— Shop At Your A&P FOOD STORE For Greater Convenience ..'. Economy and the Utmost in Quality ENCORE BRAND Cooked Spaghetti 25¢ WITH CHEESE AND TOMATO SAUCE 2::25¢ : lic Syrup 2::19¢ 5-1b Can... 29c—10-1b Can... 57c Jac in EEA ICTR EL Sa % FE A ® No. 2 Cans DEL MONTE CRUSHED Pineapple PILLSBURY’S PANCAKE Flou No. 2 Cans Med. Lge Pkg Pkgs. 21c “SOFT AS OLD LINEN” Scot Tissue d= 200 hips 5 EASY TASK Soap G Lh. Box All three of them! Encore macaroni products give GOOD TASTE . . . GOOD NOURISHMENT. ..GOOD ECONOMY. They can’t help being good—because top-grade Semo- lina goes into the macaroni and spaghetti, fine Durum flour and eggs into the noodles. Serve them with cheese, sauces, chopped meats ++ .2 whole meal in themselves! YW SsTTaOON Dox 7 TNT ORE 2+11e x v MACARONI . . SPAGHETTI. . NOODLES ... THE DALLAS POST, DALLAS, PA, POSTSCRIPTS (Continued from Page 1.) tle those big schools it would be a dif- ferent story. In the first place, there wouldn’t be any team. “We may have gotten through last year without any trouble. But what happened this year? To a lot of people it’s just another broken leg. But put those people in William Templin’s place. Would they have the guts to fill in a place on a team, as Bill did? No! I don’t think so. \ “After football games last year you could walk down to the Main Street in Dallas and hear the All-Americans telling how the team should be run, what players to use, and also criticis- ing the fellows on the team. But just how many of those people would play in one of those fellow’s positions on the team? And just how many of those people paid to see the team play? Not many. . “If those people would go to games and pay and not talk so much, Dallas High School wouldn't have to go out of its way to play those bigger high schools, just to get a few dollars. I, for one, went through a season just as the fellows are going through now, and to the teani’ The majority of inexper- ienced dfellows get nervous and are afraid to play any longer, and the re- sult is that the team is on the down- grade. And then the few people ‘who have school spirit lose interest in the team. “Well, T hope in the years to come Dallas Borough will open its eyes and see its mistake and start playing teams in their own class.” —_—0— To Bill Disque, last year’s star on the Dallas Borough High School team, now a member of Uncle Sam’s army in the Panama Canal Zone, our deepest thanks for a letter which, we suspect, will do more for the football teams in this section than anything we have yet written. know just what happens to them and | FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1935. | Five Local Men Are Drawn For Jury Duty Five local men were drawn for jury service this week at Luzerne County Court House. They will serve during [the first two weeks of December. They are: Week Of December 2 Hunlock Township—Roscoe Benscot- er, Week Of Degember 9 Kingston Township—Earl Husted, | Sheldon J. Rice, W. H. Toomb. Dallas Township—John Anderson. | Gospel Truth In A Postage Stamp | Robert Sutton, “The Boy Evangel- list”, promises to explain the Gospel Truth in a postage stamp in his ser- {mon on Sunday evening at 7:30 in Outlet Bible Tabernacle. At 6:45 there | will be a special young people's meet- ling to discuss plans for the Young People’s Fellowship Club. Meetings will be non-sectarian and the public is in- vited. —— FISHER GOT BIG VOTE John S. Fisher in 1926 received the | largest vote ever given a candidate for {Governor of Pennsylania. | LEGAL NOTICE Notice is hereby given that letters testamentary have been granted in the | Estate of Wasil Kusma, late of the Borough of Courtdale, to the under- signed. | All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make payment and {those having claims or demands to present the same without delay to, | Michael Kusma, Executor, { 167 Corby Street, | Courtdale, Penna. cor to his attorney; | Henry Greenwald, Esq., 1200 Miners National Bank Bldg. | Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania. 11-8-6t. | AE a right here in your neighborhood. You can find every quality winter need for your car at deep cut prices Inspect our complete stocks of accessories, tires, batteries and parts— WE SAVE YOU MONEY! BATTERIES RECHARGED—CALLED FOR AND DELIVERED. GUARANTEED HOT WATER HEATERS Do not confuse this heater with the cheap inferior quality offered at this low price. It is sturdy and well made and guar- anteed to heat any car. A REAL BARGAIN. One To A Customer PRICE RADIATOR WINTER-GUARDS An all black DuPont grained fabric cover which shields