The Dallas post. (Dallas, Pa.) 19??-200?, April 24, 1936, Image 5

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re Teves mig
(Held from last week.)
Mrs. Clyde Hoyt and Miss Ruth
Hoyt spent Thursday of last week
with the former’s mother, Mrs. George
Steltz of Loyalville,
John Wioolbert of Struthers, Ohio,
who was visiting his parents Mr. and
Mrs. S. J. Woolbert of Shavertown
called on Mr. and Mrs, John Isasi:s on
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Boston and
daughter June spent the weeken|i with
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Smith.
Miss Anna Kunkle returned to her
home at Central on Thursday after an
extended visit with friends here and
at Orange.
Mrs. Olin Kunkle accompanied Mr.
and Mrs. Stanley Durland and Miss
Irene Smith of Wyoming on a week-
end trip to Washington, D, C.
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Perrin and
children of Trucksville spent Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Miers.
Mrs. Maggie Ellsworth of ‘Shaver-
town is visiting her daughter Mrs.
Gideon Miller.
Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Washburn of
‘Wilkes-Barre spent Sunday with Mrs.
Carrie Kunkle and family.
Miss Olive Frisbie of West Dallas is
spending the week with Miss Mildred
- Devens.
Mrs. D. P. Honeywell, Jack Honey-
well of Dallas were guests of Mrs.
'Anne Richards on Sunday. Mrs. Maril-
la Schoonover and William Richards
also spent the weekend with Mrs.
‘Richards. ph
Rev. and Mrs. Charles Hess and son
Charles Jr., of Williamson, N. Y., spent
a few days this week with Mr. and
Mrs., Frank Hess of Kunkle and Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Smith of Beaumont.
Mrs, Frank Hess, and Mr. and Mrs.
‘Whlliam Miers and children Hannah
and George visited Mr. and Mrs. Lewis
Shippy of Falls on Sunday.
Miss Hattie Hess of Jinks spent the
weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Herdman en-
tertained on Friday evening Mrs.
Charles Gage of Landsdowne, Mrs. Ira
Frantz of Orange and Mr. and Mrs.
John Frantz of Dallas.
Mrs. A. C. Devens, Mrs. Charles
Herdman and Mrs. Victor Rydd called
on Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Whipp Tues-
day afternoon.
Mrs. Devens Hostess
Mrs. A. C. Devens of Kunkle was
hostess at a covered dish luncheon at
her home Wednesday to celebrate her’
birthday anniversary. Mrs. Devens .Te-
ceived several attractive gifts.’
Present: Olie Frisbie, West Dallas:
Mrs. Maggie Ellsworth, Mrs. J. C. Eng-
ler, Mrs. Ralph Whipp, Mrs. Marietta
wardan of Shavertown; Mrs. J. H:
Frantz, Mrs. Nelson ‘Whipp, Mrs. D.
P. Honeywell, Mrs. Ernest Whipp,
Dallas; Mrs. G. H. Hofmeister, Shrine-
view; Mrs Charles Herdman, Mrs, M.
A. Miers, Mrs. Fred Honeywell, Mrs.
John Isaacs, Mrs. F. P. Smith,
garet Kunkle, Mrs. Anne J. Richards,
Mrs. Minnie Kunkle, Mrs. W. S. Kun-
kle, Mrs. Emma Miller, Mrs. Marvin
Elston, Mrs. Carrie Kunkle, Mildred
Devens, Mrs. H. R. Miers, Jerry Miers,
Calvin Miers, and Mrs. A. C. Devens.
‘Mrs. George W. Reynolds will leave
Monday for an extended trip through
the New England States and Canada.
She will go first to ‘Waterbury, Conn.,
where she will visit Mr. and Mrs. Stev-
en Walters, sister and brother-in-law
of her husband. While she is there she
will be fortunate enough to witness
the ceremorfy that will install her
niece, Mrs. Edward Jones, as Grand
Worthy Matron of the Eastern Star of
Connecticut. Bi
From Waterbury, she will go by mo-
tor with Mrs. Walters and her daugh-
ter, Mrs. Arthur Dietrich, to Burling-
ton Vt. and! on up to Montreal .
On her way home she will stop over
to see her son and new daughter-in-
law. Mr. and Mrs, Philip Reynolds at
Boston. She will fly from Boston to
Scranton. This will be Mrs. Reynolds
second trip by air, the other being one
with her husband, the late George Ww.
Reynolds, on - their thirtieth wedding
anniversary. She will arrive home
about June 1. Rev. Leon Willman of
Wilkes-Barre who has just recovered
from pneumonia, and his wife, will oc-
cupy the Reynolds home while she is
Dress Your House Inside
Out With A New Coat
of Paint.’
