Brown, Mrs. George Kirkendall, Mrs. id NY Social pEaie nd \ DC. H number of social affairs have been given. Friday evening Mrs. ‘Shaver, Mrs. Harold Rood, Mrs. John Durbin, Mrs. Kenneth Oliver, Mrs. ~ Robert Bodycomb, Miss Josephine Stem, Miss Lettie Lee, Miss Marie Wool- bert of Dallas: Miss Dorothy Moore, i ‘Miss Arline Moore, Miss Edna Moore Notary Alins Will of East Dallas; Miss Mildred Devons of 3 ; Kankle; Mrs. George Stolarick of Leh- Hold Holiday Dance ~ man. Mrs. John Durbin was high scor- er at bridge and Mrs. Oliver at pino- Se A 5 ed 2%, lof the Rotary Anns will be held at the . daturday afternoon TS. arold ‘Trem Temple Country Club on the ~ Rood entertained at tea at her home on evening of December 12. Husbands of : fore dtieet, 11 Bono Se iste (the members will be guests of the Mrs. Moore. Mrs, Guy Sm + evening. : Thomas Moore poured. Present: Mrs.| Mrs. James Martin, president of the Karl Kreder of Wilkes-Barre; Mrs. C. Rotary Anns has appointed the follow- R Ney of Forty a Miss Daas ie ing members of her committee to make a Janet as a jie) sei Mok lem Mu, : : } » Intyre, chairman; Mrs. C. ert, Mrs. Laura Patterson, Miss Lillian Mrs. L. F. Kingsley, Mrs. Herman Van ~ Rood, Miss Marie Woolbert, Mrs. Ross 'Campen, Mrs. Warren Taylor, Mrs. Lewin, Mrs. J. C. Fleming, Mrs. M. J. Herbert Hill, Mrs. Helen Frace and | Mrs. Vincent Shindel. of aod ® B&F The annual holiday dinner and dance Lulu Beisel, Mrs. Wesley Moore Dallas; Mrs. Thomas Moore, Miss Ed- na Moore, Miss Arline Moore, Miss Mrs. Raymond Malkemes and daugh- Bess Love, Mrs. Stanley Moore of ter, Barbara who spent several days as ONORING Mrs. Wesldy Moore of Dallas who was recently married a Ross Lewin and Miss Bess Love of Dallas entertained at a surprise shower ~ for Mrs. Moore at the home of Mrs. Lewin. The guests were: Mrs. Milford “ East Dallas; Mrs. John Hislop of Moosic. Mrs. Richard Thomas of Shickshinny. : Tuesday night Miss Josephine Stem entertained at her home at a kitchen | shower for Mrs. Moore. The guests ‘were: Miss Gertrude Wilson, Miss Ruth Hull, Miss Eleanor Machell, Miss Lola Pittman, Miss Betty Cole, Miss J Lillian Rood, Miss Marie Woolbert, | ‘Miss Betty Culbert, Miss Betty Breck- ~ enridge, Mrs. Wesley Moore and the hostess. . or Last Friday Mrs. Thomas Moore of ~~ Fast Dallas entertained at a .linen ~ shower and two weeks ago Mrs. Mach- ell {Hildebrant and Mrs. Laura Patter- ~ son had a variety shower for Mrs. ~ Moore. ] » * * * Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Kiefer of Shrine- wiew will go to Stratford, Conn., to be guests of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Phillips for the holiday week-end. ; ® oe ®, ~ Mr. and Mrs. Wi M. Powell of ~~ Bhrineview will witness the Army- ~ Navy football game at Philadelphia this week-end. PR * # » : Maurice Chaite of Trucksville went to Princeton Saturday where he atten- ded the Dartmouth-Princeton football game. \ MN * ® 0% ~ Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Shindel of Lake Street, Dallas, had as their guests Jast week end Mr. and Mrs. T. D. ‘Lewis of Lansford, Pa. i ¥ *% 0% Mrs. Howard Risley of Dallas and her sister Miss Margaret Zeiser of ‘Wilkes-Barre will spend the week-end in New York City. | * %* ~ Mrs. R. H. Rood who received injuries when she fell down the steps at her home on Lehman Avenue Saturday is somewhat improved. AC > Miss Marian Scott of Dallas attend- ed the Cornell-University of Pennsyl- yania football game at Philadelphia yesterday. ~ A * * * guests of the former's sister, Mrs. Claude Lapp at Washington have re- turned to their home in Shavertown. + + * A surprise party was held recently in honor of Bruce Warntz of Hunlock Creek at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Luft of Wilkes-Barre, * * #® Colonel and Mrs. Dorrance Reynolds have closed their summer home at Kunkle and moved”into Wilkes-Barre for the winter. ¥ ¥ % Mrs. Anna Fitser of Carverton has returned to her home from Strouds- burg where she has been visiting for the last six weeks. ee. Mr. and Mrs. George Neeley of Plainfield, N. J. recently visited the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Neeley at Lehman. 3 y * * * Mr. and Mrs. W,. F. Newberry closed their home on Pioneer Avenue, Dallas, Saturday and went to Montclair. From there they will go to St. Petersburg for the winter. g . ~ Bo SRR Mrs. Claude Shannon who has been spending the last few months in Eng- land has returned to her home in Sha- vertown. 