k et : * iently this year through B. and B. Shorter Season No Wet Blanket ih On Enthusiam Hunters Expected To Turn Out In Record Numbers Next Month RULES REVIEWED Despite the inroads made' on small game by the severe winter of 1935-36 and the curtailed season, early indica- tions in this section point to another record-smashing number of hunters. in the field this year. | Last year more hunters were afield locally than in any time in the history of the section. | Although the large number of hun- ters and the hard winter depleted the game supply near here there has been an excellent breeding season and the Board of Game Commissioners has planted a large number of game pur- chased and reared at Game Farmsg. So far, since the last hunting season the Commission has released more than 20,000 ringneck pheasants, 1,300 wild terkeys, 300 quail, 52,000 rabbits, 200 raccoons and 100 wild ducks. - More hunters are securing licenges earlier this year than for a> number of years . Incidentally, Dallas sports- men can secure their licenses conven- Hardware Store on Main Street, Because of the scarcity of the po- pular Snowshoes Rabbit, th® season has been closed. A census will be tak- | en of these species. There will be no. LUZERNE G. O. P. SLOW TO BUY CERTIFICATES FINANCING CAMPAIGN Luzerne County Republicans are slow to contribute to the Re- publican campaign fund ‘through the purchase of “Dollar Certifi- cates”. This week’s issue of the “Dollar Certificate News’, a four-page pamphlet which reports on the progress of tre “Dollar Certifi- cate” campaign throughout the ‘State, lists this county among “The Ten Worst”. Luzerne County was given a quota of 9,010 certificates. To date, The Newh says, there have been only 1,448 buyers, a percent- age of sixteen. Death Takes Third Member Of Family Joseph Ferguson Follows Wife And Granddaughter To Grave Heart-broken since the death of his wife last “June, DeMunds Road, ~ DeMunds, His funeral was held on Saturday after- noon at 2. A lifelong and highly respected resident of this section, Mr. Ferguson season on Hungarian partridges, Chu- al been in excellént health until the kar partridges or Reeves pheasants. The season and bag limits for all small game afd fur-bearers is as fol- lowg: Wild turkeys, male vinEneck phea- sants, ruffed grouse, quail, blackbirds, rabbits and squirrels: November 6 to 26; Raccoons, November 6-31: Minks, | Oppossums, and skunks, November 6 | to February 28; muskrats, December | 1 to March 15; beavers, March 1 to] March 15. Traps may. not -be set before 9 a. m. the first day. On all other days! they may be set at the usual” time. Muskrats and beavers may be. taken | by trapping only. — ee PLENTY OF DEER Prospects. for large game hunting; | particularly deer, are exceptionally good, notwithstanding the heavy loss- es during the past gevere/ winter. Plenty of deer are being observed, and | in most instances the bucks are in! racks. Old-time bear hunters findorse the’ drastic reductions on the Season for these sagacioug creatures: Black bears | may be hunted only three: days- -Nov- | | | ember 23 to 26. Cubs are protected. District Officers Selected At Rally New officers of the Dallas sub-dis- | trict, Epworth League, were named at a fall rally held at ‘Alderson M. E. Church last Wiednesday night, with about 175 present. They are: President, Sheldon F. Gay, Carverton; first vice president, Fred Finney, Trucksville: second Vice; president, Bethia Allen, Alderson; | thirl vice president, Florence Weaver, Center Moreland; fourth vice presi- dent, Lydia Smith, Idetown; secre- tary, Dorothy Wilcox, Huntsville; treasurer, Robert Snyder, Orange. pathetic, personal stieggion to every detail that will relieve the bereaved of needless Pa ‘worry and expense.) x w COMPLETE SERVICE, viola » sym- 'SHAVERTOWN.. . DALLAS OR18 RIVER ALL THE IS TOMS TREATMENT- death of his wife four months ago. About a month later his grand- daughter, Mrs. Frances Rogers, who resided with Mr. and Mrs Ferguson, was stricken. She died on August 381 and the two deaths affected Mr. erguson so deeply he collapsed at the grave during the funeral and was re- moved to his home. He had not left |it before his death. Rev. Fedor Ether, Center Moreland, officiated at the service on Sunday. Interment was in Marsh Cemetery, Center Moreland. Surviving Mr. daughters, Mrs. Ferguson are three Stanley Scott, Phila- delphia; Mrs. Walter Willoughby, Parsons, and Mrs. Ethel Eyett, at home. There are also three grand- children and one great grandchild. Get your copy of the Back Mountain Football Schedule at Woolbert’s Ser- vice Station, in the “Y”, Trucksville. - FREE A-GAR-A- WEEK SEE US NOW FOR DETAILS Joseph Ferguson, 67, | passed | away last Thursday afternoon. Adult Classes Hold interest At Schools One of the