The Dallas post. (Dallas, Pa.) 19??-200?, December 06, 1935, Image 8

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Orange Thomson Goes To |Templin Recounts Blind Man Faces
MRS. MARY EMMANUEL Cleveland Branch Canal Zone Tales Winter Penniless
Local Man Wins Promotion 97-Year-Old Adolph Schnei- ~
With {Proctor And
a service which promises to be of great [garden should be cleaned up and burn- | guests of Helen McHenry, Wednesday.
; der Won't Give Up Quickly
He cat : : : amble Though
interest. At. 2:30 ‘the Gospel Meeting |ed. The winter quarters of many harm- Mr. and Mrs. Mike Prokopihak en- / the radio station to watch send one
‘will be held. Members are requested to ful diseases and insects will be destroy- | tertained Mr. and Mrs. Fritsky and Malcolm Thomson of Dallas has been of his Tt ik ee I — Continued ro Pa, 1
mote the change from the night service. |ed in this way. Peter Fritsky on Thursday. promoted to a new position with Proc- |about half way through with the mes- ios is a student's ra a
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Dymond, Glenn |tor and Gamble and will leave Dallas ) p
Two Meetings For | Robert L. Sutton will speak on “Can
N Church Members Be Saved?”’. The
Tabernacle Sunday ic is cordially invited to attend
{with their friends and Bibles. Com-
ini the | munion at 10 o’clock.
iE — re
Two meetings will be held
Outlet Bible Tabernacle on Sunday. At
10:30 the Junior League of Many Na- CLEAN UP TRASH Misses Florence Kelly and Gladys
tions( from Binghamton, will conduct| All old vegetation and weeds in, the 'Rasmusson of Centermoreland were
Continued from Page 1.)
were a few places I recognized.
A few weeks ago I took Bill down to |
i pkgs. Cc i Dad might be glad to know | FOR SALE—Three horsepower mo-
A Satina Tablets 2 i 8 FRESH DRESSED | A H Ags finds Re [tor and two-ton ice machine; National
Pu pkg. : a us as reolator. ie ; i
A Grape-Nuts 1 1c STEWING up to b 2 5 Cc [§| finance the purchase of such |Cash resister, - hee Sonpare
i: = can i 3% 1b. Lb. { things as Heat Systems, Dexter | scales; Lare's, 188 ain Street, Luz-
: Log Cabin Syrup 23¢ CHICKENS ve || Washers: Westinghouse. Eteatia || <rne 1-2aodt,
y 14-10. Refrigerators or roofing and TTR
Baker's Chocolate ee 150 water pumps: No rdown pay~ 11] LEGAL NOTICE
i of Trucksville, was buried Friday af- country he has been a zealous labor
bs. guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Brace, |ternoon at 1:30 from the home of her Continued from Page 1.) worker. He tells stories of his associa-
A ! raving : | 2 tion with Johan Mitchell, Tom Kenned
! in Tall Thanksgiving: niece, Mrs. Polly Rudolph, 119 Poplar | : , Tom y,
1 I Cc i : Cc i Mrs. Nora Dymond and son Leland | Street, Wilkes-Barre. Services were | oRth. The rope. gommitise bir | Mother Jones and Father Curran in
{ BR Bulk Cans and Mrs, Nancy Berlew visited Mr. and also held in Bethel Baptist Church. fi i" pet my ary. rehaus {the early labor movement. Once, when
i Mrs. iving. To iciate 1 2 : S 'he was in Schenec t
| § rs. George Berlew, Thanksgiving. Rev. Gomer Evans officiated. Mrs. | =. Janitors: supplies wers purchased, | tedy to address a
- : | swing. For recreation, we spend our TRY § {
Sliced Bacon Saji 2 ete. 39¢ and Bobby of Yomal N. Y., were week- Older residents of the community time swimming, going to the show, Ie Mississippi flood on his way back oh
pkgs. hd Tues of Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Tas grieved to hear of the death of visiting the battleships, and submar- I prom Mexico and a few months
lever, \ John Sharpes, 73, which occurr tli he Bal Docks, or staying | a narrow escape from a
FINEST U.S. NO. 1 Miss Lulu Litts, who has been 3 ocurred iati/ines at, the Balboa Docks, or {Stay}
. F. A. Sny rilli x 3 | ca Adol 5 i
FINE GRANULATED | WHITE HOUSE EVAP. Se pid Mr B & Snvaer oi] William Sharpes of West Pion. |r wwe oniod our tom here gory El an bom Wels 3 The
EE Ne ui Of | The funeral was held yesterday af- (much, but we realize there's no place | pr OM 200 German
| ang, Mrs, Theodore McHenry, Thanks. | yon56n 51 5 ‘o'clock rom the home of far. o [army and came to America, paradosi:
giving Day: Mr. and Mrs. Howard | 3 [ire nome.