4 x y \ ' Mrs. John Conyngham of Lehman is spending some time at her apartment in the Plaza in New York City. * * * ~ Jacob Rau who has been at Geneva, N. ¥. remodelling one of the Triangle Shoe stores has returned to his home in Shavertown. * * + Mrs. John DeWitt of Shavertown is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Gus Frey at Wapwallopen. * * * * Mr. and Mrs. John McLeod of Trucksville will be the week-end giiests of the former’s mother, Mrs. Hugh Mc- Leod of Hatfield, Mass. ’ ¥ ¥ # 3 | Mr. and Mrs. Walter Risley of Lake Btreet, Dallas are spending the holiday ‘and weekend with Mr. Risley’s brother - and sister, Mr. and Mrs. William Bald- win of Sayre. : ‘2 =» \ Dr. and Mrs. Bobycomb were guests of Dr. Bodycomb’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Bodycomb in ~~ Wilkes-Barre at a family dinner ~ Thanksgiving day. : * 0% 0% Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kiefer of Shrine- view will go to New York next week to spend several days. * * * Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Dungey and son, Jack, and Mr. .and Mrs. John Merical of Dallas are spending Thanks- giving and the week-end as guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Clark at Scranton. % * #* Mr. and Mrs. George J. Reynolds of Trucksville and daughter Betsy Ann are spending the holiday and week- end as guests of the former’s mother, Mrs. H. D. Turn, at Ledi, N. Y. ¥ OP 0% ‘ Reverend and Mrs. J. Rolland! Crompton of Trucksville-went to Bing- hamton yesterday for a family dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W,. E. Andres, Mrs. Crompton’s brother and sister-in-law. Mrs. J. L. Ryman of Main Street, Dallas, visited Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jenkins in Kingston on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Jenkins were guests of Mrs. Ryman at the bazaar supper last Fri- day evening. 7 * LS Mr. and Mrs. Fred Segg and family of Williamsport and Mr. and Mrs. Wal- ter Hack and son Paul of Berwick were week-end guests of Mrs. D. F. Westover, Spring Street, Dallas. “¥ % ¥ Jane Joseph, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David Joseph of .Shavertown is a patient at the Moses Taylor Hospital in Scranton where she submitted to an operation last week. Mrs. John Engler who has been a patient at the General Hospital has been removed to her home in Shaver- town, * * &® David Bradbury, a student at State ~ College, will be the guest of his father ‘W. H. Bradbury of Trucksville for the] | Thanksgiving holiday. * 1 holiday week end. * ® + Edmund Whitby, son of Mr. and Mrs. ! E. P. Whitby of Pioneer Avenue, Sha- | vertown, who has been ill of pneu- ! monia, is slightly improved. 3 * * % Mrs. Cletus Sweezy of Dallas enter- tained at a surprise shower last Wed- | nesday evening in honor of Mrs, Mel- | bourne Carey. ¥ 2 Miss Rosanne Bennett of Huntsville is spending several days visiting friends in Philadelphia. | of Dallas Mrs, Lewis Hackling entertained at her home in Noxen Saturday to cele- brate her son, Robert’s birthday. There were about thirty guests. 4 %* x 0% Mr. and Mrs. John Weisenbach of Cleveland, have announced the marri- age of their daughter, Doris, to John Phillips Kirkendall, captain in the United States Army, son of Postmaster |George T. Kirkendall of Dallas, on Fri- 'day November 1 at Cleveland. Mr. Kir- kendall and his bride are now guests of the former's parents on Lake Street, Dallas. | * =X | Lois Kiefer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kiefer of Shrineview is spending the week with her grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs. James J. Mec- Ginley of Wilkes-Barre. x x x Miss Frances Chase of Huntsville was hostess at a luncheon on Thurs- day. * * # Mr. and’ Mrs Edward H. Kent of (Huntsville have as their guest Miss S. |M. R. O'Hara who was injured in an automobile accident near Harrisburg a few weeks ago. Miss O'Hara is grad- ually improving. 