most popular features of | "| courses such as that being planned for this section nex®¥ month 10 train Sun- | day school workers is the class stresg- ing work among adults. The local school, which will be held at T.ehman M. E. Church six succeed- ing Wednesday nights, beginning November 4, will have an adult class led by Rev. Percy Davis, pastor of Westmoor Church of Christ. Rev. Mr. Davis, who is superintendent of Lea- dership Training for the entire county, and his class is bound to be one of the most popular. Other leaders, all experts, are Rev. Guy S. Leinthall of Alderson, who ‘will teach New Testament; Rev. Harry S. | Savacool, Trucksville, church history, jand Mrs. Howard Crosby, Lehman, classes for Sunday school work among | younger children. - — Ee LOCUST GROW FAST The locust is the fastest growing {hardwood tree in northwestern United States. or that reason, it is a good tree to plant in gullies. The locust makes good fence posts and, being a legume, improves the soil. It grows well on al- most any type of soil. | Magneto & Carburetor SERVICE Quick Service Prices Reasonable RUDOLPH"’S Electric Service 33-35 E. Jackson Street WILKES-BARRE, PA. Phone 2-5868 has had wide experience in such work | 3 / ¥ or 3 y 3 ’ ¥ 5 3 : 5 Th DALLAS POST, DALLAS, PA. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1936. BOARD LETS CONTRACTS A contract for grading the school vard at Dallas Township High School ‘was awarded to Cobleigh Brothers of Trucksvilie, loweht bidders, by town- | ship school directors at a special | meeting on Saturday night. First National Bank DALLAS, PA. MEMBERS AMERICAN BANKERS’ ASSOCIATION * & = DIRECTORS: R. L. Brickel, C. A. Frantz, W. B. Jeter, Sterling Machell, W. R. Neely, Clifford W. Space, A. C. Devens, Herbert Hill. : \ * » » OFFICERS: C. A. Frantz, Pres. Sterling Machell, Vice-Pres. s = = Interest On Savings Deposits No account too small to assure careful attention, % Vault Boxes for Rent. { W. B. Jeter, Cashier. ih | All Sizes Carried \@ In Stock So Sp 4-Ply 4.75x19 At The Low Price Of Hillside TireService "The Big Gulf Station at Hillside" A REALLY GREAT TIRE WHITE FLASH, MOTOR OIL and . LUBRICATION! PATIENT NEEDS... © 1936 A.R. Co. YOU'LL SIT UP AND TAKE NOTICE + the very first time you use Atlantic White Flash, Atlantic Motor Oil and Atlantic Lubrication — because these are the products which took the Toms River Test Cars 100,000 moval or repairs to any lubric miles apiece, without carbon re- ated engine parts! These same products will give you better performance and cheaper trans- portation than you have ever known before. Visit your Atlantic Dealer regularly — and get all three! Harvey CONVENIENCE SoMuke the smube of the electri-* cal service at your command. Foy cost so low that it is not weiih considering. Let electricity do the drudgery. If your home and farm are not already being served by this company let us ‘go over your problems with you. ’s Lake Light Company meer , TASES CT ING NT AGE THREE By Popular Request We Repeat 2 IR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY 6 SALE 25; of 4 Pkgs. FRANKLIN 4X SUGAR | : 3 Cans HERSHEY COCOA 3 Pkgs. SEEDLESS RAISINS 5 Pkgs. ROYAL GELATIN TUB BUTTER .3 pkgs. Shurfine Corn Starch 2 pkgs. Shurfine Currants 2 cans Shurfine Baking Powder 3 pkgs. Shurfine Raisins 2 boxes Libby’s Prunes Cc SHEFFIELD SELECT EVAPORATED 2 Ige. cans Fancy Pink Salmon 3 Ige. cans MUSTARD SARDINES 2 cans Fancy Shrimps 2 cans Gorden’s Cod Fish Cakes 2 cans McGovern’s SALMON BALL MASON 3 pkgs. Parowax - 7 boxes Jar Rings 3 pkgs. Shurfine Pictin 3 pkgs. Spices (all kinds) BLUE 3 bots. Vinegar ROSE Ri CE 2 bots. Rainbow Washing Fluid 2 cans Babo 2 bots. Clorox 2 pkgs. Silox 5 cakes Lava Soap 6 cakes Octagon Soap 7 cakes P and G Soap FANCY LAND 0’ LAKES—NONE BETTER AT ANY PRICE 269 qts. 59¢ FRUIT JARS «| N ATIONALLY ADVERTISED BRAN DS Cc MILK 4 - 25: 4- 25 ECONOMY 50 LBS. $1.85 FANCY PATENT 25 LBS. 95¢c 12 LBS. 49¢| 3 cans Calo Dog Food 3 cans Pard Dog Food 4 cans Roxie Dog Food 2 cans Karo Syrup 2 cans Brer Rabbit Molasses 4 cans Campbell’s Tomato Soup 7 boxes Matches 256 YOUR ravorrre 10BACCO 3 ~~ 25¢ 2 Ibs. Assorted Cookies 2 Ibs. Graham Crackers 2 Ibs. Fig Bars 2% COFFEE SPECIALS VIKING COFFEE . .... ieee ibd DE-LISH-OUS COFFEE . wept 1b. 19¢ a few cents a day every farm ene within the reach of our transmis- = Ty SH RF INE COF FEE . sewn ren 1b. 23¢c sion lines can have running water : pu h 3 in homes and barns. > mgt on sdantor Count N, : > There are hundreds of elei:i. un y MIR Tr ail cal labor saving devices tha: ;. ho sei i Potatoes 50 1b: bes $1.10 Onions -47 pound bag Style SAUSAGE bh Pillsbury’s Pancake Flour 2 pkgs. 19¢ EQUALLY LOW' PRICES ON FRESH AND COLD MEATS LONGwSCHMERER THE ECONOMY STORE PARRISH HEIGHTS, DALLAS Country era x Ly E