The Dallas post. (Dallas, Pa.) 19??-200?, September 20, 1935, Image 4

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    i ~ their daughter, Frieda Elizabeth,
SAN Announcement
Mary E. Minnich To Marry =
‘The marriage of Miss Mary Eliza-
beth Minnich, daughter of Mr .and
Mrs. E. D. Minnich of 237 Reynolds
Street and a member of the faculty of
the Shavertown schools, to Phillip
‘Benham Myers of Philadelphia, son of
Mrs. Phillip T. Myers of 161 James
Street, Kingston, will take place
Thursday morning, October 3, at 10:30
at the home of the bride. Rev. Norman
- O. Clemens, pastor of the Kingston
Methodist Episcopal Church will of-
ficiate. Mrs. Frank Nichols will be
her sister's matron of honor and
Charles Myers will act as best man for
his brother.
~~ A wedding breakfast will be served
to members of the families immediate-
1y following the ceremony, after which
the couple will leave for a trip to the
New England States.
Miss Minnich is a graduate of Wyo-
ming Seminary and Elmira College.
‘Mr. Myers was graduated from Lehigh
University with both the A. B. and
the M. A. Degrees.
‘The couple will reside in Philadel-
hate. :
*% * *
Announce Marriage
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Dreyer of
: Fernbrook, have announced the ap-
x oaching marriage of their donned
: Pat Hoffman to Stanley H. Tho-
Ag as, son of Mr. and Mrs. Morgan
Thomas, Nanticoke, which will take
place on Saturduy Senlonvier 28.
3 Announce Engagement
Mr. and Mrs. Millard C. Daubert of
84 Sturdevant Street, Wilkes-Barre
have announced the engagement of
Floyd R. Neeley, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Floyd R. Neeley, Dallas. The wedding
will take place lute in Qatoher.
Charles and Theodore Van Nort of
~ Scranton were the week-end guests of
~ Jack Dungey, Lake Street, Dallas.
vy *% * *
Clifford Howell, Shavertown, who
was hurt in an automobile accident a
~ few weeks ago, is still confined to his
¥* 0% *
Miss Anna Hunt, who has been sum-
~ mering in Dallas, has returned to her
\ on South Franklin. Street,
- Wilkes-Barre.
* 0% *
~~ John P. Kirkendall, captain in the
air forces at . Wright Field, Dayton
Ohio, is the guest of ni» parents, Mr.
and Mrs. George Bithonail, Dallas.
i * *
ri Marriage
has been made by
~ Mr. and Mrs. Albert Morris of Sweet
Valley of the marriage of their daugh-
ter Florence to Thomas Shaws ‘son of.
Mr. and Mrs. Rolland Shaw, of Leh-
man. The ceremony was performed by
the Reverend Henry R. Taxdall in
Nanticoke, Sh 3 os : .
Roberts Drone Wedding
The marriage of Miss Hope Kathryn,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. Boyle
‘Roberts, Davenport Street, Dallas, to
George Cameron Orcutt, son of Mr.’
and Mrs, Louis H. Orcutt of Noxen,
~ took pldce at the home of the bride,
Saturday evening, at 8 o'clock. The
ceremony was’ performed by Mr, Louis
BH, Orcutt, father of the groom, who is
justice of the peace in Noxen.
The bride wore a street length dress
of navy blue satin with blue acces-
~ sories. There were no attendents.
Miss Roberts is a graduate of Dallas
High School. Mr. Orcutt-was graduated
from the Noxen High School and has
been engaged in the ice cream business
at Noxen. The couple will reside at
* * *
‘Anne Welitchko Engaged
Announcement has been + made by
‘Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Welitchko of
East Dallas of the engagement of their
daughter Anne to August Strazdus,
son of Mrs. Julia Strazdus, of West
EA * ¥ %
Will Be Graduate Nurses
Misses Edna Billings, Trucksville;
Helen Czuleger<and Ila Goss, Dallas;
and Winifred McNell, Harvey's Lake,
were graduated from the Nesbitt
Memorial Hospital Training School
Tuesday night. Exercises were held in
the Kingston High School.
