7 Honoring their son and daughter-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. Grover Anderson, Jr, Mr. and Mrs. Grover Anderson, Sr., entertained at a variety shower at their home Thursday evening. Pre- gent were: Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Payne, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Kitchen and daughter, Mildred, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Davis, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Rog- ers, and son Bernard, Mr. and Mrs. (George Smith, Mr. and Mrs. George Tearn, Rev. and Mrs. Guy Lienthall, ~ Mr. and Mrs. George Smith, Mr. and E Mrs. Harold Payne, Mr. and Mrs. Mc- Laren, Mr. and Mrs. Grover Anderson, ~~ Jr., and Mrs. and Mrs. Grover Ander- ~ gon, Sr. Mrs. Fred Dixon, son Robert and daughter Joan, have returned to their home in- Montreal, Canada, after hav- ing spent several weeks with Mrs. Pixon’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Schoonover of Dallas. * * Miss Elsie Kunkle, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wheeler Kunkle of Kunkle was guest of honor at a surprise party held at her home Wednesday night. Present were: Vivienne Rogers, Nel- son Wilson, Gerald Sullivan, Alice Newman, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rogers, Roy Verfaille, Ruth Kunkle, Jacqueline ~ Kelley, Alberta Harvey, David Kelley, Bettie Weid, Doris Kunkle, Ellen Kun- kle, Mr. and Mrs. Wheeler Kunkle, Elsie Johnson. Mrs. L. V. Lacy of Piéneer Avenue, Shavertown, was hostess to a number of parents at a community meeting at her home yesterday. Mrs. Charles Long of Wilkes-Barre, was guest speaker. Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Kiefer of Shrine- view have arrived at Miami Beach where they will spend the winter. ‘They are living at the Indian Creek Apart- ~ ment. : : * * * ~~ Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Himmler of Lake Street, Dallas, have had as their guest for the last week Mrs. Raymond ‘Butler of Plains. [Miss Elsie Johnson of Main street, ‘Dallas, had as her guests last week- end Miss Elsie and Miss Esther Kun- kle of Lake Catalpa. | Mrs. Clarence Gay of Cemetery ‘Street, Dallas, has been confined to her ‘home with a bad cold. Miss Dorothy Anderson left last ~ Thursday with F. M. Kirby and Mrs. and Mr. Allan Kirby and family for ~ Florida where she will spend the win- _ ter. Miss Anderson is a registered ~ nurse and is taking care of F. M. Kir- by. AFBI god ® % 0% Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Garinger of Al- derson left Wednesday for Florida where they will remain until spring. ~~ James Scott of Camden, N. J. was the guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. HH. Lee Scott of Center Hill Road, Dal- las, last week-end. : Mrs. John Merical of Lake Street, Dallas, celebrated her 76th birthday anniversary on Monday. Miss Lettie I.ee who has been a pa- tient at the General Hospital has been removed to the home of John A. Tur- ner, South Franklin Street, Wilkes- Barre, where she is recuperating nice- Y mw C. P. Houteling of Cemetery Street, ‘Dallas, who has been ‘seriously ill, is still in a critical condition. a Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Washburn of . \ Wilkes-Barre and Idetown have as ‘their guests their daughter and son- in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Clark Yeager who arrived last Sunday from Manilla. Mr. ‘and Mrs. Yeager are en route .to South America where Mr, Yeager will do re- gearch work for the Rockefeller Foun- dation. " The following local people spent Tuesday evening in Scranton where they attended the concert by Dalies Frantz, pianist, in the Masonic Tem- ple: Mr. and Mrs. Allan W. Sanford, Mrs. William McIntyre, Mrs, L. A. Tompkins, Miss Katherine Tompkins, and Miss Lillian Rood. The concert was sponsored by the Scranton Concert . Association. *% * Mrs. Ralph Smith of Center Road, - Shavertown, who recently broke her jeg and has been a patient at the Gen- eral Hospital, has been removed to her home. . Mrs. John Updegroze is ill at her home in Carverton. Miss Flora Stock who back recently while skiing, has been removed from the Nesbitt Memorial Hospital to her home in Carverton, : ‘Mr. aid Mrs. D. P. Thomas of Al- ~ derson are leaving today for Florida where they will spend the winter. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Searfoss of Al- derson had as week-end guests their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Segrfoss and family of Moosic. Mrs. Robert Risch of Carverton was hostess to members of the Ladies’ Aid Society of the Carverton M. E. Church at an all day quilting party Wednes- day. injured her & * * Among those from this section who attended the Jackson Day dinner at Hotel Redington, Wilkes-Barre, were the following: Postmaster George Kir- kendall, G. Harold Wigner, Claude ‘Shaver, William Dix, Nelson Booth and John Anderson of Dallas; William Luksic and Gordon Mathers of Trucks- ville; Postmaster Ralph Major of Leh- man, Elmer Kerr, Anthony Javers, P. J. Garrity and Alex Kocher of Harvey's Take. A number of others whose names . the Post failed to get were also in at- tendance from this region. Mrs. Fred Kiefer and Mrs. Lloyd Kear will be hostesses at a bridge luncheon at Irem Temple Country Club next Thursday. Honoring their daughter Aurdey, who celebrated her birthday anniversary, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard O'Kane enter- tained at a party at their home on Huntsville Road, Dallas, Monday even- ing. * ¥ % Allan Ockenhouse, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Ockenhouse, is a patient at the General Hospital where he was operated on for appendicitis Wednes- day. Mr. and Mrs. John Kresge of Noxen entertained over the week-end Warren Boyer of Bloomsburg. Miss Charlotte Parsons was honored by a surprise birthday party at her home in Trucksville Friday evening. Mrs. A. C. Woolbert of Norton Ave- i ! | | 4 Davies clinic at Sawtelle, Cal, is given In a beautiful pool of the Marion [and is maintained by Marion Davies, y a famous motion picture actress. child crippled by infantile paralysis t he hydro-therapeutic : J treatment. The clinic was founded | tional Committee for the President's This cut is furnished by the Na- | Ball who are sponsoring balls throughout the entire United States for the benefit of those afflicted with infantile paralysis. Miss Toohey To Speak At Dallas PTA Male Quartet From Sha- 2 vertown To Offer Selections “The Necessity of Child Guidance in the School of Today” will be the sub- ject of Miss Katherine Toohey’s talk to parents and teachers of Dallas Bor- ough in the Dallas High School Mon- | day evening at eight o’clock. Miss Toohey who has served as a teacher in the Coughlin High School for many years and is now acting dean of girls in that institution, has won for herself an enviable reputation among educators of the state. In her talk. she will stress guidance in the home both before the school age and during the schoo} career. Several vocal selections will be giv- en by a male quartet under the direc- | tion of Professor Ernest Wood of Sha- | vertown.' Members of the quartet are: 1st tenor, Robert Gehris; 2nd tenor, | Victor Papson; 1st base, George Rey- \ Seventy-Five Members : Enjoy St. Paul's Tea About 75 people enjoyed the tea held by the Women’s Auxiliary of the St. Paul's Lutheran Church in the | church basement Tuesday. Mrs, Fred Malkemes and Miss Betty Jane Lay- cock poured. A splendid program was furnished by the following: Mrs. Isa- benne Santiago, soloist; Mrs. Herbert Williams, reader; Miss Betty Owens, pianist; the IL.eacock sisters, vocalists. A novel form of entertainment was furnished by Mrs. Thomas Walton who made silhouettes of those present. Mrs. Walton has considerable talent and the silhouettes were easily recognizable. She was assisted by Miss Edna Pierce. Community Dinner To Be Part Of Silver Anniversary As part of the Silver Anniversary celebration, a community dinner will be served by members of the Ladies’ Aid Society in Trucksville M. E. Church Wednesday evening. Committee mem- bers are: Mrs. Arch Woolbert, chair- man; Mrs. J. B. Schooley, Mrs. Wes- nolds, Jr.; 2nd base Ray Gemmel. skit. Mrs. Arthur Dungey, president, will haye charge of the meeting. ptt cee Bef coreemem tenon Miss Frances Dorrance of Hunts- ville spent several days in Harrisburg this week where she attended the State meeting of the Archeological Society. Miss Katherine Tompkins who has been visiting in Sharon, Mass., has re- turned to her home on Overbrook Ave- nue, Dallas. Mrs. S. R. Nicholson of Idetown was hostess to her bridge club at her home Tuesday afternoon, Miss Flora Stock who has been a pa- tient at the Nesbitt Memorial Hjspital has been removed to her home in Carverton. Saturday for Racine, Wis., where she will be the guest of her niece, Mrs. George Gorton, Sr., the former Miss Katherine Bishop of Luzerne. The condition of Misy Louise mayne, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Tremayne of Shavertown, who mitted to a mastoid operation week, is good. Mrs. Harvey McCarty of Lehman Avenue, Dallas, was hostess to mem- bers of her card club last Thursday evening. Mrs. Raymond Heale was hostess to members of the Searchlight Society of the Shavertown M. E. Church Tues- day evening. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Craig of Fern- brook have as their guest their son, Private Edward Craig of Carlisle, who is on a month’s furlough. The condition of Mildred Isaacs, davghter of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Isaacs of Shavertown who recently submit- Tre- Earl sub- last i i { { i ted to an appendicitis operation, is good. Robert Toomb, Jr., of Mt. Green- wood Road, Trucksville, is a patient at the Nesbitt Memorial Hospital. James A. Bradbury of Orchard Street, Trucksville, will move to Pitts- ton in the near future where Mr. Brad- bury has been transferred by the Le- high Valley Coal Company. Mrs. Ralph Smith of Shavertown is a patient at the General Hospital. Sheldon Rice, son of Jacob Rice of Harris Hill, Trucksville, is seriously ill at’ his home. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Dymond of Nox- en have moved into the Chapin House at Beaumont. Mr. and Mrs, Nathan Baer of Leh- man spent the week end in Philadel- phia. Rev..and Mrs. Nathan F. C. Ether of Center Moreland have .announced the engagement of their daughter Ruth to Arthur Lombardi of Lake Ariel. No date has been set for the wedding. The condition of Mrs. Kirk McCarty, of Dallas, who was recently operated on for goiter at the Nesbitt Memorial Hospital, is good. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph, 4 Nicholson of Idetown bade bon voyage to Mrs. Nicholson's: sister, Mrs. Gaius Halsey, in New York last week. Mrs. Halsey sailed for France where she will spend the winter, Mrs. Edward Hessler of Trucksville was hostess to her bridge club at Schworm’s Tea Room in Xingston Thursday evening. Ted Wilson, 17 year old Times-Lead- er carrier and son of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Wilson of Shavertown is a victim of infantile paralysis. Edgar Adolph, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Adolph of Shavertown is a pa- tient at the Homeopathic Hospital nue, Dallas, was hostess at a luncheon last Wednesday. where he submitted to an appendicitis operation this week. Tenth grade students under the dir- | ection of Miss Hill will present a short | Mrs. A. S. Culbert of Dallas left ley Steelman, Mrs. Elizabeth Warden, and Mrs. J. R. Crompton. I SY. H HP 4 MISS BELFORD MARRIED © The wedding of Miss Margatet Bel- |ford, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fr | Belford of East Center Street, Shay€r- town, and Raymond Price, ijsop#0f Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Price of Wilkes- Barre, took place at the home of the the bride Saturday . afternoon at 5 o'clock. Rev. F. M. Sellers, pastor of the Shavertown M. E. Church, per- formed the ceremony. + A wedding breakfast at the home of the bride followed the ceremony. | ~The bride is a graduate of Kingston Township High School. Mr. Price was | graduated from the Wilkes-Barre Business College and is employed in {the office of the Royal Typewriting Company of Wilkes-Barre. | The couple will reside in Kingston. HONEYWELL-SCHNURE | The wedding of Miss Emily Frantz | Honeywell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. | Fred Honeywell of Dallas, and Herman |Reagel Schnure of Dallas, tok place | Saturday at the Bennett Mémorial M. E. Church, Wilkes-Barre #Rev. We S. | York performed the cerediony® Attendants were Miss Gertrude | Honeywell, sister of the bride, and Ed- |gar Schnure, brother of the bride- legroom. | Mr. Schnure is a graduate of the Pennsylvania State College and is con- nected with the Shady Side Dairy at | Kunkle. The couple will reside at Kunkle. fp ye, HEALY SPEAKS AT MT. ZION William Healey, Warden cf the Lu- izerne County Jail, spoke to a large au- {dience in the Mt. Zion M. E. Church Monday evening. The talk was spon- sored by the Young Woman's Bible I Class. : 1 Honor Mrs. Porter, Mrs. H. Williams Receive Stripes For Faith- ful Service In Scout Work Mrs. Martini Porter of Shavertown was awarded the stripe for ten years of faithful service in girl scout work and Mrs. Herbert Williams the five- year stripe at a supper meeting of the Dallas District Girl Scout Council at the Shavertown M. E..Church Mon- day evening. Mrs. Porter was the first district chairman of the Dallas District Scouts. In this capacity she organized the troops in Shavertown and Trucksville, assisted with the organization in IL.eh- man, and started the ‘first Brownie Troop in Shavertown. During her ten years as a scout worker she has served in the follow- ing capacities at different times: mem- ber of the Wilkes-Barre Council for four years: member of committee of troop 9 in Shavertown for seven years; chairman of badges and awards for the Dallas District; treasurer of the Dallas District. Monday = evening she was elected secretary of the Dallas Dis- trict. Mrs. Williams, also of Shavertown, has been in scout work for seven years. She has served on the Wilkes-Barre Council and has been a member of the committee of the Shavertown troop 9 for five years. She had just com- pleted a term as chairman of the Dal- las District Scouts, being replaced by Mrs. S. R. Schooley at Monday's night election. Commodore Hartley Will Speak Here Woman’s Club To Present Lecture In Dallas M. E. Church Commodore Herbert Hartley, one time commander of the S. S. Levia- than, will speak in the Dallas M, E. Church social rooms Tuesday evening, January 21, at 8 o'clock. The lecture is being sponsored by the Dallas Wio- man’s Club to raise funds for local charity work. Commodore Hartley has had a color- ful career. Twenty years spent aboard ship acting as housekeeper, navigator, and executive have provided him with a wealth of interesting experiences. In his capacity as commodore he has served as host to such notables as Will Rogers, Bud Fisher, Queen Marie and Woodrew Wilson. He insists that it is no small task to keep 5,000 people oc- cupied and happy for the 7 or 8 days of a trans-Atlantic voyage. Commodore Hartley will have no trouble holding his audience. He is a man of forceful character and striking personality. He speaks_with vigor and enthusiasm, has a delightful sense of numor and can ‘spin a good yarn.” St. Therese’s Name Committee For Supper . Plans have been completed for the roast pork and sauer kraut supper to be held in the St. Therese's Church from 5 to 8 o'clock on Wednesday evening, January 29, and members of the committees announced: honorary chairman, Rev. O'Leary and Rev. Dur- Kin; tickets, Herbert Seibert: general chairman, Mrs. Jacob Laux; soliciting, Mrs. Edward Staub; menu, Mrs. Jacob Gabel; kitchen, Mr. and Mrs. Fay Wil- lams. serving and table, Mrs. Joseph Regan; bingo, Andrew Fisher; floor and property, Jacob Beline; reception, Paul Laux; door Edward Staub, and publicity, Mrs. Fred Gobel, To Represent Trucksville M. E. At Conference At a congregation meeting following the Sunday service, George J. Reynolds was elected as lay member and Harry Owens as reserve lay member to rep- resent the Trucksville M. E. Church at the coming session of the Wyoming annual conference to be held in the Elmpark Church in Scranton the week beginning April 15. i —————_— Pe io ELECT OFFICERS At a parish meeting held in the base- ment of the St. Therese’s Church last Thursday evening, the following of- {ficers of the Holy Name Society were elected: president, N. A. Staub; vice president, Andrew Fisher; secretary, Robert Laux, and treasurer, Frank Grauzlis. ep enn TRANSFERRE Rev. Joseph Lawler, assistant at St. Therese’s Church, Shavertown, left Friday to make his home in Scranton where he has been transferred to the St. John’s Church. Rev. Lawler .has been assistant at St. Therese’s for the last year. Miss Ann Dorrance To Speak At Township PTA Miss Ann Dorrance, for 20 years a member of the Kingston School Board and a leader in organizations fostering education throughout Wyoming Valley, will speak at the Dallas Township Parent Teacher meeting in the Town- ship High School Monday evening at 7:45. Mrs. Harvey Kitchen will preside at the meeting. Sixth grade students will furnish the entertainment with three one-act plays—“The Snow Man”, “The Child Who Is Polite”, and “Our Hobby Club”. The new drum, presented to the school by the Parent Teacher Associa- tion, will make its first appearance at the meeting when several selections are played by the school band. Allen Brace will be drummer.’ Lutheran Church To Install Officers Of Auxiliary The third of a series of installation services will be held Sunday evening at the St. Paul’s Lutheran Church when the officers of the Women’s Aux- iliary will go forward and take a pledge of service. Last Sunday the members of the Church Council were installed and the week before the Church, 10:30. WEDNESDAY, It Mrs. Schooley Made Scout Chairman Committee Women Of All Local Troops Give Annual Reports Mrs. S. R. Schooley of Shavertown. was elected district chairman of the Dallas District Girl Scouts at a supper meeting in the Shavertown M. Church Monday evening. Mrs, School- ey has been in scout work for nine years and for the last two years has served as assistant chairman of the Dallas District Council. She succeeds Mrs. Herbert Williams as chairman. Others elected to office are: Mrs. Russell Case, assistant chairman; Mrs. George Metz, treasurer; Mrs. Martin Porter, secretary; Mrs. A. G. Eddinger, publicity. Miss Jean Christy, National Girl Scout worker from Washington, D. C. was the speaker of the evening. She urged committe women dealing with girls of 16 or older to be guided by the interests of the girls as they out- line their projects, and not to follow too closely the scout manual. Mrs. Fred Hillman, a members of the Wilkes-Barre Council spoke briefly in praise of the local scout work. Reports on their troop’s activities for the year were made by the fol- lowing: Miss Frances Keeler and Miss Georgena Weidner, Trucksville; Miss Bess Evans, Senior Troop of all Dal- las District; Mrs. Edward Gilroy and Miss Dorothy Roberts, Shavertown; Miss Louise Roushey and Miss Cathe- rine Brace, Brownies of Shavertown; Miss Emily Goldsmith, Fernbroék; Mrs. Edward Hartman, Dallas. Plans for a tea to be held in Febru- ary honoring leaders and examiners were sketched. Alderson Ladies’ Aid Elects New Officers At the meeting of the Alderson Ta- dies’ Aid Society at the home of Mrs. | Harvey Kitchen last Thursday after- | noon the following officers were elect- | ed: president, Mrs. Grover Anderson: vice president, Miss Emma Ozenker- cken; second vice president, Miss Ada Garinger; secretary, Mrs. Raymond Garinger: treasurer, Mrs. Harvey Kit- chen. Dallas Ladies’ Aid To Hold Chicken Dinner The second annual chicken supper of the Ladies’ Aid Society of the Dallas M. E. Church will be held ‘Wednesday, January 22 in the church social rooms. Serving will start at 5:30, Committee members are officers of the Society: Mrs. Eugene Fiske, president, Mrs. Margaret Hildebrant, Mrs. William Cairl, Mrs. Arthur Thomas, and Mrs. Nicholson, et rome er pit inc ENTERTAIN EPWORTH LEAGUE _ Miss Ada and Elsie Garinger were hostesses to members of the Alderson Epworth League at their home last evening. Election of officers took place and plans were outlined for the coming year. Thespians Give Play Before Lehman PTA The group of Lehman amateurs who will give their prize-winning one-act play in the State-wide competition at Harrisburg next week presented the play before members of the Lehman Parent-Teacher Association in Leh- man Gymnasium on Monay night. There was an unusually large atten- ance. 5 ~—— Pe PARENT. TEACHER NIGHT A parents’ and teachers’ night will be held in the = Shavertown M. E. Church at 7:30 this -Sunday night. There will be talks by the pastor, by Superintendent David Armstrong, and by the superintendents of the various church departments. About 150 Members Attend Epworth League Rally About 150 young people were pre- sent at the rally of the Dallas Sub- district Epworth League held in the Dallas M. E. Church Monday evening. Rev. Floyd S. Crispell, pastor of the Mt. Top M. E. Church, was guest speaker and delivered a splendid op- timistic address on the “Opportunities of 1936”, ; Music was furnished by Willard and Robert Westover who played two trumpet and piano duets. Members of the Dallas Epworth League ‘presented; for the enjoyment of their guests a’ skit, entitled, “If Thoughts Could Speak.” Sheldon Gay, president of the organ- ization, presided. BACK HOME Hollywood, Cal. Completing a ‘round-the-world honeymoon of nearly a year, Mr. and Mrs. James H. Cromwell are back on native shores. Mrs. Cromwell, who was Doris Duke, tobacco heiress, “richest girl in the world”, collected antiques for her four Eastern mansions; her husband stud- ied international economic trends. eee Qe fe sme. EXTEND SYMPATHY Friends of Mrs. Frank Bennallack of Fernbrook were grieved to hear of the CALENDER FOR THE WEEK FRIDAY, JANUARY 17 : : Dallas Business Men’s Meeting, Suburban Inn, 8:00 P. M. Miss Recordia party at the College, 8:00 P. M. SUNDAY, JANUARY 19 : i Beginning of