The Dallas post. (Dallas, Pa.) 19??-200?, March 13, 1936, Image 4

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Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Drake, children
Frederick and Ruth of Lehman Avenue,
Dallas, accompanied by Mrs. Pearl
Franklin, Church Street, Xingston,
do bring home their son George, who
. was a patient at the Jefferson Hospital
for the past six weeks,
Mrs. W. M. Williams of Norton Ave-
mue, Dallas, | was hostess to members
of her bridge club at her home Mons
| day evening.
; Judson Bailey, a freshman at Syra-
‘use University, will arrive March 21
40 spend the spring vacation with his
parents, Rev. Mr. and Mrs.
NN. Bailey of Orange.
Miss Bessie Westerman of Trucks-
wille spent the week end at Penn State
Lollege where she attended the Sopho-
more Hop as guest at the Phi Sigma
Kappa fraternity.
“Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Shaver of Lake
Street, Dallas, had as week-end guests
#heir son and daughter-in-law, Dr. and
Mrs. K. L. Shaver of Merchantsyille,
IN. J.
Mrs. Walter Cooke of Shavertown
Jer home today, Friday.
Mrs. Warren Taylor of Trucksville
entertained ‘at a small party at her
home Saturday night in honor of her
~ ‘husband's birthday anniversary.
Jdetown will move into the Robinson
farm house some time this week.
- Mrs. James Casterline was guest of
‘Sonor at a surprise party held at her
‘home at Harvey's Lake recently. The
following guests were present: Mrs.
Tee Weir, Mrs. James Krieger, Mrs.
Margaret Winder, Mrs. Donald Winder,
~ Mrs. George Casterline, Mrs. Ray Mal-
kemes, Mrs. Zelma Agnew, Miss Mary
LCasterline, Mrs. Clarence Smith, Miss
Mary Casterline, Mrs. Edward Evans,
Mrs. Harry Glace, Mrs. Paul Dunn,
Mary Casterline, Mrs. Edward Evans,
Mrs. Harry Glace, Mrs. Paul. Dunn,
Mrs. sGladief and Mrs. George Caster-
Miss Helen Himmler of Take Street,
a party of students and alumni at Col-
Jege Misericordia.
Mrs. Thomas Kepner
and Mrs. Joseph Wallo, Mr. and Mrs.
- Frank Ferry, Mr. and Mrs.
~ Woungblood, Mrs. John Girvan,
. @3race Nicholson, Mrs. George Hoff-
i Mrs. George Ide or Huntsville has
Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Shenk of Phila-
delphia are the guests of Mr, and Mrs.
“Thomas Robinson of Idetown,
Mrs. William Higgins has been ill at
"her home on Pioneer Avenue, Dallas.
Mrs. Ben Galey of Jackson Street,
Pallas, was guest of honor at a sur-
prise birthday . party at her home
“Thursday evening.
Mrs. Robert Bachman of Carverton
~ swwas hostess at a benefit luncheon for
aembers of the Carverten Ladies’ Aid
Society this week.
Miss Grace Heberling of Dallas spent
Saturday in Scranton.
Mrs. Frank Parrish, and Mrs. Rich-
ard Prynn of Carverton, entertained at
a luncheon Wednesday for the benefit
of the Carverton Ladies’ Aid Society.
“There were about 20 guests.
The condition of C. P. Houtelling of
Pallas, who is ill of a heart condition,
is slightly improved.
x Mrs. Frank Rogers of Trucksville
was hostess to members of the Wh-
men’s Missionary Society of the
Trucksville Free Methodist Church
~ Thursday afternoon.
~, Mrs. William Cairl is ill at her
; $ome in Dallas.
‘Mrs. J. H. Hildebrant who has been
‘a patient at the Nesbitt Memorial Hos-
pital for the last couple of weeks has
been removed to her home at Meeker.
Mrs. Margaret Hildebrant of Norton
Avenue, Dallas, is caring for her.
James M. Scott of Camden, N. J.
will spend this week end as guest of
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Lee Scott
. of Center Hill Road, Dallas.
