Ta Ria it xa LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT SHERIFF'S SALE FRIDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1936 AT 10 A. M. By virtue of a writ of Levari Facias- sur Mortgage No. 350, October Term, 1936, issued out of the Court of Com- mon Pleas of Luzerne County, to me directed, there will be exposed to pub- lic sale by vendue to the highest and best bidders, for cash, in Court Room "No. 1, Court House, in the City of ‘Wilkes-Barre, Luzerne County, Penn- sylvania, on Friday, the 16th day of . October, 1936, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of the said day, all the right, title and interest of the defendant in and to the following described lot, piece of parcel of land, viz: ALL that parcel of land near Alder- son, in Dallas Township, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, beginning at Kyler Richards, H. H. Harris and ‘Wash Getsman’s land, south 70 degrees, 4 minutes Wiest, 4615 feet to Wesley Johnson’s land; thence north 82 de- grees 56 minutes West 968.7 feet to Samuel Garringer’s land; thence north 7 degrees 4 minutes east along Gar- ringer and Thompson land 4615 feet to other land of Thompson; thence along Thompson and Kyler Richards’ land, south 82 degrees, 56 minutes East 968.7 feet to Harris land, the place of beginning, Containing 102.63 acres of land more or less. The said land is improved with a large dwelling and | other out buildings erected thereon. "There is excepted a right of way of fifty feet in width running east and west across the said track above-des~ scribed. Being Lehigh Valley Railroad Company right of way. There is also excepted in the above land certain lots plotted out of the above-described land and are as follows: Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 172, 5, 8, 11, 12, 65, 66, 28, 86, 184, 185, 67, 1 of lot No. 90, 183, 89, 88, 7, 27, 74. 49, and 860. Seized and taken into execution at the suit of Joseph S. Rice vs. Charles G Rice, and will be sold by WILLIAM R. THOMAS, Sheriff. Peter J. McCormick, Atty. SHERIFF'S SALE Friday, October 16, 1936, 10 o'clock A. M., Court Room No. 1, Court House, Wilkes- Barre, Pa., alias Fieri Facias from Court of Common Pleas of Luz- erne County, property of Lena Lies and Sam Lies, her husband, being Lots! Nos. 50 and 51 on plot laid out in Ash- | ley Borough, said lot being recorded in | Luzerne County Map Book No. 1, pages 58 and 59, being 70 feet in front | on Carey Street by 147.5 feet in depth. | More fully described in Mortgage Book | 262, page 346. Improved with a two | story frame store and dwelling and private garage, and known as No. 74 | Carey Street, Ashley Borough, Luzerne. County, Pennsylvania. WILLIAM R. THOMAS, Sheriff. SHERIFF'S SALE Friday, October 16, 1936, 10 oriodi | A. M., Court Room No. 1, Court House, | Wilkes-Barre, Pa., Fieri Facias from! Court of Common Pleas of Luzerne | County, property of David J. Griffith, being the northwesterly 45 feet of Lot No. 6, Block No. 11 on plot of lots re- | corded in Luzerne County Deed Book 311, page 43 &c., being 45 feet in front on Division Street, Kingston Borough, Luzerne County, Pa., by about 156. 65 | feet in depth. More fully described in Mortgage Book 205, page 437. Improved | with a two story single frame dwelling ! house, known as No. 134 Division Stret ; Kingston Borough, Luzerne County, Pa. WILLIAM R. THOMAS, ‘Sheriff. George IL. Fenner, Attorney. George L. Fenner, Attorney SHERIFF'S SALE Friday, October 16, 1936, at 10 o'clock A. M., Court Room No. 1, Court House, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. alias Fieri Facias from Court of Common Pleas of Tmiz- erne County, property of Bridget Gau- ehan and John Gaughan, her husband, being lot No. 49 on the Carey plot of, lots, in Ashley Borough, recorded in Luzerne County Map Book 1, pages 58 and 59. Being 35 feet in front on Carey Avenue by 147.5 feet in depth. More fully described in Luzerne County Deed Book 510, page 35. Improved with one half of a two