The Dallas post. (Dallas, Pa.) 19??-200?, October 25, 1935, Image 4

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    ~~ Lake Street,
~The wedding of Miss
~ lard'C. Daubert of 34
~ son of Mr. and Mrs. .
October 27, at 8:45 o'¢
~~ Rev. Homer S. May will perform the
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Mil
ilkes-Barre and Floyd Neeley,
will take place Sunday morning,
in the First Reformed Church of Wilkes-Barre
~ geremony. ;
Mrs. Joseph Glowacki of Wilkes-
Barre, sister of the bride-elect, will be
~ matron of honor and Ralph Neeley of
Wilkes-Barre will be his brother's best
~~ “Miss Daubert will wear a street
~ length dress of plum colored crepe
with small matching hat. Her acces-
sories will be black. Her flowers will
be an arm bouquet of white chrysan-
themums. Miss Glowacki will be at-
tired in woodland green and will wear
a small green hat and black accessories.
~~ She will carry yellow chrysanthemums.
Following the ceremony a wedding
breakfast will be served for members
La: o the immediate families at the home
J of the bride.
Aftr a short motor trip to Atlantic
City and other shore points the couple
will reside at Dallas.
fy * % »
~ The marriage of Miss Dor
daughter of Mrs. Lulu Bej
las to Wesley S. Moore,
Jennie Moore, . Dallas,
Presbyterian Church. Rev. Joseph L.
‘Weisley performed the ceremony.
~ Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Moore of
Forty Fort were the only attendants.
~The bride has been acting as assis-
‘tant to George Kirkendall, Dallas post-
master. Mr. Moore ’is employed at
Lare’s Market, Luzerne.
After a short motor trip the couple
~ will reside at 62 Lake Street, Dallas.
* + %
was hostess to her bridge club at her
~ home on Wednesday afternoon,
\ 0% 0»
Mrs. Peter Clark, Dallas, will be
‘ Tuesday night.
® ox
Miss Bess Leach of Trucksville has
Gi place
Thursday evening at the Forty Fort
hostess with the other members of her : :
‘bridge club to about sixty guests at a the wedding of Miss Mary DuPont and
‘Hallowe’en party at Honeysuckle Inn | Wade Levering in Baltimore, Wednes-
Mrs. Earl Crispell of Noxen enter-
tained members of the Twin Kard Klub
infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. La
bert Traver of Lutze’s Corners Thur$-
day at Crispell’s Hall. ;
5 ¥ 0% 0X
Mrs. Henry Schultz of Dallas left to
spend the winter in Miami last week. |!
+ OB
Mrs. Harry Martin of Dallas enter-
tained at her home the members of the
Ladies’ Aid Society of the East Dallas
M. E. Church Thursday afternoon,
* BF
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Eyerman, Sr.,
and family have closed their summer
home at Shrineview and moved to their
home on Charles Street, Wilkes-Barre.
* % *
D. L. Edwards of Davis Street,
Trucksyville, spent last week-end at
State#’College where he attended the
ni home-coming meetings at the
Kappa Delta Rho fraternity. .
+ * * )
Miss Lucille Taylor of Atlanta,
Georgia who has been the guest of her
grand parents, Mr. and Mrs: Fred Gor-
don in Dallas attended a house party
jat Wesleyan University, Middletown,
|Conn., last week-end.
% & = y
Thursday night the Ladies’ Aid So-
ciety of the Huntsville M. E. Church
held their annual chicken dinner in the
church rooms.
* $B
Miss Elizabeth Girvan of Dallas is |
"Mys Harry Harter of Trucksville the guest of her sister. and, brother Fo." Xn "ond tenth grades.
rin-law, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Ryan,
at Wood Ridge, N. J.
Mr. and Mrs. Z. Platt Bennett and
|daughter Rosanne of Dallas attended
Girls Victorious
In Spelling Bee
Parental Obligations
Before PTA
| Conclusive evidence that the girls of
the Dallas Borough fifth grade
| better. spellers than the boys was fur-
inished at a ‘spelling bee conducted by
| Mrs. Lewis LeGrand at the meeting
|of Dallas Borough Parent-Teacher As-
sociation in the Dallas High School
at a baby shower for Janet Claire, the Building Monday night. Scratch their |
- +heads as they would; the stronger sex
could not remember how \ to spell
“guess” and so bowed in defeat to the
fairer members of the class.
The meeting, which was a delightful |
one, -was in charge of the president,
Mrs. Arthur Qungey. Miss Ida Button, |’ Sik
Isecretary of religious education of the |. are. invited
First Presbyterian Church of Wilkes-
Barre, gave a challenging talk in
which she emphasized the obligation
of each parent to her child's Sunday
School. She . pointed out that even
though a boy or girl is in Sunday School
every Sunday, he will have at the most
only 52 hours of religious training a
year and showed that the returns in
be small unless the parents are willing
to supplement their work in the home.
Miss Anna Firmanek, student at
College Misericordia, was the guest
soloist of the evening.
The only new business brought up
at the meeting was the question of the
purchase of a geography glohe to he
used in the class rooms. The matter
was referred to Mr. Rood who is to get
prices and make a report at the next
meeting, Parents of the Sth grade stu-
dents who won the $1.50 for having the
largest attendance at the September
meeting offered to contribute the prize
to ‘the cost of the globe. The! fifth
grade students had the most parents
present Monday night.
‘Refreshments were served ‘by par-
+ + +
Mrs. William Harrison was guest of
honor at a surprise party held at her
home in Ruggles last Friday night.
Mrs. Harrison received many beautiful
® oo %
| Mr, and Mrs. Albert Cross and fami-
~~ been entertaining Mrs. Howell Down |ly have taken up their residence at 49
* %
© Mrs. Marilla Hoover of Dallas who
has been ill is much improved.
+ + +
of Englewood, N.
daughter, Priscilla, of
“have been the guests this week
Walter Risley of Lake Street, Dallas.
2 + 2
Honoring Miss Alberta Harvey
Mr. and Mrs. Warren J. Yeisley of |
Overbrook Avenue, Shavertown, were Ville were host and hostess to a num-
the guests of their daughter and. son-
in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Earl VanCampen | Schworm’s Tea Room,
.at Poughkeepsie, N. Y., last wosk-ond |
” + % %
of | Mr.
Pioneer Avenue, Shavertown.
* *
Mr. and Mrs. William Conyngham of
Hillside had as their guests recently
| Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Swain of Phila-
Mrs, Clarence Boston and infant delphia.
Tunkhannock | Bigg
Mrs. Boston's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. Ignatz Slavinski have
moved into their new home on Ever-
| green Street’in Shavertown.
. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Hessler of Trucks-
Kingston, on
ber of friends at a
Thursday evening.
* + *
and Mrs. Adam - Kiefer of
Dallas a birthday party was held at Shrineview entertained Mrs. Kiefer’s
the home of her mother, Mrs. Frank sister, Mrs. Charles J. Davol of Pro-
Harvey, Friday evening. Guests: Jac- [vidence,“R. I, Wade Merrill of New
quelyn Kelly, Alice Neuman,
Harvey, James LaBar, Roy Verfaille.
¥ 0% 0%
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kiefer and daugh-
ter Lois of Shrineview returned Sat- |
and |
urday from the Gatineau Rod
Gun Club at Maniwaki,
Haring, Margaret Ide, Alberta Harvey,
David Kelley, Burton Roberts, Wayne
Canada. Mr.
Velma York City and George Mutter of Maple-
|wood, Nu J., over the week-end.
} *
| Roy Wright of Noxen has gone to
|Rexville, N. Y., where he has accepted
a position. :
* 0% 0B
Mrs. James Hartman and Mr. and
Mrs. Carey Miers of Kunkle spent
gifts. Those present:. Mrs. * Herbert
| Bronson, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Traver,
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Traver and son,
(Clayton, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Jones,
Mr." and Mrs. Verne Kitchen, Sarah,
|' Vera, and Nellie Kitchen, Mr: and Mrs.
| William Maletta, Mr. and Mrs. Almond
Rood, Eleanor, Dorothy and Ralph
tRood, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hoover, Mr.
and Mrs. Jake Wraver, Regina Maletta,
| Mary, John, Lewis, and Elwood Hig-
| gins, William, Sr., Edna William, Jr.
Harrison. IY
* * *
An interesting display of Girl Scout
party at activities may be seen after Sunday Harvey's
{in#the window of Hall's Drug Store in
'Shavertown. According to plans out-
lined by Girl Scout Headquarters every
district will decorate a window in their
own community as part of the Girl
Scout week program. Members of troop
16 of Fernbrook will demonstrate the
Pioneer Badge in their display at
Hall's. Miss Emily Goldsmith is cap-
tain of the Fernbrook troop.
