The Dallas post. (Dallas, Pa.) 19??-200?, March 13, 1936, Image 5

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¥ Laketon
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kocher called
on their daughter Mrs. Edgar Nulton
of Kunkle last Saturday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. A. .C. Kocher and Eu-
gene visited Mr. and Mrs. Tom Sut-
‘ton, Saturday evening. Eg
Mr. and Mrs. Carlton, Kocher had
dinner with their parents Sunday.
Mr. I. A. Rood has remodelled the
interior of his store, and has it filled
with all the good things to eat too
numerous to mention.
Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Kocher, and Mrs.
Mildred Gdringer spent Monday even-
ing with Mrs. M. Oberst.
Miss Ella Crispell called on Mr. and
Mrs, William Cobleigh of West Dallas
recently, > !
Mrs. Marie Oberst spent Thursday
morning at the home of Mrs. Florence
‘Whipple. ,
Mrs. Daisy Crispell spent Thursday
with Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Oney. Mrs,
Oberst called on Mr. and Mrs. Elwood
Oney Thursday morning.
Mrs. | Florence Whipple and ‘son
Richard spent Thursday afternoon with
Mrs. Marion Kerns at Idetown.
Mrs. Cornelius Smith was ill
week but is better at this writing.
Mrs. Florence Hoppes and niece
Florence Craig called on Mrs. Clara
Smith on Monday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kocher called
on Mr. apd Mrs. George C. Anderson
on Friday evening. Mrs. Anderson has
been sick for some time,
Mrs. Albertina Mayer has returned
home to her daughter Mrs. Ben Cob-
leigh from Wilkes-Barre where. "she
was visiting her brother, Adolph Ell,
for the past few weeks. y ;
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Van Ness of Troy
N. Y., spent the week end with the for-
mer’s parents, Mr.- and Mrs. William
Cobleigh. peg
Mrs. Marie Oberst spent Wednesday
afternoon with Mrs. Edwin Kerns of
Mrs. Amanda Yaple, Mrs.
Oliver and Dick Oliver of Dallas, and
Mrs, Mable Itrich of Pasadena, Cali-
fornia, called on:Mrs. Adda J. Garing-
er and Mrs, Raymond Garinger on
Ethel |
‘Word has been received by relatives
here that Joseph Goble, a former resi-
dent, is very seriously ill at his home
in Wysox.
Mrs. Mollie Gay who is working at
Chase, was home Sunday afternoon to
see her daughter Joan and attended
church here in the evening.
Clarence Smith is laid up with a bad
attack of rheumatism.
A “Farmer's Institute” will be con-
ducted at the Grange , Hall Friday,
March 13th, morning and afternoon.
Speakers are being furnished by the
County Farm Bureau and State Col-
lege, The ladies of the local Grange
will serve dinner at noon. The public
is invited to the sessions of the insti-
Thursday night Miss Helen Ether
will lead the Epworth League Devo-
tional Meeting, This will be followed
by the monthly business and social
Services at the Methodist Episcopal
Churches for Sunday, March 15th: 10
A. M., Church School, Donald Dymond,
Sapt.: 11 A. M., Morning Worship with
sermon by the minister. Dymond Hol-
low; Church School 2 P. M. Preaching
Service at 3 P. M. with sermon by the
A large group of young people from
the churches are planning to attend
the Young People’s Rally at Central
Church, Wilkes-Barre, for the even-
ing to hedr Bishops George Miller and
Juan Gattinoni of South America.
There will also be a group of women
and men attending the meetings plan-
ned for the Wilkes-Barre District for
Monday, March 16th, Bh
One of the special attractions
to be here during the three big
days, is the 4-H Club group of
cattle which won first prize for
the second straight year at the
Pennsylvania Farm Show. ‘You
can see these fine animals all
lined up in Star Stalls during the
party, March 23, 24, 25.
On the first day of the party,
a poultry health expert from the
Dr. Salsbury Company will be
here to answer your questions
and tell you how 'to correct poul-
try troubles.
. A line of dinnerware, Electrical
appliances and cabinet sinks will
interest the ladies, while the men
and boys will’énjoy the sporting
,goods and demonstration of
Driver Electric shop tools.
Remember Mystic ‘DeGar who
gave such a good performance
last year? He will entertain
again this year with a whole bag
full of new tricks, while we will
also have a very good musical
attraction. A tasty lunch will be
‘served at 11 o'clock each day.
.ment. and PAPEC will put on
special demonstrations. The
OLIVER Tractors and, Mowers
‘will be featured, while the Papec
Company will show the- best
Blower and hammer mill made.
Gay-Murray Co.
Mr. and Mrs. D. I. Woolever and
sons Robert and Eugene of Vestal, N.
Y., were the weekend guests of the for-
mer's parents Mr. and Mrs. H. A.
Woolever. :
Mr. and Mrs. Laird Stanton enter-
tained at dinner Friday night, Rev. and
Mrs. Judson Bailey, Wesley Bailey and
Mr, Ace. ]
Mrs. Thomas Morgan has returned to
Parsons after spending sometime with
her niece, Mrs. Glenn Sickler.