5% * * Mrs. Howard Carey of Dallas was |guest of honor at a birthday surprise party at her home on Machell Avenue {There were about 20 guests. ! ¥ 0% 0% Mrs. Robert Bodycomb was hostess to her card club at her home in Dallas ,Friday evening. + * Charles Albert of Pioneer Avenue, | Dallas, spent Saturday at Bethlehem where he witnessed the Lehigh-Lafay- ette football game. * > % % Miss Mary Weir and her mother, Mrs. Constanza Weir of the Goodleigh Farms, Dallas, spent the Thanksgiving holiday as guests of Mrs. Weir's son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Martin J. Weir of Maplewood, N. J. *® 3 = Mrs. Morgan Ruck of East Dallas en- tertained her card club at her home, Thursday night. ‘ * * 2 Miller of Hillside re- City for the | Mrs. Burr turned from Atlantic x 3° Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Deater of Noxen have as their guests their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Ru- dolph of Endicott, N. Y. CI WIN HONORABLE MENTION Audrey Schmitt of Shavertown and Marjorie Schmall of Trucksville won honorable mention for pencil drawings in the art contest at the Eistedd- fod held at the First Welsh Presby- terian Church of Wilkes-Barre on Armistice Day. Wrap to Match Milady’s Car NFLUENCED by the exquisite new interiors of the 1936 motor car models on display at the New York show, the desigrer of this ex- citing new wrap for evening select: ed automobile upholstery fabric as the mode of expression. The mate- rial is taupe mohair velvet having ‘what is known as a “breathing back,” which makes it so soft and easy to tailor that milady now may have a wrap to match her ear if she chooses. x Stage Hands Have Big Job For Play Technicians, As Well As Actors, To Share Credit The work of the technical and pro- perty committees, no less than that of the actors themselves, will insure the success of Robert St. Clair’s play, “Tiger House,” when it is presented by |the Senior Class of Dallas Borough High School in the auditorium on Dec- ember 13. \ } ! i The swish of a ghostly gown, the [twinkle in a long-since-dead ancestor’s ieye, the gruesome thud of colliding bodies and the peal of distant thunder must all be well-timed in an alleged- ly haunted house. ‘ These matters have been placed in the capable hands of the following: Hazel Baer, Alberta Howell, Kay Glid- den, Catherine Davis, Margaret Culp, Florence Dailey, Cora Steele, Delmar Besecker and Thelma Gregory. The preview awarded the Parent- Teachers’ Group on Monday night re- ceived long and generous applause. Miss Emily Hill of the faculty, who is directing the play, remarked that the committees have left nothing unaccom- plished to make their play an out- standing success. Dallas M. E. Church Holds Entertainments To celebrate the completion of the new basement, and to give impetus to the financial drive now being made, the Dallas Methodist Episcopal Church held a series of entertainments this week. Monday evening a delightful program was given under the direction of the women of the congregation. Trumpet solos were played by Master Robert Collitt of Wilkes-Barre; Naomi and Carol Shaver gave several read- ings; a quartet made up of Mrs. Har- old Roéd, Mrs. James Oliver, Mr. T. R. Dix and Mr. W. H. Baker sang several selections; members - of the senior choir sang, Remarks were made by Rev. F. F. Freeman. Tuesday evening was men’s night and Colonel Sterling Eyer brought his male chorus from Kingston for the program. Wednesday evening the Ep- worth League repeated “The Rock”, a religious drama given by them several weeks ago. | Mrs. C. L. Roushey Is Hostess to Friendship Class The Friendship Class of the Trucks- ville M, E. Church enjoyed a “Night of Fun” Friday evening at the home of Mrs. C. L. Roushey. Mrs. Eugene Piatt of Trucksville won a huge guest cake donated by Mrs. Roushey by naming the prize’ baked in it. She guessed a lima bean and went home with the cake. 5 A free airplane ride for two over Wyoming Valley donated by Mr. Jen- ericks, salesman for the Quaker State Motor Oil Company, went to Dr. G. L. Howell for grand prize at bingo. Mrs. Wialter ¥. Fish won the door prize. Present: Mr. and Mrs. Walter Fish, Mrs. Jack Kennan, Mrs. Harry Post, Mrs. Harry Owens, Mrs. Elizabeth Kel- ler, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lewis, Miss Frances Keeler, Mrs. I. Dalley, Mrs. James McHale, Mrs. Eugene Piatt, Mr. W. W. Palmer, Dr. and Mrs. Charles Perkins, Dr. and Mrs, G. L. Howell, Mr. and Mrs. Cedric Griffiths, Mrs. Albert Williams, Mr. Fred Ecke, Mr. and Mrs. George Chambers and Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Roushey. Committee: Mrs. Charles Perkins, Mrs. Kenneth Haskins, Mrs. Gordon Mathers, Mrs. Cedric Griffiths. Mrs, C. IL. Roushey and Mrs. George Chambers: rn et pr PLAN CHRISTMAS FROLIC The Trucksville