PAGE SIX THE DALLAS POST, DALLAS, PA., FRIDAY, JUNE 19, 1936. OUR PUZZLE CORNER [T’S TRUE! By Wiley Padan ls $3. WHO WON THE 3 o> HIKING KONTEST AT THE ANIMALYMPICS.. —— rr. | REARRANGE THE LETTERS 0. T/CAL SHY iL Ariss TICA ‘ LL IN A SCENE FROM M.G.M' 1e,15 Ces ges 6 3 a = IRENE HERVEY AND LIONEL ATW! A So \ Yams aD a of 50s FIND N NR I pre Eiri es 7 Sess 20 N \ ; wu ERRORS i ® & 50 DRAW , Pa. ps A a LIONEL" ATWILL WAS BORN IN ENGLAND ON MARGH Ist. HE ENJOYS A LIVELY GAME CF GOLF OR BADMINTON NR ——g, S my WN ty, S LORINGS NN S FAMILY *KIDDED* HER INTO ENTERING THE TALENT AND BEAUTY CONTEST IN NEW YORK. 4D SHE WON....THEN WENT TO HOLLYW@EDD. MER PET DISAPPOINTMENT 1$ THAT SHE HAS MORE THAN THE AVERAGE NUMBER rE FRECKLES Zz - X£ RALLY IN FIND TEN THE ENGLISH ACTOR , HAS ON CAMERA TRACKS DURING NEVER MISSED HAVING HIS FOUR O'CLOCK CUP TEA SINGE HE VAS EIGHT YEARS OLD! SES ~ £0 SAYS: ON THE ABSOLUTE QUIET" SET AT METRO- GOLDWYN-MAYER, DIRECTOR GEORGE SEITZ HAS USED MORE THAN 1000 FEET of TRACK, HICH BRINGS THE TOTAL NUMBER OF MILES HE HAS COVERED STORY — IF YOU ARE \ TELLING THE TRUTH You'LL HAVE YOUR FREEDOM WHEN WE SHANGHA) ./ -AND You ARE BX SURE ABOUT THE 5 LOCATION OF THE J + ; HOUSE BOAT P )F_MING SAY FALSEHOOD You PUTEE MING IN HOOSE GLOW pyright 1986, Lincoln Newspapep Features, Inc. PEE s PROBLEM OLS HIS MOTION PICTURE CAREER, 71.) /S... £, ol e ey SCENE... | 8 1 DETECTIVE RILEY By Richard Lee | : SES 4 FB )'L) 2 00K INTO YOUR RUSH THE SEATTLE READQUARTERS ANSWER T0 ME AS SOON AS You GET IT // RECEIVES RILEY'S MESSAGE... ’ LITTLE BUDD THERE ARE ALL GEE Yoo Look ey IM SORE YOUR BIRTHDAY MOM, SAD, BubDY' BECAUSE IL PRESENTS Bundy! AREN'T WHAT'S THE PIN'T ; SKATES, FISHING BIRTHDAYS METHUSELAH !! TACKLE, A BASEBALL, RB WONDERFUL? You KNOW, THAT PA GLOVE AND A a i MAN ‘WHO BAT \SN'T IT — LIVED TO BE ‘GREAT? = JOO YRS. £ i orp! AH SN A 3 SAW ) A Y - ¢ C22 A at 7 ) TB x 7.06 os |. I DoN'T ne UNDERSTAND // THINK oF ALL BE THE BIRTHDAY @ PRESENTS HWE MUSTA Got! By Bruce Stuart i} DASH, AND THE DOCTOR AS || THEY PONDER THEIR FATE? THEY LOOK OVER THE WRECKED B% OUR ONLY CHANCE SPECE SHIP AFTER THE CRASH IF NOW 1S TO FIND MY ON THE SIE] Lo || DAUGHTER?! WE'LL TAKE ES | ALONG OUR RAY GUNS OME , ALEX, WE AND ENOUGH FOOD TO LAST FST rons BA COUPLE OF MONTHS! 4 THEM). i fi alfiji [UNAWARE OF ANY DANGER, | | WE'VE GOT 3 EVERYTHING / NOW WE'RE ALL SET/ d WHERE'S DOT? Be WAS HERE gid [Just A MINUTE \BAZ/ILL DASH, LOCH GIANTS D ESCAPE THESE GIANT MOON MEN 22) By Dean Care fo FASHION IN ENGLAND, DURING QUEEN ELZABETHS REIGN, FOR MEN TO THEIR HOSE WITH RAGS, S50 THEIR LEGS APPEARED ENORMOUSLY FAT..... Some THESE MONSTROUSLY PADDED LEGS WER A FOOT IN DIAMETERIL MADE BY THE ANCIENT PHOENICANS voRE wan 4-000 YRS. AGO 1 By POURING PERFUME on THE HEADS or LAUGHS FROM THE NEWS SINGING IN THE BATHTLB IS A HIGHLY DESIRABLE HABIT WHICH ACTUALLY IMPROVES “ThE TONE OF ONES NOICE, SAYS NOTED PROFESSOR. NEWS YEN: = A LIL MORE : PRACTICE AND (72 5 J YOU'LL BE FLOODED LET ME CALLS W\TH OFFERS YoU SWEET= ~ C _Heper 1 You STICK TO YouR SINGING LESSONS OR ELSE — — TL. Copyright 1936, Lincoln Newspaper Features, Inc. FE-esze GOT A BATHTUB FOR SALE? 1 WANTA BECOME AN OPERA SINGER! WITHOUT A BATHTUB “THIS APARTMENT 1S § 35% p MONTH, WITH A BATHTUB ITS $135 A MonTH! At a village concert at which the local black- smith was chairman, a vocalist was loudly encored after singing “The Village Blacksmith.” As he was about to respond to the encore, the chairman whispered: “When you sing that again, put in a verse about mending bicycles.” $5 Iw “Your father looks very distinguished with his snow-white hair!” said the elderly man. “Ah, yes,” agreed the wild son, proudly. “He’s got me to thank for that.” * 0% Teacher: “Johnny; please give me a sentence with the word ‘fortification’ in it.” Johnny: “Every summer we go away for two weeks’ ‘fortification’.” % # ® Ted: “You complained about having spots be- fore your eyes, so the doctor told you to get a pair of glasses. Did they help you any?” Ned: “Sure; now I can see the spots much better.” $ 8 9 The baseball game was over and one of the policemen on duty in the ground observed a man clambering over the wall instead of going out with the crowd through the gate in the usual way. “Hi, there!” he shouted. “Why can’t you go out the same way as you came in?” “That’s what | am doing,” replied the man, as he disappeared. ANSWERS TO OUR PUZZLE CORNER Dots: Donkey. Petey’s problem: Baseball averages. Errors: Wrong brim on hat, sleeves in shirt, vest with coattails; ladder not leaning on building, man not on rung; “white” on black paint can, bricks in wooden wall, black and white shoes, faucet in smokestack, cow in tree, one cuff on trousers. “0” objects: Orator, oranges, onlooker, officer, ornament, office, obelisk, owl, o:zean, oceanside, orbit. A