Miss Margaret Casterline of Harvey's
J.ake has taken up her residence with
"her sister, Mrs. Claude F. Lapp at
‘Washington, D. C. where she will enter
: the Western High School as a member
. of the sophomore class.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Boyce of Noxen
entertained at a family dinner on Sun-
day. Guests were: Mr. and Mrs. John
Whipple: and children, John, Richard
and Jane of Dallas; Mr. and Mrs. Wil-
Jiam McKenna and children,
and Audrey of Noxen.
Mrs. Vivian Atkinson of Dallas visit-
Mrs. Mable Itrich of Pasonena Cali-
deave Monday for her home.
afternoon in honor of Mrs. William R.
April 1 to make her home in Vineland,
WN. J. Mrs.
‘his parents next week end.
2nd on a motor trip to Virginia.
time at Ashville, N, C.
a patient at the Nesbitt Memorial Hos-
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob C. Miner of Nox-
party for their son, Lawrence who
celebrated his seventh birthday anni-
Stanley Davies of Parsonage Street,
Dallas, has been confined to his home
with a sprained neck.
James P. Murray and family of Nox-
«n have moved to Dallas.
Mrs. I. J. Blanchard of Hillside is a
patient at General Hospital where she
submitted to an appendicitis operation
Monday afternoon,
motored to Philadelphia on Saturday |
Judson |
wwas hostess at a bridge luncheon ‘at |
"Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Robinson of |
Dallas, was soloist Monday evening at
of DeMunds
Road was hostess at a card party for
dhe benefit of St. Therese’s Church at
. her home Saturday evening. Present
were: Mr. and Mrs. Grant Shaner, Mr.
meister, Father Durkin, Mr. and Mrs.
. “Bennett, Mrs. Michael and Mr. Burchell.
been ill at her home for the last couple
- of weeks.
2d Mrs. Jack Space and Gther relatives
- at Noxen recently.
fornia, who has been the guest of her
mother, Mrs. Amanda Yaple and her
‘sister, Mrs. James Oliver of Dallas, will
Mrs, Wesley Himmler. of Lake Street
Dallas, entertained at a tea yesterday
Simmons*df Wyoming who will leave
) I. H. Morgan of Pierce
#Btret, Kingston poured. There kwere 14
Lee Scott, Jr., of New York City, son
of Mr. and Mrs. H. Lee Scott of Center
Hill Road, Dallas, will be the guest of
Mr. and Mrs. L, V. Lacey of Pioneer
Avenue, Shavertown, spent last week
_ Mrs. L. A. Tompkins and daughter,
' Katherine, of Overbrook Avenue, Dal-
Jas will leave shortly to spend some
Mrs. C. L. Norris of Hillside has been
en entertained Saturday at a birthday
No real Girl Scout ever goes cold or hungry for want of a fire even’ E
in the depths of winter, for she knows just what wood is “best, to
warm her fingers guickly and what will best cook her supper.
or spruce for a. good blaze, oak. or beech for a good broil—that's &
general rule that the Girl Scout finds worth following. ) |
Peter Bertram
: Is 81 Years Old
ns Dallas 'R dent
Suyrou by all the members of
his 1ly save one, his wife who de-
parted this life four years ago, Peter
Bertram of West Dallas, celebrated his
81st birthday with a family dinner at
the home of his daughter, Mrs. Robert
Sutherland at Avoca Wednesday of this
Mr. Bertram was born March 10,
1855 at Plymouth, He was the son of
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Bertram who came
from Germany away back in the days
when it took 41 days and 40 nights to
cross the ocean. He married Adelia
Ransom of Jackson, February 12, 1880
and just 4 years ago they celebrated
their 52nd wedding anniversary. Mrs.
Bertram died June of that same year at
the age of 73. There were three chil-
dren, Mrs. Gertrude Major of Shaver-
town, Mrs. Chrissie Stevens with whom
Mr. Bertram lives and’ Mrs. ‘Robert
Sutherland of Avoca.