Ladies’ Aid Society will entertain at a Christmas Frolic in the church December 6. An evening of games is being planned. Committee: Mrs. George J. Reynolds, chairman; Mrs. Wesley Steelman and Mrs. A. C. Kelley assisting, | night. - Dallas Alumni Dance | West Side Girl Scouts To Offer Unusual Attraction Take Trip To Sweden Several novelty numbers and a| ‘A supper meeting of the West Side splendid floor show have been arranged | District Girl Scouts was held at the for the Post-Thanksgiving Dance to be scout headquarters Monday evening held in the high school building by the with many local girls present. alumni of the Dallas High School to-| The discussion of the evening cen- Itered around Sweden .as part of the ‘oxana, clever vocal entertainer, will “Trip Around the World” chosen as a be the attraction of the evening. She | project for the year’s activities. The will be brought by Tommy Donlin’s scouts learned about Swedish customs, College Band of the Air, a seven piece their Girl Scout organization, and ate! orchestra, expected to furnish lively | and exhilarating music. | Special novelty dances will be given | by Miss Audrey O'Kane, Miss Janet: Garringer and Miss Stella Elston, well- | known local entertainers. | Jack Robert is chairman of the com- | mittee, assisted by Mrs. Karl Kuehn | as heaa of reservations and William | Baker in charge of tickets. The receipts of the dance will be | adued to the athletics treasury and used to pay such expenses as might | (arise from injuries to football players. | In the past all such bills were paid out | of the treasury. Woman's Club Makes Thanksgiving Donations Four generous Thanksgiving baskets | and a great many warm garments were | the community by the Dallas Women's Club Tuesday and Wednesday of this | week. One basket was sent te Shaver- town, one to Dallas Township and two to Dallas Borough. The Women’s Club is essentially a service club whose major interest is in helping the needy of its own communi- ty. It has sponsored a number of danc- es and card parties to get money for these holiday contributions. Dallas Twp. PTA Hears Hallowe’en Dance Report $47.95 was cleared at the recent Hallowe'en dance according to the re- port made at the regular meeting of the Dallas Township Parent Teacher | {Association Monday ‘evening. Due to the heavy snow storm last week the meeting had to be postponed until this week. , Rev. G. Leinthal, pastor of the Al- derson M. E. Church was the speak- er of the evening. A play, “Polly Put the Kettle On” was presented by the children of the 3rd grade. The next meeting will be held Monday, Decem- ber 16. Shavertown Church i Is Planning Fair With the slogan “All’s Fair at Our Fair”, the Ladies’ Aid Society of Sha- vertown M. E. Church is planning a fair to be held on Tuesday and Wed- nesday, December 10 and 11. Booths will be sponsored by different societies of the church and a turkey dinner will | be served on both evenings by the] Ladies’ Aid Society. The committees | are: Mrs. Helen Heale and Bessie Stroh, dining room; Mrs. Edward Ko- cher, kitchen; Mrs. Leona Doughton, | clean-up committee; Mrs. Mabel Mit- chell, quilt booth. Missionary Society To Meet With Mrs. Griffiths The Young Woman's Missionary So- ciety of the Trucksville M. E. Church | will meet Monday evening at 8 o'clock at the home of Mrs, Cedric Griffiths. Mrs. Griffiths will preside. Devotions will be lead by Miss Doris Chapman and the chapter of the study book will be presented by Miss Georgeanna Weid- ned. Mrs. George J. Reynolds has charge of the program. Serving on the hostess committee are: Mrs. Cedric Griffiths, Mrs. Fred Houghwout and Miss Frances Keeler. Entertain At Dallas M. E. Church Bazaar Miss Lola Pittman was the guest so- lo vocalist and Miss Betty Cole enter- tained with two readings at the holi- day bazaar of ‘the Dallas Methodist Episcopal Church last Friday. The bazaar is one ‘of ‘the ' af- fairs sponsored by all the organiza- tions of the church. The Ladies’ Aid served a fish and roast beef supper to about 275 people. ea A aE A aren ANNOUNCEMENT Starting Thursday, December 5 at 11:30 A. M. the J. A. B. Sunday School Class will sell vegetable soup at the church. Please phone your orders to the parsonage. Mrs. Georgeanna Welch is chairman and is assisted by Mrs. Winifred Thomas who has charge of serving at the school at noon. —_— GOES OVER THE TOP George Kirkendall Jr. head of