a SEA weekend. - a SOCIAL Mr. and Mrs, Jesse E. Hoover enter- tained at a double family birthday din- ner at their home in Outlet, Sunday February 16, in honor of the birthdays of Mr. Hoover, who was seventy years old, and his daughter, Mrs. Mildred Wilcox of Lehman, Present: Mr. and Mrs. Jess Hoover, Miss M. Alberta Wil- cox, Donald Kocher, Harold Casterline, of Outlet and Floyd B. Milbrodt, E. Frederick, Howard A. and Russell B. “Wilcox, Mr. and Mrs. Burt Wilcox of Lehman. * * * Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Steelman of ‘Warden Avenue, Trucksville, will en- tertain their supper club at their home Saturday night. ® ® Miss Peggy Shindel of Lake Street, Dallas, was hostess at a coasting party last Sunday. There were about 22 guests, all students at Wyoming Sem- inary. ® © ' Mrs. Albert G. Groblewski, Jr.,, of ‘Wiarden Avenue, Trucksville, was hos- tess to members of her bridge club yes- jo terday afternoon, Wl eo ald ] Miss ‘Louise Schuler of Trucksville, entertained at bridge at her home on Tuesday evening. Wes Miss Ruth Chapman of Endicott, N. Y. was the guest of her sister, Miss Doris Chapman of Zrucksyiile over last Mrs, George Jones. of Idetown tell’ “on the ice last week .and has: heen. con- ‘fined . to. her home ever since. * kk Mr. ‘and Mrs. Truman Stewart have " returned to their home on Main Street Dallas, after spending several weeks at the Ira Button home in Trucksville. So, : Mrs. John Hildebrant of Meeker is a patient at the West Side Nesbitt Mem- orial Hospital where she submitted to an ‘operation Tuesday morning. : * CO John Whipple of Hop Bottom spent the week- end with his family, on Bald- win Street. * VR. = Mrs. Alexander Johnson of Main Street, Dallas, spent Tuesday with her mother, Mrs. W. S. Kunkle at Kunkle, * 8 ® J. B. Scott of Franklin Street, Dallas, underwent his second operation at the General Hospital Tuesday of this week. * ¥ » Mrs. William Baker of Lehman Ave- nue, Dallas, spent Monday with her mother Mrs, G. C. Miller in Plymouth. i * = = Ralph Eipper, Dallas, is ill with a severe cold. “ Sh We Miss Kathryn Shindel of Lake Street, Dallas, will entertain members of the tea committee of the Dallas Women's Club at her home today. Miss Shindel is chairman of the committee. * » ® Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Neely of Dallas celebrated their 49th wedding anniver- sary with a family dinner Saturday. . There were about twelve guests . - ® ® * Harry Harter and Sherman ® Hilde- brant of Hillside have returned from a trip to Florida. nh ETRE) 8 Honoring Rev. and Mrs. ‘Deisher of Noxen, a farewell parfy was held in the parrish hall of the Lutheran Church, Friday evening, Rev. Diesher has been made pastor of a church in Dushore, aE -* - = “Audrey Schmitt who has been a pa- tient at the General Hospital has been removed to her home on Summitt Street, Shavertown, ’ * * * Mr. and Mrs. Howard Ide of Shaver- town entertained at pinochle at their home last Wiednesday evening. * % * ~ Mrs. Leslie Warhola of Dallas has been critically ill of a heart condition. » * * Mrs. Herbert Lohman of Davis Street Mt. Greenwood, was hostess to mem- bers of the St. Therese’s unit of the Council of Catholic Women Thursday evening. &* * * Mrs. Otis Rood, was hostess to mem- bers of the Shavertown Ladies’ Aid Society, Thursday afternoon. 4 * * > Mrs. Alonzo Prutzman of Shaver- town has been removed to her home from Homeopathic Hosiptal. ® ®* = Mrs. Maude Weidner formerly of Luzerne will take up her residence on Pioneer Avenue, Shavertown, some time in March. * * %® ‘Mrs. Ida, Phoenix of Noxen has been the. guest of her daughter, Mrs, Joe Blaine at Courtdale. aR Captain C. N. Booth of Lehman Avenue, Dallas, has recevered from a recent illness. * * * Harry Miller, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Miller, Sr., of East Dallas, who has been critically ill, is recuperating. ® ® * Richard Case, son of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Case of Fernbrook celebrated his ninth birthday with a party last Saturday afternoon. There were twelve guests, &* * & Miss Katherine Roberts of Trucks- ville was the guest this week of Mr. and