IONA NEW PACK friends at Nanticoke on Sunday. of Hamilton, Ontario, at whose home | _. } i I'metz and listened to wise words which
No. 2 Mrs. Margaret Snell and Rose Evans she died and Harry of Detroit. tpnal Bank I noriged Sein |he still cherishes. It was Stainmetz
. spent Thanksgiving Day with Robert [Miss Edythe Pollock of Carverton wit- inti De OT a Ay Re | who told him that Russia was laying
oma 0es Cans Eaton. nessed the Penn-Cornell football game | rei app. bay ” [ihe Sorter-shone of a new world, but i
Mr. and Mrs. Bea Eaton entertained {in Philadelphia Thanksgiving Day. | : at she could never succeed until she
2 wl on Thanksgiving, Mrs. Ray Larish and | Benjamin Cobleigh was : guest of | Shavertown Man Dies took back religion.
IONA Bi Kenneth Larish, Wyoming, and Mr. honor at a birthday party at his home | f rl 3 i Now, Adelph doesn’t know how he’s
1g and Mrs. William Perrego of Shaver- |in Huntsville Friday night. 2 5 3 {going to get through the winter. He's
18¢ town. Mrs. Clifford Space and daughter, | _ Charfgs-atfkinson, 2, Hi) Caste a little bitter about the way things
) Mr. and Mrs. Chan Sickler of Wyo- {Madge and Louise, of Dallas, spent biol or. a ; N bitt M FY 2 ~ |have worked out. He wouldn't say he
Cans ming were dinner guests of Mr. and | Thanksgiving week in Washington. fo . Ey tpn wants charity. Somehow, he thinks
’ Mrs. John Sickler, Thanksgiving Day. tt | y J 5 w something is going to turn up that
GRANDMOTHER'S George Eckhart of Hazleton has re-| TRUCKSVILLE M. E. CHURCH mg an automobile accident at will enable him to earn a living until
b turned home after visiting friends here. Rev. J. Rolland Crompton ymouth, {he can get out and play his accordion
1} Suced or ~ Loaf Mr. and Mrs. Mark Kunkle and son Sunday — Morning Wborship, “The | Theodore Simons, 356 Hazle Street, |again. :
] Fea Unsliced Loaf Paul recently visited Mr. and Mrs. | Absolute Faith”; HEvening Worship, | Wilkes-Barre, driver of the other car| In the meantime, if you think of
| Week-End Coffee Sale
' 15 C
Eight O'Clock
tained Mrs. Mildred Boston, Donald dore Simons, who was moving in the ae dosing oo haidenially, that
RICH AND FULL BODIED and Clarence Boston of West Pittston | Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Gay were re- | opposite direction. Dalla Saas, File & How proparing
a and Miss Dauber of Shamokin, on|cent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Funeral services will be held today RT re ray Dent
Red Circle Ih Thanksgiving Day. Heitsman at Centermoreland. at the home of Mr. Atkinson's sister, ide; James Dallas thereby creating the
. 1 : . | ’
a Eustice, Hill Crest Avenue confusion which exists between this
. newspaper and one of its New York
VIGOROUS AND WINEY V = BN ‘Surviving are his parents, Mr. and contacts, whose stenographer invari-
THE COFFEE Mrs, Henderson Atkinson, and the fol- |ably mails our letters to Dallas, Texas. 3
| 0 ar SUPREME Ib. can i lowing brothers and sisters: Raymond, | What makes it worse is that Houston,
| TAX D | Carl, Henderson, Jr. Margaret, Mary, |Tex., has a Post-Dispatch and we gen-
Tune In on KATE SMITH “A&P Coffee Time”—Columbia and Mrs, “Stuart Eustice. Srully have to wai until the govern;
Network—Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays at 7:30 P. M. —17 Years Experience— Mr. Atkinson was well-known and |Tent has sent the letter over to Hous-
y y : ton to see if that’s where it belongs.