Mr. Bertram was a blacksmith by
trade and settled at Lehman Township
right after his marriage. From there
he moved to Dorranceton and worked
in a machine shop until 15 years ago
when he came to West Dallas where he
continued to shoe horses and do a little
He feels that this has been indeed an
old fashioned winter and has thorough-
ly enjoyed shoveling paths to his chick-
en coops. The flock of wild geese that
flew over his farm last Thursday made
him happy because he is sure that they
are trumpeters of spring and he is an-
xious to get at his garden.
_ But with his farm magazines and
papers, his Wilkes-Barre Record and
his weekly copy of the Post, he has
spent many a cozy evening this winter
reading, He was an ardent reader of
the Back Mountain biographies that
ran in the Post this year and said they
seemed like chatting with old friends.
He told his daughter “That Post is
getting to be a wonderful good paper”.
But the Post can’t compete with his
Biple for he pours over it patiently
and earnestly every day of his life.
Those who helped him celebrate his
birthday were Mrs. Gertrude Major and
children Irene and Allison and Mr. and
Mrs. Clifford Ruggles of Shavertown,
Mr. and Mrs. W. Ray Stevens of West
Dallas and Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Sutherland of Avoca.
Miss Jane Coolbaugh of Dallas was
hostess at a birthday party honoring
Miss Jeanne Hayden at her home last
Thursday evening.
Mrs. Thomas Slack of Wiest Chester
Pa., is visiting at the home of her sis-
ter and brother-in-law, Mr, and Mrs.
John*R. Mould of Main Street, Trucks-
| ville.
Miss Ruth Palmer of Carlisle spent
the week end at her home on Orchard
Street, Trucksville,
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Coon of Over-
brook Avenue, Dallas, spent the week-
end in Harrisburg where they were the
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Work,
Mrs. Richard Seymour who has been
a patient at a Philadelphia hospital for
several weeks + has returned to her
home in Fernbrook.
Mr, and Mrs. HA W. Herdman of
Kunkle had as their guest their daugh-
ter, Miss Orma Herdman of New ‘York |
City last week end.
Miss Edith Myers To Wed
Roswell Murray Saturday
The wedding of Misgf Edith Myers,
daughter of Dr. and Mys. Wi. Myers
of Tilbury Knob, Nanfic , and Ros-
well Murray, son of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh
Murray of Pioneer Avenue, Dallas, will
take place at the Myers home Saturday
at noon.
Miss Mildred Myers, sister of the
bride elect, will be bridesmaid and
Glenn Murray of Madison, .N. J., will
act as bridegroom for his brother,
Miss Myers has been assisting her
father in his dental office. Mr. Murray
was graduated from Wiyoming Semin-
ary, Wesleyan University and Dr. Ar-
nold’s School of Physical Education at
New Haven. He is employed at the
Hazard Rope works in Wilkes-Barre.
After a ten day trip to New York
City the couple will reside in a newly
Sera bs SEs
i Th — Nhe EX
furnished apartment in Nanticoke.
Ladies’ Auxiliary
Elects Officers
Henry M. Laing Fire Co.
Gives Birthday Party
For Mrs. Shaver
Election of officers took place at the
covered dish supper held by members
of the Ladies’ Auxiliary ‘of the Dr.
Henry M. Laing Fire Company at the
Suburban Inn Tuesday evening.
President, Mrs. Ralph Eipper; “first
vice-president, Mrs, Clarence Gay; see-
ond vice-president, Mrs, Mable ‘Davis:
secretary, Mrs. R. J. Templin; ‘treasur-
er, Mrs. Robert Allen,
The party was in the form of a ‘birth-
day party for Mrs. Ella Shaver, retir-
ing president of the organization; but
Mrs. Shaver was unable to be present
on account of illness. Ae
Those present were: Mesdames Es-
ther Swainbank, Marie Shaver, Helen
Veitch, Wayne Thompson, Edward
Van Campen, Alice Johnston, Belle
Lauderbaugh, George Snyder; John
Hildebrant, Arthur Newman, William
Cobleigh, Laverne Race, John Frantz,
Catherine Jones, Ralph Eipper, Jean
Kuehn, R. J. ‘Templin, Audrew* Ide,
Goldie Ide, Emma Stookey, Irma” Van
Horn, Frank Harvey, Joseph Wallo,
Grant Shaner, J. R. Rowe, Gertrude
Allen, Mable Davis, Joseph Jewell,
Leonard O’Kane, William Baker, Grace
Kintz, Clarence Gay, Irene Monk; Jane
Case, Zigmund Harmon, Freda Hughey,
William Vivian, Loretta Cooke, Ruth
Cairl, Marion McCarty, Minnie Kunkle,
Julia Kunkle and Frank Barry. :
Township PTA To
Hear W.T. Jenkins
First Grade Students To
Present Japanese
Professor William T. Jenkins will be
the speaker at the Dallas Township
Parent Teacher meeting to be held in
the high school Monday evening. Mr.
