THE DALLAS POST, DALLAS, PA. FRIDAY, JULY 17,1936. = PAGE NINE + Editorials - Letters To The Editor - Comment - Discussion 4 § The DallasPost ESTABLISHED 1889 TELEPHONE DALLAS 300 A LIBERAL, INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER PuBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY MORNING AT THE DALLAS POST PLANT LEHMAN AVENUE, DALLAS, PA. By THE Darras Post, INC. General Manager HOWELL REES codes cveieresnstoisiesisnsiinsisntatonstomsrnisratabinas Managing Editor TRUMAN STEWART Mechanical Superintendent The Dallas Post is on sale at the local news stands. Subscription price by mail $2.00 payable in advance. Single copies five cents each. Entered as second-class matter at the Dallas Post Office. HowaRrp RISLEY cesses . i THE DALLAS POST is a yeuthfu! weekly rural-suburban news- paper, owned, edited and operated by young men interested in the de- velopment of the great rural-suburban region of Luzerne County and in the attainment of the highest ideals of journalism. THE POST is truly " “more than a newspaper, it is a community institution.” Congress shall make no law * * abridging the freedom of