Fat * *
iar Will. ‘Give Play
The Epworth. League of the Dallas
M. E. Church has selected the cast for
“Rock”, a religious drama in three acts
written by Mary P. Hamlin. The play
will be presented Friday evening, Oct-
ober 11.
* * *
Mr. and Mrs. Asa Shaver, Mt. Green-
wood celebrated their golden wedding
anniversary at their home Thursday.
On the same day their daughter and
son-in-law celebrated their 28th anni-
versary. 5
+ * *
Miss Florence Heitsman, teacher in
the Junior High School, Kingston
~ Township, is ill at her home in Cen)
termoreland. 1
* * *%
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Himmler, Dal.
las, have returned from Vineland, N.
J., where they spent several days visit-
ing friends.
+ * *
Mr. and. Mrs. Marshall Martin of
Trucksville recently gave a party at
their home for Mr. and Mrs, Jack Gra-
ham of Iowa.
3 p *% %
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hontz of Dal-
las announce the birth of a son in the
General Hospital, September. 16.
& qm
Bernard Williamson of Fernbrook
sprained his ankle last week when he
fell from his ine "i
William Slanetots of Hillside, has
been enrolled at the Hotchkiss (School
for the ‘coming school Jeary dl
i ¥ pe
Mr. and Mrs. ka ‘Wassil, who
were recently. married, have) returned
from a “rip to.New I'neland and Cana- |.
da. They
Inn, =
es recently married.
will live at the: Fernbraok Li
so ; General Hospital.
Parent-Teachers To Meet
The September meeting of the Par-
ent-Teachers’ Association of the Dal-
las Borough will be held Monday Sep-
tember 23. Mrs. A. R. Dungey, presi-
dent, will have charge of the meeting
which will take the form of a recep-
tion for the new teachers. An interest-
ing program has been arranged and
refreshments will be served by the
parents of the eighth grade students.
The following officers are eager to
make this a year of activity and pro-
gress: Mrs. A. R. Dungey, president;
Ronald Doll, first vice-president; Miss
‘Winifred Thomas, second vice-presi-
dent; Mrs. J. R. Templin, secretary;
Ralph Brickel, treasurer; Miss Angela
Dymond, publicity. :
eames ffm
Plan Supper and Bazaar
The Ladies’ Aid Society of the Dal-
las Methodist Episcopal Church met
Thursday afternoon at the home of
Mrs. Laura Patterson of Lehman Ave-
nue. Mrs. Eugene Fiske, president, had
charge of the meeting. Mrs. Burt Lewis
Mrs. Elizabeth Nicholson, and Mrs.
Eugene Fiske were asked to take
charge of a cafeteria supper in the
latter part of September. Plans were
made for a bazaar to be held in the
church basement in November, and the
following members of the committee
were appointed: Mrs. William Cairl,
Mrs. William Baker, Mrs. Clarence La-
bar, Miss Florence Synder, Mrs. A. D.
Hull, Mrs. Peter Clark, and Mrs.
Machell Hildebrandt. y
Woman’s Club To Meet
A special meeting of the Dallas Wo-
men’s Club will be held September 20
at the Suburban Inn to complete ar-
rangements for the dinner-dance
scheduled for Saturday. night, Sept-
ember 27, at the Irem Temple Coun-
try Club. At this time the following
committee will make their reports:
Mrs. Milford Shaver, chairman; Mrs.
Ross Lwin, music: Mrs. Charles Lee,
decorations; Mrs. Fred Welch, reser-
vations, and Mrs. Harvey McCarty,
Mrs. Frank Martz, Dallas, Mrs. Wil-
liam Gallagher and Miss Louise Schu-
ler, Trucksville, have returned from
a motor trip to Plymouth, Mass.
3 x x
Miss Geraldine Evans who has been
spending the summer with her aunt
and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. John W. Drey-
er, Fornbrodk Tenimeq home,
The William Stewart family have
moved from Pioneer Avenue, Shaver-
town, to the William Cobleigh home
in Fernbrook.
; = * + * .
