FACTS YOU NEVER Je ORGINAL HOME OF THE CHRYSANTHEMUM 15 = IN CHINA WHERE IT 1S CONSIDERED A RARE TABL pe Imagine There Were Only Two Men in the United States From Which to Select — Roosevelt Which Would You Hire to Fill These Jobs? / Job No. 1 Job No. 2 Job No. 3 Job No. 4 Job. No. 5 Job No. 6 Job No. 7 Job No. 8 Nw Job No. 10 Poll- of -the- Nation Committee 911 Walnut St., Kansas City, Mo. with funds supplied by local contributors This advertisement approved by, hut not paid : { for by, the Republican National Committee E DELICACY ! Hl KNEW. con FR wa TY, a3 aS 7 PAL Ae ER THE GREAT; EMPORER. OF RUSSIA, WOULD CROSS BRIDGES BECAUSE OF A SUPERSTITIOUS FEAR. Far” (HE DALLAS POST. DALLAS. PA FRIDAY, OCTOBER 23,1936. —_— Pe Wi = ; TT ZZ) 7 \ ! : SUPERSTITION AT nD NS MONTE "CARLO 1S THAT z IMMEDIATELY AFTER A Radio Talker—which has the most picasing, smooth-sounding voice ° ° ® ° eo ° ° ° ° . ° ; . eo ° ° . ° ° Landon (J 4th of July Speaker—which could write and deliver the most stirging-oration Joh no LL SSE SL | Roosevelt i Roosevelt [1 Landon [) Insurance Company President—to whom would you rather trust the management of the funds you pay in as premiums Landon OJ | Charity Fund Manager—who would make the best public use of funds subscribed for charity in your community . . . Roosevelt [] Roosevelt = | Landon 0 Boss for Your Son—who would teach your son the elements of thrift and guide him to a useful career . . . . . . Roosevelt [] Partner— You are starting a business, and must put up all the cash, and you want a partner who will be as thrifty as you ate, which would you'choose: . . . . . , +. , Roosevelt [] ‘Landon O Landon [J | Adviser to You—If you want practical advice from one who has had practical experience, to which would you go . . Roosevelt I) Landon OJ Administrator—you are writing your will, and want someone who has earned and saved money to handle your estate for your wife and family, which would you choose . . . . Roosevelt [] Landon OJ : on erin sap I AP SIO ING he br HIN LL WS ARE 1S City Executive—Suppos your city is spending $2 for every $1 it takes in, and you want a good man to pull it out of the ras ET TR ted, which would you choose . . . . . . . . . . Roosevelt [J Landon 0 | Mantager of the World's Biggest Business—your U. 8S. Gov- ernment IS in the red nearly $34,000,000,000 and IS spending $2 for every $1 it takes in, so which executive would you choose to set this gigantic business on its feet . . . . . Roosevelt [J Landon HB EE WHICH WOULD YOU HIRE? RA ER Gr SSA YE A =a WATL IN YOUR VOTE | 1 Poll-of-the- Nation Committee, 911 Walnut St., Kansas City, Mo. i I would hire these men for these jobs: : | 1. Roosevelt [J Landon [J 4. Roosevelt [] Landon [] 7. Roosevelt [1 Landon [] ! 2. Roosevelt [J] Landon [J] /5. Roosevelt [[] Landon [] 8. Roosevelt [] Laerdon [] i > Roosevelt [J] Landon [J 6. Roosevelt [J] Landon [J 9. Roosevelt [] Landon [] i 10. Roosevelt [J Landon [J ; | ; 8 Name Address _ i J Comment ir BR aS Rl A dt ii alee a ee yf) lJ... {1 § 1 ft 1 |} | be PO TN ORE WE ED Wm HOE GEE SRE \ $ -