The Dallas post. (Dallas, Pa.) 19??-200?, January 03, 1936, Image 1

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There Fir If You Do Busi <r 4
Is G Surrounding Dal <a’ Need A
Their b ATE | ular Advertiseme2eSh The Post. W
Assu iG Not Test The Pulling Power Of This
Fair B 10 Paper With A Small Ad Next Week?
More Than A Newspaper, A Community Institution
| hu CUSTOM, PRESIDENT’S New Spirit f Unity First
Launching debutantes—a custom ce Ir I i 1 l I » 2
observed more widely this year in QO a O
this section than i
| For Auditorium
| before—costs all
Authorize Investigation To! the way from $100 up to $75,000,
{Ne to ;
{ and is a highly organized business
SUBSCRIBERS | = Learn Trouble, Suggest
yple pie editor, who he ed in EXTEND VACATION
al report this week, tells us ini
Ber] qo ting developments in hid field | Directors of Dallas Borough School . . ap
of here 135. Seems it has been estab- | APA rod t a > > GS gate parties, she says, are “more inter. . | Leading Citizens Suggest
Qujink Leinitely now that apple pie is | ing a 2 igi Week So To ested in free liffuor and food” than : ; Ci . Ai
lished ae dessert. The apple found eons ons Yai Tee he a C1 in matrimony. “At my own debut ivic Aims For New
the 1c padi; recently when 1,800 select | OF Irequon Compiam > iy _ 4° | there'll be about 150 persons and ; ; Year
new I best Cp the ezclusive Town and ditorium of the high school building 1s I don’t suppose I'll know more than 3 ;
Sop fifty of them.” : socom
A ry ver rar 3 1 Foy blic et
membRrs went into an epicurear ha never warm enough for public meet-
z ©
conducted by “social secretaries” AMONG V CTORS TAKING OFFICE SURVEY LOOKS
who handle all details.
rates the whole process.
OuvAr a
The bachelors who rush “deb”
Hall ub a ee (INES.
dle and st a majority jof ballots Zor | At a meeting on Monday night, DI1-
he ¢ \ . |rector Jack Roberts was appointed to
thy 4 the two-crust apple ple learn the cost of improving the heat-
found greatest favor ag facilities of the auditorium of the
res this year goes some- | school. He will report at the next
s 1s. You blend one cupfull| or
thing like ta two tablespoons of flour. | meeting ; a 3 mt Y
of Sugartam : \y' ii ore over the bots At a meeting of the Parent-Teacher
Place one-t 4 red Dasiry shell. Jin | Association in November the speaker,
tom of an ¥ Le la public health expert, cut his talk
the shell Gughtly heaping with pared! short because of the frigid air in the
and cored, sliced or chopped sweet or | auditorium. At the dance of Dallas
tart apple”, Shoush choles, we should Woman's Club last Friday night a
for a = Ach $ You, pour OVeT | number of parties complained of the
theb.,0, § the remaining sugar and | 1i1] atmosphere in the auditorium and
flour mixture. One-third teaspoon | coo people were reported to be ill,
cinnamon nay be sprinkled over the |, resumably because of the lack of
top if desired. Dot delicately with bits |} oat. Although neither of the affarms weather and difficult working condi-
or batter (about pno tablespoonful). were strictly school activities, the | tions, Holmes Construction Company, the next twelve months, The Post
i ie apDies pre NS ey, 203 three | board is anxious to have the auditor. | contractors building the first link in Mo c . ah = AY a questioned outstanding residents of the
tablespoons of water or cream; ib, comfortable, for public meetings Two of the scores of successful candidates in last Fali“¢ election region
juicy, another tablespoonful of flour. yi.h are held there. ~ |the new Tunkhannock-Dallas road are who will take office this week: Left: John A. Riley, the one lc ae Demo- :
Wet the edges of the crust and adjust Another Three Days | nevertheless making rapid progress on crat to be elected to a Luzerne County office. He will assume his duties
the top crust, Bake in a hot oven (450 | pocause the WPA paint project un- [relocation work which thev are. deters as a County Commissioner next week. Right: Judge Farr of Tunkhan- : €
degrees F.) for 10 or 20 minutes, then |... © o 4¢ the school now is unfinish- |: qt Hph motors a n : nock, who will ascend to the bench of Wyoming and Sullivan ‘Counties, they can rest and sleep between trips
reduce the temperature to 350 degrees | 4 Daliall school children: will have an mine 0 finish before spring. succeeding Judge Edward Terry, who has been a judge for thirty years. Ito. W yoming Valley” one man said.
for 25 minutes or until the apples are cElres three days to their Christmas Practically the entire length of the | “The time has come for all of us to
tender. vacation. The directors extended tre {link ;n which the Holmes company is | y FO pe oz al Slits,
his gets through without any | idav fr 3 ary 2 s date t np Se ECE T M d o allas > ns Ar
to hh, er should be per- holldey ow ST Le hes ey rornine Tequires Talo alien We Two eX as L ail ens Tr 0SS by make up a separate and self-sus«
fectly safe and, to quote our apple pie | january 6 much of the new strip runs across taining community of people. We've
¥ ; Ne {level farmlands requiring s > filling ( I |arriv i i » deve
editor, “smooth-textured with a vel- | Clyde Lapp reported he had com- | ye b arm Mids, requiring Some filling 0 Uu n t Tr y 0 H 0 n oO T D a l las } a g oh iH Dont hon development
2% ” , S rand pbuilding ) level a consideral are rs c y
vety, fine flavor”. Samples may be sent | mynicated with Verne Lacey, architect | 4; ) em Io 26 ; Sh ye Ww} ore We shouts Day some attention to
to Post Scripts, care of The Dallas|ang has given to him orator | section of the road especially in the establishing an identity of our own,
Post, Dallas Perna, and will be ack- : oe % the rornbdellit the DS inarrows beyond Byron Harding's farm LAY WREATH ON ‘GRAVE TAT PHILADELPHIA [with our own activities, our own
S allas; na., 1 Its o \ Te 1ling of 3 - 5 3 : [
nowledsed, 2ining ro : 2 1 0 Dae The i ct i |toward Tunkhannock requires cutting VERON AEN | amusements, and our own movements,
4 Ary oe wd d 4 Wea re |along the hillside and big fills to co | Philadelphia, January 2 (Special To’ The Post)—Two comely young maid- | For a long time there have been two
ent iN vr f Cloverdale, British ha Fah laway with the dangerous hillside nar- | ens from Texas travelled across the continent this week to pay tribute to the [Pretty definite groups—the ald, pioneer
R. E. Kocher 0 overc ale, Britis wit! n Ww VS. : ) rows. Considerable progress has been | memory of George Mifflin Dallas, who was vice-president when the Lone Star |families and the newer, comm ear face
Columbia, isn’t The Post's most dis- The secretary was authorized to solr- : : 2 ae : : : z
pacril put 1 " lives farlcit bids for fifty tons of Dorrance made in this latter section and prob- | State became a part of the union. tion. Now we've got to have o
tant subscriber, > 1e es ii = : a > PL Norgal ed % ¥lably no more can be done on it this | Yesterday was the anniversary of his death. While snow-laden winds [united group—interested first
> >h away S PEC 3 S| kw ical, D "M¢ ze sSu- : : i . 3 . ath 3 3 i * . 3
enough away so his : en % Sipuc if a Ahn So antncrized vol winter until traffic can be closed on |shrieked in sharp contrast to their own Southern breezes, the two girls—ILa- | making this section not only 4
aS Ee 3 1rry e yy arrive. rvising 3 as 4d 1Ze “a SOT ane . IBVa ri 3 ? Sn a3
cause quite a flurry when they oa bi me i ded OE y tton [the road early in the spring anr pro- | Vee Kilman and Mable Rooks—stepped from the small group gathered beside |and more unified community,
3 >—accC anying re( >S r ax > NM. J. +, > TPE ro 1 YEE : ‘ re . § - s : yes or
His Be Be raDany Is 2% EO x ma 5 ; a Rhy jw NE Sanlols | per detours arranged. [the old grave in quaint St. Peter’s church yard and laid a wreath which they | Which will attract more and mo?
one of The Post's, lamps, ‘which ce! JDrNCIDA, | OL 3 owns the! At the rate the company is now | had brought from Dallas, Texas. citizens.”
tainly will be surprised to find itself [for the use of the gymnasium by the | The bri ! Ry 4
\ The brief ceremony here in Philadel- Through every suggestion offeré
being sent all the way to B. C.—gave [township teams. A request for the use | Worsing Sveryony Shon ea poadi phia was a part of the ot g of] TT 2
& 3 1 x + : oY o o o 1 2 wy ar Serv. ce 1 > = 3 i 3 3 rai
us a pleasurable tingle this week. of the auditorium by the Blue Ribbon fe I DON HT Just pe Blue Ribboners Texas's GC bart 0 re orvanae 2 Ae ost Ten such a Strain of hops
| [Toxass Centennial Anniversary of In- |that residents who have not interested
|dependence, which began yesterday. |themselves in the affairs of the com-
s | ng ieht i I ny. als ne SOON as the absence of frost in the |
; Mr. Kocher is a brother to Mrs. Lil- Cant a night in January also was |S Tle. TpTine: SAGs, !
> i NOX 2 he 2 1 his | 8T¢ >a. x : x The naior fer , in} sg .
lian Auyil of Noxen and he and ius? | According to announcement from the After Amateurs 1 he major feature of that Co tion | munities bere will throw -th
will be the World's Fair to b*&ield 2%} to efforts for development th
3 y n Noxen until about twenty | . 3 >
wife lived ir | State highway department bids are }
{Je cting new and fresh vigor int
years ago, maintaining a grocery store. ‘Blaze Pos st ones p i i p y [Dallas this year
it soon to be asked for completion of the P { year.
y stp ea Call For Talented which have had to be carried by
They moved to British Columbia about | pout from the present link on into | Mayor J. Hampton Moore presided !
1914. Both Mr. and Mrs. Kocher ar el : : over the ceremonies, A > tt ) rity
: ; : qr | nkhannock. It is expected that work | » 2 es, Among those who | lal minority.
fine, according tc the note, and Mr.| Family’s Leaving run ected : Entertainers For wens thet rand Beara Teles Dive AME
Ee lon this additional section will not get
Contest |grandson of the former vice-president |
3 y
recipe whic]
among epict
May Com plete Road é : oo (See Editorial, Page 2.)
Into Tunkhannock on A new spirit of community consci=
ousness which would impress goit
every resident of this section the en-
Contractors Battle Cold In : : ; | joyment and advantages which come
: from neighborly co operation is the
Drive To Maintain : : ; paramount need here as the new year
Schedule i ; i begins, a confidential survey among
: La leading - citizens disclosed this week.
: a In an effort to learn what local pro-
b ( if jects deserve the most. support during
Faced with unusually severe winter
“Too many people regard this terri
tory as a place to build homes where
{ocher, as we said, isn’t The |
oo : : i |
nas offered to write a story for | :
British Columbia We've urged | —_—— underway until spring but that the tose Haine. Doll Tos. too Among the most unique defin
3ritis 3 a. v g elite gis, az od — | se name Dallas, Tex., took | cestions made .
; {Tw |highway as far as the Tunkhannock | ) ’ . | gestions made was that for the
nd »ost haste. | W M 5 J 3 i . m PR aT ry Sai RE as g or €
€ it, p a | Fire In all Breaks As Mrs. bridge will be completed sometime next | “Around and around she goes, and | 3 he ge arrived from Texas bY|tion of a council of represex
—0 | . . ‘her tho & 3 7 Ye oY) lane on 1 av. Thev are
i Whitely Is Departing summer. | where she stops nobody kaows”. 1 on dong Ly. They are Siicial ltr ‘om the different communities $wh?
t This will leave the Dallas end of the | Amateur entertaiuers who sit long- representatiy es of the Texas Rangers, |lie about Dall: a group to be mad
most distant subscriber. That | M a > : : ; . inelv fore radios envvi Ne pr. |and are two of the several hundre : : ig
tion suppose, would gc to For ontclair ; {road from a considerable distance bes [(inaly before radios envying dno por; jn ung ladies selected by fil r( Ei por on and new residents jof
tio eS ose, g0 § 3 formers w sine. ds ea 9 ive imi se . 3 3
tion, ’ II po ow if in { _~4¥ond Lutes’ Corners still to be com- |formers who sing, dance and give imi- ody. to I e Ena mantic | region, councilmen and SUperva i
bisque, Dick Templin, Kenneth | Sl loted. No announcement has been tations for Major Bowes, Fred Allen o represent it in Sicoming the) from the different towns, delnns,
ver and Paul LaBar, Dallas] Fire which broke out just as the oc- |=." “up “oi to hiohway department (OF Ray Perkins, Attention! jnation to Dallas this [from civic and fraternal organis ould
7 are serving with the |cupants were preparing leave for | : ye a os 4 3 , : RET i y x : :
\ Whe ki 0 11 Panam A N Sy ar : te Ye : v las to when bids will be asked for this The task of unearthing the Lawrence | qeorse Mifflin Dallas, whose me {men and women. Such a groyld be
2d States army 1e anama | I lair, N. J., damage : . ors ee ey 3 . 20rg a Dallas, whose me sire
i ylates army, : WE Bee ; : vey le Alorsan | o .tion, although it is definitely on the |Tibbets and Grace Moores and Bea- 1 - Se Memory | have tremendous power and uniting
1 Zone. Two copies of The Post go |cottage on Machel Avenue on Tuesday | ) s : Sp a pd ; g ee i was honored in Philadelphia this week, the first »
: : maps of the highway department for |trice Lillie’s of the Back Mountain Re- 1 concrete step towe sec
h ‘there each week, one to the boys | morning, { J L I was the son of James Alexander Dal x e section.
ir mia 4 the tao on ? | completion as the final link in the gion has been assumed by the Blue! .¢ fo) whom Dallas Borouel 1 Dal. | | the 10,000-0dd residents cgs to dis-
\ Ya oi y y ) 3 he ‘AanToo rhitelev . yhtor - > 3 ar [: as bo £ & al- ;
e I acific side, one to t wo O Mrs. George Whiteley, a daughter of |p nkhannock-Dallas road. Ribbon Club. Sy re, ) He : rough and Da After preliminary me of this sec-
flantic side. { W. F. Newberry, founder of the New- A ‘dq | a Cook eslAont announced tis op PYRship Were named: [cuss thoroughly the fuarshal unpre
—0— berry chain of five and ten cent stores Many local residents have been of | Ira Cooke, president, announcec 1s | Che Senior Dallas was born in Ja- (tion the council vin eT pre-
: : | oh - iG F 2o8 ’lthe opinion that the Luzerne county [week that the club is making plans To.maica, came to New York i 782 and leat cll couknity among the
ornia gets a number of copies. |and whose summer home is off Pioneer : SE 5 a, Cé o New York in 1783, and |cedented strength ALetio ied ?
’ : end of the road is not slated for im- [conduct an amateur show in the Dal-|was, at e St Hime 17 2S Roaretor S ‘HS aregion and, by
the ooes each week to Mrs. |Avenue, Dallas, had been occupying | aa , atthe same time, U. S. Secretary | residents of thi q .
It on £ Ps a na. C oN who. | the Cobh for several months YS | hrovement or is not a part of the pro- |las Borough High School Building |of the Treasurer and Acting Secretary JR a ¥, demand the im-
ick asadena, al., vho, | the age sever: S. : : : Seth ; . AT oR . : : ey v | Str 4 ) ems essary
ly n u h, is visiting Mrs. John I 1 i t posed construction. This, however, does |some time in January. of War, besides having practiced law, provements Vi a
3 enough, is Ss g 1 . Jol repars xs x avine risi 4% : v | A § 3 ‘nts ab as % a
here in Dallas this very week re a i rE visit her |, ,t fit into the plans as now proposea| “If” says Mr. Cooke, “you can play | written plays, been Secretary of Com- would be EE yids a is