the Welfare Organization in Lansing Mich- igan, was successful in exceeding his quota by $500 in the‘drive conducted by his workers last week. Mr. Kirken- dall, who is the son of George Kirken- dall, Dallas postmaster, was formerly connected with the Welfare Organiza- tion in Wilkes-Barre. COLLEGE INN (Opposite Fernbrook Park) Clams—Chili—Spaghetti Ny Saturday Night: ROAST DUCK 25¢ Orchestra for Dancing Swedish food. At the last meeting they visited Germany. Miss Ruth Daniels, newly appointed assistant director of the Wyoming Val- ley Council of Girl Scouts gave a short talk on handcraft. - The next meeting will be held the last Monday of December at the Scout headquarters. Booth Festival Reaps $500 Worth of Produce Produce and canned goods valued at $500 were displayed by all but one Ep- worth League in the district at the Booth Festival held at Idetown last truck to the Children’s Home at Bing- hamton. Noxen Epworth League again won distributed to the poor and meedy of the largest number of points given for | originality of display, largest value in goods and largest attendance of mem- bers. Dr. Howard Thomas, Superintendent of the home, was the speaker of the evening, Rotary Club Provides Its Own Entertainment Since their meeting room at Subur- ban Inn was too small for the needed equipment, the illustrated talk by George Wier of the Atlantic Refining Company could not be given at the Ro- tary Club meeting last Thursday night. Warren Taylor of Shavertown spoke on Colonization since the Boor War” and Peter Jurchak on “International Relations”. Both are members of the club. William Ridgley, a Wyoming taiian, was a guest of the i024 club. The Rotarians accepted the invita- tion of the Rotary Anns to attend their dinner dance December 12. Charity Game Tickets On Sale In This Area Tickets for the second annual East- West Crippled Children’s charity foot- [ball game to be sponsored by'the uni- formed bodies of Irem Temple on Sat- December 7, between picked sides of the river were placed on sale this week. They can be purchased of W. R. Healey in Lehman, at John Williams’ and 10 cent Store on Main Street Dallas, at John Isaacs’ on town or at Woolbert’s Inn at Hillside. rrr QR pn TRUCKSVILLE M. E. CHURCH Rev. Crompton, Pastor Sunday—Thank offering services. Monday — Brownies, right after school; Cubs, 6:30; Young Woman's Missionary Society, 8:00. Wednesday—Scouts, 7:30. Thursday—Ladies’ Aid Society at 2:00. Because The Post prefers to h tions should be paid in advance. This policy was adopted when although frequently they are unabl on the date it is due. is no good. We can answer that question “Although one cannot be forced er, he may allow such relation to pressed contract. If the paper we obligation to pay. This would be The last part of the opinion d ber of subscriptions and renewals i for The Post’s policy. Jay Harris, Mgr. Phone 9087-R-16 Ro- { duct, so that the same result may be invited the parent$ to be present at a professional performance of Uncle Tom’s Cabin in the high school build- ing Monday afternoon. He announced that chapel will be held twice a week, Tuesdays and Thursdays, at 8:30 in the morning in the high school building. Students of the 4th grade entertain- ed with little talks on the founders of lour nation. The essays were written by the students themselves and were ex- cellent. Mrs. Colwell is their teacher. Several scenes from the mystery play, the “Tiger House”, now being prepared by the members of the senior | class were enacted as sort of advance publicity for the big performance on pense and surprises and promises to be most entertaining. Twelfth grade students won the prize for having the most parents present. J { Rev. Fred M. Sellers Addresses Graduates Reverend Fred M. Sellers, pastor of the Shavertown M. E. Church gave the address at the commencement exercises jof the Wilkes-Barre Business College | Friday evening, The food was taken by Lriday evening. Local people receiving I diplomas were Miss Eleanor Cortright {of Shavertown, Miss Helen Kinsman land Myrna Staire of Lehman, Joseph Rauch of Alderson. All the above were fentolied in the Business Administra- tion Course. Hunlock Creek Girl Is Married At Oakdale The wedding of Miss Zelma Scho- | field, dajughter of Mr. and Mrs. John | Schofield of Hunle¢k Creek and Al- | ton Baggett.of*Roanoke Rapids, N. C., [took place last Saturday at 2:30 o'clock lat the