Mr. and’ Mrs. Fred M. Kiefer and
daughter Lois are at Gatineau Rod and
Gun Club, Canada. There they joined
Mr. and Mrs. Adam Kiefer who were
Reverend and Mrs. Willis Hawley,
will leave for Florida about October 1.
* % %
Reverend Father McDonough, who
has been pastor of St. Therese’s Church
left last week for Wellsboro, where he
has accepted a new charge.
* + *
Carl Bradbury, Trucksville, has re-
turned to Temple University after
spending the summer with his parents
Mr. and Mrs. James Bradbury.
* * *%
Mrs. 'C. B.’ Henry, Shavertown, is
spending several weeks as the guest
of her son, Robert, in Orange, IN. J.
Mrs. George Straw has closed her
cottage at Dallas and returned to her
home in Kingston.
* * %
Mrs. Wilbur C. Manning and Mrs.
Williarh M. Powell, Jr., Shrineview,
are spending two weeks at Physical
Culture Hotel, Dansyille, N. Y.
* * Ld
Mr. and Mrs. Clark Brobst and fam-
ily of Noxen have moved to Alderson.
Teh * *
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Alexander, John
Alexander and Mrs. G. A. Kuehn, Dal-
las, are visiting in Dagus Mines, Mc-
Kean County.
* *%
William Frederick, who has been
suffering at his home in Fernbrook
from- an infection of the foot, is im-
proving. ]
So oa 0M
Mrs. Mortimer Schwager and chil-
dren, who have been occupying their
summer home at Dallas returned to
their home in Brooklyn last week,
A * *%
Cathleen, Margaret and Jane ‘Towl-
son, Shavertown, have returned from
New York State where tisey spent the
+ * »:
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin F. Williams
‘Wilkes-Barre, have closed their sum-
mer home at Dallas.
EJ * *
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Owens have
moved from Elm Terrace to the An-
derson Apartment, Main Street,
* * %
. Mr. and Mrs. James Wheeler of Mt
Greenwood are touring the New Eng-
land states. ;
*% * ¥
Mrs. William Payne will go to New
York Saturday to meet her daughter
and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Francis
McEntee, who have been spending the
summer in Europe. Mrs. McEntee is
the former Miss Anna Payne.
2 % * %
Rufas Shaver, who has been a pat-
ient at the General Hospital for the
last six weeks, ‘has been removed to
his home on Demund’s Road.
: 2 aa * *
Miss Ruth L. Perkins, a student.
nurse at General, Hospital, is ‘spending’
her vacation at her home in’ Trucks.
E. Church served their.
Fashions Reflect
Optimistic Hopes
World-Renowned Designers
Strike Cheerful Note
With Styles
Fabrics—Silk, synthetic and wool are
more luxurious this season than they
have been for many years and indi-
cate most decidedly a more cheerful
tone of expectant better times, perhaps
that prosperity, we have heard 80 |
much about, is in fact “just around the!
corner” this time.
Velvet—plain, novelty and particu-
larly the new non-crushable type—
is far out in the lead of popularity .I
know of no creative house of impor-
tance that does not show more velvet
than ever before. Both Chanel and
Bouslogue are velvet minded, Bouslo-
gue having created the crushed type so
much the vogue, but this year they
have outdone themselves in the use of
this regal fabric.
Gorgeous Brocades and metals have
won favor in the more elaborate even-
ing gown and formal afternoon dress
field, such authorities as Chanel, Le-
long, Patou, Rouff, Worth, Bouslogue,
Molyneux and Paray show them in
creations that leave nothing, in the
way of luxury to be desired.
Crepes and satins retain their popu-
larity for the more reserved and prac-
tical formal dress. They are finished
for the most part with dull or pebbly
surfaces that lend themselves nicely to
a great variety of contrasting trim.
Woolens are also of the rough varie-
ty—hairy surfaces, nubs and boucletts
are used in the smartest models for
general day time wear and sport dres-
ses. Broadcloth is used by Chanel,
‘Worth, Patou, and Rouff but confined
by them to models designed for late
afternoon wear.