{ + * *
| The following local people enjoyed
a party at Girvan’s Inn Saturday even-
ing: Mr. and Mrs. Sutliff, Nesbitt Sut-
liff of Trucksville, Mr. and Mrs. Al-
~ Kiefer has now gone on a motor trip Tuesday evening with Mrs. W. T. Aus- freq Hadsell and son Carleton of Ide-
through the:
Stienandoah Valley, Vir- | tin of Dallas.
Mr. and Mrs. John Merical and Mr.
ftown, Mr. and Mrs. Dymond of Outlet,
Mrs. Daisy Crispell and daughter Anna
Laketon, Altee Kocher, Mrs. Lulu
Mrs. Ziba Howell of Shavertown en- (ang Mrs. Arthur Dungey and son Jack ‘Moore and Gertrude Moore of Dallas.
tertained a number of friends at a
bridge luncheon at her home on Friday.
Mrs. Herbert Ray and Mrs. Lester
Gallup were high scorers. Present:
Mrs. Stanley Davis, Kingston; Mrs.
Clara Eckert, Scranton; Mrs. Alberta
Cook, Mrs. Adolph Eddinger, Mrs Lew-
is Evans, Mrs. Herbert Ray and Mrs.
Lester Gallup of Shavertown.
Mr. and Mrs, Machell Hildebrant of
Dallas, have returned
~ from Buffalo, N. Y. where they were
- guests of relatives for the last ten
0% 0%
Mrs. Amos Drew of Noxen has as
her guest Miss Mary Dill of Honesdale.
* *% *
Mr. and Mrs. Sterling Machell and
“daughter Eleanor, Miss Doris LaBar,
“Mr. and Mrs. Ray Shiber spent Sun-
day at the World’s End Park.
® x ox
Howell Reese of Dallas spent last
week end as the guest of Mr, and Mrs.
~D. T. Scott and family at their sum-
mer home near Benton.
: ¥ $ 0»
Mrs. Allan W. Sanford of Shaver-
town, Miss Kathryn Thompson and
Miss Elizabeth Breckenridge of Dallas
have been selected as members of the
Women’s Municipal Chorus of Wilkes-
Barre which is being directed by Miss
Edith Hoffman. Miss Hoffman was
formerly music director of the Cough-
lin High School.
: 2 toy gan cry
“Pictu 2s
& Almostwithoutexception,
5 we strongly recommend
the use of pictures as an
attention value medium
To help you get the right
pictures for your printing
is a part of our printing
service. We always have
plenty of cuts on hand
from which you may
pick the ones you need.
The Dallas Post :
Dallas 300
spent Sunday in Pike's County.
-« x *
Mr. and Mrs. Hughes Blackman of
Idetown were among the local guests
at the Scranton-Rozendaal wedding in
Scranton, Saturday night.
* * %
and, Mrs. W. O. Washburn of
{Idetown will entertain their son and
* + &
, Mrs. Lulu Beisel of Lake -Street,
| Dallas, attended the funeral of her sis-
|ter-in-law., Mrs. Daisy Beisel at her
lhome on Beech Street, Wilkes-Barre,
| Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Jeisel’s
[death came as a severe shock to every
{one for she was stricken with a heart
{attack while she was at the dinner
daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Charles table. Services were 'in charge of Rev.
Washburn of Pittsburgh this week-end. [Verne L. Smith of the Central Metho-
* * *
3 1
| Mrs. Jack Kresge of Noxen enter- |
‘tained at a birthday party in honor of
{her mother, Mrs. Joseph Dotter recent-
| Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Mulligan, Jr., A
| = ® *
Huntsville spent last week-end in
* * »
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Nicholson who
|were recently married will move into
'the Murray Scureman house at Hunts- |
‘ville this week-end. Mrs. Nicholson is |
the former Miss Elizabeth Fenner of |
Wilkes-Barre. |
: ¥ % 3 }
i Mrs. William Thomas of Dallas had
las her guests last week-end, Mr. and
(Mrs. James M. Beaumont and daugh- |
Iter, Hattie, of Media. : |
| First National Bank
§ Wor Se CA
* ow
R. L. Brickel, C. A. Frantz, W. B.
|| Jeter, Sterling Machell, W. R. Neely,
Clifford W. Space, A. C. Devens,
| Herbert Hill.