Baptist parsonage, at Oakdale. | Reverend Christian performed the | ceremony. [the bride, was matron of honor and her husband,” W: J. Edwards, was best man for the bridegroom. : | Rapids, N. C. : Dallas Rotarians Will =~ Go To Scranton Tonight Practically the entire Dallas Rotary [to be present at a general meeting of all the Rotary Clubs President of Rotary International will men wili be present. : The speaker has just returned from la European trip im which he visited |800 Rotary clubs. I Mn MADE COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN Peter Jurchak, Trucksville attorney, was made chairman of the committee {to make final arrangements for a Sla- (evening, December 5, at 8 o'clock at the | Sterling Hotel during the session of {the Pennsylvania Fraternal Congress which meets in Wilkes-Barre Decem- ber 5, 6, and 7. tre pm The present Luzerne Borough was in early times called “Hartsouff’s Hollow lor “Mill Hollow” and its history was (that of many mills which were crowd- ed along the banks of the creek. Notice To Our Readers ave confidence in the honesty of its readers it frequently permits the paper to come to them regularly after their subscription has expired in violation of its rule that all subscrip- it was discovered that many readers were offended when the subscription was cancelled abruptly at its ex- piration. We learned that most readers want to continue the newspaper, e to pay the $2 in advance exactly Readers always have the privilege of notifying The Post that their subscription is to be cancelled. It has been our experience that when they do not notify us to stop the subscription, they want the paper con- tinued, and in the vast majority of cases their checks come through and everyone is satisfied—the reader because he has missed no newspapers, us because we have not offended a subscriber by implying that his credit As a result of this policy, however, a question has arisen which, although it involves only a few cases, deserves explanation. The ques- tion: If a reader accepts a paper, is he under obligation to pay for it? for those people who have asked it by quoting the following opinion by a legal authority whose word The Post finds substantial enough to justify its policy: into a contractual relation with another, and cannot against his will be made a debtor of a publish- arise by implication from his con- reached as if it were an ex- re mailed regularly, and it can be proved the reader continued to take it from the post office or the mail box, such action would constitute an acceptance and create an true even though the reader or- dered the paper stopped, if he continued to accept it.” oes not apply to the question under discussion because The Post always has dropped subscriptions when subscribers ordered. The few cancellations and the encouraging num- s, perhaps, the greatest justification N eglect May Lead : December 13. The play is full of Sus- The couple will reside at ‘Roanoke ; Club will journey to Scranton tonight = speak. It is expected that about 500 VE | W ! | | CALENDAR FOR THE WEEK To Fatal Disease. is pe 1 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 29 h : J 2 Dallas High School Alumni Dance 8:00 P. M. Care Of Teeth Important, Dallas Rotary Club meeting at Scranton. / Davison Cautions = SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 30 Parents Aa Conse of Epworth Leagues at Wyoming M. E. Church, 9:30 he ome person dies every three TM. i minutes of heart trouble was empha- \ : sized by Dr. W. F. Davi i Meeting Luzerne County Grange No. 44 at Muhlenburg Grange physician, in his Prien a ne Estos Hil ; ns Rorough Parent Teacher meeting onday evening, as he urged parents MONDAY, DECEMBER 2 not to neglect their children’s teeth, Professional Performance Uncle Tom’s Cabin in the Dallas High , IR ApTeYna yo his ane g 3 portance of giving even School. ; | baby teeth” careful attention and gave "Young Woman’s Missionary Society of Trucksville, M. E. Church Statistics showing that 1 out of every d Sr ah deaths of persons under 50 years old : : .M. and 1 ou of every 3 over 50 are caus- e vy heart conditions. He explained THURSDAY, DECEMBER 5 that many bad hearts are caused bv J. A. B. Class of Dallas M. E. Church start selling soup 11:30 A. M. infected teeth and tonsils, x ni . | ; Norman B. Dinger, newly appointed 1S 2h i = ==4}i supervisor, made a few remarks, He EAN at which the = Ra SEE