Jenkins is a teacher in the Wilkes-
Barre Business College and well fitted
to discuss the opportunities for young
people in the business world: of today
with their parents and teachers.
“A Box of Dolls”, a Japanese opere-
tta, to be presented by members of the
first grade promises to be a cunning
affair. Taking part are: Rafine Hudak,
Elveira Murphy, Betty Whispell, Cath-
erine Shultz, Nancy Truesdale, Alice
Halburt, Daisy Dellas, : Jean Wesley,
Nancy McNelis, Jean Elston, Charles
In addition to the operetta there will
be songs by Daisy Dellas and Bob
Teachers in charge of the program
are Miss Johnson and Miss Cardough.
Mrs. C. L. Roushey Acts
As Hostess To Auxiliary
Mrs. C. L. Roushey was hostess to
members of the Shavertown Branch of
the Nesbitt West Side Auxiliary at her
home in Trucksville Friday afternoon.
A stimulating talk was given by Dr.
Allison . Miller of Kingston and plans
were outlined for a formal dance:and
card party to be held in the Hotel
Sterling, Wednesday, April 22,
Mrs.- Ray Shiber of Center Hill Road
will be hostess at the next meeting
which will be held the first Friday in
F.C. Bowersox To
Address Parents
Well Known Educator And
Book Man To Speak
(F. C. Bowersox, former member of
the House of Representatives, will be
the speaker at the Dallas Borough
Parent Teacher meeting Monday even-
ing at 8 o'clock. Mr. Bowersox is well
known in school circles’ both .as a
speaker at County Institute and a text
book: salesman for Gi and Company.
Students of the sixth§grade will fur-
nish the entertainment and parents of
3rd grade pupils ‘will serve.
Women’s Club
-|members of the Dallas Women’s Club
Hears Nature Talk
‘Rev. C. H. Frick Shows
Intimate Slides Of
Wild Life
Acres and acres of bluets-nests full
of shy young fledglings-cuccoons in
all their stages-bull frogs bloated with
insects-rattlers ready to strike—all
colered ‘slides taken with his own cam-
era, formed the nucleus of a ‘nature
talk given by Rev. C. H. Frick before
at Suburban Inn Wednesday evening.
Rev. Frick, president of the West
Side Flower Show, talked on plant eul-
ture, and bird preservation. He inter-
spersed his informal lecture with ex-
cerpts from Browning's ‘Pippa Passes”,
VanDyke's “Who Will Walk a Mile
With Me?” and other delightful nature
In conjunction with the talk, the
Women’s Club sponsored an indoor
flower show and there were many at-
tractive specimens exhibited. Prize
winners were: Mrs. Paul Kocher, Ma-
chell Avenue, Dallas, first begonia
prize; Mrs. R. L. Brickel, Main Street,
Dallas, first prize for a winter garden
and first for the African violet; Mrs.
George Sawyer, Church Street, Dallas,
second prizes for red cactus and’ red
‘sansevera; Mrs. Fabian Berry, first for
ferns; Mrs. John Wilson, Franklin
Street, Dallas, first for cactus.
Plans for a glee club were discussed
and Miss Beth Love was appointed
chairman of a committee to look into
the matter,
Irish Program To
Be Given March 17
Shavertown Searchlight So-
ciety Plans St. Pat-
rick’s Party
A merry Irish program has been
planned by members of the Searchlight
Foreign Missionary Society of the Sha-
vertown M. E. Church for their St.
