"sons. The complete "Mrs. Neil Chrisman, head of the val 1 Girl Scouts Enjoy New Home At Lake Mr. Weckesser’s Gift Draws High Praise From | Campers J Wildwood, the newly acquired home of Wyoming Valley Girl Scouts, is now open for use of the girls. The beautiful building, donated by F. J. Weckesser, is now being used almost every day by the enthusiastic campers and their leaders. Located on the Southern part of the Lake, Wildwood is an ideal loca- | tion for the girls. ] The spacious former home of Mr. ‘Weckesser consists of a very large parlor adjoined by a good sized din- .ing room. The kitchen alone, located directly in back of the dining room, is, as large as any hotel kitchen. The sec- | ond story of the building boasts of | eight large and airy bedrooms, with accommodations for twenty five per- interior of the house is finished in a very beautiful rustic style. The walls bear paintings of wild life and animal studies. The exterior finish of the house is that of a log-cabin, having little indication of long usage. Surrounding Wildwood, are many old and noble-looking pine and spruce trees. The lawn, encircling the build- ing, although not in very good condi- tion now, is being cared for and pro- mises to be in perfect shape by next summer. Flowers galore provide the girls with plenty of plant life to study. The house is not the only boast of the Scouts. The beautiful boat house! ‘now being used very much by the | girls in their swimming parties is per- | haps the most beautiful on the Lake. Lately buoys have been placed to mark | off the safe sections for the vet in- | experienced swimmers. Along with the | boat house should be mentioned the large garage and the barn. When too | many girls are booked to stay overs night, cots are placed in thése two buildings and provide ample protection | from the elements for the Scouts and their superiors. Mr. and Mrs. German, caretakers of the estate, have no easy job on their hands, What with fifty girls trying to have the fun of their lives, without making too little noise? The girls have no life of luxury at their mew home, however. As Mr. German said, “They have to do what's to be done.” The girls eat meals cooked by themselves, enjoy a blazing fire in one of the large fire places from their own fire wood, and sleep upon beds made for the) night by themselves. The chores are | not shirked, however, but done in a willing and understanding way. To provide all scouts of Wyoming Valley with the use of the new home, ley ‘Scouts, is having the time for each troop or troops booked in such a way as to please all and offend none, if that is possible. Get i In \ \ The BATHING TRUNKS Built in Supporters $1.00 up All Colors All Wool Zipper Suits $1.95 up Built in Supporters Complete Line Childrens’ Suits THE BUDDIES MEN'S SHOP MAIN ST. LUZERNE der Bill's direction and is now ready! {course untrue. The Sunday before last /twice—and with a better motorcycle. “COWBOY BILL”, INJURED IN FIRST DIVE, TO REPEAT STUNT ON SUNDAY By JOSEPH OLEKSIW Several thousand thrill-hungry people -were at the Picnic Grounds last Sunday to witness the spectacular motorcycle dive by “Cowboy” Bill Hubbard, dare-devil supreme. 4 The dive, scheduled for two thirty, did not come off ’til Ithree, due to an un- avoidable delay in getting the motor started. When the motor was finally started, Bill rode down the runway at a fast speed until he left the run-way and flew through the air into the water. The motor, due to a bad carburetor, stalled at the end of the runway and caused Bill to land face first, thereby hurting his face slightly. The football jToutine work. But again that is not type helmet worn by the driver was true. Bill was up there and really do- torn off during his plunge into the lake. ing something very risky, and he knew Bill emerged smiling from the water to |it. To me, and the other three men up receive the applause of his audience. on the tower with Bill, the act