ee a PN SN — road, Harvey's Lake, was hurt’ when he was struck by a car driven by Be” * THE DALLAS POST, DALLAS, PA., FRIDAY, JULY 17, 1936. PAGE THREE Interesting News Items About Harvey’s Lake Folk 7-Year-Old Child Hit By Motorist Eugene Cuddy Suffers Body Injuries While Playing In Road Eugene Cuddy, seven year old so At Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Cuddy, NoOxen drew Vnuk of Plymouth on TuéSday. According to witness, the child was playing on the road, directly in ‘the path of approaching motorists. Vnuk, going at a good rate of speed, saw the child and blew his horn, The child did not take warning and was knocked down by the automobile. Rushed to a Noxen doctor, the boy was examined and found to have a bruised and cut head and bruised body. et PQ Point Breeze Home Scene Of Reception Miss Charlotte Chopey Weds Attorney John Szabo Tuesday A charming reception was held at the Summer home of Rev. and Mrs. Nicholas Chopey at Point Breeze on Tuesday night following the marriage in Wilkes-Barre of his daughter, Miss Charlotte Gabrielle Chopey to Attor- ney John Basil Szabo, son of Rev. and Mrs. John Szabo of Hazleton. About eighty persons attended the reception, which began at 3 and lasted until late in the evening. The guests played cards and other games, sang and enjoyed the swimming. Mrs, Szabo is a former teacher at Meyers High School. The newly mar- ried couple left on Wednesday for a Northern motor trip. Upon their re- turn they will reside at Harvey's Lake for the Summer. Mrs. Szabo is a grad- uate of St. Ann’s and Chestnut Hill academy. Mr. Szabo, a graduate of Notre Dame and Georgetown Universi- ties, is an attorney in Wilkes-Barre. Hubbard Carries Out Promise To Jump Cowboy Bill Hubbard jumped again at the Picnic Grounds last Sunday and this time did not disappoint his au- dience. Starting right on the dot at 4:30, Hubbard made what was perhaps his best jump this summer. Hubbard will jump again next Sun- day. He is attracting larger crowds ev- ery Sunday, and is satisfying all of them. He expects to do so in the fu- ture, and hopes to improve his act ‘con- siderably. Hubbard stated that he is breaking in two new men to the act. One of his meniwill jump this Smndey. Good-Sized Crowds At Benefit Tournament A goodly-sized group attended the card party conducted last Wednesday at the Lake by Major Leonard Gracy. The proceeds of the games will go to the West ‘Side Visiting Nurse Fund. The tournaments are held at the beautiful summer home of D. E. Newell, Point Breeze. Play starts at eight o'clock and all games are under the direct super- vision of the Major, who is a veteran bridge instructor. nen etn Qe ESCAPE HEAT HERE Thousands of Wivoming Valley folk came to the Lake this week to enjoy the bathing and to escape the torrid heat of the city. Business places around the Lake reported unusually good business during the hot spell. The largest crowds began to gather around three or four in the afternoon and re- mained until nine or ten in the even- ing. Lake Social Planned For Lady of Victory Chapel Plans for a Lake social to be held under the auspices of the Lady of Vic- tory Chapel were discussed at a recent meeting at the church. Rev. Durkin stated that the most likely event will be a card party and dance. The party will be held some- where in the middle of July, and will be attended by parish members with the proceeds to go to the Parish. ree eI 1,500 HOT DOGS Lord’s restaurant near the Picnic Grounds reported the fact that it sold 1,500 hot dogs last Sunday. The very high number was reached because of the large crowd there that day, total- ing more than four thousand at fhe Picnic Grounds. Mrs. Lord, genial proprietress of the restaurant, said that this summer business is picking up better than last year or 1934. Alderson Ladies’ Aid Plans Unique Program A unique program called “Down Memory’s Lane” under the auspices of the Alderson Ladies’ Aid will be held on Tuesday evening, July 28, at Lake- Beauty of Lake and Surroundings Photographically Recorded - TE RR a boast of the which blesses Harvey's Lake. Here The Post presents three unusual and artistic examples of the “shots” taken about the Lake and illustrative of usual graphs above were snapped by the cameraman from lake- side vantage points. The pic- ture to the left is a rare ex- ample of artistic photography and balance. It was taken on My resorts scenic Few Summer can beauty photographer’s skill, its? un- charms. “The photo- hill above the lake. NEIGHBORLY SPIRIT IS NOTABLE FOR ABSENCE AS BEN’S BOAT DRIFTS Ben Davis, Jr., son of Dr. Davis of Plymouth, won't believe in the old saying of “Help Thy Neighbor” if what happened one night this week