story frame double dwell- ing and known as No. 82 Carey Street, Ashley Borough, Luzerne County, Pa. WILLIAM R, THOMAS, Sheriff. ' ¥ y $ George L. Fenner. Attorney SHERIFF'S SALE FRIDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1936 AT 10 A. M. By virtue of a writ of Fi, Fa. No. 367 October Term, 1936, issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Luzerne County, to me directed, there will be exposed at public sale by vendue to the highest and best bidder for cash, at the Court Room No. 1, at the Court House, Wilkes-Barre, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, on Friday, the 16th day of October, 1936, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of the same day, all the right title and interest of the defendant in and to the following described pieces or parcels of land, viz: All those two certain pieces or par- cels of land situate in the City of Wilkes-Barre, County of Luzerne and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows: THE FIRST THEREOF: Beginning on the northwesterly side of South Franklin Street, at a point 98 feet dis- tant from Academy Street; thence along Franklin Street north 55 degrees 20 minutes East 387.5 feet to a corner of lot of Mrs. T. D. Garringer; thence along said Garringer lot and passing over a cut stone set 17 inches back from line of Franklin Street, 130 feet to a cut stone on line of land of Mrs. Elizabeth Smith: thence along said land of Mrs. Elizabeth Smith South 55 degrees 20 minutes Wiest 36.4 feet to a cut stone in line of land of the Central M. BE. Church; thence along the same South 34 degrees 40 minutes East, passing over a cut stone set 17 inches |stituted fiduciary and assignee, v. Mark | that an alias subpoena in divorce in | Newport Street, Hanover Twp., and a LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS = product for the market can be made by filtering cider. The equipment neces- sary can be made at home for a few dollars. Leaflett 46, an extension pub- lication of the Pennsylvania State Col- lege; tells how. It is available at your county agent’s office. IMPROVE PASTURES NOW Fall is the best time to begin pasture improvement. About one or one and one-half tons of lime to the acre should be applied first. This should be fol- lowed with about 400 pounds of super- phosphate an acre any time ‘before snow flies. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT back from the line of Franklin Street, F ARM CALENDAR THE SECOND THEREOF: Begin- ning at a corner of the Southeasterly WHEAT GOOD FOR SWINE line of the northeasterly side of Aca- | cellent feed for swine. it is 5 to 10 per demy Street and in line of land now or cent higher in feeding value than corn. Southerly along the same and at right |may be self-fed. Finely ground wheat angles to Davis Place 135 feet more or [Should be fed in slop, because when th. parcel of land first above described: jen thence along the same about North 5 STORE SURPLUS VEGETABLES corner in’ linc of 1and of Maciice ©. (stored for winter use. Directions for Guierinier: thence along the same in a ‘storing, giving temperature, moisture, to Davis Place 135 feet ‘more or less to lainedigron: your gounty ugent od fom Corner on: Duis Place. storesaidt the Vegetable Gardening Extension De- westerly 9 feet to a corner, the place of MAKE FILTERED CIDER beginning. } dwelling and situate at No. 375 South Franklin Street, Wilkes-Barre, Penn- Seized and taken into execution at the suit of Luther A. Harr, successor Banking of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Receiver of the Pennsyl- pany of Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, to the use of Berks County Trust Com- 130 feet to the place of beginning. side of Davis Place 194.6 feet from the | Ground or crushed wheat is an ex- late of the Wheelock Estate; thence When coarsely ground or rolled, wheat less: to corner in the rear line of. the | 704 dry. if) becomes pasty in the hog's degress: 20 thinutes Host 9 fet to a All available