The Dallas post. (Dallas, Pa.) 19??-200?, September 04, 1936, Image 1

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    ie aa ie RB of i Hn 3 : 3 ; Sx 3 Sy a b any ; a Pp Ey 8 ay GR
Display advertising in The Post in
the first 8 months of 1936 was 64 per
cent more than in the same months in
1935. Each week more advertisers are
learning to bui'd their businesses on
Two weekly features you'll always
enjoy are Rives Matthews’ column and
Washington Letters on the editorial
page. If you aren’t reading them turn
to Page Six and learn what you've
Post advertising.
More Than A Newspaper, A Community Institution
been missing.
‘When we saw in the papers that]
Norman Thomas was going to speak
at Wilkes-Barre we knew we would
have to go to hear him.
In the first place it would be a ges-
ture of gratitude to the omly political
party which doesn’t burden us each
‘morning with requests for free publicity.
In the second place we have always
had a quiet suspicion Mr. Thomas
would make a good President. And in
the third place we wanted to see what
kind of people Socialists really are.
Now of course for most of the people
the choice of two parties is enough. The
mental effort of deciding between those
two takes up a good bit &f the waking
hours between June and November. So
the Socialist Platform is scarcely read
by any except a few zealots or news-
paper editors who read it under the
heading of Keeping Abreast With
It wasn’t, however, the Socialist
Platform for 1936 that lured us across
the flood-swept wastes of Kirby Park
last Tuesday night. It was more the
curiosity to see in their native haunts
thos ardent souls who have no idea of
winning the Presidential election and
therefore cannot expect the rewards
which stimulate so many of the sup-
porters of the Elephant and Donkey.
We wanted to see, in other words,
if it is ‘still true that people can fol-
low .a man because of what he is, in-
stead of what he can give—and we
wondered if perhaps we might detect
‘some spark left from the blaze which
‘had been lighted 160 years ago by those
other rebels.
It was just turning dark when we
Just to prove that it's still any- g
body’s race, Faith Hoover, lovable
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Russell
Hoover of Dallas R. D. 4, climbed
all the way up to sixth place in The
Post $500.00 Popular Baby Contest
this week. She’s among the leaders
Here’s another sprightly young
miss who made a sensational spurt
this week, Evelyn Whipp, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Whipp
popped up all the way to fifth
place this week. Her boosters ‘are
now, and still pulling strong.
determined to keep her going up.
Close Battle Between Wets And )
Drys Expected In This Section
; £ ~~
The likelihood of a close battle in Dallas Borough, Dallas Township and
Kingston Township this Fall over local option loomed this week as opposing
forces prepared to launch vigorous campaigns.
Spearhead of the attack against the sale of liquor in the three communi-
ties will be the W. C. T. U., which circulated the petitions last month and se-
cured signatures of ten per cent of the
question on the ballot.
voters, which is necessary to place the
Because of diffculty in communicat-®
Tenth .. Dorothy Prutzman, Dallas
Eleventh ... Treva Traver, Noxen
Twelfth ... Allan Sullivan, Dallas
Thirteenth ... Cecil Traver, Noxen
Fourteenth Lewis Casterline, Dallas
Fifteenth .... Robert Lapp, Noxen
Votes Lower After
First Period Ends
Avalanche Of Coupons And
Subscriptions Expected
Next Week
end of the first period in The Post’s
$500.00 Popular Baby Contest.
On Saturday, September 12; -the
first of the three periods in the con-
itest will end, and votes ‘on merchant
{coupons and subscriptions will decrease
iin value.
| Jerry Elston, Betty Jane Whipple
and Eugene Brobst continued to lead
in the race for the $100 and the big
silver loving cup this week, but there
were a number of shake-ups among the
other first fifteen.
Because a number of contestants
have been withholding their votes un-
til the closing of the first period an
avalanche of coupons and subscrip-
tions is expected to descend upon Baby
Contest Headquarters this week and
it is even impossible to guess what the
standing will be next week.
Only a few days more than three
| weeks remain before the end of the
Only nine days remain before the|
and Dallas Township went over the top this week as they passed their $700
goal in their first annual campaign for funds.
company’s quarters on Wednesday night. There was an enthusiastic ovation for
the committee of soliticors who had collected the amount.