Summarizing the fabric field, the
representative wardrobe this Fall sea-
son should have at least one velvet
evening gown, a day time dress of
rough wool and one using metal cloth
in blouse or tunic with a skirt of els
veteen or Broadcloth.
Announcements—Rev. R. Crompton
ing Worship, 10:30, sermon “The Ste-
wardship of Talent”; Epworth League
6:45 p. m.: Evening Worship 7:30 p. m.,
sermon “Attractive Goodness.”
Monday—Cub Pack, 6:30 p. m.
Tuesday—Epworth League, business
and social meeting, 8:00 p. m.
Wednesday—Boy Scouts, 7:30 p. m.
Thursday—Choir Rehearsal, 8:00 p.
All. the above are scheduled for
Standard Time.
* %
Will Hold Retreat
Ministers of the Wilkes-Barre Dis-
trict of the Wyoming Conference will
gather for a retreat at the Nanticoke
Church Cottage and Summer Camp,
Lake Carey, Monday September 23.
The conference, which will begin at
2:30 Monday, will last for two days.
Rev. G. M. Bell, district superinten-
dent, will be in charge. The guest
speaker for the services will be Rev.
Raymond Huse. The musical program
has been arranged by Rev. G. G. Sum-
merson and Rev. J. White. The open-
ing worship period will be in charge of
Rev. V. L. Smith, and Rev. L. K. Will-
man will conduct the evening worship.
3 * + *
Oswald Griffith, Shavertown,
at his home.
is ill’
* >
Edward Rinus who has been spend-
ing several days as the guest of his.
parents at Mt. Greenwood, has re-
turned to the CCC camp at Galveston,
Major and Mrs. Leonard Gracy, Har-
vey’s Lake, are entertaining Miss Lil-
lian. Richeson of Philadelphia.
: * 0 %
J.: B. Scott, Dallas, is: a
the U. S. Naval Hospital, Philadelphia.
3 * * * :
Mrs. F. H. Palmer, Idetown, has re-
turned from Niagara Falls where she
was the guest of her son and daugh-
ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. G. H. ‘Pal-
+ *
* * Xo: 2
Mrs. John Blanford, and son Jack
and daughter Helen, are spending the
week at Riverton, N. J. as the guest of
Mrs. Blanford’s varents
Mr. and: Mrs:A A oi
tained over the Wk ;
Edward Lewis, South River
ye enter
* *
Mrs. Peggy Dunn, Dallas, has re-
turned from Rochester, N.'Y., where
she visited relatives.
* +
James Oliver of Dallas has returned
from a fishing trip to Canada.
% + *
Mrs. Donald Case of Sweet Valley,
and infant son, have ‘been removed
from General Hospital and are ‘guests
at the home of Mrs. Case’s mother,
Mrs, William Harris of Luzerne,
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Howell, Shaver-
Lake as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clar-
ence Ollendyke.
% % x
Mrs. Ella Bishop McKanna of Nox-
‘len is critically ill at her home.
% + *
Miss Dorothy [Hay, Carverton, has
returned to Waynesburg College,
Waynesburg, Pa., to complete her sen-
ior year.
*» * *
Robert Fleming, son of Dr. and Mrs.
J. C. Fleming of Dallas, submitted to
an emergency appendicitis operation
last week.
: % * * ;
Mrs. Evan C. Jones of Dallas enter-
tained her bridge club at Irem Tem-
ple Country Club at a luncheon Thurs-
a *% *% *
Friends of William Cobleigh gather-
ed at’ his home in Shavertown to help
him celebrate his birthday anniversary
Monday SY .
The Ladies”
Ald of Trucksville a
nual Election;
_ Sunday—Church School 9:30; Morn- !
: Street, g
town, spent last week-end at Crystal |
Anderson Reunion
The fifth annual reunion of the
Anderson family was held at the home
of Nelson Shaver of Main Street, Dal-
las on Labor Day. £
Despite the rainy day a large crowd
The meeting was taken in charge by
John Anderson, President.