Mrs, Frederick Roberts of Forty Fort. * * * Mrs. Wilbur Manning of Shrineview entertained at a luncheon at her home Thursday noon. = * * ‘William Lloyd, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Lloyd of Shavertown celebrated his 10th birthday anniversary, Satur- day with a birthday party at his home. There were 10 guests. SKIING NEXT, SAYS KATE SMITH THE DALLAS POST, DALLAS, PA., 53 EE WHILE WE Suvi DALLAS FOLK IN| FLORIDA SWELTER ‘While we point with pride to a flock of noisy crows as premature harbingers of spring, our ‘friends in Florida swel- ter in the shade. Mrs. C. William Bertels, the former Miss Marion Shindel, writes that even the sheerest summer dresses have been consigned to the closet and scanty sun suits are most comfortable, ’ Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Garinger of Al- derson and their deluxe trailer have ar- rived at Miami and’ expect to, spend ten days with Mr. and “Mrs. “Walter Kit- chen, Jr. Just behind the Kitchen’s live Mr, and Mrs. BD. “F.- Thomas, also of Alderson. Tuesday” they- all enjoyed an old fashioned reunion. swimming party while they ¥njctered, at our ten foot snow drifts, Foi From Miami, the ‘Gufingers will tra- vel lazily southward to Tampa. : ri Riith Finney Is Wed To’ Captain Corey: ‘Patton The marriage of MissfRuth A. Fin- ney, daughter of Mrs. W. Finney of Holly Street, Trucksville, and Captain Corey E. Patton, sonf of Mrs. Robert Patton, of 51 Divisionf Street, Kingston, took place Friday e SF 7 o'clock in the parsonage © ‘Wyoming Avenue Christian iy Forty Fort. Rev. C. H. Frick performed the cere- mony. ' Miss Madge Finney, sister of the bride acted as bridesmaid and Freder- ick Finney, nephew of the bride, served as best man. The bride was attired in a soft blue crepe dress with hat to match, Miss Finney chose gray for her gown and gray accessories. Mrs, Patton is a graduate of the Kingston Township High School and has been employed as- record librarian at the Wilkes-Barre General Hosiptal. Mr. Patton is purchasing agent for of the and is communication ° officer 109th F. A. Atter a two week's trip to Miami, the couple will reside at 51 Division Street, Kingston. ——— OLIVER-McHOSE : Mr. and Mrs. James Olj Lake street, Dallas, announce th iage of their daughter, Miss Madge A. Oli- ver to Calvin McHose, 23 Norton ave- nue, Dallas, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. McHose of Hazleton, which took place February 19 in First Reformed Church, Berwick. The Pastor, Rev. E, S. Van- debeer, former classmate of the bride- groom at Franklin and Marshall Col- lege, performed the ceremony. There were no attendants. The bride wore an ensemble of grey English tweed with a matching grey hat and a corsage of gardenias. The bride is a graduate of Dallas High School and Wyoming Seminary. Since graduation she has been a mem- ber of the offie force of the Kingston Coal Company. ° Mr. McHose is supervisor of the ed- ucational and recreational program of the Works Progress Administration in Luzerne County. He was formerly su- pervising principal of the Dallas Bor- ough and Lake Township school dis- tricts. He is a graduate of Hazleton High School and received a degree of bachelor of science in economics from Franklin and Marshall College. After the ceremony the couple left on a wedding trip to Atlantic City. They will reside in Dallas. ee eR ns er, KAFFEE KLATCH PROGRAM A boxing bout by two six year old boys, proved te be the most popular number at the Kaffee Klatch conduct- ed by members of St. Therese’s Church Tuesday evening. Joe Tondora and Francis Barry, supplied with trainers and the professional number of towels were a riot. Other numbers on the program were: an acrobatic dance, Ruth Spiel; song and dance numbers by Mary Jones, Leitha Fish, Thelma Williams, Rita Coach and Wilma Metol; novelty music number on wash board and bones by Tom “Bones” Griffiths; solos by Helen Yeager and Herman Kern, accompan- ied by Agnes Miller. Herman Kern made master of ceremonies. Kingston Township PTA Will Resume Activity an ingenious The Kingston Township Parent Teacher Association will meet Mon- day evening, March 2 in the High School