: 4 As a result, Henry M. Laing - Fire
Company will have funds to finance it~
which the company hopes to use even-
tually for the construction of a new |
home and community building.
Drive Was Experiment
The drive for funds was an experi-
ment, the company having previously
used such money-making events as
carnivals and stage
raise money. Usually a large part of
the receipts went to other organiza-
tions than the fire company and occa-
sionally the events resulted in losses
to the company.
The success of the drive, which be-
gan about six weeks ago, will eliminate
the necessity for any money-making
events during the next year. :
Clark Thanks Town
Peter D. Clark, chairman of the
drive, yesterday expressed his heart-
felt thanks to the solicitors and the
contributors who had made the drive
a success. : 3
“The generosity of the people who
contributed more than $700 to the fire-
men’s drive is full evidence of the fine
spirit which is typical of the people of
Dallas Township and Dallas Borough.
I hope they realize how deeply the fire-
men are grateful. bd
“I want to give full credit for the
success of the drive to the volunteers
Peter D. Clark, chairman of the
committee which this week put
Henry M. Laing Fire Company's
$700 Maintenance Fund Drive over
the top. i
Collections totalling $712 were reported at the final meeting in the fire
self for slightly more than a year. Any
surplus will be diverted to a fund
productions to
joined the figures which were moving| : A contest and non-contestants who h
along the running track toward a 1amp | ing with the supervisors of Dallas . delayed their campaign or their i 2 who gaye unselfishly of their time to
post where the platform was. Except Township and Kingston Township this COUNTY FAIR SEASON orite candidate must begin accumulat- Local Swimmers soningt the local contributors, Mems|
for an automobile with loudspeakers . 1 d wheth IN FULL SWING: LAST Te : A : bers of that committee are Leonard
: i week 1t could not be learned whether ing votes if they expect to join the ° 3 3 4
which were emitting a brassy kind of ficial ior his b taken in those OF DATES ARE LISTED fun. Jolt Washington © xare Bill Vivian, Clinton Bollinger,
music, it was unlike a political rally. | official action has een aken 1 7 Everybody who shops and everybody iWarden Kunkle, Arthur Newman, John
The only light was from the lamp post | towns to put the question on the bal- The county fair season in this |u1 takes The Post or OI he te ST Yaple, Charles Reigle, Cliff Ide, Dick
and the people were standing back| jor byt officials of the W.C. T. U. who section will reach its Deak this \iaye it can vote. Competition among Unknowns Cop Second Place Moore, Ray Moore, Clarence Gay, Les-
ou I amid, 8 a" |presented the petitions assumed that| Font Wi Seven annual exposi- the contestants and their supporters is| In Famous President's (Ihr pow AGur Fiaakiin, Artur
esitated to | » . . 5 becoming more keen d i ; 2 . '
On one corner of the platform there such action has already been taken and The Susquehanna County Fair |. .14 ii ympessible rm Cup Race Alex Johnson, Clyde Lapp, and Tim
sat a man in a black suit, his legs | that the. voters of both communities be at Montross will end today. Other which baby is likely to win . A LaBarr. ;
dangling loosely, his lap holding an| Led to vote on the question in Nov-| fairs scheduled, and the dates, are: If you aren't saving votes for one i) Two local swimmers—Irving Roe, Jr., |. “I think it has been proved that this
old brown felt hat, sharply creased. A cba. Sullivan County Fair at Forks- |the babies in the contest, pick a fav- of Country Club Road, Dallas,(and El- is the best way to raise the money we
Kit Tow (pepplo—moNily youne. Te The wet-dry question officially be- he — September 9 fo 12 lorite this week and begin sending in| wood Davis of Harvey's Lake—~vgntri- (Reed. It will not be necessary now to
g talifing to him. His face was 10 S| ~ 7. 1 issue in Dallas Borough this] oF cine Fair at Reading from iyotes for your contestant. buted to the upset which marked the Come before the people two or.three =<
Shatow bub Wh oul Se 5 /; week when . council adopted a Texolns).; September 14 to 19. | Presiient’s .Cup .Race on. the: Potomac times a year. We are glad to think that
