/ THE DALLAS POST, DALLAS, PA., FRIDAY, AUGUST 28, 1936. PAGE THREE May Keep Wildwood | les Ora: Open During Winter Rugg ange LAKE PERSONALS 3 ATTRACTIONS 3 MRS. MYRTLE KOCHER HARRIET R. DYMOND Girl Scout officials of the new Lake CORRESPONDENT CORRESPONDENT 2 camp Wildwood, stated that the offi- » Mr. and Mrs. John Zsabo_ the latter | Dr. and Mrs. Sidney Warner and son cial closing of the camp for the sum- Sunday Night being the former Charlotte Chopey, are living at the Point Breeze cottage of {Daniel, are now living at their Har- vey’s Lake cottage. Nicholas * ¥* 3% Mr. and Mrs. Harry Nicholson, Out- let, had guests last week. * * * Mr, and Mrs. Bob Rogers of Point - Breeze entertained guests at their home Miss Aldona Makelonis has returned |last week. Ralph Paul’s Orchestra Thursday Night BINGO Friday Night Ralph Paul’s Orchestra mer will not take place for several weeks yet. If it becomes popular enough a motion will be made to keep the camp open during the winter weekends. Sleighing and skating parties are al- ready being planned. The camp is well equipped to take care of at least forty girls during the winter month week ends. There is a large fireplace for heat, and a good fire is able to keep the entire building |. very warm. : The camp caretakers, Mr, and Mrs. German, Kingston, will stay at the camp throughout the whole winter to carry on the same work that they have Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Kocher and | Services at the M. E. Church Sunday daughter, Miss Gene Kocher and their ‘are as follows: Sunday School at 9:80, Mrs. Zsabo’s father, Rev. niece, Miss Ruth Kocher from Wil- preaching at 10:30, Chopey. liamsport, called at the homes of Mr.| Ropert Snyder and Ross Bedford * ® - and Mrs. Orrison Kocher and Mrs. have returned hope after spending a | Mr. and Mrs. A. Gottlieb, mother and Louise Kocher on Sameday BILSTON. week at Sidney Institute. daughter ,of New York City are living » Mr. and Mrs. Ben Wheeler and fam- i i at the Lake Side Ina. ily of Wilkes-Barre spent a few days Paired Tell she tthe week end with * * with Mr. and Mrs. Verne Kitchen, 3 Mr. and Mrs. John Shoemaker and ra an Min Carmey ani son, home after several days stay at At- ee a a daughters, Louise and Betty, spent of Mr. and Mrs, Andrew Patrick on lantic City. i... Mr. and Mrs. A. D. "Templeton and j family of Graham: Avenue, Hanover Sunday with Mrs. Louise Kocher. Sunday Miss Mae Dougherty of Wiilkes- > Dr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Purcell of: 3 t me Tt Among those who attended the .Jun-: Camden, 'N. J. are at the Lake Side hn nqing some Hm Barre and Roland Kocher of Shaver- Ls , et town spent ‘Sunday with ‘Mr. ‘and Mrs. {10F's picnic ‘at Harvey's’ Lake on Sat- {inn - : x 3 urday were: Mr. and Mrs, ‘Wesley * ® @* Ira, Major, Sr. At HARVEY'S LAKE Modern—Sanitary SANDY BEAGH FOLLOW THE CROWDS Mr. and Mrs. iram Newell and|Dymond and daughter Madge. Mr. and Dr, M S. Davis! Poi Miss Mary Casterline spent several been doing during the. su r UMS. family and ig Wilson called on MTs. C. E. Ross. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie ee guests et Eom days this week visiting her sister and a. Sinan Mrs. Newell's mother on Wednesday. |D¥ymond and daughters Frances and ! n 8 ® brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. John Van Doris. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dickenson, Mr. and Mrs, Clifford Dickinson and family of Centermoreland were dinner guests of Mrs. Nora Dymond on Sunday. Doris Winters of West Pittston has returned to her home after spending a Campen at Noxen. ® @ * Mr. and Mrs. Francis Rhoades spent the week end at Elizabeth, N. J., visit- ing relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Orrison Kocher spent Monday evening with Mr, and Mrs. L. H. Orcutt at Noxen. Salvation Army Campers are at the old Orcutt Camp Grounds and expect to stay till after Labor Day, having Bam and Peggy Laetzo of Jersey City, New Jersey, are staying at the Lake Side Inn. * » - Mrs. S. M. Barber entertained friends last week. : SPECIALIZING IN EXPERT been there all summer. 5 ¥ * » Y ea few days with Frances Dymond. DR CLEANING (XY i a SER) a oe Be Mr. ang Mrs. F. B. Walter and da 2 and daughter are at ps. $30 FA a week's vacation at Mr. and |ETandson John Jr, were dinner guests “'¢ SN . TAILORING © of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Dymond on 88 EXPERT Mrs. William Hillard’s last week. ; Sunday. Miss Thelma Davis of Sandy Beach_ The recent showers are greatly im- i had guests last Sunday. CAR DYEING proving the crops in this section. Buck a * * Oo or BOAT 4 Picnic Grounds Having A Successful Season wheat and the corn and cabbage will : Thelma Johnson of Duquesne, Pa._ is receive great benefit. at the Lake Side Inn. SERVICE * * * Harry West Plymouth, is visiting B. } S. Davis, Jr., this week. 3 JOHN A $ wm ox i the beach is a safe and much used! Mr. and Mrs. John Zorzi left the ZOR71 water spot. No hoats being permitted Lake for a few days but will return to Near Wardan