half of the radiator and in- creases motor heat to insure better car- buration. Buy now at this “Get Ac- quainted Sale” price. One To A Customer Efe in| I OUR PRICE Vvacue OUR $219 Local townships which have taken advantage of the offer, and the amounts for which they have applied are: Dallas Township, $1,550.73; Jack- son, $909.31; Franklin, $645.45; King- ston, $1,726.42; Lake, $2,072.11; Leh- man, $2,451.68; Ross, $2,914.23. POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT SHERIFF'S SALE FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1935, AT 10 A. M. On November 29, 1935, at. the Sheriff's Salés Room, Court House, Wilkes-Barre, Penna., the Sheriff will sell all those certain premises situate in the Township of Wright, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, beginning at the | southeast intersection of the County Highway with the State Highway lead- ing to Hazleton; thence along said State Highway South '38 degrees 53 minutes West 139.74 feet; thence north 87 degrees 58 minutes East 56.08 feet to an iron pin; thence North 52 de- grees 6 minutes East 102.68 feet to an iron pin; on the Southerly side of the County Highway, thence along the County Highway North 38 degrees 30 beginning. Improved with house, outbuildings, fruit trees, ete. Seized and taken in execution at the Wilkes-Barre against Sadie Gorelick and sold by virtue of Fi. Fa. to No. 69 December Term, 1935, in the Court of Common Pleas of Luzerne County. LUTHER M, KNIFFEN, Sheriff. A. L. Turner, Atty. Townships File PWA Claims] minutes West 66 feet to the place of | dwelling ! suit of The Hanover National Bank of | LEGAL NOTICE Sealed proposals for new auditorium and addition to High School building for Dallas Township School District will be received at the High School un- til 8 p. m., Nov. 18, 1935, at which time bids will be opened. Bids will be as follows: Plumbing & Tinning and Electric. Each bid nust be sealed separately and marked. Each bid must be accompanied with a certified check made payable to the Dallas Township School District as follows: Plumbing & Tinning, Twenty- five dollars ($25.00); Electric, Twenty- five dollars ($25.00). Plans and specifications may be had at the Architect's . office, George J. Russ, Fernbrook, Dallas, Pa. on de- posit of $10.00 which will be refunded on return of plans. T reserves the right to accept any bid or to reject any or all bids. RUSSELL CASE, Secretary SHERIFF'S SALE FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 293, 1935, AT 10 A. M, By virtue of a writ of Fi Fa No. 65, December Term, 1935, issued out of the Court of Common Pleas County, to me directed, there will be exposed to public sale by vendue to the highest and best bidders, for cash, at the Sheriff's Sales Room, Court House, in the City of Wilkes-Barre, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, on Fri- day, the 29th day of November, 1935, at yten o'clock in the forenoon of the said day, all the right, title and interest of ! the defendant in and to the following | described lot, piece or parcel of land, Viz: All the following described lot or parcel of land situate in the City of Wilkes-Barre, County of Luzerne and State of Pennsylvania, being all of lot No. 42-A and 5 feet of lot No. 43; said he Dallas Township School Board | of Luzerne | POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT | lots Nos. 42 and 42-A of said allotment, North 45 degrees, 0 minutes West 100.07 feet to a corner; thence from said cor- ner and along the southerly side line | of Pickering Street, produced, south 44 |deirecs, 6 minutes West 30 feet to a | point; thence from said point and be- ling a line passing through lot No. 43 ISouth 46 degrees, 0 minutes, East 100.12 feet more or less to a point on the northerly side of Leonard Street. thence from said point and along the {northerly side of Leonard Street, North | 44 degrees, no minutes, East 30 feet to |a point on the northerly side of said Leonard Street, said point being the place of heginning, | Beine the same property conveyed to Joseph Smith by deed dated the 21st day of May, 1929 and recorded in Luz- | erne County, Deed Book 684, page 527. Improved with a frame dwelling Mouse and known as No. 17 Leonard [Street, Willces-Rarre, Pa. Seized and taken into execution at (the snit of Mrs. Flizabeth Gabel Estate vs. Robert A. Williams, Druid Hills Road, Dallas Borough, Luzerne County, Pa., with notice to Joseph Smith. terre tenant, 75 Amherst Avenue, Wilkes- Barre, Pa., and will be sold by LUTHER M. KNIFFEN, Sheriff. (J. F. McCabe, Attorney. SHERIFF'S