auditorium. Professor Daniel J. Gage A. M. of the Bucknell Junior College will be the principal speaker of the evening. Music will be furnished by members of the high school orchestra and a short talk per- taining to the object and aims of the association, will be given by Professor J. A. Martin, supervising pricipal. The above program will be followed by a short business session. the Wilkes-Barre Railway corporation |. : Eyery Thursday night, after Kate Smith pushes the moon over the mountain again for her vast radio audiences, she catches a train (which is always delayed ten minutes for her) and goes to Lake Placid. She start- ed going there four years ago on recommendation of her physician and . now spends most of the winter there. Skating and bob sledding age her fav- orite. winter sports, but she promises to master the intricacies of skiing before the winter is over. Last Saturday she was honorary judge at the : Adirondack Bob Sled Club's annual intra- club race. Committee Women | Hold Card Party ‘Mrs. Porter Is Hostess ‘At Benefit Scout i Party al A Benefit bridge Party was conduct- ed by the committee women of Troop: 9 Girl Scouts, Tuesday afternoon at the Avenue, Shavertown. Committee women in charge were: Mrs. S. R: ‘Schooley, Mrs. Martin Por- ter, Mrs, Ziba. Howell, Mrs. Haydn Wil- liams, Mrs; Albert Krackenfels,. Mrs. Délbert McGuire and Mrs. William Geyer. ? iy Present: Mrs. George Prater, ‘Mrs. Howard Appleton, Mrs. James Martin Mrs. Russell Engle, Mrs. Daniel Shaver, Mrs. Walter Cooke; Mrs. Frank Garris, Mrs. William Hughes, Mrs. Howard Ide, Mrs. Pete Malkemes, Mrs. Stanley: ‘Shewan, Mrs. Sherman Warden, Mrs; Guy Downer, Mrs. David Evans, Mrs. Herbert Ray, Mrs. Lester Gallup and Mrs. Ruth Houser. Esther Rodgers Returns To Teach At College Miss Esther Rodgers, three years ago a member of the faculty of College Misericordia, has returned to take the place of Miss Harriet Neufeld as in- structor of music in the College and the Dallas Borough Schoofs. Miss Rodgers is a graduate of the Frich School at Pittsburgh University and has been engaged for the past two years as supervisor of music in the public schools of Vandergrift, Penn- sylvania. Pantomime Is Feature At Fast Nacht Service ’ A'splendid pantomine was presented by members of the Ladies” Auxiliary of’ the St. Paul’s Lutheran Church at their! Fastnacht service Tuesday evening. Mrs.’ Walter Gerlach was reader’ for the skit and the following were mem- bers of the cast: Mrs. Charles Dressel, Mrs. George Hunt, Mrs. James Harf- man, Mrs. K. G. Laycock, Mrs. John Garrahan, Mrs. Willard Lozo, Mrs. Howard Lozo, Mrs. John Eek, Mrs. Catherine Lemke, Miss Mary Boldt, Mrs. Christine Milkemes and Mrs. By- ron Kitchen. Others on the program were: Mrs. Harold Rood, vocalist; Miss Lillian Rood, pianist: the Shaver sisters, readers; the Laycock sisters, singers. King’s Daughters To Present Comedy “Chintz Cottage” Furnishes Amusing Situations And Characters The King’s Daughters of the Shaver- town M. E. Church will present “The Chintz Cottage”, a 3-act comedy by Beulah King, in the church, Wednes- nesday evening, March 4, at § o'clock. The characters are as follows: Minty, a young lady in London society, seek- ing peace and quiet in the country, El- gie Prutzman; Minty’s maid who takes liberties that create amusing sit- uations, Barbara Downer; Aggie, Min- ty’s aunt, an efficient and overbearing woman, Eleanor Cortright; Peter, a poet who meets with, an accident and falls in ‘love, Earl Schall; Grace, Peter's sister, sweet and romantic, Jen- nie Stark; Mr. Kent, an absent-minded old man, keen on murder stories and golf, Russel Hawke; Mrs. Dean, Mr. Kent's sister-in-law and a helpless housekeeper, Mrs. Russell Hawke. Rev, Fred M. Sellers is directing the play. Represent Women’s Club At Conference Four Local Delegates To Attend Meeting Of Valley Clubs Miss Beth Love, Mrs. Thomas Robin- son, Miss TLettie Lee and Mrs. John Durbin will represent the Dallas Wo- ior Women’s clubs to be held in the Wyoming Valley Women’s Club tomor- row morning, Saturday, February 29, at 10:30. Mrs. Walter A. Price, president of the Wyoming Valley Women’s Club will have charge of the meeting which has been called to organize a Junior Fed- eration. Reservations have been made “ |in the past. | Borough Sols ‘(day evening, March 12th’ at home of Mrs. Martin Porter on Shaver -" men’s Club at the conference of Jun- | FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1936. Women’s Club To “Hold Benefit Tea Miss Catherine Shindel Names Committee Members A St. Patrick’s Day Tea will be held by members of the Dallas Women’s Club at the home of Mrs. George K. Swartz, Main Street, Dallas, Saturday, March 14 from 2 to 5 o'clock. Pe Miss Catherine Shindel, chairman, has named the following members of her committee:~-Mrs. G. K. Swartz and Mrs. Jessie Moore, program; Mrs. Ro- bert Hislop, Jr., Mrs. Daniel Richards, Miss Jean Turner, refreshments; Mrs. Howard W. Risley, publicity. The Dallas Women’s Club is a ser- vice organization that has brought cre- dit to the community, It has furnished food and clothing to the unfortunate in times of stress: It has brought to the Back Mountain District speakers of national reputation, It has organized social affairs and projects that have promoted community,.spirit. This is the first of a series of affairs planned to raise the money it needs to serve ‘the community in the fire as it has Plan Entertainment Student Programs To Be Staged, Byeningo of March 12 iy Srrantin: program will be! Heiven by | the. Dallas Borough :Schoolé!on’ Thurs- 200-1: M.. Preliminary music will’ bé “furnighed by Mr. Hallock and. the Dallas Band. The: elnoriziiinout is s divider grades 9-10, “The Laftalot—A mi 5- . Committeés—Operetti ‘Miss Gardner, Miss. Mack; +i and Mrs. Colwell-Chairman. Mae id Play: Miss : Emmert. asMiss. Dye mond. Minstrel: Miss, Anderso oy ler and Mr. Rood, cha irpias Stage Mer. * Sophomores. ‘Make up: Mer. Miss Hill assisted by Juniors, 1 ' Business Mgr.: Mr. Dall assisted by Seniors. Miss Rodgers, music Fupervisor of Misericordia College is" gstsiing with the vocal music. '" The proceeds will’ 20 fo; the. Athletic Fund. 75 Coup les ples Attend Local Dinner Dance Affair About 75 couples’ Attended the an- nual dinner dance of the Dr. Heary M. Laing Fire Company at the Irem Temple Country Club last night. A splendid program had been arrang- ed by the committee. Peter Clark made a lively toastmaster and. Vincent Shin- dél “a ‘vigorous songléader. Song and dance numbers were furnished by Aud- {rey ‘O’Kane and Lola Pittman. Several impromptu speeches’ added zest to the evening: Wiarhola’s orchestra provided music for the affair. ; The committee in charge had the fol- lowing members: Clyde Lapp, general chairman, assisted by Russell Case, A. C. Woolbert, John Isaacs, Charles Rie- gle, Ray Moore, Timothy LaBar, James F. Besecker, Dr. G. K. Swartz, William Baker and Vincent ‘Shindel. Seven College Seniors Teach In Local Schools Among the forty seniors of College Misericordia who are engaged in doing practice teaching throughout the Wyoming Valley are eight who have been placed in local schools: Dallas Borough, Misses Catherine Finley, Jayne Jordon, Beatrice McCarthy and Mary Sherlock; Kingston Township, Misses Elizabeth Culbert, Emily Lewis, and Jessica Thomas. In Pennsylvania it is necessary for college graduates to have several week's experience in actmal class room teaching, under the direction of master teachers, before they are qualified to hold regular class room positions, Keller Class To Hold Washington Tea Today The following committee members will be in charge of the Martha Wash- ington Tea to be held today in “the Shavertown M, E. Church by members of the Keller Class: Mrs. Edward ‘Whitby, chairlady; Mrs. Lewis Jones, Mrs. Howard Appleton, Mrs. Walter Cooke, Mrs. Frank Garris, Mrs. Howard Ide, Mrs. S. R. Schooley and Mrs. Guy Downer. 