Patrick’s Day party to be held in the
church Tuesday evening, March 17.
Irish ditties will be sung by Dorothy
Smith; tap dance and jig, Marjorie
Howell; piano and saxaphone duet,
Rhoda Eddinger and Muriel Hotelling;
reading with Irish dialect, Mildred
Isaacs; violin duet, Beatrice and Ber-
tha Riley; solo, John Dellas of King-
Following the program bingo, direct-
ed by Harry Siegel, will be played and
there will be group singing led by
Mrs. Herbert Ray and Mrs. Ross Wil-
To Repeat “The
Chintz Cottage’
Center Moreland Class
To Give Performance
Again Tonight
By popular demand, the “Chintz Cot-
tage”, a three act mystery farce pre-
sented by the Young Ladies’ Bible
Class of the Center Moreland Church in
Grange Hall last Friday night, will be
repeated tonight, Friday, March 13.
Because of the tremendous crowds at |
the performance last Friday night, not
even standing room was available for
all who wished to see the show, and it
is for those who had to be turned away
that this second performance is being
offered at a reduced price.
Rev. Fedor C. Ether, director of the
play, was presented with a pair of
gray suede gloves after Friday's per-
Members of the cast: Fanny, Helen
Ether; Minty, Evelyn Shook; Grace,
Mrs. Ethel Jackson; Peter, Varian Fel-
ter; Mrs. Dean, Mrs. Bethel Montross;
Miss Tillingtop, Alice Schoonover; Mr.
Kent, Kenneth Besteder.
Club Completes
Program For Tea
Woman’s Club To Be Host-
esses At Swartz Home
Sat. Afternoon
~-°A splendid program for the benefit
tea to be held by members of the Dal-
las Women’s Club at the home of Mrs.
G. K. Swartz, Main Street, Dallas,
Saturday afternoon, March 14, has been
planned by committee members.
Mrs. James Oliver and Mrs. Harold
Titman will sing; Mrs. Stephen John-
son will give a reading; Miss Doris
McCarty, Mrs. Harvey McCarty, Mrs.
Maud Baker, Mrs. J, D, Williams, and
Robert Westover, will play the piano.
Mrs. C. W. Bertels, Mr. K. G. Swartz,
Mrs. Thomas Robinson, Mrs. John Dur-
bin, Mrs. S. R. Schooley and Mrs. Wges-
ley Moore will pour.
Miss Catherine Shindel is chairman
of the affair and has as members of
her committee the following: Mrs, G.
K. Swartz, Mrs. Jessie Moore, Mrs.
Robert Hislop, Mrs. Daniel Richards,
Miss Jean Turner, Mrs, George Stolar-
ick’ and Mrs, Howard W, Risley.
The public is invited. There will be
a silver collection.
|Mrs. J. D. Davenport Speaks .|
To Republican Women
Mrs. John D. Davenport of Plymouth
vice-chairman of the Republican Com-
mittee of Luzerne County, was the
speaker at the meeting of Republican
women held at Girvan’s Hall Tuesday
There were
about thirty women
Mrs. Floyd Sanders
VNA Board Member
Mrs. Floyd ‘Sanders of Pioneer Ave-
nue, Shavertown, was welcomed as a
new member of the board of Wiest
Side Visiting Nurse Association at its
monthly meeting in Kingston on Tues-
“The Chintz Cottage,”
Open to public.
Two Hundred In
Lehman Musicale
Kiddie Band, . High School
Song Group And Other
Features Planned
The annual musicale of Lehman
schools will be held next Friday night,
March 20, in the high school, with
about 200 pupils taking part under the
direction of the faculty and C. S. Per-
The program will include vocal and
instrumental music by students from
the grades and the high school. Pat-
rons who have attended previous musi-
cales will find new.and interesting fea-
tures, in particular the folk dancing in
colorful costume.
The high school band, with the larg-
est membership in the history of the
school, will play and a Hawaiian En-
semble will make its first appearance.