vegetables should he northerly direction and at Hekt idles and entilation requirements, can be ob- ‘thence along said Davis Place south- pertment, State College, Pa, Improved with a three story frame sylvania. to William D. Gordon, Secretary of vania Liberty Bank and Trust Com- pany of Reading, Pennsylvania, sub- L. Burke and Mabel C. Burke, his wife, and will be sold by WILLIAM R, THOMAS, } > Sheriff. Nelson A. Bryan, Esq., Attorney for Berks County Trust Company of Reading, Penna. known as No. 729 Hazle Street, New- town, Hanover Township, Luzerne Friday, October 9th, 1936, ten o'clock County, Pa. A. M., Court Room No. 1, Court House, WILLIAM R. THOMAS, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. execution from Sheriff. Court of Common Pleas of Luzerne : County, Pa., real estate of George N. Horn and of Lewis G. Horn and Eliza- beth R. Baad, terra tenants, sixty feet wide on Rice Street on plot of Jacob Rice in Trucksville, Kingston Town- ship, Luzerne County, Pa., and two hundred and twenty-two feet deep to an alley. Improved with a two dwelling house, WILLIAM R. THOMAS, Sheriff. George L. Fenner, Attorney. Estate of Mary Graves Hess, deceased. Letters Testamentary in the above estate having been granted to the un- dersigned, all persons indebted to the said estate are requested to make pay- ment and those having claims or de- mands, to present the same, without delay, to : Charles F. Hess, Executor, Star Route, Dallas, Perma. 9-25-6t. story frame Thomas J. Grover, Attorney. SHERIFF'S SALE FRIDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1936 AT 190 A. M. By virtue of a writ of Fi. Fa. No. 366 October Term, 1936, issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Luzerne County, to me directed, there will be Friday, October 9, 1936, 10 o'clock A. M., Court Room No. 1, Court House, Wilkes- Barre, Pa., Fieri Facias from Court of Common’ Pleas of Luzerne | County, property of Luella Gosart and Willard F. Gosart, being two parcels of land situate on the State Road A very clear and immensely superior : last Saturday night. THE WINNAHS! Here are the fifteen winners in The Post’s Popular Baby Contest and the total votes they had received until the closing of the campaign It’s too bad everyone couldn’t win but we're sure the lovely losers, all of whom received a large number of votes despite the fact that nih For Women And Four Children Wi —— : i The responsibility. for supporting i Mrs. Beatrice Harris and her four small children was placed upon Frank- | lin Township School District this week {by a decision handed down by Judge |B. R. Jones after a hearing on the ; | case. | Mrs. Harris lived in Praia Town- ship until May 18, 1935, when she {moved to Lake Township where, ac- ‘cording to the testimony, she received | aid ‘through the Lake Township Dis- i i x Funds To Help Underprivileged Children Of Region The Kiwanis Carnival sponsored by Mt. Greenwood Kiwanis Club last month at Kingston Township brought total receipts of $667.19 and a net pro- fit of $380.27, Maurice Chait, co-chair- man of the affair with David Joseph, has reported. At the meeting of the Kiwanis Club last-Thursday night in Colonial Inn, George J. Reynolds, president, intro-- duced eight new members: Jack No- thoff, Herbert Lundy, Frank Wenner, Howard Woolbert, Willard Garey, Ken- neth Cobleigh and Jerry Bass. The club will hold a wiener roast on ‘exposed at public sale by vendue to the | highest and best bidder for cash, at the Court Room No. 1, at the Court House, Wilkes-Barre, Luzerne County, | Pennsylvania, on Friday, October 16, | 1936, at ten o'clock in the#forenoon, of the same day, all the right, title and interest in and to the following des- cribed lot, piece or parcel of land, viz: All that certain piece or parcel of land situate, lying and being in the. Borough of Dallas, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a point on Rice Street, said point being common to the right of way of the Lehigh Valley Railroad Company; thence along Rice Street North 56 degrees East 125 feet to a corner in the line of land of Charles B. | Gregory; thence South 34 degrees East | along the land of the said Gregory, ! 