* # *
C. A. Frantz, Pres. |
Sterling Machell, Vice-Pres. |
W. B. Jeter, Cashier.
3 : 7 * *
Two and One-Half Per Cent Interest
On Savings Deposits
No account too small to assure
careful attention.
Vault Boxes for Rent.
dist Episcopal Church with burial in
the Wardan Cemetery at Dallas.
Professional Land Surveyor
Penn'a Register No. 4104
Phone, Dallas 126. Dallas, Pa
Fir<t National Bank
Resources .
$ 2,250,000
United States Depository
Wm. H. Conyngham ..... President
Francis Douglas .... Ex, Vice-Pres.
Chas. F. Huber ..... 1st Vice-Pres.
M. G. Shennan Vice-Pres. & Cashier
Chas. N. Loveland
Fred O. Smith
‘Willham S. McLean, Jr,
Wm. H. Conyngham
Richard Sharpe
C. F. Huber
Francis Dougias
T. R. Hillard
Edward Griffitn
Wim. W. Inglis
M. G. Shennan
Safe Deposit Boxes For Rent
2% Per Cent Interest On Savings.
Miss Ida Button Emphasizes
are |
character building from that time will |
OCTOBER 25, 19:
outlet Congregation
Welcomes New Pastor
Members of the congreg;
Free Methodist Church
'welcoming a new past
et are
, Reverend
Lewis Seifer, who came to this parish
| October 1. Rev. Seifer is a native of
{Allentown and a true Pennsylvanian,
heush he has spent the last few years
!in Wisconsin. Since he was only re-
cently admitted to the Methodist Con-
ference, this is his first charge.
i He is a modest unassuming person
‘with a sincere devotion to his work. He
is a student and an energetic worker
(and is expected to bring many new
ideas and renewed activity to the little
|church at Outlet. He is unmarried and
lives with Cory Evans at present,
I. Rev. Seifer is pastor of the Free
Methodist Church at Plattsburg as well
jas the cliurch at Outlet,
| * &
Friends and members of the Y. W. C.
to the Neighborhood
| Tea, the first of a series, to be held at
the home of Mrs. Lee Scott on Center
(Hill Road at 3 p. m., Tuesday, Novem-
ber 29.
‘Give Play To Raise
Washington Money
As part of a program outlined to
(raise funds for their June trip to
Washington the senior class of the
| Lake Township High School presented
‘a three act comedy, “Betty, the Girl O’
My Heart,” in the high school auditor-
(ium Tuesday night. The Washington
fund, started in September and built
lup by the sale of candy and ice cream,
Iwas materially swelled by the returns
{of the evening, 3
| The 13 seniors gave a splendid per-
formance to a filled auditorium. The
audience was responsive and thorough-
ly enjoyed the rapid succession of hu-
-morous happenings and the clever lines
of the play.
Members of the cast were Iva Bron-
son, Ruth Smith, Basel Lord, Avis
Wesley Catherine Kerr, Harold Mayer,
Eleanor Shultz, and Franklyn Lein-
The play was directed by Miss Mar-
garet Dunn, member of the faculty.
+ * >
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hofman of
Hill Crest View, Shavertown, have, an-
nounced the engagement of their
daughter, Miss Ruth Hoffman, to Ro-
‘bert Shotwell, son of Mrs. Cory Shot-
(well of Shavertown. The announce-
{ment was made by Miss Ramayne
{Aston at a party held Friday evening
‘at.the home of Miss Hilda Stevenson
{in Shavertown. No date has been set
for the wedding.
* * *
| Mr. and Mrs. James Kri
[town have announced the
their daughter, Miss Marc@lla sa Krie-
ger, to James L. Casterline, son of
‘Mr. and Mrs. George Casterline of
Lake. The wedding took
place August 8 in Elmira, N. Y. The
[couple were attended by Mr. and Mrs.
|William Casterline of Harvey's Lake,
district ‘will decorate a window every [brother and sister-in-law of the groom.
They are residing at Harvey's Lake.
# * * x
The Adult Bible Classes of Orange re-
cently held a Hallowe'en Party in the
(Community Hall. Those present were:
Mrs. Leslie Dymond, Doris Dymond,
Mrs. Florence Agnew, Junior Perry,
Mrs. Mark Kunkle, Paul Kunkle, Mrs.