Place ENJOY YOURSELE BRING THE WHOLE FAMILY TO THE HARVEY'S LAKE Deliveries Every Tuesday At The Lake —— “EVERY CUSTOMER MUST BE A SATIS- Fifteen Prize Horses At Sordoni’s Stables The bathing beach at the Picnic Grounds is perhaps the most popular at the Lake. With gradual deepening, A water wagon, a relic of the past is being used at the Sordoni stables, < carrying water to the horses from the [to come near the beach, an uninter- | their cottage soon . rupted and enjoyable swim is assured. #* * #* or —~ lake. The wagon is taken to the Lake and filled with water and then pulled up to the stables by horses. The Sordoni Stables are one of the most up to date in the state. With fif- teen horses the stables enjoy good pat- ronage. Expert trainers and guides as- sure riders of a safe and enjoyable trip through the thirty miles of Sordoni Several new fixtures have been added this summer, among them the popular board at the Picnic Grounds is highest at the Lake giving the fun- seekers something to look forward to when at the Picnic Grounds. ; very water trapeze. The diving Trails. —————h mar tie COMPLETING COTTAGE The beautiful summer cottage at Outlet of Mrs. Alice Woolever of Cherry Street, Plymouth, has just been completed. A bungalow, the house sets back forty feet from the main road and will make an enjoyable summer home for the Woolevers. Making Repairs To : Harvey’s Lake Chapel Extensive repairs have heen com- pleted at the Lake Chapel of Our Lady of Victory. The Chapel has been re- painted, the walks regraveled, and the lawn replanted, The large cross on the Chapel has been taken down and paint- ed. A special collection was taken up on Sunday to help defray the expenses Home Made Baked Goods Better—F'resher FRESH DAILY Pies — Cakes — Bread Pastry TAYLOR'S BAKERY Shawanese of the work. $450 UP PER DAY WITH BATH x QUIET 5 0 H NEw HOTEL. E a El B. MARTIRE, MGR. E ey 17 WEST 32nd ST. bet. BWAY & 5th AVE. NEW YORK ONE BLOCK FROM PENNSYLVANIA STATION ¢// PERMANENT WEEKLY RATES ___ REFINED Mrs. Carl Johnson of Duquesne is at the Lake Side Inn. the | Prepare Now For WINTER NEW TIRES This is the tire will be all 4 rugged heavy . duty tire just the i thing for "snow, mud and f rutty roads. Needs no chains. Remember tires you buy now will be the ones you will use this winter. sure to examine the WESTMIN- ice, buy. SAVES TIME, MONEY AND WORRY We Carry All Sizes Of $ 9 5 ! : THIS GREAT TIRE In Our Big Stock 4-Ply 4.75x19 at the low price of— Complete Lubrication Service, Gulf, Tiolene, Pennzoil Oils and Greases, Pressure Washing—Polishing— Cleaning. Complete Battery Service Station. WILKES-BARRE BUSINESS COLLEGE, INC. Victor Lee Dodson, President WILKES-BARRE DEPOSIT & Savings Bank BLDG. REGULAR AUTUMN COURSES ( Beginning September 1) Complete Business Secretarial Bookkeeping & Accounting Shorthand Stenotypy (machine shorthand) SPECIAL ARRANGEMENTS We can usually find places to work for room and board, while Nice homes. Pleasant conditions. attending school. SPECIAL COURSES may be studied by those who desire your wishes known to us to do so. Come in and make SEND FOR CATALOGUE TODAY SEPTEMBER 1936 1936 “Oh Mary, I ve found a wonderft:l o new way to get rid of the) 7! . . < 7 grey in my hair!” = I of, 3 How eager we are to tell others about & 7 something we discovered...a new recipe, an unusual treatment. When you discover Clairol you will rush to tell your friends about it. For Clairol takes drab, _ grey -streaked or grey hair and imparts natural-looking color and luster in one quick tripje-action treatment. eo e * Ask your hair-dresser. Or write for FREE booklet, FREE advice on care of hair, FREE beauty analysis. 5 1 No wii Beverly King, Clairol, Inc., 2 % t th common, 1 132 west 46th St., New York, N.Y. old-fashioned { Send FREE booklet, advice and analysis: 1 ~hair dyes, but — {i [ome » NATURALLY. . with | "= 3 City. State, | 1 ’ SIATROL My Beoutician IF YOU NEED § to buy. Then you set § , for winter. A § Be | STER SAFETY @& GRIP before you the # | FIED ONE.” BETTER CLEANERS Kingston 7-6814 Rep. by W. E. GILBEY ene callzges. of responsibility and trust. ULTY. HONORED TRADITIONS. Catsllogue sent con request. Wyoming Seminary A Community Asset for Ninety-one Years COLLEGE PREPAR ATION—Graduates accepted in all leading colleges. Those of the past four years are found in seventy- BUSINESS— Thorough training in modern business methods. Many graduates of the Dean School of Business in positions OTHER GDURSES—Art, Music, Public Speaking. A THORGUGHLY TRAINED AND EXPERIENCED FAC- HIGH MORAL AND EDUCATIONAL IDEAS. A DISTINGUISHED BOARD OF TRUSTEES. A STRONG TOYAL ALUMNI BODY. Interviews invited: WILBUR H. FLECK, President. LET HER SEE! With School Opening Soon, Resolve To Give Your Children Good Light Poor light is the greatest cause of eye-strain. Fre- quently it is a major cause in weakening eyes and causing the child to fail in its studies. Be sure your children have proper light for their reading and play. Electricity will give them the illumination they need. Harvey’s Lake