to recognize him from newspaper pho- | [oi She request of the peti- Wyoming County Fair at Tunk- James Anderson 86, it Wasnineton, Dg, lastiSatusday. |STIRZ the rest of the year the Deoble
tographs. It was Norman Thomas. > en to include local option’ on he hannock from September 15 to 18. 9 9 | With Jimmy Campbell ‘of Hanover ¢31 patronize other worth-while civic
walked across the open space toward a or Sa Lehigh County Fair at Allentown Dies On WwW d d Township the third member of the lo. OI'Zanizations and we shall not need to
. 2 > . », x i q B » N : ht . Oh)
him. A prominent W. C. T. U. official said i le ne 2 x e ngs ay .cal team, Davis and Roe surprised a confiier with the benefits which church
ne 1 ersation | this week the women will canvass vot- PELE eho at / |large audience and most of their com- Orson en Trust | Becessarily (cons
He was in a friendly conversa ; snl » their crusade. “= £2 i i i petitors by taking second place in the : :
with the young men. Other people came ors In thes Bloomsburg Fair at Bloomsburg Trucksville Octogenarian cup race. 5 > i “I am sincerely: appreciative of the :
along and joined in without introduc- While church forces were marshall- from September 28 to October 3. Life-Long Resident Of | Akron, O., and Lennoxhill A. C. of Co-Operation given by everyone during
ing themselves or bothering to apolo- ling for their campaign, critics of local The annual Pennsylvania Farm This Section | New York had been conceded the first | the campaign. :
gize for butting in. No onortea% 2 |optionthesan starting #/ movement of | how will we a Harrisburg lund second places in the race, which | List Of Contributors
; Si Presi 3 -on: ry. 18-22 7. I : ; 2 :
all the candidate for Profle Oe their own as Dnsdanvary £2 / A life-long resident of this section, attracted outstanding swim teams from |* The list of contributors to the fire-
United States—seemed oo nt Mr. | There are two places in the borough : | James Anderson, 86, died early Wed. @ll parts of the East. The cup is award- ‘men’s fund follows: :
talked about radio speec 208 8 r. | Where liquor ‘is sold, two in Kingston 3 £ nesday morning at his home on Main ed on a.basis of team points, the posi- Peter Piskovick .......0........ $ 1.00
Thomas said he jumps at ever yO ua township and eight in Dallas Township. Faculty Remains Road, Trucksville, after wu prolonged! lions: of the team members beilig to- Ed NelSOR «.vvees«vesvesssdusns 1.00
tunity to get time on Toe a5 A | A portion of their license fee is re- illness. With his wite, who died. on tailed at the end of the race to compute Fernbrook Park, Inc. ........... 1.00
the radio companies are Charging = “% turned to their communities. . The Same At Lehman March 23, 1934, Mr. Anderson had cele- | the standing. : William Dawkins «....ovvievenn. 2.00
high rates now for political oI a th ‘Ischool district and the borough of Dal- : {brated his sixtieth wedding anniversary | ‘When officials announced that Camp- Dr, J. C. Fleming ............... 3.00
Then they talked a little abou % | 1as received a total of about $500 an- : lon May 27, 1933. |bell ‘and’ the ‘two local athletes had B. & B. Supply CO. ............. 5.00
Jennings case oh Me ro sully from liquor ‘license fees, equi- Dallas Township Board Fills He was born on Bunker Hill, Janu- | taken second place Lennoxhill A. C., Alex VeIteh: i. clits vey sie viele 5.00
if the INers. in the valley TAL valent to about one mill of the tax levy. Vv C dB ary 21, 1850, and for nearly 30 years | 12st year’s winner, called for a check, Walter Covert ...........ceev.. 1.00
lowing Lewis and then he bought a| "nots of local option probably acancy Cause y conducted a general store at Luzerne. 20d then asked for a second and third John CUMMINGS -....oevoeviin.. 2.00
ticket for twenty-five cents a will base their campaign upon the ar- Resignation He sold it in 1898 to A. L. Davenport check, but the standings were un- Jack Roberts ..............c.... 1.00
Tan me fermen the conversation |... ont that a purely local ban will and for the last twenty-nine years fie Ronee] TOhpis Stall oe Ld ea 2.00
0 solicithim. .__|only deprive the communities of addi-| py 0 0001 Sehools— had lived at Trucksville. Until two years | Campbell finished in fourth place, |Clyde Veith ........ 2.00