seemed The motorcycle was later hauled out very, very, risky. To many other people of the water and cleaned. . {the act also seemed too risky. To illus- The story of the motorcycle dive is trate this, here is a story that Bill told very spectacular and quite interesting, ‘me himself. but the story of Bill Hubbard is Pore) Bill, who makes most of his money haps even more so. To begin with, this by selling advertising sign space on the is the first time Bill or anybody else runway, approached several Wilkes- did that type of a jump. Bill did a lot Barre firms in his advertising cam- of doubling work for the movies a few | paign. (He isn’t only a dare-devil, he's vears ago. In fact, he doubled when he [also a great business man!) Several of was only sixteen years old. He has had {them declined, however, to buy, not be- more experience with horses and autos cause of lack of interest, but because than with motorcycles. Bill got the they believed that his first jump also motorcycle dive idea when he was rid- would be his last, therefore making ing around the lake and noticed the |their ads useless. This jump of his will high tower. The runway was built un- certainly convince those skeptics! Asked whether he liked his work, for his use. | Bill said, “No, not very much. I'd much Many people thought the act was im- rather live a natural life—go into busi- possible and believed that he was try- |ness, work, nearly anything—but I ing to stall the act last Sunday and can’t very well complain!” the Sunday before last. This is of | This Sunday Bill will again jump— he could not jump because the run- He'll jump at two and at seven. A way wasn’t completed. Last Sunday the {large crowd is expected, and certainly jump was delayed by no cause of Bill's. all will enjoy it. Bill is putting a new He finally jumped, however, and langle into his jump this Sunday, mak- proved his worth. Many of the people {ing it all the more interesting! Many that came to see the or would get hurt. The injustice of this |as a picnic along with the great attrac- fact ig that these same people, after |tion. This jump is very unusual and the act, believed—or rather, said—that therefore should not be missed. The the act was ‘simple’ ’or “easy”. To the management of Picnic Grounds invites people down below just watching him, [all the public to be there this Sunday Bill seemed to be just going through |to witness this most spectacular event, Te me re Ee ——— —————————] Harvey's Lake ~ Fairlawn Store Shawanese, Pa. ROUND Ib. 3lc St ge ak SIRLOIN 1b. 33¢ PORTERHOUSE 1b. 35¢ WHOLE 1b. 18¢ Chuck Roast | iar 1 20 All Beef Cut From Young Steers Modern C. V. Hill Refrigeration Gold Medal Flour: 32 3: $*:o% Water Proof Safe-Tex PAPER PLATES TOILET TISSUE 2doz......... 15¢ 4rollS......... 15¢ Solid Hand Packed Tomatoes f— 4 1b. 25¢ Bradford Peas ~:- §¢ BROOMS .25¢ : WATER PAILS ...... 17c RINSO ......... Ig. pkg. 18c : CATSUP ... 14 oz. bot. 10c FLOUR RED RAVEN {227% : FARLAWN (355: cor Apple Butter 2 29c VEGETABLES SOLID FRESH Lemons... doz. 35¢| Tomatoes ~.. 1b. 10c : No. 1 NEW Fresh Pineapple. 3 for 5c Potatoes Daily Free Delivery Phone 285 Prop. SVEND M. PETERSON essler Eee ; Summer Service at HARVEY'S re Wilkes-Barre Scouts jump really people are bringing their whole fami- |. thought that Bill either couldn't do it |lies and spending the whole Sunday! Visiting Camp Here Troop 58, of the Baptist Church of Wilkes-Barre, under the direction of Mrs. Brader is spending four days at the new Girl Scout home, Wildwood. Sixteen girls, with seven elders, are at the home now. On Thursday, twenty- one more girls will arrive and these sixteen will return home, : During the stays.at the Lake home, the girls are taught first aid, swim- ming, cooking, and life-saving. Lately the water has been too cold to allow safe bathing for the scouts, but warm weather will soon afford this privilege to the girls. a ; NEW LOCATION Jenkin’s Summer Beauty Shop, op- erated