highly esteemed and his untimely Mis
a rere sh to the com-
Cooked Corned Beef 2 29¢ 0 p PO S ITE iia rgeversshockilo Our last crack at the system of mis-
< . : / . matching local scholastic football
Sunnyfield Rice en ung 3 pkgs. 20c¢ teams: Dallas didn’t score a point un-
THE | [til its sixth game this season. Dallas
The Delicious
Wheatena Te leidos
Weston’s Cookies
Victoria Mustard
Matinee Tea avi ois. £96
Softasilk Cake Flour ones. 656
A $1.50 Chromium Relish Dish Free With ‘Each 2-Package Purchase
| Marrowfat |
2 1bs. 25¢
of oF 15% oz. 9c
Del Monte
Post Bran Flakes 2 »« 19¢
Minute Tapioca 2 »= 23¢
Extra Specials in Our Quality Meat Depts.
Turkeys » 33¢!
Fi lets “= wm 10
Fillets of Fish Are on Sale in Our Meat and Grocery Stores
Stewing Oysters . ... pint can 23c; 4 doz 29¢
and Bobby Dymond were dinner guests {soon to assume executive duties in
of Mr, and Mrs. David Emmanuel, Cleveland, O. ¥
Thanksgiving. Mr. Thomson will have charge of
Mr. andg® Mrs. Wesley Dymond en-
the Primex and Sweetex departments !
sage he began turning the dials of the
transmitter to see what happened and
put the whole station out of whack.
It took about two hours to get it lined
up right. He isn’t in love with radio
ly, to make an explanation more lucid,
he explains the Greek source of a word
he has used. He scatters German and
Spanish words through his conversa-
tions. He recites poems which he has
tertained the following at dinner
Thanksgiving day; Mr. and Mrs. Laird
Stanton, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Perry
and children, Joseph, George, Kathryn,
and Jerry; Mrs. Belle LaBar, George
LaBar, John Berlew, Madge Dymond,
and Mrs. Elizabeth Sweitzer.
| : 3
i University.
at the Cleveland headquarters. He has jand got a laugh out of what happened, | written. He will excuse anything in
been with P. and G. since 1926, shortly although I didn’t at the time. | his listener but stupidity,
after he was graduated from Indiana | Rij was out with two other fellows | Nor is he a weakling physically. He
Servi ¥ can take a chair by its to ng and
Mr. and Mrs. Thomson have lived [o Seryise Batiery 2 Tlomenm slang a De
3 an 2 land spied a shark in shallow water | hold it stiff-armed horizontally. He
3 re 2 ou % OUR years. . I. Thomson |g was throwing rocks at it. This is pounds his table until it shakes when
ow has charge of nineteen counties ‘near the place where we have been he is aroused. He walks firmly and
in Pennsylvania and New Jersey.
