of State of the Com- monwealth of Pennsylvania, at Har- risburg, Pa., on Wednesday, October 21, 1936, under the Business Corpora- ‘tion Law of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, approved May 5, 1933. The nature and character of the proposed amendment are as follows: ‘The number of shares of stock with nominal or par value is none, The number of shares of stock with- out nominal or par value which may be issued by the corporation is 1000, the stated capital applicable to which shall be $100,000. NEIL CHRISMAN, Solicitor. ris en Po res HENS NEED OYSTER SHELL During warm weather hens may cut down on oyster shell consumption. If this occurs, sprinkle some oyster shell on the mash in the hoppers or add about two pounds of oyster shell flour to each 100 pounds of mash. hereby given that an LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT The Lehman Township School Dis~ trict will receive sealed bids for the boring of a well at their school at Lake Silkworth. All bids shall cover specifications furnished by the school board and each bid must be accom- panied by a certified check for ten dollars. All bids must be in the hands of the secretary at or before 8 o'clock. Saturday evening, November 7. The board reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids. C. F. Terry, Secretary, Dallas, Pa. Estate of Mary Graves Hess, deceased. Letters Testamentary in the above estate having been granted to the un- dersigned, all persons indebted to the said estate are requested to make pay- ment and those having claims or de- mands, to present the same, without delay, to Charles F. Hess, Executor, Star Route, Dallas, Penna« 9-25-6t. 2 FOR TOP PERFORMANCE ... © 1936 A.R. Co. in the most remarkable road test YOU'LL SPIN ALONG ° like a top — with Atlantic — be- cause these are the products that were proved best for your car, MOTOR oiL = i 57 ta o WHITE FLASH, MOTOR OIL and LUBRICATION! | in motoring history, when in New HOTEL Ds less than five months six stock automobiles were driven 100,000 miles each, in the famous Toms River Road Test, without carbon removal and without repairs to a single lubricated engine part — thanks to Atlantic White Flash, Atlantic Motor Qil and Atlantic Lubrication. Use all three for top performance. written me that mail could be addres- sed to her there. She called at the general delivery window, got my note, ‘and came on to my hotel pathetic, personal attention to every detail that will relieve the bereaved of needless worry and expense. SHAVERTOWN...DALLAS 9R18 OSEPH B. MARTIRE, MGR. : | Phone 7-2955 Day and Night Service || Rahat ; DR. SIMON J. GOODMAN || ! : _ Veterinarian Z : - — e | Large and Small Animals Treated || FIVE D AY OFFER | A These firms are vitally interested in the welfare of Dallas and A ! % 1520 Wyoming Ave., Forty Fort, Pa. | HANDY Fenly We Iscomanal 1s them in the hope het your T= and QUICK ; eir services will res in greater ow 0 $ ving com- : GUARANTEED VALUE || | upE | mois " : HELP Magneto & Carburetor We Sell for Less or Your Money Back SERVICE > e Quick Service Prices Reasonable Y RUDOLPH’S FREE 9X12 RUG PAD 1 Electric Service t Sr Jackin foe WILKES-BARRE, PA. Phone 2.5068 OF FIRMS WHO ARE ANXIOUS TO HAVE WHOLE Roou CK) -~ YOUR BUSINESS - AND WHO DESERVE IT ab - ? w 2 s i = nd 3 = Bronchial Coughs = 1 Cet Rid of Them SECURITIES General Automobile Repairing For a good time try } This Quick Easy Way Official Inspection Station 1249 Hayden Cafe e | ey am small bottle of BUCKLEY'S MIX- STOCKS. AND BONDS Z. E. GARINGER Chicken and Spaghetti Dinners ‘ | TURE lini ya oar. gon dg Speciauists in all N. E. Penn'a. Kunkle Every Saturday Night t Ef renigt—thon 1 1 if that fous id oid: per Securities Dallas 358-R-3 36 MAIN ST. DALLAS | Pot seep Te a top ail might oho PETER D. CLARK WE ’ ! tI mci Bagh ae uke, Seough. 1404-05 W.-B. DEPOSIT AND Ylo Rs & » — nn La Fh Savings BANK BLDG. ow 3 ¢hy Jie to have your poe 5 | ¥ Fo WH ." "” - * RS w-B 3-0318 DALLAS 52 water?” Weil iY, bout HILL THE FLORIST - t fo . Peat HILLSIDE TIRE SERVICE | month! Write or Call © Flowers for every occasion | Te . 5 Gulf Gas and Oils Cresswell Drilling Co. 322 S. PIONEER AVE. SHAVERTOWN F First National Bank ¢ ¢ Dunant a ot KINGSTON 'PHONE 7.4815 DALLAS, PA. 6 oA Tires 7 HARDWARE Tel. Dallas 9089-R-2 LIVESTOCK Hardwate and Supplies 0x12 RUG $97.95 Re Fer Machinery ad Equipment UMB FINE LIVEST lumbing and Heating 9x12 RUG PAD Value $36.50 i GEORGE BULFORD BaD SUPPLY £0: as EASY PAYMENTS WHIPPLES pauses SIOTE MEMBERS AMERICAN || Rug experts who have seen these new Devenia Ax- For Lumber DALLAS 313 BANKERS’ ASSOCIATION || minsters proclaim them outstanding patterns of the 712 Wyoming Avenne Kingston R. L. BRICKEL * ew || year. Rich Persian designs—charming early Amer- 7ds SURVEYOR Furwiture—Ambulance DIRECTORS: ican—lovely Chinese—and smart Modern—all in a Service—Funeral Director RI, Brisk), G. 4, rang, W. B. | wide corto of beautiful colors. 100% virgin wool AUTOMOTIVE IRA D. COOKE Dallas 134 Clifford W. pave, A. G. Devens, | || Surface—which gives them a soft, springy texture and AUTOMOBILE PAINTING | Fever SAND ve y . . y 3 . Herbert Hill. assures long wear. CLARENCE J. LaBAR Penn'a Register No. 4104 =o : $8 $34 PIERCE ST. KINGSTON SUCCESSOR TO ON tys OFFICERS: | Next to Old Car Barn CHAS. H. COOKE, De,cd i C. A. Frantz, Pres. i : Foriudy Willard L. Garey Sand Co. Storie Me bras. | 1x Sstor 7-025 Phone, Dallas 120. Dallas, Pa. HILLSIDE RD, CHASE T W. B. Jeter, Cashier. | -R- - 2 a * Ti hit of the year Hoping Io continue giving you RESTAURANTS Interest On Savings Deposits Woven Te Sy = ie furs as : : No account too small to assure Seamless 2 THE WHITE HOUSE *MsCormisk eering:! careful attention. ; by Cochrane ~ JAMES R. OLIVER Sam a aoline. Vault Boxes for Rent. | WILKES. ERT DODGE PLYMOUTH Why Not? 7. BE. GARINGERF - ; > DODGE TRUCKS PACKARD | JACK NOTHOFF — FERNBROOK Bales a