8 Program: vocal solos, Mrs. John Dal- las of Kingston and Mrs. Jessie Hislop Moore of Dallas; Mrs. Harry Eckart, Mrs. Lillian: Weidner, ..and Clarence Eckart, vocal trio; whistling duet, Mrs. Lillian, Weidner and Mrs. Harry Eck- art; readings, Mrs. Stephen Johnson. ee rr TO HOLD LUNCHEON Members of the Ladies’ Aid Society of the Alderson M. E. Church will hold a covered dish luncheon at the home of Mrs. Remmel LaBar Thursday af- ternoon, March 5. } You have read 4 the good news; Teeth may be drilled now without Hurt. DR. KAUFMAN for delegates froin all the Junior Wo- men’s Clubs of the vallay. Members Of Henry M, ‘Laing. Fire Co. Sponsor. la oF x PAGE THREE SUNDAY, MONDAY, CALENDAR FOR THE WEEK FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 28 Martha Washington Tea, Shavertown M. E., 8:00 P. M. Sacred Music Service, Trucksville M. E., 7:30 P. M. Kingston Township P. T. A., High School, 8:00 P. M. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 4 “The Chintz Cottage”, Shavertown M. E., 8:00 P. M. MARCH 1 MARCH 2 PTA To Hold Card Party And Dance Committee Members Are Appointed To Plan The Affair Plans for a bingo-card party, and dance to ‘be held at Girvan’s Inn, Fri-| day evening, March 20, were outlined at the Kingston Township Parent ‘| Teacher ‘meeting Monday evening. Mrs. John Hildebrant was made chairman of the affair and will be as- sisted by the following committee members: Mrs. Florence Conden, Miss Beth Love and Miss Marie Woolbert. Samples of china were exhibited at the meeting and voted upon. A simple flowered pattern was chosen and one hundred pieces ordered. Selection of: a silver pattern was “postponed until a Tater: meeting. Mrs. Belle Lauderbaugh, vice-presi- dent, presided in the absence of Mrs. Harvey Kitchen, who is ill. Attormey {A. L. Turner was the speaker of the |evening. trl) irene fruokaviiic Church To Have Musical Service A Svico of sacred music will be of: Mrs. B. Aubrey Ayre, church or- ganist, at the Sunday evening service March 1 Accompanying ‘the choir will be Bob- |by Collett of Wilkes-Barre, trumpeter, 'son..of W. A. Collett, organist of the Dallas M. E. Church, and Carlton Lake, boy soprano of Kingston. - Miss Doris Chapman, Mrs. J. Rol- land Crompton, and Miss Roxie Smith will sing two Bach chorals; the men’s chorus will give “Lo, God Is Here”; offertory choral, “Jesu, Friend of Sin- ners” by Grieg; “Hour of Rest” by a quartet madé up of Mrs, J. Rolland Crompton, Miss Roxie Smith, Fred Finney and Ray Gemmel. The offering from these sacred music services is used for future musical programs. Rev. Gertrude Ross To Speak Tonight Trucksville M. E. Church Has World Week Of Prayer Program Rev. Gertrude Ross, pastor of the Free Methodist Churches of Dallas and Trucksville, will be the speaker at the World Week of Prayer program being conducted .at the Trucksville M. KE. Church this evening from 7:30 to 8:30. This program has been organized in co-operation with Christian Churches all over the world who have set aside this week for special services. The Trucksville program is in charge of the missionary societies and in- cludes a demonstration by every or- ganization in the church. It is as fol- lows: selections by the junior and sexn- ior choirs: Queen Esther demonstra- tion in costume; solo, Miss Roxie Smith, representing the Y. W. M. S.; responsive reading, Mrs. Cedric Grif- fiths; responsive reading, Miss Julia Montanye; Rev. J. Rolland Crompton, reading, “The Christ of the Andes”. Qe fn TO ATTEND MEETING Rev. G. Elson Ruff, pastor of the St. Paul’s Lutheran Church will attend a meeting of the National Religious Pub- licity Council in New York City this week end. Rev. Ruff who has had considerable experience ‘writing for metropolitan newspapers is an able representative for his community. Valentine Party Follows J. A. B. Business Meeting 0 Members of the J. A. B. Class of the Dallas M. E. Church entertained their husbands at a valentine party in the church social rooms Friday evening. Games were under direction of Mrs. Arthur Dungey, Mrs, David Evans and Mrs. Krauss. In charge of refreshments were Mrs. R. Whipp, Mrs. Belle Lauderbaugh, Mrs. Frank Harvey, Miss Elizabeth Breckenridge, Mrs. Ray Knecht, Mrs. Walter Davis, Mrs. Robert Allen and Mrs. Leon Kintz. The business meeting which preceed- ed the party was in charge of Mrs. Baker, president. Reports were made on the recent concert and the soup sales. Mrs. William. Niemeyer, Mrs. John Whipple and Mrs, Rae Wiest- over were appointed members of a nominating committee to prepare a slate for the March