Most Reasonable Prices
In Town
55¢ qt. $1.95 a gal.
All Colors
75¢ qt; $2.49 a gal.
Full line Painting Sup-
plies, Brushes, Turpen-
tine, Linseed Oil, Etc.
110 Main Street |
Mr. and Mrs. Orrison Kocher, Mr.
and Mrs. Ben Rood and Louise Kocher
| Spent Sunday at Alden with Mrs.
Rood’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. James
Mr. and Mrs. Ira Major, son Stuart,
of Dallas and Mr. and Mrs, John Shoe-
maker, daughters Louise and Betty
called at Mrs. Shoemaker’s mother’s,
Louise Kocher, on ‘Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Gebbler called
at Mr.-and Mrs. Orrison Kocher’'s on
Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. William Hill-
ard and Mrs. Oscar Whitesell and
family spent Sunday with the former's
parent, M. J. Kocher.
Grange Meeting
The regular meeting of Beaver Run
Grange met at the hall, Saturday even-
ing. A very entertaining program was
given. The next meeting will be the
first Saturday of May, 1936.
Quilting Party
The Ruggles M. E, Church Ladies’
Aid had an all day quilting party at
the home of Mrs. Frank Traver on
Tuesday. A chicken dinner was served
to the following members: Mrs. Verne
Kitchen, Mrs. Robert Traver, and
daughter Treva, Mrs, William Hillard.
daughters Wilma and Barbara, Mrs.
William Harrison, Mrs. Etta Shand,
Mrs. Almon Rood, Mrs. William Hill-
ard. Mrs. Daisy Crispell, Mrs. George
Dendler, Mrs. Rodell Kocher, and son
Dale; Mrs. Herbert Bronson, Mrs.
Charles Williams and son . Kenneth,
Mrs. Thomas Traver and son Clayton,
Mrs, Edward *Husted and son Emer-
son, Mr, and Mrs. Jacob Traver and
Mrs. Frank Traver and son Donald and
daughter Ruth.
The next meeting will be held with
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Jones, Monday af-
ternoon, April 27th to celebrate Mrs.
Jones’ birthday anniversary.
Ladies’ Aid
The regular meeting of the Ladies’
Auxiliary of St. Paul's Lutheran
Church, Laketon met with Mrs. Orri-
son Kocher for the month of April.
Lunch was served to the following:
Mrs. Laura Brislin, and sister Mrs. C.
Hilsdorf from Connecticut; Rev. and
Mrs. George Ruff and children Jan and
Joan of Shavertown; Miss Margaret
Cule, Mrs. Emily Deater, Mds. Hazel
Kerr, Mrs. Myrtle Kocher, Mrs. Anna
Swanson, Mrs. Clara Smith, Mrs.
Blanche Templeton, Mrs. Louise Koch-
er, Mrs. Louise Bray, Mrs. Louise
Frick, Mrs. Etta Shand, Mrs. Esther
Johnson, Mrs. Sara Baird, Mrs. Flor-
ence Hoppes. The next meeting will be
held ‘at Mrs. Louise Kocher's, the first
Thursday of May, 1936. °
Additional Laketon
Mr. and Mrs. Todd and Mr. and Mrs.
Heitzinger of Kingston moved into the
Attorney Slattery home last Wednes-
Edward Cobleigh of West Dallas, El-
la Crispell and her. mother, Mrs. Fred
Crispell and daughter Annabelle visited
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Hoover at Outlet
Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Mayer and
children spent Wednesday in Wilkes-
Rev. G. Elson Ruff gave a paper on
“The Methods of Preaching” at the
monthly meeting of the Wilkes-Barre-
Scranton Lutheran Pastor's Associa-
tion held at Berwick Tuesday.
You can be wearing a
new suit, a new topcoat,
new tie, and new shoes but
if your hat is old your en-
tire appearance will be
completely spoiled. Your
hat is the first thing people
notice. Get under a new
one today. These are new
. new in style «vo DEW:
in ‘color! You'll look bet-
ter and you'll feel better.
100 Main Street, Luzerne
Community Mourns
Mrs. Z: E. Garinger
(Continued from Page 1.)
Adelaid Place Garinger was born at
Slatersville, N. Y., March 10, 1886, the
daughter of the late Dr. G. A. and Mrs.
Amy Place. Her father was a Metho-
dist clergyman serving among other
charges in Carbondale, Honesdale,
‘Wilkes-Barre, Tunkhannock, Alderson,
and Shavertown. At the termination of
his charge in Shavertown, Dr. Place
retired and made his home in Dallas,
with his daughters. His death was fol-
lowed shortly by that of a daughter,
Larissa. In October 1925 Adelaide Place
married Z. BE. Garingeér and since that
time has continued to make her home
in Dallas. :
Reared in the atmosphere of a
Christian home and a graduate of
Wyoming Seminary it was but natural
that she should take an active interest
in the church and in the pastors and
their families who came to serve it.