Arthur Emmanuel: has returned’ to
Red Jacket, West Virginia after visit-
ing his family here.
: Mr. and Mrs. Chan Sickler of Wyom-
ing «visited the former's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. John Sickler on Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Laird Stanton were
dinner guests of Mrs. Nora Dymond,
Mr. and Mrs. George Ferry visited
relatives at West Pittston on Sunday.
Mr, and Mrs. Glenn. Sickler visited
relatives in Parsons on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Eyet of Tunkhan-
nock were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Les-
lie Dymond on Sunday.
Miss Marie Hay of Carverton was
a recent guest of Miss Roberta Eaton.
Mrs: Belle LaBarr has returned home
after visiting her ‘sister Mrs. William
Slife of Marsh Creek. i by
Mrs. Howard Brace has © returned
home after spending some time with
Mr. and Mrs, Urban. Dymond at Marsh
Creek. . hs
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kline recently
visited Mr, and Mrs. Clyde Sickler at
Wilkes-Barre. ©.
Rev. G. Elson: Ruff, will speak on
“The Opposition Jesus Faces” at the
morning service of St. Paul's Lutheran
The Ladies’ Aid Society of the
Huntsville Methodist Church will meet
next Thursday for an all’ day quilting
party. Dinner ‘will be served at noon.
A box social will be held by the
Jackson Ladies” Aid Society in the
Jackson Methodist ‘Church Tuesday
evening, March 17. Coffee ' will be
served. All ladies are requested to
bring boxes. x p
Mr. and Mrs. George Lloyd and Alon-
zo Bailey, and Mr. and Mrs. ‘Laird
Stanton were, Sunday callers of Mr.
and’ Mrs. Wesley Dymond.
Ladies’ Aid Sociéty Meets
The Ladies’ Aid _Society met for a
covered dish dinner, Wednesday, at
the home of Mrs. H. A. Woolever. They
spent the day quilting. Those present
were: Mildred Snyder, Mrs. Nell Eaton,
Mrs. Freda ‘Perry, Mrs. John Perry,
Mrs, James Smith, Mrs. Wesley Dy-
mond, Mrs. Celia Emmanuel, Mrs.
Eva Brigham, Mrs. Fannie Ferry, Mrs.
Nancy Brace, Mrs. Myrtle Kunkle, Mrs.
Hattie Dymond, and Mrs. Elizabeth
Entertains Society
Missionary Society, Tuesday evening.
Those present were: Mrs. F. A. Sny-
der, Mrs. Leslie Dymond, Mrs, Flor-
ence Agnew, Mrs. Mark Kunkle, Mrs.
Mabel Evans, Mrs. Lawrence * James,
Mrs, William Swartwood, and Mrs. H.
“A. Woolever, :
Mrs. H. A. Woolever entertained the | g
sweminen J
2 2 1 To
Fey, on
5 § 55 AV-8 9)
Where Quality Counts and Your Money Goes Furthest
Derrydale Creamery
Second only to our famous Louella.
2 - TI
12-b Bag 43c
Louella gre Butter 2 » 75¢
The finest Sweet Creamn Butter in America.
: Sel 5
F G G S Slosted dozen 25 C
: Selected ton
Gold Seal oe 4) ? 29c
Gold Seal: 11D dt .
Finest FLOU R " 85¢c
48-1b. bag $1.69
Prim Pastry Flour *: 37c
24-1b. bag 73c
Best Pure :
Vegetable Ibs.
LARD * w= 29c
12¢ Glen Cove
Clam Chowder
18¢ Del Monte or 25C0 Fancy Calif.
J.arge halves or luscious slices in rich syrup.
2 = 27°
ean 0c
Tuna #2 - 35°
Pabst-ett '* fui we 15¢
Milk Bread
Victor Sliced Bread
Quality Breads-Oven Fresh-Large Assortment
_ Gold-N-Sno Cocoanut Layer Cake
Standard Quality, Vine Ripened
big loaf 6¢
each 43c
12 cans mn No. 2%
Tomatoes Zea 3 "2. 90¢
10c .@SCO Tapioca (Pearl or Quick Made) 2 pkgs. 15¢
15¢ Fancy Calif. Evap. Peaches 2 lbs. 25¢
Brer Rabbit Molasses (Green label) 13 1b. can 13¢
10c E-Z Freez 3 pkgs. 25¢ Bovril 2-0z. jar 39%¢
oa ia 2 = |B°
Cocoa z= 2 = 159
Cake Flour
Pep up with Fresh Fruits and Vegetables
Dke. 25¢
No. 1 Yellow es
Onions = 25¢
Fresh Clean [ceberg :
Spinach 1b. S¢|Lettuce 2 hds. 15¢
New Green Cabbage I 3 Ibs. 10c
Extra Large
Juicy Florida
; 2 Qc
These Prices Effsative In Our 8teres
in Dallas And Vielnity
Thelma, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
".| Bennie Winters is seriously ill with
pneumonia in the Nesbitt hosiptal.
