v i § PRING IS ALWAYS a busy time in the rich ru- ral-suburban area sur- rounding Dallas. There are homes and barns to paint, fields to be sowed, automobiles to be put in good shape for the Summer, depleted supply ° shelves to be filled, cot- tages to be improved, hous- es to be cleaned and new equipment to be bought in time for Spring work. Through: March and April a steady stream of dollars flows out of the homes and farms here and into the cash registers of alert, conscientious mer- chants. Each year The Post inau- gurates the period of heaviest buying with its Home and Farm Edition, an issue devoted to timely news, advice and advertis- ing of special interest to the army of buyers and timed to catch the tide of dollars at its height. ~ This year the area about Dallas will have its great- est spending spree in seven years. For one thing, there are more farms and more farm-owners to buy. In one township alone, personal property tripled last year. Farm prices are up. Build- ing is climbing steadily. Least effected of any Luz- erne County communities by the depression, these towns in The Post’s trade area are ahead of ‘their neighbors in the upward trend. Now, more than ‘ever, The Post’s Farm and Home Edition opens the door to Spring sales. A ready-made market, with money to. spend, awaits the advertisers who are ready to ride the tide of incoming profits. Cash in. on the unchallenged sales power of the Farm and Home Edition. The ad- vertising department of The Post will gladly assist you with merchandising counsel. The advice of men with years of advertising experience is yours for the asking. \ On April 10th, The Dallas Post will publish its annual Farm and Home Edition in the interests of the farmers from the vast agricultural region which covers the North and Western half of Luzerne County. OW---IOre than e THE POST opens | Ama - Inthat issue, besides the large vol- ume of editorial matter of interest to these farmers, there will be an un- precedented volume of advertising from firms which will sell thousands of dollars worth of merchandise to | these farmers this spring. | Here is your opportunity, if you have anything to sell a farmer, to get your message to the customers you want. There will be no other method as efficient and as inexpensive.* All advertising copy should be sent in immediately. If you want in- formation about rates, circulation or any help in preparing an adver- tisement, we will provide that assis- . tance gladly, without obligation. | *Insofar as possible, every farmer in this - section will be contacted. A circulation of at least 5,000 is guaranteed for this issue. pR PHONE DALLAS 300 allag Post. ‘More Than A Newspaper, A Community Institution