A high school girls’ chorus will sing
“At Eventide”, “Santa Lucia”, and
“Indian Love Call” and will join with
the boys fro the high school in sing-
ing “Mary Hart” and “The Hunting
Song’’. There will bé several harmoni-
ca selections, a Junior High School
girls’ chorus will sing two-part selec-
tions, the’ fifth and eighth grades will
sing two two-part songs and the Kid-
die Band will provide a tuneful back
ground for the Dahish Shoemakers’
Dance to be given by the fourth grade.
A chorus of about 150 children from
the grades between one and six will
sing special numbers. There will be a
small admission. The program will be-
gin at 8.
Pupils of Lillian Rood :
Enjoy Costume Recital
A splendid costume recital was given
by piano pupils of Miss Lillian Rood at
her home on Lehman Avenue, Dallas,
Friday evening. .
On the program were the following:
Richard Oliver, Janice Lacey, Muriel
| Hotelling, Betty Ness, Josephine Nich-
ols, Donald “Bogart, Nancy Ayre, Doro-
thy Smith, Marion Jones, Ralph Ed-
Guests: Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Ed-
dinger, Mrs, Sheldon Jones, Mrs. James
Ayre, Mrs. James Oliver, Mrs. Lulu
Beisel, Miss Gertrude Wilson, Virginia:
Wilson. Mrs. Newton Ness, Miss Wall,
Mrs. Harry Hirlinger and Prentice
Bible Class Pays
Church Pledge
Members Pay $110 To Bud-
get and $50 For
$110 was paid to the church budget
and $50 to the building fund by mem-
bers of the Ladies’ Bible Class of the
Dallas M. E. Church at their meeting
held at the home of Mrs. Charles Par-
rish, Church Street, Dallas, Wednes-
day afternoon.
Each member of the class had plede-
ed herself: to give a benefit luncheon or
tea, or to pay into the treasury one dol-
lar. In addition to this many members
have worked diligently to sell shawls,
quilts, hot pads, pocketbooks, etc., that
they have made themselves so that the
class might pay their pledge.
At Wednesday's meeting, Mrs. Dan-
iel Brown presented to the class a quilt
that she had pieced herself. Members
will do the guilting and sell the quilt.
Present at the meeting were: Mrs.
W. A. Higgins, Mrs.. D. N. Blocksage,
Mrs. Silas Eveland, Mrs. Marvin Scott,
Mrs. Rebecca Monk, Mrs. Daniel
Brown, Mrs. J. L. Ryman, Mrs. Frances
Freeman, Mrs. Peter Gensel, Mrs.
Stanley Doll, and Mrs. Charles Parrish.
Mrs. Willard Wright Is
Hostess Toildetown Class
The Confidence Class of the Ide-
town M. E. Church met Tuesday even-
ing at the home’ of Mrs. Willard
Wrright. Mrs. Kenneth Terry assisted
the hostess. A pleasant ‘evening ‘was
spent with devotions, business, study
classes and games.
Present were: Mesdames Anna Sha-
ver, Zelma Agnew, Beatrice Hadsell,
P. H. Parks, Bess Cooke, Charlotte
Parrish, Lydia Smith, Jean Hadsell,
Laura Johnson, Edna Fritz and P. H.
Rev. J.T. Logan
To Speak Here
To Be At Trucksville Free
Methodist Church
March 19
Reberend J. T. Logan, of McKees-
port, Pa. former editor of thé” “Free
Methodist”, official publication of the
Free Methodist Churches, will speak
at the Free Methodist Church, Thurs-
day evening, March 19,
Rev. Logan has been the evangelist
at the Free Methodist Camp Grounds
near Dallas and is known in this com-
munity as an able speaker. He was the
first pastor to hold Free Methodist
meetings in Trucksyville and years ago
helped dedicate the Trucksville Church.
‘While in Dallas, Rev. Logan will be
a guest at the home of Rev. Gertrude
Women’s Club Tea, home of Mrs. G. K. Swartz, 2-5.
Dallas Borough PTA Meeting, 8:00 P. M.