S. Kocher gets a paper in Po Pa in MD : War - ns Te IN |}, the Department of Highways. Last [any kind of an instrument, dance, sing, |monwealth for Pennsylvania and Fed- {house for 1¢ lo x EN
S. 1 gets a pe ro- [ lair, Mrs. W ley he ade ar- |... y , raf Yas 1 : n SOLS > orojects
G. Pinchard gets one a i t 1 iA i: 13 de ar- | onring Warren Van Dyke, secretary of |act, or do anything else calculated toleral Attorney for Eastern Pennsylvan-| Among / Thor on lo
Feel. LU Me xix ‘angements par 3Sde N- | 1.3 - J i : s 13 Tei ati a o£ ng / a ne swers
tal. Fred Kunkle re- ra : SE w Sgto . ep i ‘ ie oy vy on lhighways, went over the “proposed |entertain the populace, write a letter |ia. He was an intimate friend of Ben- |gcored Fy were IN Bois
is at Clare The nt, Cal., and each 9 1 Ne Dinan Ie ne « "eon | plang with local committees and dis- [to the Blue Ribbon Club, Box 328, Dal- jamin Franklin. Post’s /hich ould j >
S ¢ alr ont, Cal, ¢ ach [nected : ec was starte ys fire- 3 : . , ; : : i : cL st’s > c Serve
arr Class of the UI jDocted a, fires wasy started, in the fire-|n,1aved State highway maps showing |las, and tell us about yourself. We will His son, George Mifflin, was born in {jiprap SE Og
Journalism Class of the nl- iplace. Suddenly, in the midst of the ’ : : ly J : ] " 1% : : ; ibrar of the Dallas area ar
3 ae California gets : Ha : > the proposed highway improvements advise you when and where to appear Philadelphia and was vice-president mm secti : :
Southern California gets a confusion of leaving, someone Saw | ..;ching from Tunkhannock to Dallas. for the arrangement of the progrem.” [1844 when he cast the deciding vote on Section of the main hishway
. S. Morris, a son of the late Joke issuine fr he We qT ; 5 ! paiEL 3 a ae. he arrangeme ) 1€ S oie ES ; as 8 3 tifitne and Dallas. Abo
; [smoke issuing from the wall near the oe TAT | ee nh i 5 the famous. Tarif Bill. Because of his); 10. £ i as. AD ut a
or Frank Morris, gets his paper | fireplace go Prizes will be awarded to the win- tors Fetes aa > Luzerr project was initiate
; Bh Lce. o T Bem s sady ole abs 2 1ir- | historic service, eter’s olony, ix |¢ ;
eek in Dallas, Tex, ails A i i \ ; D rk N AAT F J » ners. Judges will be selected from di * [the latttion was taken. :
X 33 William Franklin, an employe ot |B 11 ew astor lite Pb i, istrict. Com- | Texas, was renamed Dallas to honos | . sren Se
ames on the mailing lis : Ralph Hallock and who was turnin [ferent parts of the rural district. Com hi definite ac hrubs and
LC S O L c Bi : < allock a ‘ho as p = liad . : vim.
re fascinatine stories in tt |r I 4 tt 9 [plete details will be announced later. | [now to sec wi
ve fascinating Cs f the water, attempted to quench the 4 or t T 1erese’s | Dallas Township, which was formed |; ate ond : ;
wbout people who once lived in |gmonldering fire until Henry M. Laing | Ah. 7 rt S| [in 1817, presumably of territory taken Eo Stn 3 Pha to pay sha. labo]
tion and are now scattered | Fire Co. arrived, when a hole was cut | | Rooster Rides Four I from Kingston Township, was former- | A fun ow ae Disposal
“ yi} , asking :: fr germ———— | | * 3 : 7 We Bh. vage Dis a
1e country. It would be asking, into the wall and the blaze was extin- { Miles On Aut obile |¥ known as Bedford, and took its pres- | g posa
. se tha . : s | I Tp AQ 3 5 >a
1, we suppose, to propose that |oyijshed with water and chemicals. | UOIES Here From Scranton | Hes un omo >| ent name in honor to the senior Dallas. |, Other persons thought the con
Hose distant friends gu dow" [Firemen did good work in deadening Cha ore WwW 1 d At 7 | Dallas Borough gets its name from the jition of 0. Sewage fisnosal aysie
i and tell our local readers the blaze quickly and neatly, Damage | large, elcome L | Mrs, C. W. Moss of Dallas contri- same source, having formerly been | DriMe Imporiance for 2aload 1!
ir new homes. We'd enjoy was slight. [ ception {putes the following account of a roost- |known as McClellandsville and been Ea e from D2lins now, ar
yo trom them. Later in the day the family left for ; 3 |er’s strange ride. | part of the township. | Toby!s Creek, which passes
eo EL Motolate. : 2 | ‘ big rooster was perched on the | each Somanily Pfam hors NT
lL average reporter's intense devo . ; Vi Sea TG 3 Tee ey lois per of a car owned and driv- | 0 Susquehanna River. requent yi
5 : amazes most laymen Chimney Fire i] The congregaliol Bt Theresos) yi owed on. Anil TO COLLECT TAXES summer, despite warnings, chi
aves us a little stun- r. rv Laine Fire Company | ERA ; : it For the convenience of citizens of|{swim in that creek. As long ago
{ : irm. from West Dallas 2% Y tn TYE, hiss) : ci os vi , about four miles before the the Fernbrook section of Dallas Town- 1933, authorities 1
on Saturday FLCTTIO0N. extinguishing a |, rT Ar oa A Fort found. still perched on the ship, John Isaacs, tax collecton for the
chimney fire in the farm house owned | ) 5 A AE Yi err | township, will be at IST Iz Nyhai
store « January 10 afl@&S¥anuary
from ¢ i. Taxpayers of that
hurch at Shavertown welcomed
rold Durk after dark,
shburn. Damage Was
{are asked t ote the s caret
of John 1 lelible mark on
whom had been born in ) 3 1 r them. Across the f
had come to Newport ft ited States map there are nine separate towns and cities which
V ; 1 1. abou his fourteen children 2 A > ]
an employ of aturday and Sunday they were warm | (he 1 d lost four of his large family) cleared a tract and developed Dallas, Pa., is the most Northe erly | post office, has one of the mos
t Co., arrived in Dal- land comfortable in their snug trailer, 4 Ei orm. The old ae eman died at the age of 80, as the of all the Dallases. It is a first cousin mon names. Aside from having
Ts 1839. to similarly-named towns in Georgia, | Kingston a few 1 y: away, the tow
snd the ar< |x 1icl has faci ies r cooki > an | . > ht 2 \ ro ake TT nshi i
o superinter he of On hy eid ’ 3 he | result of a frozen toe. John B. moved to Lake Township n Towa, North Carolina, Oregon, South ship is related to@some -twénty-oc
Dakota, Texas, West Virginia and 'Wis- | Kingstons from codst to coast. In &
consin. i dition there are about fifty derivation
In fact there are only about two lo-|0f the royal title—from King and,
cal communities — Trucksville and | Queen in Virginia to Kingwood In
Sweet Valley-—which have exclusive | Wi lest Virginia. 3
use of their names. There are Alder- | “Takes, too, are well represented in
sons in Oklahoma and West Virginia, [the postal guide. There are only, three
Oranges all over the map, a Shaver- |Laketons, in Pennsylvania, Indiant
town in New York, a Noxon (spelled and Texas, but there are eleven Lake
with an “0”) in Montana, and a Leh- |Cities, two Lakeports, nine Lakesides,
man in Texas. and a flock of Lakevilles, Lakeview
Kingston Township, although not al|and Lake Centers.
0-pound shipment ot [sleeping and serves as a home and an | The territory then was wilderness .and the family had to work
arcus Hook, Va. Mr. |off | hard clearine away trees before their rough log house could be
ving the big truck he Using the truck, Mr. Hoselton de- built. Later that cabin was succeeded by more elaborate buildings.
the barrels and Mrs. |livered the 74,000 pounds of asphalt to | John B. died at the age of 76. Sylvester was the fifth of eleven
loting an automobile | the stations on the State Highway children, nine of whom grew to maturity. He learned the trade of
vhich they call home. | system near here where it will be used. blacksmith early in his life and became a first-class mechanic. In
their work was to be | Then, early Monday afternoon he February, 1870, he married Miss Eveline, daughter of Henry and
1 Valley Station on climbed into the cab of his truck, Mrs. Sarah Poole and they had two chileren. A Democrat, Mr. Kocher
parked their trailer | Hoselton took the wheel of their auto- held several township offices, and fulfilled the duties capably, in
p and set, up light— | mobile, and they pulled out of town, addition to his work at the Tac ksmith shop and the cultivatign of
keeping ~Rntil their fhome and all, for Laporte, where they the farm on which he had been born. |
4 | will superintend the unloading of an-
0 -zero ‘Wi ather over |other asphalt shipment.