SE 13 HOURS BY AIR BY WALLACE WEST ~ Novelized From The Paramount Picture of The Same Name Jack Gordon, crack western division air pilot, comes to New York to fly a ship from Salt Lake City to San Francisco. He balks but changes his mind when he sees pretty Felice He tries hard to win the attentions Arriving in Chicago, Jack saves her Rollins board the westbound plane. of Felice but she treats him coldly. from a menacing foreigner, Count Stephani. His suspicions that Felice is a jewel thief are dissipated when she tells him that she is a society heiress. ; CHAPTER IV. Jack had an awful job shooing the blonde away and explaining to Felice that she was just a “chance acquaintance” who really meant nothing in his young life. He had only partially succeeded when Ruth, the new stewardess for the westward flight, rushed up to report that Master Waldemar Pitt, III had disappeared. The pilot started a desperate last-minute search and finally located the boy stuffing his pockets with chocolate bars as he fed nickels by the hands- ful into an automatic vending machine. The two reached the plane just as “Gimme some bananas and cream it was ready to take off and found and some hot cakes and some waffles that the stewardess had already tucked | the other passengers under their blan- kets in order that they might obtain a few hours more sleep. “Who's the new customer?” he ask- ed, nodding toward a seat which pre- viously had been unoccupied. “He's for San Francisco,” ensien] Ruth. “He’s got a funyy name—wait al minute.” She ran her finger down the passenger list. “It’s Count Gregorie Stephani.” As she spoke the Count, who had muffled his face in the blan- ket, sat up and grinned sardonically | at Jack. { “How did he get here?” exploded the pilo. ! “A new way,” yawned the steward- ess. “He just sat down and we built the plane round him.” “The cannon.” Jack twiddled his fin- gers suggestively, then, as Stephani feigned surprise, continued. “Yeah, the cannon—cap pistol—gun. I want it. If I don’t get it, you'll ride as far as Omaha and no farther.” Sourly the Count handed over his automatic. Jack took it and discovered ! with a frown that it was loaded once| more. “Say, what is this, a game?’ he growled as he opened the door of the plane a crack and tossed the weapon into the night. “Maybe it’s none of my business,” whispered Palmer as Jack resumed his seat, “but who is that guy that got on | at Chicago.” ‘His name’s Stephani.” The pulled a blanket over himself. “How come he had a gun?” Palmer's hard face grew harder. “On account they told bim there were Indians at Omaha,” yawned Jack. Then, a grin of self-satisfaction on his face, he glanced at Felice. She was cuddled under her blankets, fast asleep. Soon her admirer drifted off to plea- sant dreams also, The sun was up when he awoke. Again his first thought was of Felice. pilot | She was awake and, her beauty case on her makeup. She glanced at Jack on her makelp. She glanced at Jack thoughtfully, then at Stephani. It might be well, she was thinking, to have the pilot on her side. She turned back to Jack and smiled. “Have a nice nap?’ she inquired. “Yeah—sure.” He was pleased as Punch. “I don’t have to ask weather—it looks lovely.” “While we're on the subject of look- ing lovely,” Jack said as he stared at her greedily. “How do you do it—so early and at such an altitude?” It was breakfast time when they landed at Omaha. Wialdemar, of course, was first at the lunch counter. about the First National Bank DALLAS, PA. MEMBERS AMERICAN BANKERS’ ASSOCIATION RW DIRECTORS: R. L. Brickel, C. A. Frantz, W. B. Jeter, Sterling Machell, W. R. Neely, Clifford W. Space, A. C. Devens, Herbert Hill. * » @ OFFICERS: C. A. Frantz, Pres. Sterling Machell, Vice-Pres. W. B. Jeter, Cashier. * =» =» Interest On Savings Deposits No account too small to assure careful attention. Vault Boxes for Rent. and somma that chocolate pie with nuts on it,” he yelled. As Jack started. to order, Palmer sat down on the stool beside him. “Your Indian-killer over there,” he