is repeated, Ben, along with two friends, was out on his new motorboat, running around the Lake with no definite goal. Somewhere around Alderson, Ben’s motor began to miss. Then it stopped altogether. Ben was out of gas. But that was only the first part of it, ‘When Ben ran out of gas it was seven. He came home at eleven. One party that offered a tow couldn't pull the boat. Another had a new motor. Still another had to go somewhere. One boat was out of gas itself. ‘Ben drifted—right past his house. He finally got disgusted and sent for his two brothers (they're twins). They finally got Ben home by pulling him with their little row boat. That wasn’t the end of his troubles either. When he did get home, his mother gave him a lec- ture, He cannot take the boat out without the twins! What did the twins say to that? Nothing, except “it wasn’t so hard, mother”. ton High School Auditorium at 8 p. m. Mrs. Raymond Garinger and Mrs. Har- old Payne, with the co-operation of a | splendid committee, which includes | Bethia Allen, Virginia Allen and Mary | Ann Kuchta, assure a full evening's | enjoyment. Dance And Bingo Featured At “Beach” Sandy Beach, popular spot of fun seekers at the Lake, has two very good attractions for its patrons every week. On Thursday nights, bingo, sponsored by the Wilkes-Barre Eagles, is played, with attractive prizes. On Sunday nights, Ralph Paul's Orchestra plays at the pavilion to afford dancing for Lake goers. A sanitary and up-to-date restaurant is a part of the Sandy Beach. ’ WINS FIRST BIKE Walter Evans of Luzerne received the first bike awarded , by Harvey's Lake Picnic Grounds last Saturday evening, One bike will be awarded each week. The stunt is attracting wide interest. ———————— ENTERTAINS CLUB Norman James, burgess of Edwards- ville, entertained the Serve-Your- School Club of Edwardsville at a luncheon and party at his summer cot- tage, The Mohawk Club, at Shawanese on Tuesday. About 100 attended. TOTO TOTORO EIEN TOTO TUTTO TOTU Free Pf Free Every Sunday Ticket with every Purchase PICNIC GROUNDS RESTAURANT J ) I LAKE PERSONALS By DANIEL OLEKSIW 'PHONE 3012 E. V. Tellig and son of Richmond, W. Va., were at the Lake Side Inn last week. * * = Miss Freda Schulman, New York City, is visiting the Misses Helen and Eunice Koslofsky this month. * ¥% = Miss Alda Troutman of Shamokin, are living at the Lake Side Inn this week. * * * Harry West of Plymouth will visit Ben Davis, Jr. this week amd next week. * ¥ 3 Miss Beatrice Kominsky of Plymouth is visiting Miss ‘Aldona Makelonis this week. * * * Tom West, Plymouth, is visiting Ben ‘| Davis, Jr., Point Breeze, this week. SLIM'S restaurant Picnic Grounds Beer ani Liquors Frank Wagner, Wilkes-Barre, enter- tained friends at his beautiful summer cabin last week. * > * Junior Brace, son of Professor Edgar Brace of the Seminary, will visit Ben Davis, Jr., next week. * * * Dr. and Mrs. R, O. Lees of Utica, N. Y., are living at the Lake Side Inn, % 0% *% Mrs. Vera Talliman of Ward Ridge- wood, N. J., and Muriel and Mrs. L. V. Talliman of Kingston are living at the Lake Side Inn. E. S. Honeywell Painting Decorating For An Estimate Call H.-L. 3256 Come To KEEP COOL Harvey's Lake Picnic Grounds To 2 Keep Cool And Enjoy Yourself! A Host Of Amuse- §£ ments Awaits You. Take A Cool Swim And Then 7 Spend An Enjoyable Time About The Grounds. _ Visit Us Often. SEE Make His Sensational MOTORCYCLE JUMP SUNDAY, 4:30 P. M. —— “COWBOY BILL” HUBBARD PLAN TO HOLD YOUR PICNIC AT THE PICNIC GROUNDS FUN FOR ALL HARVEY'S LAKE PICNIC GROUNDS The Umion Picnic of the M. E. Churches from Lehman, Idetown and Jackson will be held on July 23 at Benton Park . Home Made Baked Goods Better—F'resher * FRESH DAILY Pies — Cakes — Bread Pastry TAYLOR’S BAKERY Shawanese Diving, Swimming On Sunday Program By Committee; Starts At 2 P. M. The Monday-Eckhart canoe tilting team came out on top in the canoe tilt- ling contest held at the Harvey's Lake | Picnic Grounds last week. The winning team handled the others very well, us- ing experience and skill to their advan- tage. Five teams competed at the Lake. and all five gave their best in the con- test. Chief of Police Stevenson and Milton Miller of the Wilkes-Barre Record refereed and timed the contest. A meeting of the Harvey's Lake Wiater Sports: Committee was held Monday evening and a diving and swimming event was discussed and named for this Sunday. The contest this coming Sunday will begin at two o'clock and will last for about two hours. The event will most likely at- tract the largest crowd and the most contestants of all the previous events. Among the other events, a fifty foot, hundred foot, and two hundred f of race will be held. At the comin. m: