~ PAGE FOUR | Social afternoon at the home of Miss Jackson 1 : Valentine and airplane motifs were HoRorlne Miss Ada Garinger, bride-elect, Mrs. Harvey Kitchen, Miss Ruth ~ Jackson and Miss Adelaide Housch entertained at a variety shower Saturday, in Alderson. J used for table and house decorations. | Miss Garinger received many attrac- sive gifts, delivered to her in a huge airplane. ~The following attended: Misses Paul- ine Davis, Virginia Allen, Mildred De- wens, Elsie Garinger, Ada Garinger, Adelaide Housch, Ruth Jackson, and Mrs, Harold Payne,” Mrs. Benjamin Rood, Mrs. Raymond Garinger, Mrs. -dris Stine, Mrs. Jimmy Garey, Mrs. sElarvey Kitchen and Mrs. Frank Jack- Rev. and Moe Pred: M. Sellers of Shavertown left yesterday for a short stay in New York City. 4 » * 0» Lois Kiefer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kiefer of Shrineview has been spending several weeks with her grandmother, Mrs. James McGinley of Scott Street, Wilkes-Barre. *» * = Rev. and Mrs. G. Elston Ruff of Main Avenue, Shavertown, spent the fore part of the week in Philadelphia and Harrisburg. >» Mrs. Harvey Kitchen of Alderson has been confined to her home with a very severe cold. Z * Rev. and Mrs. Mehoopany have been guests at the - home of their son and daughter-in-law Rev. J. Rolland Crompton, in Trucks- ~ wille. Rev. and Mrs. J. Rolland Crom- pton returned Tuesday from Washing- ton, D. C., where they celebrated their fifteenth wedding anniversary. + 3 #* Mrs. Giles Comstock, Mrs. Jade ~ Rosengrant and Mrs. Guy Scouten were hostesses to the members of the ~~ Ladies’ Aid Society of the Alderson M. ¥B. Church at the home of Mrs. Com- stock yesterday afternoon.: ay * * Bernard Rogers, son of Mr, and Mrs. Albert Rogers of Alderson, who has been ill with pneumonia, is much im- _ Proved. * 3 5 * * * Mrs. Ira Button of Shavertown re- turned Friday from Philadelphia where she has been spending the last couple ~ of weeks. * * * Mr. and Mrs. Allan Sanford of Dallas entertained at a coasting party last | Thursday evening. ; * » Mrs. Andy Thomas of Noxen has been ill with the grip. . Mrs. Herbert Lundy ' and infant daughter have returned to their home on Pioneer Avenue, Dallas, after being patients at the. Neshitt. Memorial Foz i) : ¥ + x #® Mrs. Heber Bellas has been ill at her ‘home in Beaumont. © Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Creter of Dallas entertained at a coasting par- ty last Thursday evening. : CE Miss Mary Jackson of Beaumont has enrolled as a student at the Mansfield State Teacher's College. Mrs. Elizabeth Layaou of Fernbrook was hostess to her club last Wednes- day evening. 3 * * * Kenneth Cobleigh of Shavertown is in Hazleton where he is engaged in hauling coal for the Truburn Coal Company. ! » » » John Durbin who has been a patient ‘at the Nesbitt Memorial Hospital has been removed to his home on Franklin Street, Dallas. Mrs. Stanley Frederick of Fernbrook J. R. Crompton of | Bi 8 Woman's Goal Is “Forever Young,” Says Authoress. The one thing most women want out of life is to stay forever young. That's according to a statement just made by Elaine Sterne Carring- ton, world-famous novelist and magazine writer. For twenty years women have been writing her letters —she has received thousands of them. And from a study of these letters she- has received, Mrs. Car- rington says: “The one thing that the greatest number of women “want is to stay forever young.” Thus she tops her list of ten things women want most with “Forever « Young.” Second on her list is “to keep my romance unending.” Third deals with women’s desire to attain beauty or to retain their beauty if they have it. Fourth is their wish for health. Women, she also finds, would sooner be charming than intelligent, for, she says, the study of her fan mail from thousands of women shows that the desire for charm rates fifth and for brains ninth. Sixth in ‘ranking comes the wish for children. . Seventh is the wish that “I may always ‘appear © well-groomed and have a smart personal appearance.” Eighth is “an attractive home al- ways,” and tenth, and last on her list, is “financial security.” “Not,” says Mrs. Carrington, “that any woman is not greatly interested in financial security, but that she seems to feel that with the other possessions, she will manage some- how to have that.” > But the list is headed by “forever young.” Mrs. Ray Price And Mrs. In honor of Mrs. Ray Price and Mrs. liam Pulkonis, recent brides, the King’s Daughters of the Shavertown M. E. Church eatertained at a bride's party at Schworm’s Tea Room, King- ston, Monday evening. Attractive gifts were presented to the guests of honor. ¥ = Mrs. Burke Hammond who has been the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. ~ William Chappel of Shavertown, has! returned to her home in Atlantic City. ~~ Mr. and . James Lloyd enater- 4ained members of the Bide-A-Wee Club and their husbands at their home in Fernbrook Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Newell of Noxen are spending some time in Florida. Mrs. Alonzo Prutzman of Shaver- town is a patient at the Homeopathiq Hospital. Present: Elgie Prutzman, Mrs. Rus- sell Schall, Mrs. Malcolm Borthwick, Mrs. Russell Hawke, Mrs. F. M. Sellers, | Miss Eleanor Cortright, Miss Lillian Scovell, Miss Lillian Belford, Miss Edythe Griffith. Miss Frances Thomas Miss Grace Ferrell, Miss Barbara Downer, Miss Ruth Hoffman, Miss |Mary Keeler, Mrs. Ray Price, Mrs. William Pulkonis, Miss Jennie Stark, Miss Esther Cortright, Miss Edna Cease, Miss Jeanne Davis. Fast Nacht To Close Pre-Lenten Activities Ladies’ Aid Society of the St. Paul's x. ® * » Mr. and Mrs. James Crispell of Noxen have as their guests their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Steinruck of Vestal, N. Y. Mrs. Irving Roe of Dallas entertained over the week-end her son and daugh- ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Irving Roe, Jr., of Lancaster. * * * Ross Lapp, son of Mr. + Clyde Lapp of Dallas, has and Mrs. been re- pital where he submitted to an appen- dictis operation. » » Jim Oliver, who has been confined to his home. with an infected foot, is able to be about again. = * = . Arthur Jones Sr., of Noxen has been ill of a heart attack. * * * Miss Evelyn Ryman of East Dallas rest of the winter. . * * » Mrs. Albert Brace of Center More- land is seriously ill. Her daughter, Mrs. Glen Major of Scranton, has been #aking care of her. : * * # Misses Betty Weid and Betty Nei- meyer are attending the Girl Reserve Conference at a Rding tig weekend. Philip Bennis, son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bennis of East Dallas, was in- jured in a coasting accident on Sunday He was taken to Nesbitt Memorial Hospital for observation. + & Mr. and Mrs. Clifford - Ide enter- tained Mr. and Mrs, Walter Brown last Sunday. = x x Mrs. Mabel Itrich of Pasadena, Cal, and her mother, Mrs. M. I. Yaple of Pallas, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Wilcox of Lake Street last Sun- day. moved to his home from General Hos- | Bas gone to New York City for the, {Lutheran Church will hold their Fast | Nacht Social in the church Tuesday | evening. There will be a program and [raised doughnuts will be sold. This so- | cial marks the end of all social pro- | grams and meetings of the church un- til after Lent. — Miss Marion Remley of Shavertown was hostess to a number of friends at her home Friday evening. Mrs. Ward Siegal of Summit Street !Shavertown, reentered General Hospi- tal yesterday to receive treatment for injuries received in an automobile ac- cident last fall. . . = = Fred Eck and Willard Garey of Sha- vertown left today by motor for Flori- da. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Whipp of Sha- vertown are entertaining Mrs. T. M. Major of Tunkhannock. * * * Miss Louise Tremayne of Shaver- town who receatly recovered from a serious illness was guest of honor at a party at her home Friday afternoon. Miss Frances Dorrance of Huntsville spent several days this week in Phila- delphia where she attended a Geologi- cal Society meeting. * * » Mr. and Mrs. C. L, Albert of Pioneer Avenue, Dallas, left this week for St. Petersburg where they will remain un- til March 1. * * * Mrs. 'W. T. Austin of Beaumont is spending some time as guest of Mrs. William Filmore in West Pittston. * * x Mrs. John Walsh of Trucksville is a patient at the Nesbitt Hospital where she recently Sphmitied 10 an operation. * Mrs. Nelson Whipp of Church Street, Dallas has as her guest her sister, Mrs. THE DAs POST, DALLAS, PA. Woman’ S Club Hears | Wm. Pulkonis Honored | Jean McMeekin Talk Katherine Shindel Made | Chairman Of Tea : Committee + | Tracing the history of American liv- ing room furniture from its crude be- ginnings through the fine old Colonial masterpieces, the delicately fashioned French reproductions, to the sturdy pieces of the present, Miss Jean Mec- Meekin, interior decorating expert from the Boston Store, gave a very en- = FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1936. Noxen M. E. Roast Beef Supper, Dallas Township P. T. A. 7:45. WEDNESDAY, lightening talk before members of the Dallas Women’s Club at their supper meeting held in the Suburban Inn Wednesday evening. Miss. McMeekin | discussed various furniture arrange- ments and color effects appropriate to each period. Miss Katherine Shindel was ap- pointed chairman of a tea which is to be held by club members some time in March, Plans were made to send four delegates to the meeting of the Junior Clubwomen held in the Wyoming Val- ley Women’s Club House February 29. Mrs. Leonard O'Kane sang several selections. It was announced that the March meeting would be an open meeting with garden discussion and colored slides of indoor plants. Present: Mrs. Ross Lewin, Mrs. John Yaple, Mrs. Milford Shaver, Mrs. Sher- . man R. Schooley, Mrs. Thomas Robin- son, Miss Jane McMeekin, Mrs. Karl | Kuehn, Mrs, Robert M. Bodycomb, Mrs. Robert Baker, Mrs. E. R. Lazarus, Mrs. George Stolarick, Miss Betty Cole, Miss Josephine Stem, Mrs. Stanley L. Moore | Mrs. Wiesley Moore, Mrs. Thomas | Moore, Miss Katherine Shindel, Made- line S. Wagner, Peggy Dunn, Mrs. Stel- la Hughey, Mrs. Daniel Richards, Mrs. Bobert Hislop, Jr., Miss Marie Wool- bert, Miss Beth Tove Mrs. Charles | W. Lee, and Mrs. Leonard O'Kane. | Friendship Class Holds | Valentine Day Party | A valentine party was enjoyed by | members of the Friendship Class of | the Trucksville M. E. Church ia the | church parlors Tuesday evening. Hearts | were effectively used to make a cheer- | ‘| ful and timely setting. oid Members of the committee in charge were: decorations, Miss Blanche Ather- | holt, Mrs. Bruce Coleman, Mrs. John | Blanford, Mrs. Fred Cease and Miss Emily Fisher; games, Miss Thelma | Bulford, Miss Betty DeBolt and Mrs. Harold Croom; decorations, Mrs. Rus- sell Weaver, Mrs. Charles Perkins, Mrs. Cedric Griffith and Mrs. Charlotte | Parsons. | Present: Mr. and Mrs. Cedric Griffith Mr. and Mrs. Lansford Norris, Mr, and Mrs. John Blanford, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Turner, Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Wil= liams, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Croom, Mrs Bruce Coleman, Mrs. Fred Céase, Miss Doris Chapman, Mrs. Leon Dalley, Miss Betty DeBoldt, Mrs. Henry Fritz- ges, Miss Emily Fisher, Mrs. Harry Owens, Miss June Palmer, Mrs. Robert jLohman and Sheldon Bennett. Murs. Koller Names Helpers For Fair Samples Are Furnished By Local And Distant Merchants 9 Mrs. Elizabeth Keller, chairman, has announced the following members of a committee that will assist her and .the general committee in supervising the booths at the Sample Fair to be held by the members of the Trucksville Ladies’ Aid Society in the church rooms Tuesday evening, February 25, at 7:30 o'clock: Mrs. Wilson Cease, Mrs. Harry Harter, Mrs. Ben Post, Mrs. William Rhodes, Mrs. Albert Thompson, Mrs. Dave Williams, Mrs. ’|Harold Yorks, Mrs. Leon Dalley, Mrs. Margaret Roberts and Mrs. Piatt, Scores of distant and home mer- chants and manufacturers have been availing themselves of this opportunity to display their wares, and samples far distant as California. Judging from the preseat returns there will be a sample of every commodity displayed ior every person present. Only two hundred and fifty patrons will be ad- i mitted. Shavertown Couple Married 52 Years Mr. and Mrs. John R. crip off’ ‘23 Lawn Street, Shavertown, obsefved their fifty-second wedding anniversary last friday at a family gathering” ‘at the home. Mr. and Mrs. Crispell were mar- ried at Lake Township on February 14, 1884, by the late Rev, P, S. Brewster. A son, S. Roy Crispell, lives at Leh- man, and a daughter, Mrs. Kenneth M. Stevens resides at Broadway. One child is dead. Parents To Be Guests Of Epworth League Plan Newspaper Party For Wednesday Night Meeting Parents will be the guests of mem- bers of the Dallas Epworth League at a newspaper party which will be held instead of their regular business and social meeting Wednesday evening February 26. Mrs. Frances Freeman has planned a group of newspaper games which will result in the editing of a news- paper during the progress of the even- ing. A playlet is being prepared by members entitled “When Martha and George Returned”. Reception committee: Ruth Hull, Wihlter I. Nevins and daughter Louise of Peoria,-TIIl, Jane LeGrand, Ruth Kintz. {president at a meeting of the {day evening. Other Mrs. Maxine Martin, have been pouring in from places as| it Horner Opposes Cut Of Education Costs Believes Scholars And Not Athletes Should Be School Heroes In an earnest and sincere talk, Mr. John Horner, secretary of the Wilkes- Barre Y. M. C. A. discussed with par- (ents of the Dallas Schools their lega- cies to their children at the Parent Teacher meeting Monday evening. He flayed a public that allows na- tional economy to cut the cost of edu- ication and spend such fabulous sums (of money ior road projects. He urged iparents to resist such hacking of the school budgets as will deprive their children of the best education that money can buy. 3 Mr. Horner expressed the belief that schools should place less emphasis on {competitive athletics and more on high !scholarship. The boy with the brawn rather than the brain too often becomes {the school idol, Miss Helen Himmler entertained with several splendid vocal selections. The new globe purchased by the Parent Teacher Association was presented to the school. A miniature stage con- | structed by Jack Dungey was exhibit- ed and a short skit was presented by 110th grade students. Announcement |was made by Professor Dinger of a [student program to be held in the au- ditorium March 12. | Blanche Swank Made President Of M. E. Class Mrs. Blanche Swank was elected Ella Moore Memorial Class held at the home of Mrs. Frank Martin Wednes- officers elected: Beatrice Moore, secretary and Miss Bernice Spencer, treasurer. Present: Mrs, Blanche Swank, Mrs. Myra Schenck, Mrs. Viola Brace, Mrs. vice-president, Mrs. {Lida Weaver, Mrs. Laura LaBar, Mrs. -| Beatrice Moore, Mrs. Fred Hughey, ! Mrs, Robert Boyce, Mrs. Edward Ro- berts, Miss Wilma Brace, Miss Arline Moore, and Miss Beth Love. Miss Love was the retiring president. Rev. Ruff To Speak At Audenreid Monday Rev. G. Elston Ruff, pastor of the St. Paul's Lutheran Church, will be the guest speaker at the anniversary ser- vice to be held at the Lutheran Church at Audenreid Monday evening. May- nard Hallock, nephew of Ralph Hall- ock of Dallas, is pastor of the church. Rl dy i fi ——. ANNOUNCEMENT Friday evening at «7:30 the Mission- ary Society of the Trucksville M. E. Church _will hold a service for the World's Day of Prayer for Missions. rf Ap PLANS MEN’S SUNDAY sm . Rev. .Guy Leinthall will conduct Men's Services at the Kunkle, Alderson and Noxen Churches this Sunday. There will be a special sermon and ap- propriate music. tn rns TO HOLD SUPPER Members of the Ladies’ Aid Society of Noxen will hold a Roast Beef Sup- per in the Church Hall at 6:30 o'clock tonight. Mrs. William Keiper is presi- dent of the society. re es WEEKLY SERVICES Rev. J. Rolland Crompton has an- nounced the following weekly services: Sunday Morning Worship, 10:30, sub- ject, “The Purpose of Jesus”; P. M. subject, “Divine Love and Human Re- lationships”; midweek, February 27 Dr. Bell, speaker, “Father, Forgive Them, For They Know Not What They Po.” followed by quarterly conference. Kingston Township PTA Meets March 2 The Parent-Teacher Association of Kingston Township Schools, which has been inactive for the past two years, is planning to resume activities. The or- ganization will meet on Monday even- ing, March 2, at 8, in the high school auditorium. An interesting and in- structive program has been arranged. There will be a short business meet- ing, at which the Constitution and by- laws will be read, and the president will appoint a nominating committee, which will report at the April meeting, when new officers will be elected and installed. All interested are urged to be present. RE A, ys HAVE YOU READ THESE Fiction The Last Puritan, George Santayana. Men and Brethren, James Gould Coz- zens. If T Have Four Apples, Lawrence. The Lorenzo Bunch, Booth Tarking- ton, The Jew of Rome, Lion Feuchtwan- Josephine ger. It Can’t Happen Here, Sinclair Lewis. Non-Fiction My Country and My People, Lin Yu- tang. North to the Orient, Anne Morrow Lindbergh. The Whole World and Company, Gretchen Green. Zaharoff, Robert Neumann. Lafayette, Andreas Latzke. Interpretations, 1933-35, Walter CALENDAR FOR THE WEEK ‘FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 21 SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 22 Wyoming Seminary Alumni Banquet, Irem Temple. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 24 TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 25 Sample Fair, Trucksville M. E. 7: Kaffee Klatch, St. Therese’s Church. Newspaper Party, Dallas Epworth League, * Fast Nacht Social, St. Paul’s Lutheran Church. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 27 * Henry M. Laing Dinner, Country Club. 2] Church Hall, 6:30. 30. FEBRUARY 26 & 8 CC] Turner To Speak On “Lincoln, Lawyer” Addresses Township P. T. A. At Monday Night Meeting “Lincoln the Lawyer” will be the subject of Attorney Arthur IL. Turner's address before the Dallas Township Parent Teacher's Association in the Township High School Monday even- ing. : Mr. Turner is an able speaker. His wide reading and experience in the field of law have equipped him to handle his subject in a masterly way. The student program which has been arranged around a patriotic theme. will be furnished by the second grade. It is as follows: A Wish for February, Harry Hughey; February Days, a play, with the following members of the cast—Howard Garbutt, Mildred Jones, _|Josephine Hudak, Mitzi Carlin, Louise Kunkle, Charles Cook, Frank Cunius, Allan Kunkle; solo, Howard Garbutt; Red, White and Blue by Alice Gallup, Althea Jones and Laura Gallows; Lon Long Ago, class as a whole. Teachers in charge are Mrs, James Hildebrant and Miss Davis. tl re ROTARY ANNS ENTERTAIN The Dallas Rotary Anns were hos- tesses to the Wyoming Women of the Rotary at a valentine dinner at Boyd's Restaurant, Kingston, last Thursday evening. Following the’ dinner, cards were played. There were about twelve members present. Committees Named For New Conference Rev. Fred Sellers Lists Members For New Year At the fourth quarterly conference held in the Shavertown M. E. Church last Thursday evening, Rev. Fred M. Sellers, pastor, announced the follow - ing committees and members for the coming year: Committees—Membership and Lay Evangelism: Mrs. E. Keller, Miss Edna, Roushey. Music: Huntsville—Alfred Rogers, Mrs. G. Learn, Mrs. Paul Johnson. Music: D. C. Smith, Donald Hutchi- son, Mrs. Vester Vercoe, Mrs. Howard Patton, David Armstrong, Adolph Ed- dinger. Finance: E. Wi. Guernsey, Walter Fletcher, P. M. Malkemes, Guy Down- er, C. L. Hartwell, Dan Shaver, Mrs. Stephen Johnson, Mrs. Guy Downer, and Mrs. Howard Ide. Benevolence: Miss Lena Murdock, Mrs, Walter Fletcher, Mrs. Ray Prutz- man, Mrs. Harry Randall, Foreign Missions: Mrs. C. B. Henry, Will Boyes. Social Service and Local Hospitals: Mrs. S. R. Schooley! Mrs, Martin Por- ter. Auditing Accounts: Walter Cook, Howard Ide. Church Records: Horton Averett, I. C. Brace. Bilingual Work: Mrs. Neal Henry, Miss Margaret Murdock. Parsonage: Mrs. Samuel Woolbert, Mrs. Harry Major, Mrs. Jordon John- son. ‘ Pulpit Supply: Vercoe. D. C. Smith, Vester Pastoral Relation: ERE. P. Whitby, , [David Armstrong, Alfred Rogers. Nominating: Mrs. Ernest Keller, Mrs. Theodore Stoeckel. Finance: Huntsville—Charles Nuss, Johnson. Members—A. B. Belford, H. M. Aver- ett, HL W. Garey, E. W. Guernsey, Ralph Lewis, E. P. Whitby, Ross Wil- liams, D. C. Smith, Oliver Williams, Harry Randall, W. G. Laidler, Harvey Danks, Charles Nuss, S. P. Frantz, Ernest Keller, William Boyes, Walter Cook, Adolph Eddinger, Vester Samuel Woolbert, Howard Ide, Ira Button, Mrs. Ernest Kellar, Herbert Hill, Stephen Johnson, David Arm- strong, Mrs. Harry Major, Mrs. Sam- uel Woolbert, Mrs. Neal Henry, Miss Lena Murdock, Mrs. Howard Patton, Pearl Averett, Neal Henry. Ruth Hoffman, Dorothy Wilcox, Mrs, Gordon Johnson, Donald Hutchison, Frank Johnson, Harry Edwards, Al- fred Rogers, Paul Johnson, Mrs. George Learn, Mrs, C. Prutzman, Mrs. Ray Prutzman and Jane Keener. Vercoe, | iss: WOOLBERT A COMPLETE SERVICF, assuring a sym- pathetic, personal attention to every detail that will relieve the bereaved of needless worry and expense.) SHAVERTOWN. .. DALLAS 9R18 Paul Johnson, Harry Edwards, Frank | Firemen Prepare = For Annual Event Dinner-Dance Will Draw Crowd To Country Club Thursday The second annual dinner-dance of Henry M. Laign Fire Co. and its Ladies” Auxiliary will be held at Irem Coun- try Club next Thursday night, Febru- ary 27, at 7 o'clock. The success of last year’s affair and the response so far this year indicate it will be one of the major social events of the winter here. Tickets are on sale at Isaacs’ Store at Kunkle, Devens at DeMunds, and Suburban Restaurant, Hislop’s Restau- rant