Dallas Township PTA Meeting, 7:
Oyster Supper, Shavertown Ladies’ Aid.
Center Moreland, Grange Hall.
45 P. M. : .
Born to Mr. and Mrs. George Pem-
bleton of Alderson, a son, “Wednesday,
February 26.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. John Mould
of West Main Street, Trucksville, at
General Hosiptal, on Sunday, March 7,
a son.
Mr. and Mrs. Roward Roushey of
‘Wellsboro, Pa., announce the birth of
twin daughters, February 12, Mr.
Roushey is the son of Mr. and Mrs. W.
C. Roushey of Shavertown.
Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Brobst of Pine-
crest Avenue, Dallas, announce the
birth<of a ten pound boy, Monday,
March 9. This is the fourth son ig, the
Brobst family. Mrs. Brobst was the
former Miss Marion Shaver of Dallas.
Easter Tea Will
‘Be Held April 14
Queen Esther Society
Names Committee
An Easter Tea will be held by mem-
bers of the Queen Esther Society of
the Trucksville M. E. Church, Tuesday
April 14, in the church,
The following committee members
have been appointed: general commit-
tee Betty Palmer, chairman, Margaret
Rhodes, Rebecca Piatt; decorations,
Marjorie Nichols, chairman, Betty
Case, Ellen Gregory; refreshments,
Adria: Jones, chairman, Irmal Baker,
device, Adria ries Jones.
PTA Party Party Will
Transport Guests
Committee Completes Plans
For An Evening Of
' Transportation from the Fernbrook
section for the Dallas Township Par-
ent Teacher party and dance to be
held at Girvan’s Hall, Friday evening,
March 20, will be furnished by Ted
Wilson, Mrs. Harvey Kitchen, presi-
dent of the organization, said this
week. Arrangements for other sections
have not yet been completed.
The committee has made elaborate
plans for the affair and promises lively
music, a good floor show and plenty of
Committee members are: Mrs.
mas Kepner, Miss Beth Love,
Harvey Kitchen, Mrs. Florence Con-
den, Mrs, John Hildebrant, Mrs, Belle
Lauderbaugh and Miss Marie Woel-
Idetown Society
Gathers At Tea
The Ladies’ Aid Society of the Ide-
town M. E. Church met Wednesday af-
ternoon with Mrs. Mable Hoover in
charge. Tea was served by members of
the March division. Hostesses: Mes-
dames Bruce Shaver, Mable Hoover,
Edith Boice, May Ide, Henrietta Keller,
Elsie Rosencrans, Sadie Parks and
Anna Shaver.
Other members present: Mesdames
Helen Smith, Willard Wright, Howard
Crosby, Evelyn Keller, Roxie Hoover,
Zelma Agnew, E. R. Parrish, Raymond
Spencer, Rose Anderson, Mildred
Welsh, Floyd Neeley, A. A. Neeley,
Anna Parks, Martha Miller, Frances
Garinger, Mattie Hadsell; Dales
Wright, and Drew Crosby.
Guests were Rev. Lynn Brown, Mrs.
Roxie Hessler and Miss Adda Garinger.
Queen Esther Society
Holds Supper Meeting
Members of the Queen Esther Socie-
ty of the Trucksville M. E. Church held
a supper meeting at the church Mon-
day evening. Miss Betty Palmer pregi-
dent, was in charge.
Plans were made for a special meet-
ing to be held April 9 previous to the
Candle Light Communion Service.
Mrs. George Reynolds was appointed
delegate for the Wyoming Conference
Foreign Missionary Institute held
Thursday at the> Kingston M. E.
Present at the meeting were: Betty
Case, Susan Palmer, Kathleen ‘Cool-
baugh, Louise Gregory, Marjorie Nich-
ols, Adria Jones, Betty Palmer, Hazle
Hughey, Bertha Jones, Patsy Drew,
Helen Harrison, Ruth Milman, Ruth
Evans, Ellen Gregory, Betty Williams,
Betty Owens, Irmal Baker and Mrs.
George Reynolds.
Ee personal attention to every fs ]
that will relieve the bereaved of needless
‘worry and expense. §