She ‘was a member of the J. A. B.
Bible class and of the Young Women’s
Missionary society as well as a mem-
ber of Nesbitt Memorial Hospital Aux-
iliary. Her home was always open
to any activity pertaining to church or
She was a woman whose life was
motivated from girlhood by the high-
est Christian ideals. She had an alert
mind and kept it active through wide
reading. But it was as a homemaker,
wife and neighbor that she was sup-
reme. Her home was bright with fem-
inine touches—a vine on a window
sill—pictures of boys and dogs by a
kitchen chair,
At the funeral services on Monday
were many who had come from com-
munities where she had lived during
girlhood and young womanhood and
who remembered her as a teacher and
understanding friend. \
She leaves, besides her husband, an
entire community to mourn her pass-
Pall bearers were Herman, Nelson
and Raymond Garinger, Arthur Dun-
gey, Ray Shiber and Sterling Machell. |
Interment was in the Place family plot
at Binghamton, N. Y.
~ Loyalville
Mrs. H. E. Payne and Mrs. John
Hildebrant attended the Wyoming Con-
ference at Scranton.
Miss Iris Payne spent her Easter va-
cation visiting her aunt at Philadel-
phia. 3 i l
Mrs. A. N. Williams who has been
ill for some time is able to be out
again. 0
“Fuller’s Fortune”
The young people from the Pikes
entitled « “Fuller's; Fortune”
Léyalville Church Hall, Saturday
evening, April 25. Everybody welcome.
Dinner Party
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Davis at Ide-
town, entertained at a dinner party
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wolfe, Genevieve
Wolfe, Vivian Davis, Bud Davis, Mr.
Pov Umstead, Junior Cordner and Mr.
Alex Rinken.
Quilting Party
Mrs. Henry Wolfe had a quilting
party at her home on Monday. Mrs.
Frank Moore, Mrs. Alton Cordner,
Miss Viian Davis and Mrs. Thomas
Davis, all of Idetown were present.
| Grangers Conduct
Regional Session
State Officials Speak At
Meeting With Mountain
Grangers from Columbia, Luzerne
and Lackawanna Counties attended a
regional conference for masters and
lecturers held on Wednesday with
Mountain Grange of Carverton.
Two state officers, J. Audley Boak,
New Castle, State master, and Mrs.
Ira Gross, Johnstown, State lecturer,
spoke at afternoon and evening sess-
ions. Ralph Hosler, district deputy, also
In the afternoon there was a demon-
stration of ritnal with John A. Hilde-
brant of Meeker presiding. The in-
struction was directed by the State of-
ficers and the masters and lecturers
present benefitted by the friendly cri-
ticism. / /
Among the evening speakers was J.
R. Began of Scranton, Lackawanna
Pomona Master. i
Wyoming Seminary Man
At Dallas M. E. Church
3 i
To Hold Mother-
Daughter Banquet
Mrs. Laura Schenk Acts As|
Hostess To Ella Moore
Plans for a Mother and Bnet
Banquet to be held May 7 in the |
church were outlined at the meeting |
of Mrs. Laura
evening. |
of decorations, Mrs. S. W. Hildebrant
chairman of the menu.
Those present were: Mrs. Blanche
Swank, Mrs. Charles Moore, Mrs. Nel-
Beth Love, Mrs. Laura LaBar, Mrs. |
Hazel Miller, Mrs. Florence Martin,
Mrs. Maxine Martin, Mrs. Gladys Wag
ner, Mrs. Weaver and Mrs. Schenk.
Mrs. Nelson Moore of East Dallas
was hostess to members of the Ladies’
Aid Society of the East Dallas M. E.
Church at her home Friday evening.
Miss Eureka Nitzkowski, director of
the Home Economics Department of
In the absence of Rev. Francis E.
Freeman, pastor of Dallas M. E.
Church, who will be at Pocono Lake, |
Rev. Richard Jones, alumni secretary !
the local church tomorrow.
Rev, Mr. Jones is an. - interesting’
speaker and has a wide acquaintance
in this section through his contact with
Church will present the drama |
in the.
Wyoming Seminary. After serving sev-
eral important charges, he left active
ministry last year to become associat-
ed with the seminary.
I'll say we are!
We just wish
to get to the
Spring Opening
Ms. Anthony’s
Gift Shop
437 Chestnut Street
All today and tomorrow left
to act. You come, too!
Final Tax Notice
All property taxes remaining unpaid after May
1st, will be returned to the County Commissioners of-
fice, all personal taxes must be paid by May 1st.