The officers elected were: President,
John Anderson; vice-president, Fred
Anderson; secretary-treasurer, Mrs.
Merle Shaver.
“Deaths reported were: Harry M.
Franklin, Kingston, September 15,
1934; Harry Anderson, Dallas, Janu-
ary 27, 1935. One marriage, Ella Sha-
ver, Wilkes-Barre and Clem Oliver,
Kingston. One birth: Barbara Ann
Franklin, May 1935. Oldest member
present: Mrs. Sara Anderson. Young-
est member present, Barbara Ann
Next meeting will be held at the
home of Merle Shaver, Dallas, on La-
bor Day 1936.
The following were present:
Mr. and Mrs. John Anderson, Arthur
and Edith Anderson, Mrs. Sara Ander-
son, Mrs. Ruth Roat, Mrs. Mary Bliss,
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Anderson, Robert,
Lois, and Ruth Anderson, Mr. and
Mrs. Sheldon Drake, Frederick, Ruth,
and Francis Drake, Mr. and Mrs. Paul
Shaver, Claudia and Paul Shaver, Mrs.
Pearl Franklin, Kenneth and Louise
Franklin, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Sha-
ver, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Franklin,
Barbara ‘Ann Franklin, Mr. and Mrs.
Arthur Anderson, John Anderson, Mr.
and Mrs. Nelson Shaver, Pauline and
Alice Shaver, Mr. and Mrs. Fred An-
derson, Ted Anderson, Mr. and Mrs.
Merle Shaver, Jean, Howard and Lila
Shaver, Miss Bertha Hutson and Mrs.
+ * *%
Baer Family Meets
The tenth annuul reunion of the
Baer family was held at Benton Park
on Labor Day. W. W. Baer was elected
president of the family organization
for the coming year, Edward Baer,
treasurer, and Miss Myrtle Baer, sec-
retary. The following local people were
present: |
Dallas—Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Baer,
Myrtle, Hazel and Russell Baer, Mr.
and Mrs. Edward Baer, Carl, Ernest
and Marie Baer, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse
Boice, Margaret, Helen, Donald and
Harold Boice,
Laketon—Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Sit-
ton and daughter Shirley, Mr. and
Mrs. Everett Wilson and daughter
Alderson — Mr. and Mrs. Walter
Booth, Kenneth and Earl Booth.
* *% *%
Whitesell Reunion
Members of the Whitesell family met
for their 32nd annual reunion at Oak-
dale M. E. Church, August 28. Local
people present:
Sweet Valley—Mr. and Mrs. Corey
Foss, Mr. and Mrs. George Callender,
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Foss, Clifforl
Foss, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Lynn and
Roy Bronson.
Dallas—Mrs. Anna Kocher, Mrs. Wil-
liam Garnet, Mrs. George Johnson,
Mrs. Frank Harrison, William and
Robert Harrison, Mr. and Mrs, William
Cobleigh, Edward Cobleigh, Eliza Cob-
Laketon—Ella Crispell.
Members of the Shavertown, SKky-
top, and Trucksville quoit teams held
their first clam bake at Scarlet Lake
*% * *
Mrs. Constanza Weir and her daugh-
ter Miss Mary Weir, of Goodleigh
Farms, Dallas, have returned from
Maplewood, N. J.,, where they were
guests of Mrs. Weir's son and daugh-
ter-in-law, Mr. and Mes Martin Weir.
*% * .
' Miss Dorothy Smith, Noxen, has en-
tered Mansfield State Normal School
where she is specializing in music.
% 5 *
Miss Kathleen Cable Johnson of Or-
chard Knob Farm will leave next week
for Skidmore College where she is a
student. ,
* » *
Floyd Mansfield, Noxen, who has
been a patient in “the General Hospi-
tal has been removed to his home.
% * >
“Miss Cornelia’ Parkhurst, Idetown,
spent the past week as the guest of
Miss Hettie Bixby =~ at her summer
home, Glen Summit.
5 * %
~~ Mrs. J. C: Fleming, Dallas, entertain-
led Saturday at a bridge luncheon in
honor of Miss Rachel Jones, Plymouth,
a bride-elect.