Funeral of John Sharpes
L ‘Held At Tunkhannock
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Sickler spent
Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. Tho-
mas Morgan at Parsons. 5
Mr. and Mrs. George Woolever, Mr.
and Mrs. Roy Woolever and sons Jean
the home of his daughter, Mrs, Clay-
ton Gay at Carverton, Tuesday morn-
spending some time with her sister,
on Thanksgiving Day. | dren: Mrs. M. F. Felker
3 ool . AIO of Tunkhan-
Allen Snyder has returned to Black | nck, Mrs. Clayton Gay of Carverton
Duck, Minnesota after visiting his par- George Sharpes of Tunkhannock and
| Mrs. Felker at Tunkhannock.
rr eB ren
Mrs. Anna Richards of ‘Wilkes-Barre,
sister-in-law of Mrs. Rebecca Richards
Perry, Jerald Perry, Joseph Perry and
children, Mr. and Mrs. William LaBar
and children, and David Perry.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Brace, Edith and
Dorothy Brace of Wyoming were |
Mr, and Mrs. Orval Cain visited | Richards is survived by two sons, John
“That I Might Gain Christ”; Epworth
League 6:45,
Monday — Brownies, right after
school: Cub Pack 6:30; Official Board
Meeting for December, 8:00.
Wednesday—Boy Scouts, 7:30.
Thursday — Missionary Society at
the home of Mrs. Ethel Olver, all day;
Junior Choir 3:80; Orchestra 7:00;
Senior Choir, 8:00.
Orval Cain.
Mrs. Mark Kunkle entertained the
Home Guards at her home, Saturday
Mrs. Leslie Dymond, Mrs. Florence
Agnew, Junior Perry and Doris Dy-
mond were at Wilkes-Barre, Monday.
Mrs. C. E. Ross is some better at
this writing.
Mr. and Mrs. George Ferry enter-
Easy and Convenient To
Guranteed Vermin and Mothproof
2004 Wyoming Ave. 7-1935
ty :
Wyoming, Pa.
7 3
Turkeys “ 33
PORK LOINS, rib end
Loin End Ib., 28¢ Center Cuts
Best Center Cuts
Round Bone Cuts 1b., 25¢
1b., 25¢
1b., 35¢
Ib. 17¢
ib., 23¢
Cross Cut Ib. 2c
Ib. 31c¢
|swimming. It isn’t a very ' pleasant
jthing to think about when you're
. Baseball
season is on here in full
{in the barracks to play pool or listen
{to the radio.
5 LBS i i
. Mrs. Pearl Sickler, has entered the {ip resi ; | : time, The dog escaped, too, but when
; 3 2 p g. Mr. Sharpes has resided in Car- yg oy 5 75 {
Maine FULL C Jefferson Hospital, Philadelphia for | verton for over thirty years and will | The dry and hot Speen is Roary lit jumped to the ground it struck an |
although it rains every day yet. Wes 5 a z ra
observation. be. sadly. missed: by his friend a : awning and two months later it died. 7 |
PECK Mr. and Mrs. Hahn Love of Mehoop- | ncier: y ng Yi 1S _1riends ‘and over says it has been cool on the At-| ‘Noy Adolph has two dogs, Asta, & Fn
0 a oes any visited Mr. and Mrs. Horton Bell (pois Rs is isa 10 oars aan |lantic Side. ‘People say the Pacific side | Belgian shepherd, and her ninemont I
He is survived by the following chil- |is hotter than the other side, which I : >
| am ready to believe. This post is
Inamed after the first president of Pan-
lama and is the show post of the isth-
| Township Board Reorganizes
Continued from Page 1.)
| A loan of $2,700 from .Luzerne Na-
figured in the head-on collision, was
taken before a judge on Wiednesday
| afternoon and held under $2,500 bail
for the next term of the grand jury en
a charge of involuntary manslaughter.
Atkinson was driving his car, con-
taining three passengers, toward Ply-
| mouth Sunday morning and is reported
to have lost control and crashed into
the automobile being driven by Theo-
About 500 boys and girls were
here for our toyland opening last
Saturday, and Santa Claus was
( kept mighty busy handing out
lolly pops. We hope you enjoyed
your visit as much as we di.