Harold Bedford, Lewis, Ross, Jean,
Janis, and Emerson Bedford, Mr. and
Mrs. Wesley Dymond Mr. and Mrs, John
| Perry, Doris Perry, Orval Cain, Mrs.
| William Rozelle, Wanda, Arline, and
Raymond Rozelle, Mrs. Howard Brace,
land Mrs. James Smith, Marian Brace,
Granville Brace, Billy Smith, James
‘Smith, Alice, Lucy, and Janet Evans.
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Ross were guests
iof Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Agnew on Sun-
+ + +
Francis Smith of Carverton Road,
Trucksville, spent last week-end at
+ 5
Rev. J. Rolland Crompton of the
Trucksville Methodist Episcopal Church
has chosen the following topics for his
Sunday sermons: A. M.—‘“Are Beliefs
Important”; P. M.—“A Good Name’.
Ar. and Mrs. Armlin and Mrs. Fish.
PTA Costume Party
ednesday Evening
| Attorney
Speaker At Monday
Night's Meeting
That education is the least expen-
sive commodity offered to the public
|was the key note of the talk given by
Attorney Roscoe B. Smith at the meet-
ing of the Dallas Township Parent-
Teacher Association held in the high |
school building Monday night. Mr.
‘Smith pointed out that the cost of each
child’s education is very slight when
compared with what the public pays
for cigarettes and cosmetics, He urged
parents to get behind the schools and
see that their children get the most
out of the opportunities offered to
them. 1 1 }
A novel feature of the evening was
the orchestra of home-made kitchen
utensils. Their music was lively and
rhythmical and thoroughly delighted
the audience. Jane Lucy was soloist.
The committee for the Hallowé'en
party which is to be held next Wed-
nesday night showed that all arrange-
ments had been completed and every
thing set for a gala affair. The au-
dience was again reminded of the nov-
elty dance which will be presented by
students of Mrs. Hilda Man Hertz of
Wilkes-Barre. Parents were urged to
come with their children in costume.
The dance at the Kunkle Community
{Hall will be a Hallowe'en Masquerade
with a door prize and prizes for the
various types of costumes.
Mrs. C. W. Kunkle, Mrs. William
Brace and daughter Caroline, accom-
panied Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Price of
Edwardsille on a motor trip to Hall-
stead, Pa., on Sunday: where they vi-
sited Mrs. Fish and Mr. and Mrs. Orin
Armlin, Mr. and Mrs. Chase Summers
{of Conklin, N. ~Y. were also guests of
“lwen Jones left on Tuesday, October
l15 tor Fort Hoyle, Md., from where he
{was assigned to CCC Camp S 96 at
| Hillserove, Pa. near Eaglesmere.
Mr. ond Mrs. Charles Rolls of Scran-
|ton spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
|M. C. Miers and with Mrs. Roll’'s moth-
jer, Mrs. Laura Hartman who is mak-
ling an extended visit with Mr. and
Mrs. Miers. \
Ira Steel and son Ira Jr. of King-
ston spent Saturday and Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. William Brace and
| family. .
| Mrs. Henry Shupp submitted to an
joperation at General Hospital on Mon-
[day Her condition is fair at this writ-
| ing.
» Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Devens called on
yMr. and Mrs. John. Rinur of -West
: Nanticoke on Sunday. They were ac-
companied by Mr. and Mrs. Phillip
Thomas and Miss Emma Odenkerchen
‘of Alderson, } ‘
| Mr. and Mrs. Frank Boston enter-
(tained at dinner on Sunday Mr. and
Mrs. Stephen Moss and daughter Janet
land Mr. and Mrs. Harold Titus and son
| Duane of Loyalville, and Eleanor Kun-
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Sogoski of Dal-
Roscoe Smith Is!las announce the birth of a son at the
General Hospital, Tuesday, October 22.
* + + ;
ter at Nesbitt Memorial Hospital, Mon-
day, October 21. : ;
* wa
Dallas, at General Hospital, Sunday,
October 20, a son.
*® 0% oF
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sutton of Dallas
Wilkes-Barre General
day, October 20.
* ow ¥
Mr. and Mrs. George Space, Jr. of
Noxen, announce the birth of a son,
Sunday, October 20. i
* + on
Fine Service Planned
At 7:30 on Sunday night at Outlet
Bible Tabernacle there will be an old-
fashioned Gospel Blymn Sing, followed
at 8:15 by a message by Evangelist
Robert IL. Sutton from the subject,
“How Many Works of Grace?” Meet-
ings are non-sectarian and the public
is invited. Other services are: 10—
Bible School; 10:30—Communion; 11—
Worship; 6:30—Young People’s Meet-
ing. Bring a friend and your Bible.