First National Bank
* » 0B»
R. L. Brickel, C. A. Frantz, W. B.
Jeter, Sterling Machell, W. R. Neely,
Clifford W. Space, A. C. Devens,
Herbert Hill.
* *
C. A. Frantz, Pres.
Sterling Mackell, Vice-Pres.
W. B. Jeter, Cashier.
* *
Two and One-Half Per Cent Interest
On Savings Deposits
No account too small to assure
careful attention. ig
‘Jay ‘luncheon and
‘Triicksville ; Hose
- Vault Boxes for Rent.
Local Garden Wins
47 Prizes At Shows
Mrs. George Sawyer Takes
Forty-Seven Ribbons
For Flowers
Flowers grown by Mrs. George S.
Sawyer in her large gardens on Church
Street, Dallas, have won forty seven
brizes at various flower shows in this
section recently.
The list of awards follows: Scranton
show, eight ribbons; Irem Temple,
seven ribbons; Georgetown, four blue
ribbons; Plymouth, six ribbons; Wyo-
ming, seven ribbons, and Ashley, fif-
teen ribbons.
Three of the prizes were for Chinese
lanterns, one first and two second, and
three of the prizes were baskets of
zinnias. The Sawyers have more than
1,000 dahlias of 100 different varieties
in their gardens.
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Kiefer
moved from Dallas to
Avenue, Kingston,
* * *
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Hicks, Shaver-
town, have as their guests their daugh-
ter Mrs. Theodore Jones and children
of Virginia,
95 Loveland
+ *
Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Clark of Scran-
ton were guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. R.
Dungey, Dallas, over the week-end.
i * * 3
Darrell Prutzman, who has been the
guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Alonzo Prutzman, has returned to his
home in New York City, Miss Lane
Prutzman is still the guest of her
* *
Mrs. John N. Conyngham of “Hay-
field House” will arrive home from
Europe next week.
*% * *
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Henry and
son, Frank Martz Henry, have return-
ed from “Topton to their home in Dal-
las. ;
* % *
Mrs. George Ryman, who underwent
‘|an emergency operation at the Gen-
eral Hospital last week, will be re-
moved to her home in Dallas Township
this week.
* * *
Morris Walsh, Orange, entertained
at an outing at his home Saturday
+ * *
Mrs. Karl Kuehn, Dallas, has as her
guest her mother Mrs. E. Starr of As-
bury Park.
Lo x ox
Mr. and Mrs. Archibald Hutchinson,
who have been vacationing in Asbury
Park, have returned to their home in
% * >»
Mrs. Burr C. Miller, Trucksville, will
have as her guests in October her son
and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.
Burr Miller. Mr. Miller, who is a sculp-
tor of some note recently completed a
bust of Katherine Hepburn in Holly-
* A *
Kenneth Appleton of Shavertown
left last week for the Ithaca Conserva-
tory of Music where he is a student,
* * #%
Mrs. John Watson, Hillside, is en-
tertaining Mrs. Norman Langford of
West Pittston, Mrs. Harry Morgan of
Johnson City, and Mrs. Richard Dewey
of Peckville.
* *
Miss Rosanne Bennett, who has been
summering at Nantucket, has returned
to her home in Huntsville.
¥* *
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Joseph, Sha-
vertown, have as their guest Robert
Mathews of Norwich, N. Y.
* *% *
Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Washburn of
:Idetown, entertained last week end
Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Moss, who are
neighbors of their daughter, Mrs. Mur-
ray Gibson in Tokio.
* * * Bs
Robert Bellas, Noxen, has returned
to Mansfield State Normal College
where he will begin his sophomore
* % *
Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Wilcox of Dallas
entertained at their home on Friday
evening at a oom and weiner roast.
Mr. and Mrs. John Cortright, Sha-
vertown, entertained over the week-
end Willard Engler of Schenectady.
{We are sincerely grateful for
the overwhelming support Dallas
voters gave to the independent
candidates for Dallas Borough
offices on Tuesday,
In return we can only promise
that we will do all within -our
power to justify that trust and
to administer the duties of our
respective offices with the hon-
esty and efficiency that the vot-
ars deserve.