by Boris Jenkins, has moved to a new and better location this Summer. Overlooking the Lake, the shop adds to the convenience of Mr. Jenkin’s patrons. } 'Y. W. C. A. Camp Will been | |Seven-Foot Black Snake : Be Opened Tomorrow Killed At Outlet Cam | Blue Triangle Camp, the Harvey's Lake camp of the Valley Young Wo- 3 a men’s Christian Association, will oe Eight boys, campers at Outlet, cap ‘formally opened tomorrow, Saturday, | tured a seven foot Black Snake la aes 7 SL ee while cooking a meal at the | Xorty-eig girls, accompanied by : s Rah ten leaders will be the first group to [SRI Geging = DISce ene sen inhabit the camp this summer, {made a make-shift trap and suceess Miss Marguerite Criste, Wilkes- [fully hunted the snake. After gettin: Barre, is head of the Valley Y. W. C. A. the snake into a burlap bag, th In the program for this summer are 1 19D] 2 included the following courses of study: jorondty Wisplnyed, dhe) sunketo La ‘Swimming, plant and animal life, first |COttagers. : aid, and cooking. The snake was finally killed a : {buried by the Frank Bucks of Har- \vey’s Lake, who gave their name — = te BUILD NEW BOATHOUSE Dr. Benjamin Davis, Point Breeze, | ¥ has had a new boat house and dock |follOWs: | built in front of his cottage, May-Dell. Raymond Ried, Carmen Xing, Jo The boat house shelters -Dr. Davis's \mpomas, Phil Ackey, Joe Kurley, Lar new moto a i eral ro 2 = 7 * ve } he tong his) SeVSrali Tow ry Lock, Joe Chick, and Sam Mitche iboats. : 2 Lake Improvement Company — Cottages for Rent Electric Lights Running Water Flush Toilets STANDS FOR RENT ON LAKE FRONT LAKE VIEW RESTAURANT Dining—Dancing Beer on Draught Ladies” Dining Room “We're Ready For You” AT HARVEY'S LAKE ~ Summer Clothes .... NEED SPECIAL CARE And Circle Dry Cleaning Co. gives them the special care they These Advertisers Solicit Your Patronage. They Are Prepared To Give Quick, Efficient, Careful Service To People Of Harvey's Lake And Vicinity And need! Send your white clothes and they'll come back pur@whit NOT gray and dull. You can send your most delicate frock without worry. a Have Made Special Plans - PRESSING—DYEING : i DRY CLEANING To Accommodate Summer IMPORSANT Our driver is at the Lake on Wednesdays and Saturdays. You can leave parcels or mes- | sages for him at Johnson’s Grocery Store, I. A. Rood’s, or | Residents. They Are Vital- ly Interested In Serving You. We Recommend Them the Casino at Sunset. Sincerely To Your Atten- Vo "PHONE 701085 5iap 5 RAY WILLIAMS, Representative tion. CIRCLE DRY CLEANING CO. ¥ DALLAS DAIRY .02". “The Better One” Nd Lie) : e in Buttermilk Harvey's Lake Delivery. : | May We Serve You? / be Rent a Bike Forty Fort Bicycle Store At Picnic Grounds | All New Roll Fast Models Patronize These Read {| The Dallas Post Each Week And Learn To | Know Your | Community Advertisers Ne “Cowboy Bill” Hub HE DID IT! HE'LL DO ITAGAIN! "COWBOY BILL HUBBARD'S” ‘SENSATIONAL MOTORCYCLE DIVE a —LET'S ALL SEE— EXTRA ATTRACTION! ; { Miss Kathleen Sweeney’s Dancing Class Picnic—and bard Same dependable service you are ac- customed to getting in the city—same courteous attention—same uniformly fine quality—and same popular prices! The HESSLER Laundry Co. Zoric Dry Cleaning Service ‘It's a service of super- quality. It outclasses or- dinary dry cleaning, be- cause it gives fabrics new- like beauty, new color rich- ness, new wrinkle resis- LAKE HESSLER DELIVERY SERVICE Our Summer Service covers Trucksville, Shaver- town, Fernbrook, Tuesday and Friday. Dallas, Harvey’s Lake and Huntsville, Wednesday and Saturday. tance. And it's odorless. Pt) PHONE, W.-R. 2-1121 To : i Do The Motorcycle Dive On Sunday —TWICE—AT 2 AND AT 7 “Come One—Come All!” “You Won't Regret It.” Jumps At 2 and at 7 WILL BE FASHION SHOW Sy WYOMING VALLEY'S “SHIRLEY TEMPLE” Who Will Be Harvey’s Lake’s “Shirley Temple’? ~ HARVEY'S LAKE PICNIC CROUNDS | On Sunday CHOSEN—BE HERE! a 2 Sn AE vow wr MQOW BRET PF HH Meanyor afiy caging