173.9 feet to a corner; thence South 56; degrees West further along the land. of the said Gregory 95 feet to a corner | in the line of the right of way of the | Lehigh Valley Railroad Company; thence North 44 degrees 25 minutes West 180.22 feet to the place of beg- inning. Improved with a one story, frame and concrete block building occupied | as community hall and dwelling | i storage sheds and other outbuildings. Seized and taken into execution at the suit of Luther A. Harr, Secretary of Banking of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Receiver of the Dime | Bank Title and Trust Company, Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, to the use | of Berks County Trust Company of | Reading, Pennsylvania, substituted fi- | duciary and assignee, V. Dallas Thrift | ‘ang Loan Company, 2a Pennsylvania | | Corporation, and will be sold by WILLIAM R, THOMAS, Sheriff. leading from Dallas to Harvey's Lake, Lehman Township, Luzerne County, Pa., the one parcel being 90 feet in front on said road by 23 rods in depth, and the other parcel being 90 feet in front on said road by about 200 feet in depth. As described in deeds of record in Luzerne County ID. B. 683, page 546. Tmproved with ornamental shade trees, and other improvements thereon. WILLIAM R. JTHOMAS, George L. Fenner, Attorney. LUZERNE COUNTY. SS:— In the Court of Common Pleas of ‘Luzerne County, No. 424 October Term, 11936. Libel in divorce a vinculo matri- monii. Julia Deeb Nasser, libellant, v. Samuel T. Nasser, respondent. To Sam- uel T. Nasser, respondent: Take notice the above entitled case having been (returned by the Sheriff, that you can- not be found in Luzerne County, you ‘are hereby notified and directed to ap- i pear before the said Court on Monday, November 9, 1936, at 10 o'clock a. m., to answer the complaint in the above case. WILLIAM R. THOMAS, Sheriff. Michael G. Mitchell, Attorney. SHERIFF'S SALE Friday, October 9, 1936, 10 o'clock A. M., Court Room No. 1, Court House, Wilkes-Barre, Pa.. Fieri Facias from Court of Common Pleas of Luzerne County, property of Patrick J. O’Don- nell and Stella E. O'Donnell, his wife, being part of lot No. 6 in Block No. 10 faid out in Hanover Township by the Lehigh & Wilkes-Barre Coal Comp- any, being 28 feet in front on Hazle Street by 29.6 feet in rear ,and being 80 feet, more or less, by 94 feet by 28 | feet deep. Improved with a two story frame dwelling known as No. 2 ‘West ! two story frame store and dwelling Nelson A, Bryan, Attorney. yi. Saturday night at Martz's Farm, Mil- ton Keeler was named delegate to the State Convention at Pittsburgh next month, they weren't among the leaders at the end, will join us in a cheer for ¢ these Bhicen: trict on December i, oe Franklin Township district charged N Total V p that Lake Township board Wis is ate ¢ . Il or ir d 2 oe Yoh Be ie. ets Teeeand n V.: Jerry Elston coi. ic. aad wh 8.864.800 $100 & Cup sides in Franklin Township, the Judge 1 ¢ decided that it is h 1 1 idence, 2 be I ot EY A ois 0m ee 4 Sireriod the Traniin boar > . sh... Bist ein tole . dy ’ 4 ive Mrs. Harris ap er children 4. Eugene Brobst . ....... vale er in 42,505,000 15.00 (from Lake Township and furnish them 4 JLo, 2 * ith support. No 5. Evel Whioe...........0s.. + 2,159,700 1000 || a 6. TrevaTraver..............0 . 1,517,200 5.00 USE EMERGENCY SILO ho Jo Coll) Tver aro 1340200 500 || late-panted com which will not U8 Faith Hoover vas. x 1147300 IE idagedisadingniila lo 9. Barbara Anp:Bavis .. 0... a 880,800 5.00 silo. Such a silo Ry be made Core 9 7 1 ! 0 Doroty Prizman ay ... 873,600 BO {ey Sn Fe . Virginia Ann Culp ........ s aeialte 0 707,600 2.50 = 12. Louis Casterling J. oo. ii. 681,000 2.50 LL BCE Mase 648,400 250 ai ¥4, Donley Slocum. cvs. oo a ins 611,200 2.50 , so Pride Paral . : : * Quick Service Prices I~a