Mrs. Gertrude Anderson visited in
Dallas recently.
Mrs. Sadie Rossman visited her son,
Harry Rossman on Sunday.
Mrs. Myra Wolfe is visiting at the
Kyttle home while. Mrs. Kyttle is in
the General Hospital.
Mrs. Harry Rossman visited friends
in Idetown recently. !
Harold Kocher is recovering from
a sprained ankle.
Elmer Allen, John Sutton, and Rus-
sel Hoover were callers in Dunmore
on Wednesday.
A number of people from this place
attended church in Wilkes-Barre on
Friday night.
. Russel Hoover and sons attended the
Rodeo at the armory on Saturday,
Mrs. John Sutton and daughter
Clara, and Mrs, Harry Rossman, and
William Ashburner visited Mrs. Etta
Jackson who is ill on Friday afternoon,
The following’ attended the class
meeting at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Emil Casterline: Betty Sutton, Margery
Casterline, Dorothy Casterline, Doris
Garett, Dorothy Garnett, Ruth Rogers,
Mrs. Corey Evans.
Mrs. Russel Hoover is sick at this
Mrs. Elwood Ferry is spending some
time with Mr. and Mrs. Russel Hoover.
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Crispell had as
‘dinner guests on Sunday, Mr. and
Mrs. Elmer Hoover, Floyd Hoover, Les-
ter Hoover and Roxie Hoover,
Mr. and Mrs. William Sorber enter-
tained on Sunday Mr. Rufus Sorber,
Miss Margaret Bushball and Willard
} Mr. and Mrs. Charles Anderson vi-
|sited Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hoover of
| Ruggles on Sunday. } )
Miss Ethel Cisco of Idetown visited
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Crispell on Wed-
nesday evening,
Mr. and Mrs. John Delkanic, Mr,
William Ashburner, Rev. Lewis Seifert
Miss Grace Hiberling of Dallas spent
Saturday in Scranton,
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Ashburner and
sons Nelson and Robert of Kunkle vi-
sited at the home of Grant Ashburner
on Sunday.
Red Cross Campaign
Wins Strong Support
The campaign for memberships being
conducted by Wyoming Valley Chapter,
American Red Cross in this territory is
receiving enthusiastic support, accord-
ing to volunteer workers, The workers,
their families and friends will report
at a dinner to be held in Sterling Hotel
on Tuesday night.
The Young People’s Bible Study of
the Free Methodist Church was held
last night at the home of Francis
Smith, Carverton Road; Trucksville.
Rev. Lewis Seifert and Mr. Corey
Evans were callers in Wilkes-Barre on
Quarterly meeting will be held at Free
Methodist Church, Outlet, Sunday,
beginning on Friday evening.
Prayer meeting will be held at the
‘home of Mr. and Mrs. Emel Casterline
on Thursday evening.
! Sears. S
features ......'$11.45.
stove; double draft cemtrol,
Copper hot
Sheet metal lining,
Four large floors just bubbling
merchandise. Everything for you
just wait “till you see them!
S ars Blue Flame Oil - Burning
~ Brooder $9.85
$00 capacity, @uy old; 4-in. burner, reinforced canapy, metal
«casing to guard oil container. The 1000 capacity with same
Sears Redi - Heat Coal Burning
ReditEeat coal lrooder 400 capacity! #4 inch canopy, 19 in.
size same as above ........$12.65,
water tank; thermostat control.
burner. With egg tester, thermometer and
egg turner. 130 egg. 260 egg capacity.
Watch your evening and Sunday newspapers for
details of this Super Saving Event!
bargains in fresh, crisp spring and summer
family, home and car. And the prices . . . .
Our Poultry Department (Basement) has everything y
- _brooders, incubators and other needs. Prices are typically lower at
> Corel
Automatically controlled. 1000
Sears Famous “Super - Hatcher”
as .a
economical kerosene fi So
Colored Leg Rings
100 for
Colored celluloid leg
yellow, green, black.
Package of 100.
Grey stoneware.
Glazed. For milk,
in. diameter. 1 gal-
lon capacity.
4 1b, Size
Galvanized steel,
welded wire grill
Easily removable
Prevent wasting. 4 ft.
Chicken F
Heavily galvanized
125 for
he 3x4 size. Heavy
cardboard. Also the
gize at 25 for
“Brown Hen”
Combination ‘of All metal 15 in.
brooder or incu- high, 18 in. dia-
bator. A 11 metal meter. Double in-
hot water heater. sulation. Hot air
Kerosene . purner. heat, kerosene
Thermostat con- burner. Thermo-
trol. ; stat, 50 egg.
ou need in
poi | ge (OE aA
Red, blue,
buttermilk. - 8
fountain. 3 gal.
Can be carried
Egg Cartons :
Months of
planning insure the BIGGEST VALUES in Sears’
A Store Wide Event! Every Department Participates!
over with
rself, your
history! Plan to fill present and future n
ing this big saving event.
eeds dur-