Santa Claus will be here again
next Saturday afternoon Decem-
ber 7th.
Our “Billy and Ruth” contest
is in full swing and every mail
brings more letters from kids in
all directions. All letters entered
in the local contest must reach
| us by December 17th. This con-
test is open to all children under
| 16 years of age. The Billy and
Ruth toy book tells about the [Church in Pittston yesterday and. to- SF
Big 1 ™ I IN OUR QUALITY toys and the contest. Ask for |= a A
= ; Classitied Ads
C14 SS111€e S
ea ep Se it or not—we have 20 ||
| different kinds of tricycles and
| more than 1000 different Christ-
| mas gifts for kids not to mention
the many practical gifts for old-
er folks.
ment and three years to pay.
Our shop men have recently
completed a steam heat installa-
tion for Gussie Mauselle at La-~
ceyville, a Bathroom and sink
for Ernest Marcy at Springville;
a Hot Water system for Clyde
Pratt at Nicholson and furnaces
for Welliver’s Garage and T. S.
Jones at Montrose. We can fur-
nish any size boiler or furnace
from stock.
Fillets of Genuine Haddock ..........1b [5c PHONE 5050 FOR COMFORT |
Dressed Whiting"... .... 0... vues. ial 10c ;
Boston Mackerel daa aie a 2 DE 25 SMOKED BACON Ib. 33¢ IRA D. COOKE ¥
Dressed Silver Bass or Sea Trout ....2 lbs 25¢ PURE PORK SAUSAGE 1b. 3l¢
(ay-Murray Co.
; F ; , wi : ———— Ine. Pens Register NS fio :
&P.FOOD ST 1° RES ol 0) OD OR B® Tunkhannock CHAS 17 COOKE Decd yr
{knowingly about his five-room bung -
lalow. His supple fingers, skilleq once
in toolmaking, can smooth pains from
{aching muscles.
Early this year he was marooned in
| blazing hotel in the South. He escaped
| because his police dog warned him in
| pup. Already Asta obeys Adolph’s Ger-
|man commands. gE
All the commands are in German be-
|cally, to fight in the Spanish-American J
|War. He landed in Philadelphia. a |
month or two after the war had end-
Almost from the time he entered the
[union meeting, he met the great Stain-
ianything Adolph might do to earn a
| few dollars, you can reach him at the
{second house in on Claude from
|Church Street.
(Continued from Page 1.)
| Township played four games before it
|made a touchdown. Lehman had zeros
"for its first four games. Kingston i
| Township scored 6 in its games with
| Luzerne and with Meyers, but in the
{same games Luzerne scored 71 and ]
[Meyers scored 34. Finally, in the first |
{three games of the season the four
{local teams made a total of twelve
| points. During the same three weeks
| their opponents, Meyers High School,
Luzerne High School, Coughlin, Plains,
| Edwardsville and Forty Fort, were ac-
cumulating 424 points against the local
elevens. All because the local men were
being thrown against teams which al-
| ways will be in higher conference.
—— a
| tev. G. Elson Ruff, pastor of St.
Paul’s Lutheran Church, is the guest ~
| speaker at the preaching mission be-
{ing held at the St. Peter’s Tutheran
[FOR SALE—De Laval Cream Sepa- °*
I rater; used three years; like new; Mrs.
E. G. Scott, Lehman, Phone 366RT.
| Notice is hereby given that letters
| testamentary have been granted in the
| Estate of Wasil Kusma, late of the
| Borough of Courtdale, to the under-
All persons indebted to said estate
|are requested to make payment and
[those having claims or demands to ’
present the same without delay to,
Courtdale, Penna.
Michael Kusma, Executor,
167 Corby Street,
or to his attorney,
Henry Greenwald, Esq.
1200 Miners National Bank Bldg.,
Professional Land Surveyor
Phone, Dallas 126. Dallas, Pa,