SALE On November 29, 1935, at the Sheriff's Sales Room, Court House, Wilkes-Barre, Penna., the Sheriff will {sell all those certain premises situate lin the City of Wilkes-Barre, T.uzerne County, Pennsvlvania, beginning on ithe Northwesterly side of Elk Lane 1118.56" feet southwesterly from the in- (tersection of River Street; thence along Elk Lane South 60 degrees West 30 |feet ta a point: thence North 30 de- |erees Wiest 43 feet to a point: thence North 35 degrees 30 minutes East 33.51 | feet to a corner on Elk Lane; thence ‘along the same South 30 decrees Fast |57.95 feet to the place of beginning. Being lot No. 14 of plot recorded in Man Rook 1 page 43. Improved with ‘dwelling house, outbuildings, fruit | trees, ete. Seized and taken in execu- [tion at the suit of The Hanover Na- tinnal Rank of Wilkes-Barre against Millard A. Totten and sold by virtue of Ti. Fa. No. 67, December Term, 1935, in the Court of Common Pleas of Luz- erne County. | LUTHER M. KNIFFEN, Sheriff. | A. T.. Turner, Atty. SHERIFF'S SALE Notice ig herehv ~iven that on Nov- ember 29, 1935, at 10 o'clock A. M. at [the sales room, Court House, Wilkes- | Barre, Pa., there \will be exposed at Sheriff's Sale on exeention issued from the court of Common Pleas of Luzerne Countv. at the suit of Wm. F. Stein- Ihauer, Executor of the Estate of Helena | B. Searfoss, deceased, assignee of Wil- {liam F. Steinhauer and T.ottie 1. Stein- | hauer. his wife, vs. William I. Higgs, and Daniel Polto and Esther Polto, his | wife, terre tenants, That lot of land in [the City of Wilkes-Barre, Luzerne | County, Pa., being 106 feet in front on | Rronk Street, 43 feet in denth on the southwesterly side, and 95 feet in the rear, and being part of lot No. 283 on [not recorded in Luzerne County Deed Book 196, page 371. Imvroved with a two story, frame, dwelling house. LUTHER M. KNIFFEN, Sheriff. Robert F. Dilley, Attorney. Classitied Ads 5 feet adjoins lot No. 42-A, as describ- ed and delineated on Map of “Melrose | Park” and recorded in Luzerne County | Deed Book 2, page 186, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a corner on the north- erly side line of I.eonard Street and in | line of Lot No. 42 and 42-A of an al- lotment hereinafter mentioned. Said beginning corner being distant 303.8% | feet, measured in a course of South 44 ; : degrees, 0 minutes, West from the| FOR SALE or RENT—Fine 7 room Westerly side line of Marlborough |Home; all Improvements; Dallas. Rent Avenue; thence from said beginning (On trial occupancy, ‘Phone Dallas corner and along the dividing line of 58. 10-11-3t. XXXX Sugar WILBUR’S SWEET Chocolate Bars “HASN'T SCRATCHED YET” Bon Ami WANTED—Woman for housework and laundry; call Dallas 336-R-2 on | Monday. 11-8-1t. ee Tt 10c 2 cakes 19¢ 2 cans 21¢ Swans Down 25¢! | Grape-Nuts Flakes 2 = 19c¢ JELLO . . . ... .3"= 19c BAKER'S COCOA. . . .2 “™ 21¢ MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE > 29c¢ LOG CABIN SYRUP. . . = 2he Pure Hard Filled Candy " 17c Chocolate Chips * 19¢ Drom. Cranberry Sauce -.- 17¢ Rajah Sandwich Spread ©. 19¢ Gorton Genuine Codfish.i 23¢ Big Boy Soups 3k 25¢ cans Extra Specials in Our Quality Meat Departments! FILLETS rl FISH Be. 10¢c Fillets of Fish Are on Sale in All Grocery Stores Dressed Sea Trout . ... 2 ™ 25 Dressed Silver Bass . . . 2 ™ 25¢ Round Boston Mackerel .. 2 ™ 25¢ Stewing Oysters 4 « 29¢ Cut Rate Stores INDEPENDENTLY OWNED BY ADD. WOOLBERT’S AUTO SERVICE 11 MAIN STREET, DALLAS, PA. "PHONE 9092-R-3 enior | FOR SALE — Thirty Barred-Rock Pullets; Henry Shupp, Kunkle. i 11-8-2t. 5c Bars Powder Cake Flour Big Pkg. WHY LET WINTER ROB YOU OF A ROOM? Specials OR THE WINTER IN OUR QUALITY 00 COLD Meat Depts. CUT ROD Coty . 25° 1b. 18¢ gree FINANCE A New Radiator Heating Plant For You Does winter “shrink” your house by forcing you to close some hard-to-heat room? If so, let us install a New National Radiator Heating Plant that will keep the whole house snug. And don’t let finances stop you—National’s new Pro- tective Payment Plan gives you up to three years to pay—free insurance—no down payment . . . But check the gen- erous features yourself—then ask us for details and an estimate. ROAT ON - THE - AVENUE 729 WYOMING AVE. KINGSTON, 73151 FRESH KILLED—MILK FATTED STEWING CHICKENS FRESH—PICNIC STYLE PORK SHOULDERS LEAN—RIB END PORK LOINS fu PURE—BREAKFAST SAUSAGE Lean Fresh Butts JUICY—LEAN CHUCK ROAST Best Center Cuts Boston Cuts, 1b. 23¢ "GROUND BEEF up to 315 Ib. pint jar 1b. 23¢ 1b. 29¢ 1b. 25¢ Tomato or Vegetable Front Cuts Round Bone Cuts 1b. 25¢ 2 Ibs. 29¢