and C. A. Frantz's store in Dallas. Clyde Lapp is general chairman and Peter D. Clark will be toastmaster. Other committee members announced this week are: Tickets, Robert Allen, Russel Case, Add Woolbert, John Isaacs; prizes, Clyde LaBar and Mil- ford Shaver: decorations, Arthur New- man, Arthur Dungey, Leonard O'Kane; press, John Yaple.: door, Clint Bolling - er, C. M. Gay and Clyde Vietch; enter- tainment, V. A. Shindel, James Beseck- er, and Dr. G. K. Swartz. BIRTHS Born to Mr. and Mrs. Peter Paul Jurchak of Mt. Greenwood, in General Hospital on February 11, a son. Mr. and Mrs. Gustave Kretchmer of Dallas announce the birth of a son in the General Hospital, February 7. RECIPES Leftovers Are Lyrics, Bites Become Banquets Be saucy, sweet maid, and iet who will be clever! Whether you're a bride who has just learned to boil water or and “old hand” who has mastered French souffles, you'll earn the profes- sional title of “chef” if you're saucy (spelled sauce-y)! ’ As some old trencherman said: “The, wise woman will have many side-lights to her composition; and in the kitchen her sauces will have many shadings.” If you care to follow axioms, you'll fing no better one to guide you. Sauce leftovers. It may be a cream sauce for thing! What's Your Problem? hard-boiled eggs; if you're worried wich making, and your family is tired —sauce! your pudding lack style? Does. your main course need a topping? is the answer! will; but sauce-y- Butterscotch Sauce (Glorifies the Pudding) 1 cup dark karo, ¥% cup cbsp. cream or evaporated milk, 1 tbsp. butter, salt, % teasp. vanilla, 2 tbsps. boiling water. until a little syrup forms a soft ball in cold water, or 250 degrees fahrenheit. Remove from fire; add butter. salt and flavoring. Blend and add boiling water. Almond-Mushroom Gravy (New Sauce for Boiled Rice or Meat) 2 cups boiled rice, 2 tbsps. mazola, % slice onion, 1 cup meat stock, % teasp. toasted, 4 tbsps. flour. Cook onion in mazola until brown; remove onion, add flour and salt and cook until brown. Then add meat stock room caps which have been peeled, sliced and sauted in mazola about five minutes, Mix in the toasted almonds and serve over the hot boiled rice or meat. Banana Horseradish Dressing 1% ripe banana, % cup mayonnaise 14 cup heavy cream, 1 teasp, salt, 1 tea- spoon prepared horseradish. Peel banana, slice into bowl and beat until smooth and creamy. Add cream and continue beating until mixture is stiff. Fold in mayonnaise, salt and horseradish. Makes about one cup— eight servings. This dressing keeps well in a cool place for about 24 hours. makes banquets of bites and lyrics of the vegetable or fish dish, it may be a savory sauce for meat, a sweet sauce . for dessert—in any case the sauce’s the a If your refrigerator shelves hold a | bit of fish, a little meat, or too many about the crusts left-over from sand- of bread pudding, learn the chef-secret Do your leftovers lack savor? Does Sauce 1 Let your manner be impudent if you " ; insist that your meals be | sugar, 1: Boil together sugar, karo and cream salt, % lb. mushrooms, % cup almonds, and boil two minutes. Add the mush- You have read the good news; Teeth may be drilled now without Hurt. DR. KAUFMAN 30 S. Franklin St. Just Below Miners Bank, Wilkes-Barre, Hours 9 to 5—Dial 8-288 Practicing Here 25th Y ear Pictures “Pull Almostwithoutexception, we strongly recommend the use of pictures as an attention value medium onall pieces ofjobprinting. To help you get the right pictures for your printing is a part of our printing service. We always have plenty of cuts on hand from which you may pick the ones you need. aly “KN TheDallas Post Dallas 300 \ 7 ER ) KEE Jel Yb ri ONES A J v7