Silver Anniversary Service of Trucksville M. E. MONDAY, JANUARY 20 Concert of St. Stephen’s Choir at Trucksville M. E. Church, 8:00. Dallas P. T. A. Dallas High School, 8:00 P. M. Dallas Township P. T. A., Township High School, 7:45 P. M. TUESDAY, JANUARY 21 : Commodore Herbert Hartley at the Dallas M. E. Church 8:00 P. M. Chicken Dinner at Dallas M. E. Church 5:30 Community Supper at Trucksville M. E. ' THURSDAY, JANUARY 23 ey Concert by Alumni Chorus of Wyoming Valley at Trucksville M. BE 5 sae JANUARY 22 : ad op AN BIRTHS Born to Mr. and Mrs. John W. Schindeler of Main Street, Dallas, in the Nesbitt Memorial Hospital, Sun- day, January 12, a daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Schindeler are proprietors of the Schindler Bakery. 7 Keller Class To Enjoy Coasting Party Tonight Mrs. S. R. Schooley of Shavertown will be hostess to members of the Keller Class of the Shaverto [ aE Church at a business me coasting party at her home tonight. The program for the evening was opened with a solo by Mrs. Gilroy, Mrs. Ernest Kellar will review the Sunday School lessons of the month. If the i Fo TAL wn ME, eting and | weather is favorable, the business meeting will be followed by a, coasting party. oh a Committee members are: Mrs. Her- bert Lundy, Mrs. Edward Gilroy, Mrs. Martin Porter and Mrs. Schooley. : Miss S. M. R. O'Hara Is Honored By Phila. Club Miss S. R. A. ‘O'Hara, vice chair- man of the Republican State Commit- tee, has been made an honorary vice president of a Republican Luncheon Club of Pennsylvania, organized by a group of women in Philadelphia and adjacent counties of Southeastern Pennsylvania. The club which is the first of its kind in the United States, will meet in Philadelphia, holding its first luncheon on January 27. James T. Warburg will speak. The second Luncheon will take place on February The purpose of the group is to pre- sent an independent quasi- public for- um for the information and education | of Republican women, and to offer a rally center for women’s groups de- siring instruction in the issues of the coming campaign. Tig Leading Republican women of East- ern Pennsylvania will serve as officers of the new organization, and it will have a board of one hundred promi- hene women. The officers are: Mrs. John ‘Hampton Barnes, president; Mrs. | Edna R. Carroll, secretary; Mrs. Owen 3 J. Toland, treasurer; Mrs. Worthing - aay ton Scranton, and Miss S. M. R. O’Hara, honorary vice-president, St. Therese’s New Pastor Is Formally Installed 5 In the absence of Monsignor Michael E. Lynett, dean of the West Side, who is confined to his home with illness, Very Rev. D. W. McCarthy, dean of the East Side, officiated Thursday evening at thé installation service held for Rev. Harcld G. Durkin who suc- ceeds Rev. John J. O'Leary as pasto of the St. Therese’s Church. ; Rev. O'Leary, who retired because of ill health, has left for Florida for the winter. Vide WA A HOLD CONFERENCE The Fourth . Quarterly Conference was held at the Mt. Zion M. E. Church yesterday. Dr. George M. Bell, district superintendent, presided. A noon day lunch was served to those present by the Ladies’ Aid Society. Se rete ter eemne— X POSTPONE MEETING rh The regular monthly meeting of the Women’s Auxiliary of the Henry M. Laing Fire Co. which was to have been held Tuesday evening has been postponed until next month. Election of officers will take place at the next meeting. re en in. SPEAKS HERE Rev. Edward F. Collier of Philadel- phia will speak for the Anti-Saloon League at 9:30 A, M. in the Hunts- ville M. E. Church and again at 11:00 A. M. in the Shavertown M. E. Church this Sunday. tl SERVE DINNER A dinner was served at the Alderson M, E. Church Wednesday at noon in conjunction with the Fourth Quarter- ly Conference of the church. Members and officials of the Noxen, Alderson and Kunkle churches were present, AOR Bg Pictures “Pull Almostwithoutexception, we strongly recommend the use of pictures as an attention value medium onallpiecesofjobprinting. To help you get the right pictures for your printing is a part of our printing service. We always have pletay o Suse on hand rom which you ney pick the ones you & The Dallas Post Dallas 300 gURVSE SEU ENT BORON S) BO XE J BX SRT 5 A AE ROR N csicics x BOBS 0 x OBR J death of her mother, Mrs. Frank Hill, December 26 in England, Mrs. Hill was at one time a visitor in Fernbrook. {members of the Church Choir. TOVI78 76Y 78\. (8Y-18Y. (BY TOA 18) 78,18) /8) /