0x =
Misses Lois Gay and Elsie Johnson
of Dallas were calling on friends in
this place on Sunday.
Fred! Dymond and family visited
ford recently.
The Ladies’ Aid will conduct a mo-
torcade Saturday afternoon, to the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Zack at
Lemon, where a covered dish lunch will
be served. ;
Elmer Schrader and family
Sunday with his brother
Brailford Co.
The Junior O. U. A. M. will hold
their District meeting in the hall here
on Saturday evening, October 26. A
large crowd is expected to be present.
Louis Superko and wife motored to
New Jersey last Sunday to visit rela-
at "Powell,
‘| tives.
Mrs. Walter Brunges and daughter
Virginia of Forty Fort visited at the
home of Mrs. Herbert Small on Tues-
Mrs. J. W. Winters who has been
sick the past two weeks is recovering
slowly. a
tev. "Mr.;::Secott "of Philadelphia
preached in the M. E. church Sunday
evening to a large audience. He spoke
i nthe interest of the temperance ques-
The D. of A. lodge will conduct a
Hallowe'en social on Wednesday even-
ine of this week.
The Epworth League will journey to
West Pittston Friday evening, where
they will attend a meeting in the M.
E. Church at that place. ”
| kie.
Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Kunkle, Mr. ‘and )
Mrs. Ralph Ashburner and sons, Ro-
bert and Nelson and Mrs, Julia Kunkle,
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Hen-
‘ry Isaacs of Shavertown.
Mr. and Mrs. John Isaacs visited Mr.
land Mrs. Mark Loomis of Athens on
i" Mrs. M. C. Miers and Mrs. Laura
|Hartman called on Mrs. Addie Austin
jof Plattsburg on Tuesday evening.
| Mrs. Marian Smith and their chil-
jdren of Wilkes-Barre visited Mrs.
[Charles Wertman on Wednesday.
Fred Dodson of Muhlenburg and
Miss Dorothy Elston called on Mr. and
Mrs, Walter Zimmerman of Strouds-
burg on Sunday. \
Mr. and Mrs. William Brace spent
Tuesday afternoon and evening with
Mr. and Mrs. Ira Steel of Kingston.
Mrs. Martha McDonald of Wilkes-
Barre.spent the week-end with Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Herdman. :
Alvin Meeker of Fernbrook, Mrs.
Melvina Shoemaker and Miss Emily
Shoemaker spent Saturday evening
with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Herdman. .
Mr. and Mrs. Seth Howell and
daughter Geraldine of Fernbrook spent |
Sunday evening with S. J. Hess and
All the significant
gathered by 5,500 correspondents,
tensely, concisely, yet completely told, !
and superbly illustrated with action
news of the world,
photographs. '
This Week’s Features:
10 Cents on All-Newsstands
The Ladies’ Aid will serve dinner
and supper in the church dining room
on Election Day.
—Steamed Clams—
3 doz. for 25¢
Cpposite Fernbrook Park
Orchestra For Dancing
Everyone knows what a pow-
erful white light the ALADDIN
OIL LAMP gives and that it has
no generator to cause trouble. In
the drawing to be held here Sat-
urday night, there will be three
winners, each getting a new
ALADDIN, but you must be here
with the tickets to win.
The Aladdin is mighty popu-
lar with Santa Claus too—he
bought 23 last year at Christmas
time. Ask us for a special pur-
chase card with which you can
buy a new ALADDIN for only
We are ready to equip you
with the best in guns, shells and
hunting clothing. Shotguns at
$8.50, 12 guage shells 65¢c, and
hunting coats at $2.95. We have
several good values in used guns
Our latest large heating in-
stallation is in progress at
ZENKE'S., Dine and dance. Pal-
ace on the Lagrange Road. We
call it a mighty nice place and
we guarantee you'll be both
warm and happy when you visit
Elmer Boice at Noxen has just
put on a good roof of 4 in 1
type of roof is good for 50 years
wear. We can furnish all kinds
including,-roll roofing, individual
and strap shingles and CHAN-
(ay-Murray Co.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hontz of Hunlock =
Creek announce the birth of a daugh- .
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schray Of
announce the birth of a daughter at
Hospital, Sun-
Rev. H. S. Munyon and family at,Clif- =
ie SR
£ gg