Arthur R. Dungey,
Get Lasting Benefit §
from Relief Labor!
ORK relief projects must be found. The best
- ones are those which resultin permanent com.
¢ munity benefits.
« Many blocks of new sidewalks are urgently needed—
i will have to be built soon anyway to extend present
walks or replace old, wornout, dangerous walks.
Why not build these needed walks with relief labor!
Hundreds of other cities
project ideal.
Curb and gutter construction, drainage structures,
park improvements, swimming pools, salvaging old
streets—these are only a few among hundreds of
beneficial concrete improvements that create maxi-
mum work.
Write or wire for literature and timely facts on spe-
cific types of projects using concrete.
” 1528 Walnut St., Philadelphia, Pa.
have found this type of
In a hurry? | z
the Luzerne County Co-operative As-
sociation spoke on textiles. Mrs, Ben
Brace assisted Mrs. Moore as hos
Present: Mrs. Ravmond Carlin, ¥
Myra Schenk, Mrs. Charles Moore,
Mrs. Blanche Swank, Mrs. Letha Meri-
cal, Mrs. S. W. Hildebrant, Mrs.
Crompton, Mrs. ‘Moore and Mrs. Brace,
Fancy No. 1
Township Alumni Banquet
To Be Held In
Mrs. Melvin Mosier was appointed
chairman of the committee in eharge
of the Alumni banquet which is to be
3 he Ella Moore Class of the East | served by the Dallas Township Par-
allas M. E. Church held at the home |ent Teacher Association at the school
Schenk Wednesday | some time in May,
2 Assisting Mrs.
Miss Beth T.ove was appointed toast- [Belle Londcrbongh
mistress, Mrs. Laura LaBar chairman |and Mrs. ce.
Mus. Mosier To Be
Banquet Chairman
Rev. Joshua Brundle, who twenty-
: : SN |five years ago married Mr. and Mrs.
son Moore, Mrs, Thomas Moore, Miss | charles Kibler of Kingston, was the
urday evening.
About fifty friends, many of them
who were present at the wedding of
the couple, helped them celebrate. The
couple were presented with an attrac-
tive chest of silver.
Mrs. H. B. Turn and Mrs. G. W. Rey=
nolds attended the tea held at the
of Mrs. W. E, Bright at Secran-
ton last week in connection with the
| special Miissionary Services eonducted
| home
Spring Tonic
Fruits and Vegetables—fresh from Nature's
gardens—selected for quality—rushed to our
stores at the peak of perfection. Many big
of Wyoming Seminary, will preach at Harry Martin, Mrs. Frank Martin, Mrs at Wyoming Conference.
nolds who is active in missionary cir-
cles at Trucksville
poured. The speaker was Miss Eliza
beth Lee of Pittsburgh, oe
; ot 2} Pa
lal BTV" .
ER ay
New Potatoes
6 25c
Florence Conden.
at their anniversary supper
served by members
Ladies’ Aid Society in the church Sat-
Mosier will be Mrs.
Mrs. Ralph Elston,
of the Meeker
Mrs. Rey-
M. E. Church,
New Beets or Carrots
Tender Crisp Celery
Fresh Clean Spinach
4 buns. 19¢
2 buns. 1%¢ B
3ibs. 19
3 = J9¢
Ripe Yellow Bananas
New Green Cabbage
Large Juicy Lemons
4 lbs. 19¢
4 lbs. 19¢
6 for 19¢
Fancy New
Onions 3: 10c
Del Monte or ‘45CO: Fancy Calif.
‘ Large halves or luscious slices in rich syrup.
7c Blue Bar Grapefruit Juice
10¢ Good Luck Desserts
Victor Bread
Bread Supreme
Layer Cake
Chocolate Fudge Iced, Chocolate
5 cans 2%
3 pkgs. 25¢ X
bi ?
— 6c R tls
j b &
> 0c
each 39¢ : g
9c Farmdale Cut
String Beans
Four cans for the price of three. Stock up a
Standard Quality, Vine-Ripened
No. 2
One pound Macaroni or
Spaghetti Sauce.
With two cans Chef-Boy-Ardee Mushroom or
«= 10c
CERESOTA (not bleached)
pen 42.09
The economical all-purpose flour,
large pkg. 18¢
Smooth all-Santos blend.
Mother's Joy Coffee
) 1bs.
A superb Blend.
2 1b. tins 43c
1b. tin 27¢c
3 20c
Acme Coffee tory
Farmdale M : | k Rich
Evap. i Creamy
» 2le
Where Quailty Counts and Your Money Goes Furth est
These Prices Effective In Our Stores
in Dallas And Viecinity.
Lek et Ee PA Sd od EL Id od el a A EE PEE