By this time the crowd was ResIng! fon revenue without preventing resi- ITee socal sentols Beaumont, Dats ago he was active as a er He Davis in seventh and Roe in eighth. Whiley Veitch ........c..c.vvuenn. 2.00
bigger and a man walked up to the dents of the towns from buying their las Bonough and Dallas Township—be- eauitrnated 5 Darn. on tite Cr. Prutz. | Charles Stitzer of Kingston, reserve Jessie. T. Sturdevant .. 2:00
microphone on’ the Visitor and liquor elsewhere. gan their 1936-’37 terms this week and | 5p property near Huntsville. jmember of the team, finished eigh-'Shad Goss 1.00
gan counting Ekg : bia ‘Noxen Has Option two more—Kingston Township and| Mr. Anderson was a charter member | teenth under a handicap of stiff mus- William Baker : 1.00
Ty - ah a oD it| Local option was approved bY 2|Lehman—will resume classes after the Of Walnut Lodge, No. 953, I. O. O. [cles ; ; Amerigan Legion, Postiffzyes.. 5:00
oon (ont. All the time Mr. Thomas |majority of voters in Noxen TOwnshid |g mmer vacation next week of Luzerne and served as warden of| Iiwood Woodling, National A. A. U. Robert Baker ......... or on as N20
wb a le his Tod d chatting at the General Election last -year.} : the lodge degree team. He was also a 5 2nd 5 mile champ, and individual! Phillip Anderson .............. 2.00
kept swinging 18 5 a c io The provision to permit the sale of ere are no changes on the faculty| yo ter member of Trucksville Hose | Winner of last Saturday's race, said: George Boston ..............,... 1.00
Sg Te Who: Sot Clove nos malt and brew beverages was defeated | of Lehman schools, which will open on!Company, Trucksville M. E. Church, | The Wilkes-Barre team deserves a Clarence Gay .................. 1.00
to ona lo 12 ceo how far back the|182 to 172 and the open sale of hard | Tuesday morning. There wilf be a fd- and the Men's Bible Class. great deal of credit. We have met most! Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Frantz ...... 2.00
ft stretched Th "seats | liquor was killed 182 to 161. culty meeting at 7:50 and classe will| Surviving are a daughter, Mrs. Louis Of the swimming outfits and defeated John C. Phillips ............... 200
crowd stretched. ere were mo Seats : : Coun- Shul them much easier than we did Wilkes- | John T. Jeter ......cceveeeern.. 2.00
4 pp 3 1 Forty Fort is the only Luzerne b 1 on A uler, and a son, Charles Anderson,
and people kept shifting their weight . 2 : e called at 8:50. J. Austi Snyder, otis 4 'Barre ” {5 M. H 5 2.00
sly fr foot to the other.|ty community which has local option. =. : both of Trucksville; three grandchil-| . : Fred M. Harris .........ooooee 5
restlessly Tom one Be 0 ed or Lolunan Township rejected local option principal, will be at the school from 2 (dren, Mrs. James Trebilcox, Miss Helen | Senator A. J. Sordoni underwrote the | Hervy Ahlborn .......c........ 2.00
We om Pe Boa LL in 1934. Although the Lehman and |to 4 p.m. on Saturday and from 10 to [Anderson and Mrs. Florence Worthing- (éXpenses of the trip. | Thomas E. Heffernan ......... 5.00
ae aN an nd hil aseonta We saw, |Idetown voters gave local option a ma- |12 noon on Monday to confer with par- ton of Trucksville; three great grand- | Tha Ty Tg | Mrs. Yrs Roe ......ccovvnnnn 200
Lo. & prominent poy Chtagiat, ond: Jovy, Laks Sliorh voters opuosed anes uf chiller who wil ve staming in SUSE wot 5 sw, joe. Loveence Coumedl Launches |Siiiee Sew oon
200, z nt : in ahs a il Z ? ) J SE ine ¢
ing en graduate of oo} e = Mi Tortod Sv votes, 200 for, to 198 Soho Lehman this year. Special memorial services were con- Attack On Weeds ot MEVeIgh «yi weaiisanine 10.00
ericordia, two newspan rmen, & ahatist ingston Township schools will open ducted at his home last night at 7:30 I Mickey HazlinSKi +.veeersansss 2.00
very old men in suits that seemed far [95 id on Tuesday, also. by the I. O. O. F. Lodge. Funeral ser- ey LI. Tennyson ... . .i ai ved deiviee 2.00
too large for them, as old men’s suits Local Towns Share Miss Dorothy Williams of Lee Park |; 0 bo hicld this aft t ; 2 Ralph Rood Hae 2.00
: : 3 + 4vices will be held this afternoon at 2{ The annual nuisance caused by pro- Dp a a AA ?