inquired,” nodding toward Stephani: “He's not a Dick, is he?” : “Nope, he’s not a Dick.” The pilot studied the other thoughtfully. “I imagine most of the pessengers are usually old customers.” Palmer was trying his best to seem off-hand. “That Dr. Evarts. He must fly a lot. Seems so at ease in a plane. Has he ever tak- en this trip before?” “He might have.” Jack was enjoying the game. “I've never seen him.” “Well, I'll have some coffee and doughnuts,” laughed his neighbor. “Anything, I guess to break the mon- otony of the trip.” “What a big nose you have, grand- mother,” Jack muttered to himself. “May I speak to you a minute,” Fe- lice said as they left the lunchroon. “I —I hate to bother you, but—well, I need a little help.” She drew a deep breath like some one preparing for a ten dollar touch, then rushed on. “I want to find out for sure if a certain girl is aboard the Overland Limited that goes through Salt Lake this morn- ing.” ! there ?” “Eight o’clock—that’s the nine here, isn’t it?” ‘ “We'll have to hurry.” 'He started same as “It’s a. cinch. What time does it get |: - N toward the telegraph office almost at ta run, “What's the girl’s name?” “I don’t know” “You don’t know?’ He stopped dead in his tracks. “I mean I don’t what name she's traveling under. I'm sure she isn’t us- ing her.own.” “Well, you know what she looks like. ‘We'll make it all right.” At the telegrahp office they concoct- ed a message which read: “POP ANDREWS UNION STATION SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH CHECK PASSENGERS OVERLAND LIMITED FOR GIRL—NINETEEN— SLENDER — TALL — BLUE EYES —BROWN HAIR — SCAR LEFT CHEEK — MEET ME AIRPORT 1 P, M. } ; GORDON.” “Pop is brother Mason, Elk Eagle or Moose to every brakeman on the Salt Lake Division,” Jack explained. “He'll find her. That scar cinches it. You didn’t eat a bite of breakfast,” he con- tinued. “How about snatching some toast and coffee before we leave?’ “Absolutely,” Felice smiled. “But last night you said you didn’t drink coffee.” - “That was last night.” - “Hello, dearie,” beamed the waitress archly when they returned to the lunchroom. “You stayin’ over tonight?” Jack ignored her, so she slopped his coffee over and burned his toast. “All right—what’s her real name?” snapped the pilot when he caught Felice smiling at his exchange. “Don’t you know?” She glanced after the waitress in astonishment. “No, no,” he growled. “I mean the lady on the train.” . “It isn’t any of your business,” she surveyed him, her eyes suddenly cool. “But her name is Katherine Rollins. She’s my sister.” “Of course, it’s none of my business, but he—that Sephani—doesn’t seem like a very—well—like a—very—" “He isn't.” ) “But why should a nice girl like you . ” He halted lamely. “It still isn’t any of your business,” she réplied pleasantly as she sipped her coffee. (To be’ continued.) than your years. on this coupon. Your hair tells your age! If your hair is ~ drab or streaked with gray you look older Clairol will help you to look your young- est by imparting natural color to your hair or by changing its shade so gradually... so secretly no one will know. Do you look ~Your Hair Tells/ Clairol does what nothing else cant Only Clairol shampoos, reconditions and TINTS! Ask your beautician or write for FREE Clairol booklet, FREE advice on the care of hair, and FREE beauty analysis. Write NOW CLARO. La RAR EE LE ee Lr re TA EY TY 12 2] 8XX My Beautician is... Beverly King, Censultent Name neat Clairol, Inc., Add 132 West 46th Street, New York City Please send FREE Clairol booklet, - FREE advice and FREE analysis. State wih Wyoming And Luberne Forty-one per cent of the population of Wyoming County is engaged in farming. Only 2.9 per cent of Luzerne :County’s population lives on farms. But | Luzerne County's population is nearly thirty times that of Wyoming County. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT SHERIFF'S SALE FRIDAY, MAY 1, 1936, AT 10 A. M. By virtue of Fi Fa No. 80, May Term 1936, issued out of the Court of Com- mon Pleas of Luzerne County, to me directed, there will be exposed to public sale by vendue to the highest and best bidders, for cash, at the Sheriff's Sales Room, Court House, in the City of Wilkes-Barre, Luzerne County, Penn- sylvania, on Friday, the 1st’ day of May, 1936, at ten o'clock in the fore- noon of the said day, all the right, title and interest of the defendant in and to the following described lots, pieces or parcels of land, viz:— Thomas P. Jones & Scns, Ine, As- signee. Vs. Morris Smith Property of Morris Smith situate on on the South-easterly side of South State Street, in the City of Wilkes- Barre, Luzerne County, Pa., described as follows: THE FIRST THEREOF: Being 33 feet in width on said South State Street and 90 feet in depth and im- proved with a two story brick build- ing occupied as an upholstering plant by Smith's Upholstery, Inc, and No. 172 South State Street. 3 THE SECOND THEREOF: Begin- ning at a corner in lands of Morris Smith and extending along said State Street for a. distance of 41.5 feet to a LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT oh a i LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS South-easterly direction a distance or 114.51 feet to lands now or late of Car- oline Norton Estate; thence, along said lands for a distance of 41.5 feet; thence, in a North-westerly direction along other lands said Morris Smith, 114.51 feet to the said South State Street. Being a vacant lot and No. 168 South State Street. WILLIAM R. THOMAS, Sheriff. Stanley B. Jones, Att'y. FRIDAY. MAY 1, 1936, AT 10 A. M, By virtue of a writ of Fi Fa No. 83, May Term, 1936, issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Luzerne County, to me directed, there will be exposed to public sale by vendue to the highest and best bidders, for cash, at the Sheriff's Sales Room, Court House, in the City of Wilkes-Barre, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, on Friday, the 1st day of May, 1936, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of the said day, all the right, title and interest of the defendants in and to the following described lot, piece or parcel of land, viz: ALL the surface of that certain plece of land situate in the Borough of Plymouth, County of I uzerne, State of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a corner on the Southerly side of Shawnee Avenue in line of lands of Willlam T. Perkins; thence aleng the line of lands of said William T. Perkins and the lands now or late of Albert B. Trescott nine (9) perches to Major's Alley; thence along said alley South 69% degrees West fifty-four (54) feet to a corner in line of lands of Annie Miller (Mrs. Gilbert Miller); thence along the lands of said degrees East fifty-nine (59) feet to the place of beginning. BEING the proper=- ty conveyed to Abdiel Phillips and Hannah Phillips by deed of William C. Clerk et ux, dated November 12, 1919, recorded in Deed Book No. 530, page 560. Coal, etc. reserved. IMPROVED with a double two-story frame dwell- ing house, large garage, out-buildings, trees, fences, etc. Seized and taken into execution at the suit of Elizabeth Davis, executrix of the Estate of Mary A. Davis, de~ ceased and Eilzabeth Davis, vs. Abdiel Phillips & Hannah Phillips, and will be scld by WILLIAM R. THOMAS, Sheriff. Thos. M. Lewis, Atty. SHERIFF'S SALE By virtue of Fieri Facias issued ou€ of the Court of Common Pleas of Luz- erne County, I will expose for public sale for cash to the highest bidder, at the Sheriff's Sales Rooms, Court House, Wilkes-Barre City, Pa. on Friday, May 1, 1936 at 10 o'clock A. MM. the following described real estate. The surface of all that lot in Ashley Borough, Luzerne County, Pa., being 26 feet wide on Ross Street and rum- ning of that width a depth of 150 feet recorded in D. B. 630, page 497 &c. Im~ proved with a frame dwelling house, barn, sheds, out buildings, fruit trees, lands, his wife. WILLIAM R. THOMAS, | munity. READY BUSINESS DIRECTORY OF FIRMS WHO ARE ANXIOUS TO HAVE YOUR BUSINESS - AND WHO DESERVE IT corner in lands now