Born to Mr. and Mrs, Richard Mor-
gans, Main Street, Dallas, a son, at
Nesbitt Memorial Hospital, September
2 * * =
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Meeker, Noxen,
Wilkes-Barre General Hospital, Sep-
tember 5.
5 + + *
© Mr. and Mrs. Earl Lamoreaux of
Shavertown announce the birth of a
son at their home Thursday Septem-
ber. 5,
0X *
Born, August 12, to Mr. and Mrs. U.
F. Soisalo, Cambridge, Mass., at the
Massachusetts Woman's Hospital, Bos-
ton, a son. Mrs. Soisalo is the former
Miss Jane Miller of Dallas.
* * *
Born to Mr. and Mrs. George Pollock
Trucksville, September 11, at Wyom-
ing Valley Hospital, a son.
+ + +
The daughter born to Mr. and Mrs.
Michael Feger, Hillside, on Tuesday,
died five hours later.
+ +
Born to Mr. and Mrs, Clarence Sor-
eral Hospital, a son.
» * %
Ernest Townend, Dallas, will enter
his sophomore year at Princeton Sep-
tember 24.
* 0% 03
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Ryan of
{Woodbriage, N. J., announce the birth
por a son on Thursday, September 12,
at the St. Mary’s Hospital, Hoboken,
IN. J. Mrs. Ryan is the former Miss
Margaret Girvan, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. John Girvan of Dallas Township.
* * *
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cullen, Trucks-
ville, announce the birth of a son at.
the Wilkes-Barre General Hospital,
September 15. 3
+ * *
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin
Galey of Dallas at Wilkes-Barre Gen-
eral Hospital September 14, a son.
* * *
Born to Mr. and Mrs: Lester Culver,
Carverton, Friday, September 6, a son
¥ % 0% :
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Melvin Kunkle,
R. D. 5, Tunkhannock, announce the
birth of a daughter in General Hospi-
tal, September 6.
Wins Golf Trophy
Mrs. Homer Teall of Dallas won for
the second time the Keifer cup for
women golfers at the Iréem Temple
Country Club, Friday. In case Mrs.
Teall’s name is inscribed a third time
on the cup, it will be hers permanently.
Are You Sure
of Comfort?
These chilly mornings are just
a sample of what will come in
the next few months. Now is the
time to improve your old Heat-
ing Furnace or Boiler, or to in-
stall a new one. We have all
sizes of Furnaces and Boilers in
stock and can install promptly.
Get our Free Heating Survey
and Estimate. Just ’Phone 50-50
In our opinion, AUTOMATIC
HEATING 1s winter's greatest
comfort. It shuts off during warm
weather—turns on when it’s cold
and holds an even temperature
at all times. Recent installations
have been made for Mrs. W. T.
Morrow of Wyalusing, R. O.
Farr on Bridge Street, and Mrs.
F.'M. Wells on Putnam Street.
We will be pleased to quote on
AUTOMATIC HEAT with either
coal or oil.
Seek and ye shall find! Lester
Welch and Mrs. were down from
Springville, seeking a Kitchen
Range and ordered one of our
Ivory and Tan Enamel WIN-
CROFTS—We have very good
values in Ranges at $45.00 and
Rabbits and Squirrels will
soon be ripe and we can supply
you with guns, shells and hunt-
ing clothes at right prices.
Howard Bedford at Thurston
is all ready to handle the corn
crop with one of our best SILOS
Brunges at Tunkhannock also
bought the same combination.
| Other purchasers are Melvin
June at Mehoopany — WYOM-
ING * SILO; Andrew Dymond,
Marsh Creek — 10x20 SILO;
Neil Kerns, Nicholson—PAPEC
BLOWER. Several other recent
purchaser will be mentioned in
later issues.
. We still have a complete stock
pairs for immediate delivery. ..
ay-Mumay (0.
: Tuskhasnook
announce the birth of a daughter at:
ber, Dallas, September 16, at the Gen- -