do, quite a few women, some of them| Dallas Township would be hardest was added to the faculty of [Dallay by Rev. Harry M. Savacool of Trucks- | perty owners who neglect to cut noxious | Charles Riegle ................ 1.00
holding children by the hand, and a sur- | hit through elimination of liquor li- [Township schools at a meeting f the s y { 5 -11 . te GG. R. H 11 1.00
tre Taber bf Youn: nen andiwos Jcense funds HE local option were aps honrd obdireetors Mond & ht ville M. E. Church. Interment will be !weeds on vacant plots came to the at- |G. KR. HOWELL .........c000neene
prising: To REY [Seats uh Duron, hE oy rs on Monday might.lyn woodlawn Cemetery. Odd Fellows tention of Dallas Borough Council at Frank Neyhard ................ 1.00
men with alert, fresh, curious faces. proved by the voters. A typical distri- | Miss Williams will succeed Miss Meryl | . Sorvi oF ; : t ; 57 it | AT R. Dung oe. 2.50
A : > oo ) : will hold services at the grave. its ‘meeting on ‘Tuesday might and it|Arthur R, Dungey ............. .
The first speaker was the chairman [bution of funds among five local town- | Johnson, who resigned last Saturday. was. decided’ to il h an ive | R. Lu Hallock .....ccvianeeinnaan 5.00
—a, youth with a burnt-orange tie and ships was the one last November. The| The faculty at the township, which C F t lariv fo 0 ne 2 rere Tr RITRENAAIL hs datas 5.00
who started his remarks three times|checks received locally then were: began sessions on Wednesday, now ontests eature | dB a ac Gr oreaiel Ia. CL WODIDEIE st ob chr ia asad 2.00
before he was sure the microphone was | Dallas Borough, $112; Dallas 'Town- |includes the following: M. J. Girton, . 9 oe iil re Frets aT No en Mrs SATOnZo THAT" sera ate 2.00
attached. He introduced the second ship, $1,000. Kingston Township, $200; |supervising principal and ninth grade Of W yoming Ss Fair wv _ man TT on jie b 2 le. ACTING oh ve ele eh 2.00
! speaker, a party member from Read-|Lake Township, $862 and Lehman |teacher; Ronald Doll, twelfth grade; joey ry ill eg he n ii : (Continued on Page 8.)
ing. who snoke briefly on the literature $525. There was another payment in |Miss Ruth Paul, eleventh grade; J. A lzeries of eompetiti Aericultural ough oramance Drovides Such ponaly: Bn
(Continued on Page 5.) | February. Tdoyd Drak, tenth srade; Miss Sarah Exhibit Contest os Bs > feature
Bray and Gerald Snyder, eighth grade; |=X01ibl 5 8.5 Now |
seventh grade; Lena Van Tuyl, sixth hannack on September 16, 17 and 18 of ¢
FROM BURNING IN NICK OF TIME Fie ove sit: Leona sien 5, 70
: Marie Woolbert, fourth; Emily Gold- The exhibits between the various Vo- . ; A 3
I smith, third; Aline Davis, third and |cational Agriculture Departments of n Ringston Towushln High Sonam Soothall team, which won His Back Moin.