election. pathetic, persona] attegiionto every oi y in St. Just Sie) Rinaes ask Vis Barry, that will relieve the bereaved of needless Hours 9 to Practicing Here 35th Year Worry aad e500 : SHAVERTOWN.. DALLAS OR18 2 rh oy presented by the_choir of the Trucks-. {wille ME. Church under the direction BIRTHS Mr. and Mrs. Harry Siglin of Noxen, announce the birth of a daughter, Feb- ruary 21. a Born to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Harter ] of Williamsport, ‘formerly of Noxen, a son, February 14. “Born to Mr. and Mrs. Francis Layaou of Shavertown a son at their home Monday, Februory 24, Sample These Spot- Light Specialties A SPARKLING IDEA! Plum pudding in a blaze of glory is nothing new, but the young “smarties” at Smith College, prominent Easterm school, served theirs bedazzled with Fourth- of-July sparklers! Atop each serving of fruit pudding a sparkler sizzled its merry way-—what an idea for your next party- Make your fruit pudding the “bright way” too; just use the same Dixie fruit cake mixture, that needs but an egg, liquid and a little oven-time to turn into fruit cake. Serve it hot, in slices, for pudding, with & dash of sauce and a lighted sparkler. SHORTCUTS FOR SUPPER A cornbread chortcake is the. 1936 shortcut to impromptu Sunday night entertainment. Just bake your favorite cornbread, split while hot, butter, and put creamed left-over ham or other left-over meat (chopped), between layers, Serve with broiled bananas to “fill\’em up”, pep ’em up, and dress up nN the meal! The luscious banana garnish is simple and quick to do: Peel firm, partially ripe or yellowripe bananas, brush with butter, sprinkle lightly with < salt, place on rack of broiler or in pan, and broil 5 to 6 minutes, or until tender and brown. Serve hot. SWEET KITCHENS! The latest “sweet kitchens” have nothing to do with gingham curtains and bright new gadgets, except as a setting for the winter sport of candy making! The younger generation has cast its vote for taffy pulls, fudge mak. ing, and peanut brittle, and leading the “poll” is a nut brittle. Make it like this: Nut Brittle: Put 2 cups granulat- ed sugar and 1 cup brown sugar, 3 cup white karo and 3% cup water into saucepan and cook, stirring until sugar is dissolved. Continue cooking, without stirring until temperature of 300 de- grees fahrenheit is reached, or it is brittle in cold water. Remove from fire, add % teaspoon salt, % teaspoon soda and ¥% cup butter and stir only enough to mix well. Add 1% cups nut meats and pour in thin sheet at once on oiled slab or on oiled inverted pans or bak ing sheets.- Do not scrape saucep Smooth out with spatula. —— TO NAME COMMITTEEMEN The only local offices to be filled in the April Presidential primary will be those of the county committee. : —— —— ~~ @ HOLD CONFERENCE The fourth quarterly conference was held at the Idetown M. E. Church, Wednesday afternoon. Rev.. George M. Bell was in charge. : BR ee aso a IS REGISTERED NURSE X Miss Edna Billings, daughter of MT. and Mrs. Whalter Billings of Harris Hi Road, Trucksville, has been notified that she has passed the State Board examinations for registered nurses. Miss Billings was graduated from the Kingston Township High School and the Nesbitt Memorial Hospital. Mrs. Edward Quinn Made Youth Council Adviser Mrs. Edward Quinn of Trucksville is the newly appointed adviser for the Trucksville branch of the Youth Coun- cil of St. Therese’s Church. At a recent meeting of the Council of Catholic Women held at the home of Mrs. Herbert Lohman; Mt. Green- wood, leaders of the various local branches made reports of the progress of their divisions. © Leaders: Mrs. Francis Ferry, Dal- las: Miss Lucille O’Konsky, Bunker Hill; Miss Lyman Williams, Alderson; Miss Florence Rave, West Shavertow=n; Mrs. James McHale, Trucksville; Mrs. James Gallagher, East Shavertown. 3 o RA Pictures Pull Almostwithoutexception, we strongly recommend the use of pictures as an attention value medium onall pieces ofj jobprinting. To help you get the right pictures for your printing isa part of our printing service. We always have plenty of cuts on hand from which you ma pick the ones you a The Dalla Post. Dallas 300