or late of Michael {Miller North 30% degrees West nine Sheriff. Condray; thence, along said lands in a (9) perches to Shawnee Avenue afore- ii —— A These firms are vitally interested in the welfare of Dallas and A HANDY vicinity. We recommend them in the hope gfast vou Patrenage and QUICK | - their services will result in greater growth of thi iving com- Ho GUIDE er = HELP A RESTAURANTS value for the money in the future as we have in the past 12 years. JAMES R. OLIVER PLYMOUTH PACKARD DODGE DODGE TRUCKS HILLSIDE GAS CO. Distributors of Gulf Refining Products Dupont and Kenyon Tires Tel, Dallas 9089-R-2 TRUCKSVILLE, PA. COAL AUTOMOTIVE LIVESTOCK AUTOMOBILE PAINTING FINE LIVESTOCK CLARENCE J. LaBAR GEORGE BULFORD 334 PIERCE ST. KINGSTON Huntsville Next to Old Car Barn DALLAS 311 -9325 DALLAS 213 Hoping to continue giving you HARDWARE Hardware and Supplies Farm Machinery and Equipment Plumbing and Heating B. and B. SUPPLY CO. Dallas 113 General Automobile Repairing Official Inspection Station 1249 Z. E. GARINGER Kunkle Dallas 358-R-3 Buy your Coal from Reliable Dealers COBLEIGH BROS. Shavertown — Dallas 340 FISH AND CHIPS Special prices to churches and parties Hughes Fish and Chip Shop 164 MAIN ST. LUZERNE 'PHONE 7-8214 FLOOR COVERING We can supply your floor covering needs very reasonably. Call us for Estimates JOHN A. GIRVAN DALLAS—PHONE 9065 LUMBER WHIPPLES For Lumber 712 Wyoming Avenue, Kingston 7-1148 MORTICIAN R. L. BRICKEL Furniture—Ambulance Service—Funeral Director Dallas 134 “McCormick—Deering” Farm Machinery Sales and Service 7. E. GARINGER Kunkle Dallas 358-R-3 SURVEYOR IRA D. COOKE Professional Land Surveyor ENGINEERING Penn’a Register No. 4104 SUCCESSOR TO CHAS. H. COOKE, De,c1 Phone, Dallas 128. SECURITIES 3TOCKS AND BONDS Speciadsts in all N. E. Penn’a. Securities PETER D. CLARK 1404-05 W.-B. DEPOSIT AND Savines BANK BLpG. W-B 3-0318 DALLAS 52 Dallas, Pa. SAND One of The Community's Pioneer Industries Willard L. Garey Sand Co. HILLSIDE RD., CHASE DALLAS 164-R-7 Home Cooked Meals Special Chicken and Waffle Dinners All Kinds of Sea Food HOUGHTON’S Formerly Ambrose West's Hillside Harold Houghton THE WHITE HOUSE Why Not? : JACK NOTHOFF — FERNBROOK For a Tasty Light Lunch THE VILLAGE INN TRUCKSVILLE PARTIES BY DANCING EVERY RESERVATION EVENING For a good time try Hayden Cafe Chicken and Spaghetti Dinners Every Saturday Night 36 MAIN ST. DALLAS FLOWERS “HILL THE FLORIST" Flowers for every occasion 322 8. PIONEER AVE. SHAVERTOWN WELL DRILLING NOW is the time to have your well drilled. Why worry about water? Wells drilled on Easy Payment Plan. As low as $10 per month! Write or Call Cresswell Drilling Co. KINGSTON ° PHONE 7-4815 CHEMICAL ANALYSIS Sails, Foods, Mik and Dairy Products, Insecticides, Water, Fuels, Fertilizers, and all sorts of chemical analysis. R. T. P. CO,, 105 Coal Exchange Chemists Bldg. W.-B. 2-6019 Ww Shop First and Save Most in . . . Every day of the year the merchants of LUZERNE offer their patrons unusual values in every sort of merchandise. It is the aim of every business man to make LUZERNE the shopping place of afl the people living ‘Back of the {fiountain” Cn your next shopping tour stop off at LUZERNE first and see or yourself. GLOBE STORE REEVES GEORGE’S 5c to $1.00 STORE CHASIN’S LARE’S QUALITY MARKET ZERNE West Side’s Largest Business Center! said; thence along Shawnee Avenues about sixty-nine and one-half (69%) to an alley. All as described in deed &c., and known as No. 12 Ross Street, Ashley, Pa. Sold as the . property | of . William H. Rowlands and Letha Row- George L. Fenner, Attorney. a BERT ROBINS’ MEN'S SHOP FRED'S TIRE STORE, GOODYEAR TIRES & TUBES BROWNS 5c to $1.00 STORE LUZERNE is the largest and most pro- gressive business center on the West Side. Its convenience to the people of the Back Mountain Region, makes it the logical place for them to do all their shopping. Just compare the qua- lity and the prices of the LUZERNE MERCHANTS with the merchants of other communities and prove to your- self that they are the best.