: ; : J : second; Ruth Carbaugh, first; Tabitha |th BEY wil Chr ain Championship last year, will open a strenuous season on Saturday after-
5 The alertness of two Harvey s Lake policemen—Thomas Keirle and Fred tconrad iy eer ? e com y will be carried out along the noon, September 12, by meeting an alumni team on the Trucksville High School
SN SIn Dev serious blaze at/ the cottage of Henry Shapiro, Point Y : same lines as the window exhibits at gridiron.
easant, early Tuesday morning. the State Farm Show. There will also| C ick illi i i
> 2 . \ — . : oach Walter Hicks has been drilling |ston Township; October 17, Wyoming
oy i Ni my iy Sh Li ot. Police Tra Dislocates Jaw On . be a Dairy Judging Contest, with $5|his squad for more than a week. His |at Kingston * Township; October 24,
4 ; : * 2 v 2 iB me i ; Hind le includ mes, includ- . oh
5 spied smoke leaking from the garage| A stream of water was put on the First Day Of School Prizes for the three boys winning and a Sohgtne ny eae a OE unieannon at Bhd 2 gto
: under the front porch of the Shapiro /burning woodwork on the porch im- silver loving cup for the school which’ or Meyers’ High School of Wilkes- To ‘hi Gp nd ih a yd
Eo. home, Wthen they investigated, they mediately and the blaze was soon ex-| Richard Williams, 14, son of Mr. and |" 2% Barre. Dallas Borough has abandoned tie RD eo Tahoe x ye
s 3 5 : as * % - 5 »
a C2 turoniobils Shines as g result Hnsgished. A stone wall which sep- | Mrs. Ray Williams of Fernbrooky; dis- The fourteen Wyoming County its custom of throwing its team against {14 Seminary Junior "Varsity at King-
fey jon os wires. : p arated the porch from the main section located his jaw on Tuesday during the granges have been invited to ‘exhibits|more. powerful’ football elevens in the |ston; November 21, Dallas Borough at
: Gl oe ee vo policemen s tage ; 1 Saved the structure from burning. opening session of Dallas Towiiship|and prizes will be awarded to the most valley. . Kingston. Township. and November 26,
A i cottase re I ot ae e hi r. Shapiro and the six members of |schools, - oo ‘. |creditable exhibits. Shupp’s public aue-| The schedule for Kingston Township | Lehman at Kingston Township.
” ors en a iz , Delon) or, | his family who were sleeping in the The youth was yawning when his tion of Jersey and Guernsey cattle, al- {follows: September 19, G. A. R. at G. Coach Ernest Line of Dallas Bor-
n, aay as Tames DL ne a Sow id Tre fire Yo Lymer ¥ STRIped. He was taken to[ways a big feature of the fair, will[A. R.; September 26, Meyers High |ough issued equipment for the local
. Mes eirle an e offices of Dr. J. S. Fleming st . i M > i i
Daniel C. Roberts Fire Co. had been |Swanson. treated. 2 7%. Fleming oui ft a5 38m on Tadey Beptomher|Sehoo] ot Mayers; Octoner 3, Plains ut eleven on Wadiiosday sieimoon, Hirst
At ie da . . .
- Sa
Plains; October 10, Nescopeck at Kiag-workout was held yesterday.
@® i 9 —9
PO S | vy mem 1 HONOR ROLL (Firemen Exceed $700 Goal
> Y F = otis : ) : : i > ; a r T
_— Pow chee Jerry Elston, Kunkle As Drive For Funds Ends 3
p 7 econd Betty Jane Whipple, Dallas ¥ Vine
ISCRIPTS Soma | As Drive For F
? Olly Fourth ..... Shirley Welsh, Dallas | vo unteer Solicitors Report $712 Collections In First Annual
ATTEND : Sn (Talis plooren, Dols RD . Campaign To Raise Maintenance Fund For
A te Pim oy TY aan Henry M. Laing Fire Company
Eighth The Cundiff Twins, Dallas a UA SE
RALLY Ninth ...... Virginia. Culp, Dallas Volunteer solicitors of Henry M. Laing Fire Company of Dallas Borough